2 TH Dally Tr HmI Monday, Octobtr 3, 1977 campus calendar- Compiled by Jodl Bishop Public Mfvle announeamant muit b turned In to th box outildt th OTH officn In tht Union by 1:00 p. m It tnty trt to run th nxt diy. Eich IMm will run it laaat twlc. ACTIVITIES TODAY Dunota MacRaa, Kintn Proftuor of Political Scicnot tnd Sadoky, will ravtew paprt prtitnttd it conference of the PoRoy Anaryatt Oroop on "Socloloictl Economic!'' tt noon In 7 Himihon HtU. A UNCCC Short Count tntliltd Introduction to TIO will be hild tl J .m. In 221 Phill.pi Hill. A CMf Proo Workahop entitled "Whit Do I Went to Dor will be held tt J p.m. In 101 Him Hill. ProfiMor N. R. Draper from the Univtnity of Wiiconiin t Medlton will ipetk on Totting tor Two or On Outllen In Two Way Ttbtot u t Sutbtla Colloquium tt 4 p.m. in 324 Phillip) HtU. A Donld Bataaroh laminar entitled "The Phi Body: A Newly Elucidated Ctllultr Orttnelle tnd lu Siniflctnot in Acutt Non lymphttic Leukemiti will be held it 4 p.m. in Lecture Hill 04, Brautr HtU. Ann Miner Dmiel will lecture on Fcderil period mtiquei it the Deoorettve Art ot Amorioi Sartea it I p.m. in the Ackltnd Art Center. The eewt la Si. A Pino Arte Faathral meetini will be held it 6 p m. in I A Swim Hill. AD repratentitivet or tlternitei muit attend. Volunteer! in welcome. The Caroline prMgo Ckib will hold i duplicate bridge tournament it 7:30 p.m. In Room 207, Cirolim Union, All bridge playen ire invited to participate. If you need a partner call Nancy lotah n theCtroUni Union office. The coit for Carolina itudenti fifty cenu; for all othen h'l eeventy-five otnti. An AWI Woman 't "eettvil Committee meetini will be held it I p.m. In the AWS offloe. Everyone imireited In committM work li urfjed to attend. AudUionj for No llmont The Oood Doctor" will be held from 4 to t p.m. tnd I to 10 p.m. In Room 203 of the Ctrolini Union. The ihow will be oo-epoiuored by the Cerolina Union and the UNC drama department. See "Upcoming Evenu" for more Information. Aatert Lonf'l Happening with Donni Stephenion from the Metropolitan Opera tnd Rmdy Atcheion, jullitrd keyboard Hudent, contnuu today through Oct. 3 at 7:30 p.m. at the Grey Stone Bipliit Church In Durham. Traniportation will be provided. Vim will depart from the front circle of the Carolini Union it 6:43 pm. Tht Undergraduate Hie lory Ataoclatlon will meet it 7 p.m. In 423 Hamilton Hall. UPCOMING EVENTS The Conor ProooM Wortiehop entitled "What do I Went to Dor will continue it 3 p.m. Tuciday, Oct. 4, in 108 Hanei Hill. A woman' wjlkybell mttsfl between UNC-CH tnd High Point will be held el 7 p.m. Tueiday, Oct. 4 in Carmichael Auditorium. An IMS Short Court entitled "Manova" will be held at 7:30 p.m. Tueiday, Oct. 4, In 307 Manning Hall. The Philological Club will proem a diicuiiion of "The Oermtnic rood of Religioniwiuefuchaft" at I p m. Tueiday. Oct. 4, in tht Toy Faculty Lounge of Day Hall. Charlei Long from the religion department will ipeak. Marajean Marvin, loprino, and Michael Zenge, pianiit, will perform at the Tueaday Inning 8rtee at I p.m. Tueiday, Oct. 4, la the Hill Hall Auditorium. Audition! for Metl Simon't Th Oood Doctor" will be held from 4 to and from I to 10 p m. Tueiday, Oct. 4, in Room 203, Carolini Union. Interview! for production crew will be held from 7 to 10 p.m. Wcdneeday, Oct. 3, in Room 203, Carolint Union. Deeignen are requeued to bring portfolio. Technical pe runnel ihould bring returnee. The Outing Club will meet at 6:43 p.m. Tueiday, Oct. 4, In Room 213, Carolina Union. Upcoming Iripi will be ditcuued. Tin premed-prtdental lociety, Alpha Epellon Dtltt, will hive lu lecond ruih meeting it 7 p.m. Tueidiy, Oct. 4, in 103 Berryhill Hall. The topic It "Getting into Medical or Dental School." Director! of edmiiiloia from four North Carolina medical tchooli and the UNC School of Dentiitry will be prticni. pfPhlVill holcTi Star Wan theme mixer at 9 p.m. Tueiday, Oct. 4, at the new Spi-Phi annex in Cirthave. Come dmied u your favorite Wookil, Jawi, Robot or Sandpenon. All Greek! and other intereeted penom art welcome. The UNC Ski Club will meet at 7 p.m. Tuciday, Oct. 4. in Room 219, Carolina Union. All penom intereeted in joining an welcome. Refreehmcnu will be lerved. Thcdapartmantiol computer Kkne of UNC-CH ind Dukt will preeent t colloquium entitled "The UNIX Programming Environment" it 4 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 4, in 324 Phillipi Hall. Brian W. Kernigan from Bell Laboratories New Jeney, will ipeak. The fint Open Stage Night will be held tt 8 30 p.m. Tueiday, Oct. 4, In Deep Jonah. If you want to lee lome of UNC'i flneit amateur performer! or If you jutt want to meet other muiiciam and performer!, you are urged to attend. A general itaff meeting for til penom working or wuhing to work with Slack Ink will be held at 6:30 p.m. Tueiday, Oct. 4, In the South Gallery meeting room of Carolint Union. All intcreited penoni an aiked to be preienl. The Contraotpthrt Hearth Education Clinic (CHEC) will meet it 7 p.m. Tueidiy, Oct. 4, in 231 School of Public Health. To aunt in informed decliion making: complete up-to-date information on breail and pelvic eximi, tcxually tranimitted dveaiea and all contraceptive method! ii provided. Men and women an welcome. The UNC Burling Club will meet it 7 p.m. Tueidiy, Oct. 4, in Room 206. Carolina Union. Anyone who ii intcreited in turfing or ikateboarding and who would like to Join the club ihould attend. The Campui Conoernt CommittM will be hiving a meeting it I p.m. Tueiday, Oct. 4, In Room 206, Ctrolini Union. Bill Moil, itudent body preiidcnt, will ipeak on human nlationi and t fee Monitor struck; flasher surprises Beth Cameron, assistant residence director of Ehringhaus, told University Police she was assaulted by an automobile at 10:30 a.m. Saturday. ' Cameron said she was monitoring the Ehringhaus parking lot when an Ehringhaus resident requested entrance to the lot. Upon being told that the lot was full, the resident proceeded to drive through the rope barricade, striking Cameron in the leg with the front of his car. University Police also reported that Ashley Brown of Mclver Dorm said there was a nude man standing outside of her window at 12:51 a.m. Sunday. Brown said the man had a towel around his head and was making Mewd gestures i toward her room. .?:S:S The best reason in the world to buy Budweiser. this weekend: It's worth it! ANHEUSER-BUSCH, INC. ST. LOUIS Distributed locally by Harm, Inc., Durham THE Daily Crossword by Ann V. Jenkins ACROSS 1 Bedrooms on a ship 7 Cheshire's attribute 11 Seer's na tive gift 14 Shiny glaze 15 Runswiftly 16 Utmost degree 17 Predicament 18 Afresh 19 Drivers' group: abbr. 20 Purchaser's bonus 23 After water or Ferris 25 Before JFK 26 Purloined 27 Deer 28 Soft part 30 - bien 31 Peevish ness 32 Take to one's heels 33 Heavyweight 35 Itinerant vendor 37 Farm machine 41 Center of a hurricane 42 Church ritual 43 A Rogers 44 Smell- (be suspjeious) 47 Take on an apprentice 49 Labyrinth 50 Seeded apples 52 Helm di rection 53 Persians of old 54 Affluent clientele 57 Bonanza's yield 58 Scion 59 Finishes 62 Legal point 63 Distinctive style 64 RAF men 65 Pesticide 65 Bravos 67 Public quarrels DOWN 1 These: Fr. 2 Old: abbr. 3 Exchanged 4 Inn for a bey 5 Himalayan land 6 Husky's vehicle 7 Spanish nobleman 8 Scopes 9 Glaciates 10 Salamanders 11 Captivate 12 Metal binder 13 Aspects 21 Goldbrick 22 Top room 23 Flagellate 24 Rabbit 28 Naval force 29 Stern 32 Join the jet set 34 - Palmas 36 Hold back 37 Musical direction 38 Exploits 39 Seep 40 Breads 42 Riding academies 44 Bestow upon 45 Raised the roof 46 Stem a flow 48 Steam or diesel 49 Be offi cious 51 Likewise 53 In a frenzy 55 Army acro nym 56 Twills 60 Shoshonean 61 Addenda: abbr. Yesterday's Puzzle Solved: 5riAHmTTf7rrrAirncTn TA??yUNl'l.W.li. Th A R n ' N..C. i . E E W TE 1.: :;,;jn at u ilsfcpiR ft m A..ii u s of p" o c f n" e l o T TT Tw i c o h a n " " C tef 'i r . .2 N. E" 0. l ljJj..i T U 71 C . I .... L . I IjiMK ii u e MT I II ljhU r k i n $ I T I F TY H 7 7 A L L I I r 1 e 1hao1eLJo1p1slispe1e I staeeMMaMiaasfjaa 1 p 3 k T5 6 T" 7 IS 9 I to rJ TTTr TV 75 7s Tl ; j 25 21 ii 2 3 125 25 26 71 2 ""TTi1 . "'71 ri.t2 h !nnrrp 'tthT 'T b--e , , LTTT U -73 "5 4ti Hhrri r I 1 1 1 1 Increate it UNC-CH, Everyone ii welcome and encounged to attend. The oeto Thettef will preient Rebecca K.nion'i "If You Dont Like My Ocean, Don't Fith In My Sea" tt 1:30 p.m. Wedneiday, Thunday, tnd Friday, Oct. 3, 6 and 7. Ticketi arc on alt it tht Old World Oift Shop tnd the Rtnch Houk. Call 942 3 1 33 for retervatloni. MlehMl Chlng, the recipient of i Mary Duke Biddle Scholarihip In eompoiition and a itudent of Lome Withen and lain Hamilton, will preeent t piano concert including workt by Beethoven, Brahmi and Scriabin at S: 13 p.m. Wedneiday, Oct. 3, In the Eait Duke Muiic Room. The concert ii open to the public without chirje. A joint UNC-Duke) Colloquium on "The Abiorption Edge Spectra of Pure tnd Mixed Alkali Halidei. Below and Above the Melting Point" will be held at 3:30 p.m. Wedneiday, Oct. 3, in 265 Phillipi Hill. Dr. Colin D. Clark from the Univernty of Reading, England, will ipeak. A meeting of the Senate of the Graduate and Profeiiional Student Federation wifbe nek) at 6 p.m. Wedneiday. Oct. J, in Room 213, Ctrolini Union. ITEMS OF INTEREST The Plne-Knolle Community Orginlittlon ol Chapel Hill ii making plani for a fall tutorial program. The program will run five dayi a week from 3 to 3 p.m. and will include math, language am, and reading. Participant! will be from the elementary through high ichool grade leveb. Volunteers are needed to donate their time, money or material! for thii worthy catue. The program will itart Oct. I. For information pleaie contact MaeMcLendon at 942-657 1 (after 6 p.m.) or Jackie Parriih it 942-7701 (after 2 p.m.). Pick up a description and regiitration form for the Carolina Union Special Interest Ctaaaee at the Carolina Union Information Desk. A wide variety of classes will be offered. Registration begins Monday. Oct. 3, and runs through Friday, Oct. 7. One of the world's greateit actors, Sir MlehMl Redgrave, acts in t variety of Shakeipearean roles in the fint production of the 1977-7S Stewart Theatre Series on Tuesday and Wednesday Oct. II and 12. "Shakeipeare's People" ii performed byacompany of five actor-musicians headed by Sir Michael. Individual ticketi will be on talc at the door in North Carolini State University's Student Center in Raleigh. For more information call 737-3105. Agora, the magazine of international ideas, is now accepting contributions about international relation! or the politics, arts, literature, geography or language of ipecific countries. Anyone interested ihould leave t copy of their manuscript in Room 105 International Center in Bynum HallorcallthcCenterat933-566l. Boulton announces candidacy By LOU HARNED Stiff Writer Marilyn M. Boulton, a six-year resident and a political newcomer, announced her candidacy for the Chapel Hill Board of Aldermen Friday. Stressing her community services and her awareness of the needs and complexities of town government, Boulton said she was ready to commit her time to the tasks of water, community planning and transportation. "Clearly, the water situation in Chapel Hill needs immediate action," Boulton said. She said she supports completion of the Jordan Dam project for flood control, irrigation and recreation. "I also feel the best source of quality water for Chapel Hill citizens is with the Cane Creek Reservoir," Boulton said. Boulton, 43, said planning is a challenge for any community, "We, therefore, need to be prepared to regulate it's location and timing," she said. She said the Planning Board is developing a comprehensive plan to insure availability of services to all parts of the community. Transportation services also concern Boulton. "I believe a public transit system serves not only some of the immediate needs but also is a necessity for the future." Boulton said she favors park-and-ride lots for controlling traffic and for alleviating parking problems downtown. Since about 40 percent of the county property taxes comes from Chapel Hill citizens, Boulton said she would work to " insure that they get a fair share of county resources and services. Born in Schenectady, N.Y., Boulton received her undergraduate degree in history and political science from Pennsylvania State University, She is the wife of Donald Boulton, UNC vice chancellor for student affairs. aw m 3 Bff '1 J 596-1190 596-1302 Dependable Used Cars for Rent Dally, Weekly and Special Rates "HIRE -A-HEAP and SAVE A HEAP" 24 Hour Answer Service Hwy 70 West Durham A career in low without law school. What can you do with only a bachelor's degree? Now there Is a way to bridge the gap between an undergraduate education and a challenging, responsible career. The Lawyer's Assistant Is able to do work tradi tionally done by lawyers. Three months of intensive training can give you the skills the courses are taught by lawyers, you choose one of the seven courses offered choose the city In which you want to work. Since 1970, The Institute for Paralegal Training has placed more than 2,000 graduates In law firms, banks, and corporations in over 80 cities. If you are a senior of high academic standing and are Interested In a career as a Lawyer's Assistant, we'd like to meet you. Contact your placement office for an Interview with our representative. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21 The Institute for Paralegal Training 235 South 17th Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103 (215) 732-6600 Operated by Para-Legal, Inc. 4 4 fast. DOUBLE SPECIALS at Western Sizzlin The Sizzlin -- i '5 Broiled Sirloin Jp OFF Baked Potato or OFF French Fries Texas Toast (Good Monday October 3 only) (Not good in conjunction with other specials) Ml TUESDAY is Student Night Anyone presenting a valid UNC ID and a copy of this ad will receive 50P off any regular entree, (except "Big Tex," Diet Plate and Child's Plate) Offer Valid Tucs. Oct. 4 I t Open 11 a.m. lj r n 1 I tj I .1 U;PPk "V:- V' ;.i-i'S---. iftmm- iiiiimnrr; i i.n,., Sorority derby efforts boost N.C. Burn Center Ten UNC sororities raised more than $5,000 for the North Carolina Jaycee Burn Center at N.C. Memorial Hospital during SigmaChi Derby Week which ended Friday. Derby Day Daddy Will Bernard said approximately $4,000 of the $5,545.36 collected by the sororities would go to the Burn Center. The exact amount will be determined after Sigma Chi covers its expenses, such as advertisements. The sororities will receive 15 per cent of what they earned, Bernard said. That money a 1otal of $832.77 will go to the sororities' national philanthropies. To earn money, participating sororities held bake sales, sold raffle tickets, collected "ransom" money for"kidnapped" professors and students and numerous other activities. Delta Delta Delta sorority earned the 324 W. Rosemary 4 Call 942-1116 f distinction of collecting the most money for the center $1,423.15. Phi M,u sorority was second with $1,407. Phi Mu sorority won the overall first place award, which is based on both fund raising and the Derby Day competition. The "legs booth," set up outside the Carolina Union for four days eanred a total of $ 11 5. Chi Omega sorority won the contest with contributions of $31. Cindy Cox of Kappa Delta sorority was selected by the Sigma Chi brothers as Derby Darlin'. "To be honest, I was going to be happy if we could send $2,000 to $2,500 to the Burn Center," Bernard said. "Everybody did just a tremendous job. The sororities did all the work. They did all the fund-raising." - MARTHA WAGGONER UJAS GLOBAL CATASTROPHE CAUSE EXTflATEnilESTRiAL inTEnuEHTion? Immanuel Velikovsky, one of the greatest scientists ot our time, gives startling geological evidence to support his revolution ary theory that the dis asterous cataclysms which rocked our planet and destroyed entire civil izations were brought about by incredible forces outside the world itself. BY author of WORLDS IN COLLISION Mi ' i rail $1.95 81064 Now In paperback from OCKET BOOKS DTH Classifieds Announce mgrvts IT'S COMING! Tuesday, Oct. 4, 7:00 p.m., Room 217 in the Carolina Union, the UNC SKI CLUB 771 If you've never skied before, if you've hardly seen snow before, come and see what we're about! Well have movies. . For Sale 1968 VW. Good conditbn engine. 18 months. $400 or best offer. Call Raleigh 362-5317 or Durham 489-3211. FOR SALE: 1976 fuel-injected special edition Volkswagen Sci 1976 HONDA XL 350. Recently tuned and inspected. Good for on or off road riding. Call after 8:30 p.m. Monday Friday. 732-7691. 1974 KAWASAKI 900 (Z-lTKonfshorlksrdual. disc brakes, luggage rack, lots of chrome, adult owned, 3,700 miles. Showroom condition. $1595 or offer. Call Dave 542-4406. FOR SALE: 1976V. fuel-injected special edition Volkswagen Scirocco. Excellent. $4500. 967-9672 after 6. ALCORT SALF1SH, 13'8 long, fiberglass, blue and white. Good condition. $375.00 SURFBOARD, fiberglass, 9'10" long. Needs minor repair. $35.00. Call933-9657 after 5:30 p'.m. LOST: 11 INCH GOLD ankle bracelet, on campus Thursday. Please call 967-1314. FOUND LADIES watch on North campus. To claim, call 929-7021. LOST: Gruen watch. Smooth gold band&brbwn face. Call 933-3375. Miscellaneous pimmatupm WE NEED TO BUY, beg, borrow" or steal two tricycles. If you can help us, call Tom, 933-7854, or "Moose" 933-7852. COLLEGIATE RESEARCH PAPERS? Thousands on file. All academic subjects. Send $1.00 for mail order catalog. Box 25918-Z, Los Angeles, Calif. 90025. (213) 477-8474. PersonaL SALTY DOG: 1H and still counting. What would I do without B. B. and you. Your 1 woman loves you always. TO THE BLOND HUSSY majoring in Geography: stay away from my husband! I can get a tot more public than this. Pets - FREE CATS! Males and females. Call Brenda966 3381 during the day, at night 732-2718. HelpAVanted I" if M I THE UPWARD BOUND PROGRAM is recruiting UNC students to tutor 10th, 11th and 12th grade high school students now. You can help if you can give a minimum of 4 hrs. or a maximum of 8 hrs. per month. Be an advocate of learning by assisting underachievers to be achievers. If interested, call Elroy Lewis at 933 1281 or 1282 or come by 201 Vance Hall. AFTERNOON BABYSITTER IMMEDIATELY. Monday through Friday 3:15-5:15 p.m. Home located near Ranch House on Airport Road. Please call Carolyn Strange at 966-4091 or 942. 1312. SUDI5 RESTAURANT: Opening October 3 a new restaurant and tavern. Now hiring experienced food and wait people. Apply in person. Ill W. Main Street, Durham, N.C. MEN! - WOMEN! JOBS ON SHIPS! American. Foreign. No experience required. Excellent pay. Worldwide travel. Summer job or career. Send $3.00 for information. SEAFAX, Dept. 1-2, Box 2049, Port Angeles. Washington 98362. Lost &. Found fiimwniiiiiyiL- MISSING: GREEN Northface backpack with wallet, keys, shirt, sketchbook. Please return to .Student Stores cubbyhole or Lochrane 929-3509. TAN LEATHER fingernail kit containing wedding and engagement ring. Handsome reward. Call 929-0258. th Dally Tr HmI It puMMMd by th Dally Tif HmI Board ol Director ol th Unlvortlty ol North Carolina dally Monday through Friday during tho mgutar acadamie yoar anctpt during turn ported, aeatton and aummar aawtont. Th following datM an to b only Saturday Imum: Sapl. 17, Oct 1, , 33, Not. I. Th SumiMf Tar HmI Ii publiahad wmMv on Thunday dur ing aummar aaaalona. OMtota ara at tha Frank Porter Oraham Studant Union BuMIng, Unhraralty ol North Carolina, Chapal HM, N.C. 27S14. Talapnona numbwa: Naw, Sporta - S33-0245, 933-028, SS-0372; BuHnan, Circulation, AdwtMng -933-1183, 933-02S2. Subscription rata: by third data mm, 12M par amaatar, $5.00 aummar only, 130.00 par yoar, by lat ,cktti mall, $30.00 par atmmtar, $5.00 aummar only, MS .00 par yaar. ha Campui Governing Council ihal hava powari to dtlarmlna th Studant Acthrntet Fm and to appropriate " "woo dwtvad from th Studant Acuvttk Fm 1 .1.14 ol th Studant Conttttutton). Th Dally Tar Haai la a ttudant organization. Tha Dally Tar HmI rat tn right to raguujt th typographical loo ol ill advartteamanti and to ratoa or turn away copy N conaldar obtectkmabte. Tha Dally Tar HmI wHI not conaldar adfuatrhanta or pay , mnt tor any typographical wron or trrorwoui InMrlkm unlaw aonc I glvon to th Bualnaaa Manaoar wttttai (1) ona day attar th dvrtlamnt appMre, within (1) on . day ol receiving th tear ahaate or aubacrtpoon ol th papar. Tha Dally Tar HmI win not b raaponalMa tor 1 more than ona Incorrect kiawHon ol an advarttetmant achaduted to run Mvaral tima. Nolle lor audi ooroc tton mutt ba gtm before th nit Inatrtkm. Vma Taylor, Butlrwu Manager Dan CoKln., S4t Managtr Blair Ktartach, Adrartltlng Menagw