Flood sweeps through Missouri KANSAS CITY. Mo MIPI. irioci. Hooding with powerful, surging crests of water up to 20 feet high brought death and uncounted millions of dollars of destruction to the metropolitan area Tuesday, triggering power failures and gas-fed explosions and fire. At least 18 persons were killed in Kansas City's worst disaster since 1951. Dozens more were injured and hundreds driven from their homes. Law enforcement officers and rescue volunteers continued to search for more victims. Residents who fled their homes including many who had to be rescued by boat from the tops of houses and marooned cars filtered back to residences covered with mud and debris. Many homes, however, were still surrounded by water. Between 8 and 16 inches of rain were reported from various parts of the metropolitan area in the past two days, turning the normally placid creeks and rivers that wind through residential areas into roaring torrents. The Kansas River was out of its banks but expected to crest at 3.5 feet above flood stage of 23 feet late Tuesday. The Big Blue River crested about 17 feet above flood level at noon in eastern Kansas City. The Missouri River the "Big Muddy" was expected to crest at three feet above flood level at the Hannibal Bridge in Kansas City. One of the hardest hit areas was the prestigious Country Club Plaza shopping and entertainment center, located 50 blocks south of downtown. Officials were hesitant to estimate damage to the Plaza or to residences and businesses in outlying areas, but Police Maj. Richard Fletch said the Plaza damage was extensive. Lance, Carter meet WASHINGTON (UPI) - While Bert Lance met privately with President Carter at the White House Tuesday, new testimony showed he anticipated a top job and possible problems with his banking affairs six months before Carter won the election. The testimony, made by bank examiner Charles Stuart to the Internal Revenue Service, was released at a hearing of the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee which is looking into Lance's financial problems. Lance is scheduled to testify before the committee Thursday and Friday, but his future may have been decided during a private 30-minute session with Carter netus briefs Tuesday. Both men declined comment afterward and Press Secretary Jody Powell said he does not think Carter asked his budget director and longtime friend to resign. "1 don't know if he did, but 1 would be very surprised," Powell said. During Tuesday's hearing on Capitol H ill, the committee received an IRS report from Stuart with statements directly contradicting testimony of his fellow federal bank examiner Donald Tarleton. It was Tarleton, the Atlanta-based regional bank examiner, who took Lance's Calhoun National Bank of Georgia off the federal "troubled" list just hours after learning Lance would be named to a top administration job last November Arafat praises U.S. BEIRUT, Lebanon (UPI) - PLO chief Yasser Arafat welcomed as a "positive step" a U.S. statement that Palestinians must join any Middle East peace talks. The PLO said it showed President Carter had not yielded to "Zionist blackmail." Rudd giving up NEW YORK (UPI) Mark Rudd. radical leader of the Weathermen Underground who is wanted by the FBI and two states, will surrender in New York Wednesday, his lawyer said Tuesday. RudA 29, who became chairman of the Students for a Democratic Society and then president of the ultra-leftist Weathermen and led many of the turbulent campus upheavals of the 1960s, will turn himself into the Manhattan District Attorney's office about 9 a.m.. attorney Gerald Lel'courtsaid. Lef court refused to disclose Rudd's whereabouts for theeight years he has been a fugitive from justice, or why the fugitive radical has now decided to turn himself in. Rudd is wanted in New York on charges of bailjumping, illegal assembly, trespass and obstruction of governmental administration, all misdemeanors, stemming from the violent student demonstrations at Columbia University. Lowell services Friday NEW YORK (UPI) - Robert Lowell, the Pulitzer prize-winning poet who rejected invitations from the President and the Army, will be taken to his native Boston for funeral services Friday. Considered by many critics to be the premiere poet of his generation, Lowell suffered a fatal heart attack Monday night in a taxicab at the age of 60. An outspoken pacifist, Lowell's often angry and sarcastic poetry reflected a combination of his New England Calvinist upbringing, his conversion to and subsequent rejection of Roman Catholicism and a strong social conscience. campus calendar- Compiled by Jodi Bishop Public service announcements must be turned in to the bon outside the DTH offices in the Union by 100 p m it they ' to run the next day Each item will run it least twice ACTIVITIES TODAY There still he a UNCC ahort court entitled "Computer Auuled Document rrcpuralmnl Introduction loNi-rint)" at tp m in 22 Phillips Hall The UNC Volleyball Club will have tryouti at 7 p m. in the Women'i liym. All men and women are invited to learn to play power volleyball. The UNC-Duke Colloquium presents "Nuclear Mntk Resonance of Oriented Nuclei" at 4 p.m. in Room 265 Phillips Hall Speaking will be Or Nicholas Stone ot Ihe Clarendon Laboratory in Oxford. England C'oitec and tea will he serscd at .V JO p m in Room 277 Phillips Hall. 1 here will he a mandatory meeting ol all Ireeaurersot Student CGC to consider funding request for WXYC Campus money-handlers will meet today and Thursday to discuss finances. The Campus Governing Council Finance Committee will consider a request for funds totaling $16,403.85 from the student-run radio station. WXYC. at 7:30 p.m. today. Included in the request are $10,012.80 i'or FM construction and $3,611.65 lor general expenses. The station is also requesting $2,799.40 for a newswire machine from United Press International. Treasurers for all Student Government funded organizations must attend a mandatory meeting at 4 p.m. cither today or Thursday in Room 206 of the Carolina Union. Budgetary rules and procedures will be discussed by Todd Albert, student body treasurer. Budgets for the I977-7S fiscal year will also be distributed. Govtmmtnt. tundtd organizations al 4p m in Room Mr-of the Carolina limon treasurer will not be recognized if they fail to attend one of the meetings. If impossible to attend either meeting contact Todd Albert. Suite C. 9J3-520I immediately The second meeting will be held at 4 p m Thursday. Sept 15 There will be a meeting of the Senate of the Graduate and Professional student Kederallnn at 7: JO in Room 215 of the Carolina Union. I he UNC Crew Club will hold an organizational meeting at 7 pm in Room 207 ol the Carolina Union. All inieiesled new students and okl members please attend. I he Chepel Hill ECOS will hold a general meeting al K p m in Room 2lM of the C arolina I nion to determine fall activities speakers and concerns Anyone interested in getling inscils-ed in environmental issues is welcome Ihe NC Coastal CKib will meet at 7 10 pm in the South Gallery Meeting Room ol ihe Carolina (inion Topics will be the clean wntci reletcndtim. speakers tor ihe tall season, and held nips I he puhhe u. uiged lo attend I heie w ill he a Tennis Club Meeting at 7 p m in Room 204 of the Carolina I'nioii All interested in joining are incited to attend Ollicers will he elected I here w ill he a mceiing ot the First Collegiate Bast Matters at 7 Ml p m in the lust. floor lounge ol Hmlon James Dorm Anyone interested in fishing is wekrome to allend Bill Most will speak at 7p m in the Mornson Social I oungeon several aspects ol Student Government (SOI. Anyone interested in S(i is invited to attend. I he UNC Boalng Club will hold a meeting at 7 p m in Room 202 of the Carolina I'mon tor anvone interested in toining Ihe club. II you are unahle to come please leave your name and address w ith the Sports Club Council. f JJ-IOI.V Delta Slgme PI, Professional business Iratermty. will meet at 7 p m in I I Carroll Mall All members are urged lo allend It you can't come please contact Piof Rigoness or call Chip Morgan at Wants I fir LDSSA (Mormon Inttltutt) will meet at K p m in 201 Hey Hall Scripture sludv will he guided hv Hiotftcr Randy Holt Scott Terry will speak on "Effects ol Stimulus Priming In Short-Term Memory" at 4 p m in 1 12 Davie Hall All interested persons are invited to attend T he I ' NC chapter ol Ecktnker International Student Society is holding an open Lckrnkar discussion group at 7 J0p m in Room 20e ot the Carolina I'mon I he discussion will be held the second Wednesday ol each month Ihcic will be an oigamraiional meeting ot ihe UNC Student Chapter of Common Ceuteat 7 10inRoom205nlihcCarolna t'nion. All peisons interested in more open and responsive government are uiged lo allend Wednesday. September 14, 1977 The Daily Tar Heel 3 There will br a meeiini nf th. Ihutusi Communications A t tod t Hon 9 p m in Room 106 Bingham Hall All students, especially speech majors, are urged to tttend to letrn more about communication! and job availability Refreshments will be served. The Btffle Houee Buftel continues from II JO to I p m at 203 Battle Lane under the sponsorship of the UNC-CH Chaplaint Association Studenu. faculty and sufl of the University are invited lo share food and conversation in an attempt to establish open (uses of communication within the University community The cost of the meal a SI 73 The Chapel HHI-Durhem "Make Today Count" Chapter. 1 supportive self-help group for people living with cancerlorany life threatening illness), will meet at 7 JO p m in the Community Life Center of lluke Memorial Methodist Church, Memonaland Duke Streets, Durham Students coping with such circumstances away from their home and supportive relatives art invited to come to these informal get-togethers Call Bill Hoklernesi, 929-6897. foe more information. The Spl Phi fraternity w.ll have a meeting st 7 p m. in the League Basement for all the resreted Spi Phi rtishees Wayne will lead I he fun and activ Hies and ill speak on "Thinking Positivelyll Hurts When It Lails " anew iv4siieati: a im McFeast is a lot of ; 0 hamburger, McDonald's biggest, juiciest ever, in fact. That's why we say,"lt's a lot to love." Cm V. t ri fci)o 7 It's got lots of beef. A Obig, juicy, man-sized beef patty. Cooked to per fection. Just the way you love it. It's got lettuce and tomatoes. McFeast is McDonald's first hamburger with let tuce and tomatoes. Because a lot of you are lettuce and tomato lovers. And because McFeast tastes great with a salad inside. It's got a bakery roll. There are a lot of rolls. But this one's really something. It's a big, hearty fresh roll like you get at the bakery. With a lot of little lovable sesame seeds on top. It's what turns the great sandwich into a McFeast. I 1 Iks wm Li k ft) n7 YnC'W S0T 4IO MI J"" I . 111 ft 1 J ar . iii-r--.il "asv. , i , i n tw. x " v s J t JF jtrvIS , ' 1 i nil 1 aT fi till M Vf, dllLo a Hi It's got mayonnaise, pickles, and onions. How Gan you make a hamburger that's a lot to love without oiiinq on a lot of fixings? A lovingdab of mayonnaise, crunchy pickles, and zesty onions. Sometimes the tiny touches are the tastiest It's McDonald's. Only McDonald's has McFeast. We make a lot of hamburgers. So it only makes sense that if we make a new hamburger, we'd know how to make one you'll love a lot. Like McFeast. We made it for you. That's why we put so much into it. This coupon. You'll love your first McFeast a lot. And then we'll give you lots more to love. MsFsacS. Ws a 1st to love. (. ,976 McDonaia sco.poranon t participating McDonald's. a s a o o a o Q &V.4a. McFeast has a lot of taste because you have a lot of taste. e We do it all for you, MS This coupon is redeemable for one free McFeast hamburger with the purchase of a McFeast. Only one coupon per customer, please. Present coupon when placing order. Offer valid only at participating McDonald's'in Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, Sanford, Fayetteville and Cary until September 30, 1977. f I u McDonald's 420 W. Franklin St. University Mall 1 1 I I D a n Q 0 UPCOMING EVENTS the Carolina Population Cantar Studant Oriantatlon program will he he Id at V M) pm lhursday.Spi l5,mRoom405 of the liimmity Square I ait lower (Population Center) All undents concentrating on population and faculty involved in population teaching and research are invited to the Student Oftentation program. There will he a meeting for .ill students interested in appl) ing (or Rhodaa fehotarahlpa at J 15 Ihurdav. Sept 15. in 5v Hamilton Mall application forms and explanatory material are available Irom Murray in 559 Hamilton Hall. All sophomore, interested in apply ing to the School 01 Nuralng must attend a meeting at 5 .10 p m Thursday. Sept 15. in Room 9 ot Carnngton Hall Profaaaof Solomon Polachak of the economics department Mill dikcuu "tVcupalioiial Scgicgation Among Women" at the Carolina Population Cantar Bag Lunchaon Samlnar at 12 noon I riday, Sept. b, in RiHim5 ol the liniveniiy Square Eait Tower. AH uitcf filed faculty and iludents are invited to hrmg their lunch and join the seminal 1 he Brlatol, England Varsity Rugby Club will play the I NC Chapel Hill Vanity and Mumniai 4 Q Tridav.Sept. Ift.onFetrer field The Chapal Hill Flying Club will hold us fall membership meeting at 7 pm 1 hursdav. Sept 15, at the (aroiina Inn Two films will he vhown and irishmen! will be served t'NC students, staff and facultv are invited. A vuiting British phvsKian will talk about the national health care syvtcm in I ngland at a YM-YWCA Olnnar Dlacuailon. Bring a dish to the pot-luck supper and enjoy the cuisine. For more information drop hv Room 10? of the Y building Tha Akcbamlat, I NC's interdiuiplinary wiencc magazine, will have an important meeting at 8 p m I hursday, Sept 15 in Room 20 ol the Carolina I'mon Prospective conlnhutors and stafT art asked lo attend "Morning atar," ( hnMian nvk group, will pertoim in the Pit atMpm rnday.Sept Id In case of tain the concert will he held in Ihe St, Thomas More Church Ihe suhici't of tha week's meeting ot the SludantFaculty ChrlatMjnSc4arKOrganliallonat np m I hursday. Sept 1 5, in the Carolina I'mon, will he "What is Real Progress'' Plea.se note the change in time All are welcome. Ihe Mad leal Technology Club will have an organizational meeting at 7 p m. I run winy, Sept 1 5, in the South Gallery Meeting Room of the Carolina I'mon. Anyone interested i invited to attend All members of the Undargraduata Court and Attomay Oanaral'aStaflmustattendameetingatNp m Thursday, Sept 15 in Room 217 ol the Carolina Union Attendance is required 1 he UNC Racraatkm Soclaty v. til hold a meeting at 3 30 p.m. Thursday, Sept, 15, in Room 202 of the Carolina Union All interested graduates are invited, This will he an important meeting. Uaa UyanK will perform at K p m 1 hursday. Sept 15, inDaap Jonah (Carolina I'mon Basement), lhere no cover charge Brown bugging of beer and wine will he permitted Other refreshments will be sold. There will he a Young Soclallat Forum entitled "Panama. What loe the Ircaty Mean at 7:30 pm.1 hursday. Sept. 15, in Room 215 of the Carolina Union This ts the lust in a series of forums sponsored by the Young Socialist Alliance, for more information, call 967-5425. The Thuraday Worth lp of tha Baptlat Campua Mlnlatry is at 6 p.m. Thursday. Sept. 15. at the Battle House Recreation will precede al 5 p m, Chaplain Boh Phillips will be the worship leader as the community joins together for singing, praying, sharing concerns and celebrations. There will be a Pap Rally at 8 p m. Thursday, Sept. 15, al Boshamer Stadium. There will be free beer)! Also, to win a keg, students arc invited lo hang a pro-Carolina banner in Kenan Stadium before game time on Saturday. Sept. 17, The UNC Juggtara AaaoclaOon will meet at 4 pm on Thursday. Sept. 15, by the Old Well. Beginners and non-iuggler who would tike to Irani an? esfWciaJIv wrkome. I he UNC-CH CoJfglafa CIvMan Club u having a meeting at 6: V) p.m. Thursday. Sept. 15. in Room 213 of the Carolina I 'mon The meeting is open to all in lefts ted students. The Dl-Phl Soctatlaa will he presenting a dehate entitled "Resolved Thai the Panama Canal Treaty Be Ranlied" at & p m. Thursday. Sept 15, in 300 New West All mem hers and visitors are welcome. The South Campua Commlttaa ot the Carolina Union will meet at 7 30 Thursday, Sept 15, in Room ?0o ot the Carolina Union. Anyone interested in improving programs on South Campus is invited to allend ITEMS OF INTEREST All students interested in working as prose readers or poetry readers fot the Callar Door ataff may pick up applications at the Carolina Union Iesk or Ihe Cellar Door office in Room 205 of the YMCA. Anyone interested m working on the UNC Sporta Club Council should call 933-1013 and leave his name and number. The Graduata and Profaaalonal Studant Fadarahon wishes to announce that applications are now being accepted for Graduate Student's Honor Court. If you wish to be considered, please call 913-5675 between 10 a m. and 2 p.m. The Un (varsity Counseling Cantar is offering Ihe following group workshops this full: personal growth groups, career exploration, assertion training, ittidy skills and test anxiety. If interested call 933-2 175 for more information or drop by the center at Nash Hall Ot . TJO Tonight JOEY GEORGE Beginning Tomorrow Bluegrass Experience 405 W. Rosemary St. 967-9053 0 ) i l Sperry TOPSIDERS his & HERS New colors! Maple, brown. f navy and white. . ml S3u ianr FRANiOlM striet

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