2 The Daily Tar Heel Friday, September 9, cinema Campus Far From Bit Madding Crowd John Sthlesiniarr. Wl Irum Ihc novel hs I nomas HaraY I hc rist and tall nl hcadsimnii Haihsheha. who ilis-sn'i knuss cxucllv ho 10 handlr her iwuh inherited wealth and the lose ot a aood man Siarnr .lulic ChrMK. Man Hates and Pi-U" I inch M 1 and V .( p m lodav in the Carroll Hall Auditorium hrt-t ilh sludonl III Charulata iSatianl Rav. NhM A oman is lonel Kvauw her husband i scllishlt immersed in nulino and lournalism Mu mon leels drawn limards his yuirnpr vuusin. and the husband must as-l or lace domestic irasedv . A complex and last-mat m mnl. Irom India's most lamous director Ai land 0 XI p m Saiurdat in Hie Carroll Hall Auditorium, r-ree with student ID Prhrllaga (I'cicr Viatkms. 17) A huw-k satire ol slum business tdolam and shads power Ramcs. this pokes mm those corners we olten leave unpoled Paul Jones is a pop sniper and JcanShrimpton is his nirllriend. At 7 and0 Hlp.ni. Nundav in ilk Carroll Hall Auditorium, tree with student II). An Evanlng ol Noatalgla presented h the I'M' Kuahv Cluh. r ise classic telev ision shows Irom the '5ts ( 1 1 1 Ims on ihc I d Sullivan and Steve Allen showvCi You Helniir I ile.t Jl Iwiheh! Zone. (4) Amox n And.(5l I airier Knows Best Ai r.4?and n.VI p.m. Kridav. Salurdas and Sunday in the (Ireat Hall ol the Carolina I'nion. Admission is J I 511 television United Sum Open Tatinia Champlonahlpa I stain-nine hours of unprecedented netwoi k coverage representing w hat is believed lo he Ihc longest total television coverage ol anv single iporu event ever in the United Stales will highlight CBS Sports' presentation of the I1 nited States Open I cnnis Championships at the West Side Tennis Club in horest Hills. N Y., through Sundav. Sept. II. Mlaa Amarlca A compendium of performances ol past Miss America contestants and slate contestants w ill be shown Saturday Sept. 10 on Channel 2. Logan'a Run Next Tuesday. CBS will show Logan's Hun as both a feature movie and a pilot for an adventure series that will debut in the fall at :.W pm. Michael York. Jenny Agutter and Richard Jordan star in the 2.Vd-cenlury adventure story Karrah Fawcctt-Majors also appears in the film. Judy Colllni Folksingcr Judy Collins sings "Both Sides Now." "Amazing Grace" and "Send in the Clowns" on an Fvening at Pops at 9 p.m. Friday. Sept. 9. Arthur Fiedler conducts the Boston Pops Orchestra in a medley of Strauss waltes NOW AVAILABLE ? f f i KENWOOD KR-4070 No other receiver we know of boasts the power and the high performance of the KR-4070 at such a moderate price. Typical of its outstanding features is the whopping power output of 40 watts per channel (RMS at 8 ohms), with Total Harmonic Distortion at less than Q.Y7t right through the 20Hz to 20,000 Hz audio spectrum. NATIONAL ADVERTISED VALUE 300." VICKERS EVERY DAY PRICE 238.00 Including 2 Years Parts &: Labor In-Store Warranty Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 10am Fri. 10am -8 pm 6pm Sat.10am-5:30pm 210 W Franklin Chapel Hill ( Between Fowler's & Belk's) 1 ?Qo S 1 rap Q irrH zD LPs PIP Topes I itht firm 1 h 1977 Americana Blind leas net in a I'uhln School" . Blind I nghsl. leachv-t David hcchi. his students and colleagues talk jhoiu what it's like lor a blind tcachci h ,0 p m. on Channel 4. Masterpiece Thaatra I hud episode in ten ol "Dickens I ondon." the siorv ot Charles Dickens as a hov. young man and a success In I wniei will be shown at 9 p m on Channel 4 N.C. Siring Quartet Performing works hi Dvorak and Havdn. l he N C Strine (Jaarlct. with guest pianist V illon Mason, will peilonn on ihc ait at 4 0 p m Sunday. September 1 1. theatre If You Don't like My Ocean Don't Fth In My Sea iihi tHMtU'd pl,i u ith imiMi iihtuit Souihci n vhmihi. uiwl then men. Al K Ml p m liulm jndSitimdtiv nijitm .ti ihi-Oullcit IlKMlcr. 150 li. M.iin Si . ( .nthvni gallery Utile Art Gallery A special exhibit ot new original prints by Duke I noetsiti instructor in prtntmaking Stephen Willis White I he galleri is also displaying a number ol handdratted wall hangings Included in thedisplav are textured weanngs and batiks, located in North Hills Mall. Raleigh, the show will continue thtough September. Union Gallery Showcases Macrume hi .tannic Fchcniquc will he displayed in the Caiolina Union's South (lallcrv through Sept IK radio WXYC 89.3 Jazz Show Wednesday nights Irom K to 1 1. Party Shot Oiher nights Irom K to 12. .. Larry Black Show Ihc Christian rock shim airs Sundai Irom 7 to 10 a.m. Orange County Special Progressne hluegrass. county and country rock is played on Sunday Irom 2 lo 5 p m WDBS - 107 Kmervm, Like and Palmer ind J. (eik Bind hejjtinnint! h p m Eric Clapton 1 1 p m S.nurda 4 ' t 131 Franhlin Street ickers 929 4554kudio music Choral Auditions I he Carolina thin al mi A mum? uttm-sli'd in -tinyin m the ( ;imlin;i I'hoir. the I rmcrst!( h.imrvr Sinyav ihc I niHTMt( hi.rusni ihcMin'sor K iinun v (dec t luhs pkiisi- font ul Knhcii I'oim m IhpSi im in HWt IVrsmi II .ill thi wivl Ini Jiudiiioi "Play It Again, Sam," one of Woody Allen's best Theatre Friday and Saturday nights at 1 1:30. THERE'S NEVER BEEN A BETTER TIME NOR AN EASIER WAY TO GET INTO NIKON PHOTOGRAPHY NIKKORMAT FT3 Nikkormat FT3 with Al-Nlkkor 50mm (2 lens only $249 95 If you're ready for your first really good camera, this is it. The FT3 costs no more than an ordinary single lens reflex and is so easy to handle you can take great pictures right from the start. But it's a lot more than that. The FT3 is precision-built by Nikon and accepts more than 55 famous Nikkor lenses, along with most Nikon system accessories. All the features you want are built-in: always-reliable Nikon thru-the-lens exposure control, accurate all-metal shutter to 1lOOOth second, "hot" flash shoe, and much more. Plus, the fabulous quality of those superb Nikkor lenses. And now. at our special price, the Nikkormat FT3 is more affordable than ever. Come in and see it, today! Mr T ? r . -SI Jj mil V Mfc&j (M Ttt hit s5."VAf- yirA jiffs? v , - t j - iff immWf s v - 4 m " J. in ".j..'.lvMl. I l l . fiute8(Sooo On Sole September 9-15 If Tope o University Moll Durham Symphony Orchestra Ihc Durham Symphony Orchestra will pcrlorm at p m . Sunday. Sept 1 1, in the l oicsl I heat re Bluegraaa Experlanca - Attcniion ail b.kcis. I hi- Hlucgras I xpcriencc mil he plavingal ihc Chapel Ilill-l airhoro"llike-l est" mi Siindav. Sept. 1 1, to be held eight miles north ol Chapel llillon lliglmav Khal Camp Sew Hope I hc"Fesl" will last liomVa m to p m Help raise mono lot ihc North ( amlina I miionniental I diicalinii ( enlci and gel a dav ol tiding, swimmum. niusit Inn Mud and pnes Kcgistet now at m.iii local hike shop A icioslialii.il Ice ol s: Mliovers ihebaiidtwoiiu-alsamU imp New Mom- reill.il films, will be the Late Show at the Carolina Two Goodwill Stores to Serve You FURNITURE Reuphoistered Couches. Sofa Beds- good as new .... . from $109.95 Reuphoistered Chairs-from $ 59.95 BEDDING Beds used from $ 7.50 Mattresses. Boxsprings- used sterilized from $ 7.50 e.t. NEW INNERSPRING MATTRESSES. B0XSPRINGS.... from$ 41.75ea. NEW POLYFOAM MATTRESSES AND BOXSPRINGS from $ 44.95ea NEW ADJUSTABLE BED FRAMES from $ 13.95 NEW BED PILLOWS 2 for J 3.35 APPLIANCES AND KITCHENWARES Televisions rebuilt trom $ 39.95 Radios good conditionfrom $ 5.95 Vacuum Cleaners good working condition from $ 5.95 Lamps from $ 3.95 Small Electrical Appliances kitchenwares . . from .05 to $ 5.00 CLOTHING Clean, pressed from $ .79 Goodwill Stores We Deliver! Original Goodwill Storo 1121 West Mam St., Durham (Aerou From Eoit Duks Campus) 682-5635 Open Monday-Fndoy, 9-9 Saturday, 9-6 largest Goodwill Store (Located tn Goodwill Industries Plant) 930 6. Mam St , Durham Chapel HillCarrboro, call toll free 942.3141 Open: Monday-Saturday, 9-6 D Shi ff" nccono set 9, V V TAK1N TH STAGE Val .,TS 0 Rape center needs workers A training session lor Chapel Hill Carrboro Rape Crisis Center volunteers will be held today through Sunday at the Carrboro Town Hall on Main Street. The center provides counseling, information and support to rape victims and their families and friends. No special degree or experience is required lor volunteers. Lance management found faulty' WASHINGTON (DPI) rederal regulators looked into Hen l.ancc's hanking practices Irom 1972 to within two weeks of his appointment as budget director and have found his management "faulty." currency comptroller John Heimann testified Thursday. Heimann. leadoff witness at Senate Governmental Affairs Committee hearings on Lance's fitness to continue in the post, said the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency "found his management to be faulty" and "in reality, his attention to detail clearly leaves something to be desired." DTH Classifieds Announcements HAVE A S-4 PARKING STICKER. Need a place closer. I will trade for a S-5 N4 N-3,or N-2. Con tact Elizabeth Chantry. 933-1414 STUDENTS WELCOME Binkley Baptist Church, S.E. corner of University Mall. Rides available from Student Union (Raleigh Rd. entrance) and Chase Cafeteria each Sunday, 9:20 for Church School (College Class) and 10:30 for Morning Worship at 11:00. Dress optional we know Jesus never hcd a tie. SIGN UP NOW as an usher for Playmakers' "Streetcar Named Desire." Ushers see show free. Sign-up board and details in Graham Memorial Room 206. Work one or more performances. Thursday, September 15 through October 2. JEWISH SOCIAL GROUP (or graduate students and working people. Meet others from Durham Chapel Hill area. If interested call 929-4773 after 6 p.m. I WOULD LIKE to trade an S-4 parking sticker for an N-4 or an S-5 (preferably an N-4). Call Jan at 933-4959. For Rent FOR RENT: 2 bedrm apt, $175, AC, unfurn, call Mrs. Butler 929-1566 or come by 410 S. Greensboro Carrboro, close to bus, easy bike ride. For Sale 4 Ml It MANUAL OLYMPIA TYPEWRITER. Excellent condition, $40. Call 929-4773 after 6 p.m. HelpAVanted WANTED: STUDENT WITH CAR to care for children 6 and 9. Extra money for housekeeping. Call after 5:30 967-2816. Needed immediately! Good wage! CLERK Part time position available in Lab Central 8 p.m. - 10 p.m. Monday Friday with rotating weekends. Requires graduation from high school. Interested? Apply: Personnel Dept. N.C. Memorial Hospital, Chapel Hill, N.C.27514. An equal opportunity employer. PART-TIME HELP WANTED. Ideal for married students, with own car. Part-time sales job with well established local business. Excellent incen tive reward. Schedule adjustable. Call 942-4691 during office hours. NEED EXTRA MONEY? Work 3 to 5 days per week, hours negotiable. Call Roy Roger's Family Restaurant, 942-8620 between 2 and 4 PM any afternoon. HELP WITH ironing, wash and light housekeep ing. Choose your own hours. Approximately 8 hours per week. $2.40 per hour. Phone evenings. 967-4728 DEPENDABLE PERSON NEEDED to keep six and seven year olds. 3 until 5:30 M-F. Need own transportation or bus. Call 929-2893 or 942-8057. I AM LOOKING for two students with a pickup or van to do part time piece work installation for Insulation Company. Reply DTH Bos A. WANTED people to do phone work. Day & evening shifts available. Good pay. No experience needed. We train. Apply in person 201 N. Roxboro St. (downtown area.) Northwestern Bank Bldg. Suite 200, Durham, N.C. 9:00 A.M. til 8:00 P.M. Mon Sat. NEEDED: men and women for light city delivery work. Full & part time openings. Excellent income. Day and evening openings. Apply in person 201 N. Roxboro St. (downtown area) Northwestern Bank Bldg. Suite 200, Durham, N.C. 9:00 A.M. til 8:00 P.M. Mon-Sat. DO YOU ENJOY SERVING PEOPLE? Weekends and nights from 5 pm to 2 am. Part time too. We need waiter-waitress oriented pizza delivery people. Qualifications: 1. Valid N.C. Driver's license 2. positive attitude about serving people 3. able to folbw mips 4. appearance appropriate lor food service 5. able to carry 15 lb. oven 100 yds. 30 times a night 6. willing to wear uniform 7. able and willing to be courteous and work for a tip 8. previous food service experience desirable 9. knowledge of Chapel Hill streets. UNC campus and housing Benefits: 1. schedule flexible to students 2. start $2 hr. plus tips to $2.50hr. 3. chance for promotion 4. food on job 5. good tolks to work for 6. IF DRIVING OWN CAR, liberal compensa tion lor mileage Apply in person between 12 noon-5 pm PTA 300 W. Rostmary Street Chapel HJI Both male and female volunteers are needed. Male volunteers do not counsel rape victims but talk to the victim's husband, boyfriend or father. Potential volunteers can obtain more information by calling the rape line at 967-RAPE or SWITCHBOARD at 929-7177. Heimann said the comptroller's office was aware as early as 1 972 tl.it Lance and members of his family were writing "meaningful" overdrafts on their personal accounts in the First National Bank of Calhoun. Ga., which he headed at the time. And he said a 1975 cease and desist agreement, compelling the Calhoun bank to halt such practices or lace stiffer action possibly leading to prosecution, was lifted just five hours after Lance conferred with a regional comptroller on Nov. 22, 1976 two weeks before the Lance nomination was announced. WE NEED PIZZA COOKS Weekends and nights from 5 pm to 2 am. Flexible part time also available. Qualifications: 1. Previous pizza experience desirable 2. Positive attitude about serving people 3. Able to follow rules 4. Appearance appropriate for food service 5. Willing to wear uniform Benefits: 1. Flexible schedule for students 2. Start at $2.30hr. with raises according to ability 3. Chance for promotion 4. Food on job 5. Good folks to work for Apply in person between 12 noon-5 pm PTA 300 W. Rosemary St. Chapel Hill WE NEED MANAGER TRAINEES Weekends and nights from 5 pm to 2 am Qualifications: 1. Experience working with people 2. Good organizer 3. Appearance appropriate for food service 4. Willing to wear uniform la '5. Previous food preparation experience desirable Benefits: 1. Start at $135wk. with increases according to ability 2. Group insurance plan available 3. Chance for promotion 4. Food on job 5. Good folks to work for " Apply in person between 12 noor5 pm PTA 300 W. Rosemary St. Chapel Hill Instruction i mi "I AUTUMN YOGA RETREAT Oct. 1 & 2 with Hannah Baggins at Camp New Hope. For more information and free brochure call 967-9686. Miscellaneo ar CONDOM SAMPLERS. Learn the difference between condoms with one of our famous sample packs. Preshaped, textured, colored, lubricated skins, stubs. Designed to increase sexual satisfac tion. Adam & Eve, Franklin & Columbia (over the Zoom). 929-2147. COLLEGIATE RESEARCH PAPERS. Thousands on file. All academic subjects. Send $1.00 for mail order catalog. Box 25918-Z, Los Angeles, Calif. 90025. (213) 477-8474. ' HESHE. Triangle's personalized dating service. No embarrassment. No computers. Meet 5 peo ple eager to meet you. Your preferences always guaranteed. Student rates. Box 1109, Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514 Roommate Wanted ROOM OR APT. WANTED, Female. Would like apt . to share with 2 or 3 other girls who have place in Chapel Hill or Carrboro near bus line. Urgent! Call Deneise Pulley at Daily Tar Heel, 933-1163. Tha Dally Tar Haal la publlahad by tha Dally Tar Haal Board ol Dlraclora ol tha Unlvtralty ol North Carolina dally Monday through Friday during tha ragular acadamle yaar aicapt during axam parted, vacatlona and aummar aaaalona. Tha following dataaaratobaonly Saturday laauaa: Sapt. 17, Oct. 1, S, 22, Nov. S. Tha Summar Tar Haal la publlahad waakly on Thuradaya dur kig aummar aaaalona. OMIcaa ara at tha Frank Portar Graham Studant Union Bunding, Unlvarally ol North Carolina, Chapal Hill, N.C. 27514. Talaphona numbari: Nawa, Sporta - 933-024S, 33-0246, 933-0372; Bualnaaa, Circulation, Advartlalng -33-1163. (33-02S2. Bubacrlptlon rata: by third claaa mall, $12.50 par aamaatar, $5.00 aummar only, $30.00 par yaar; by lat claaa mall, $30.00 par aamaatar, $5.00 aummar only, $65.00 par yaan Tha Campua Qovamlng Council ahall hava powara lo datarmlna tha Studant Acthrlttaia Faa and to approprlata all ravanua darlvad Irom tha Studant Actlvltlaa Faa (1 .1 .14 ol tha Studant Conitltutlon). Tha Dally Tar Haal la a atudant organliallon. Tha Dally Tar Haal raaanraa tha right to ragulata tha typographical tona ol all advarllaamanta and to ravlaa or turn away copy It conaldara obactlonabla. Tha Dally Tar Haal wUI not conaldar adjuatmanta or pay mant lor any typographical arrora or arronaoua Inaartion unlaaa notlca la glvan to tha Bualnaaa Man agar wrthln (1 ) ona day attar tha aduartlaamant appaara, wrthln (1) ona day ol racaWIng tha taar ahaata or aubacrlpuon ol tha papar. Tha Dally Tar Haal will not ba raaponalbla lor mora than ona Incorract Inaartion ol an advartlaamant achadulad to run at vara! Ilmaa. Nolle lor auch corrac Iton muat ba glvan balora tha naat Inaartion. Vama Taylor, Bualnaaa Managar Dan Colllna. Salaa Managar Blair Klaltach. Advartlalng Managar ML