Monday, October 10, 1977 The Daily Tar Heel 3 Another bitter winter ahead Muskie predicts fuel emergencies r NEEDS YOU! HELP so we can better serve you. Fill out this survey and bring it in to Shoney's. When you fully and honestly complete this survey we would like to give you a FREE BIG BOY SANDWICH and COKE. Just turn it in to our cashier. 1. Where do you reside? Dorm ( ) Apartment ( ) Home ( ) Chapel Hill ( ) Carrboro ( ) 2. Would you visit more frequently if we had a salad bar? Yes ( ) No ( ) 3. How often do you visit Shoney's? ( ) Once a month ( ) Once a week ( ) More than once a week ( ) Less than once a month 4. Would you like to see Shoney's a self service, fast food restaurant? Yes ( ) No( ) 5. Would you like to see Shoney's a non-tip restaurant? Yes( ) No( ) ' 6. Which eating establishment do you frequent most? 7. Would you like to see our Steak menu expanded? Yes( ) No( ) 8. Would beer andor wine bring you to Shoney's more often? Yes ( ) No ( ) 9. What additional items would you like to see on the menu? A. C. B. D. 10. Would you visit us more often if we would serve an AU American fresh hamburger with your choice of topping? Yes()No() 11. What age category are you in? ( ) 19 and under ( ) 20-35 ( ) 35-50 ( ) over fifty 12. What is your opinion of our present Service: excellent ( ) good ( ) fair ( ) Food quality: excellent ( ) good ( ) fair ( ) Value: excellent ( ) good ( ) fair ( ) 132 W. Franklin St. Across from Granville Towers Offer expires Wed,, Oct. 12. Take Out! 1 929-2115 BSif&s Bsp55i34i WBSWiH.M WASHINGTON (UIM) Calling the energy outlook for this winter "grim indeed," Sen. Edmund Muskie Sunday accused the administration of inadequate planning and predicted the nation may face another season of fuel emergencies. Muskie., D-Maine, said a study just completed by his subcommittee on intergovernmental relations shows that a second consecutive frigid winter could mean a repeat of last year's school closings, reduced business hours and 1.2 million layoffs. Although the administration developed emergency energy plans for the coming season, Muskie said his committee found "that the sum total of their impact is likely to be both too little and too late. "In short, the subcommittee believes that if the forecasters are right and we do face another hard winter, the federal government is simply not adequately prepared." he said in a speech to be delivered Monday on the Senate floor. Specifically. Muskie said, the panel found the government does not have the power it is counting on in several instances to increase supplies or reduce demand for natural gas, and while it expects states to be the first line of defense in a w inter emergency, many lack the necessary authority. Dock strike continues NEW ORLEANS (DPI) - Several ships were lined up along docks waiting to be unloaded at the nation's second largest port Sunday as local dock workers continued their general strike. Harbor police reported no picket lines Sunday, but dock foremen said no one had shown up for work. The longshoremen, defying the wishes of local and national unions, voted Saturday to continue a general strike against the Port of New Orleans, General strike supporters said the selective strike strategy was unworkable in New Orleans because container ships account for a smaller percentage of port traffic than in New York. The strike is costing the city an estimated $2 million each day the port is closed. ERA extension? WASHINGTON (DPI) - Attorney General Griffin Bell said Sundav the Justice Department is preparing an opinion on whether the Constitution permits a deadline extension for ratification of the proposed Equal Rights Amendment. Bell said the opinion on ERA was requested by the White House which supports the amendment and he expects department attorneys to complete it within a week to 10 days. news briefs Women and health Representatives of both the Women's Health Counseling Service in Chapel, Hill and Durham Women's Health Co-operative w ill lead a discussion on "Improving Health Care for Women" at 7:30 p.m. Monday at A Woman's Place, 110 Henderson St. The program, which will focus on patient physician relationships, self-assertiveness, the role of "minor medical complaints," contraception and pregnancy, is designed to stimulate women's thinking about health care. In the first part of the program, the moderators will consider women as health care consumers and discuss the development of women's health care as an issue. Participants in the program will then break up into small groups to informally discuss personalexpericnces and health care themes. Cuban, underground links WASHINGTON (DPI) - An FBI report says Cuban espionage agents operating in the Dnited States and Canada gave limited help to the Weather Dnderground in the late 1960s and early 1970s, it was reported Sunday. The militant antiwar organization also received some technical aid from North Vietnam, according to the 400-page report, but the FBI found no evidence that the Soviet Dnion or China ever tried to stir up D.S. dissidents, the Sew York Times reported. Stephen Biko autopsy JOHANNESBDRG, South Africa (DPI) The autopsy report on the death of black leader Steve Biko w ill show he suffered brain damage, rib injuries, burns and probable kidney failure, the Johannesburg Sunday Express said Sunday. The newspaper quoted "sources connected with the forensic investigation" into Biko's death in jail Sept. 12. Biko's death in prison Sept. 12 has raised an international outcry. cinema Ninoichka Ernst Lubilsch, 1939. Greta Garbo stars in this comic mockery of Soviet ehauvinism and capitalist conceit. At 8 p.m. Tuesday in Carroll Hall. Free with student ID. Pestry Rides Again George' Marshall. 19.19. Western farce at its best. Here Jimmy Stewart and Marlene Dietrich are together somewhere in the town of Bottleneck and she sings, "See What the Boys in the Back Room Will Have." At 8 p.m. Wednesday in Carroll Hall. Free with student ID. Goodbye. Mr. Chips Sam Wood, 1939. Mr. Chips watches generations go to school. Wr New Shipment Just Arrived experiencing and observing the changes as a classics master in an English academy. At 8 p.m. Thursday in Carroll Hall. Free with student ID. television Monday STL Football LA. Rams meet the Bears at Chicago. Channels 5 and 8, 9 p.m. Tuesday World Series The Series opens in the park of the American l eague pennant winner. Channels 5 and 8. 8 p.m. A Good Dissonance, Like a Man - A dramatic profile of maverick American composer Charles Ives. Channel 4, 8 p.m. Wednesday 6ejf Performances Richard Strauss' powerful dramatic opera "Salome" is featured, with soprano Teresa Stratas in the title role. Channel 4, 9 p.m. Thursday Hurry Tomorrow Documentary filmed in a California psychiatric ward, treating the subject of chemotherapy. Channel 4, 9 p.m. music Tuesday Evening Concert Series - Brooks de Wetter Smith, professor of flute at UNC, is featured soloist in a performance by the UNC Wind Ensemble. Hill Hall Auditorium, 8 p.m. Open-stage night Deep Jonah, the Carolina Union basement coffeehouse, invites singers and performers of all kinds to take the stage, 9 p.m. 1 uesday nights. poetry Poetry reading Irish poet Eilean Ni Chuilleanain will present her works at 4 p.m. Wednesday in 223 Greenlaw. f They had a lot in common! Lieutenant John F. Kennedy, U.S. Navy Lieutenant Lyndon B. Johnson, U.S. Navy Lieutenant Richard M. Nixon, U.S. Navy Lieutenant Gerald R. Ford, U.S. Navy Lieutenant Jimmy E. Carter, U.S. Navy Naval Officer Qualification Exam (Two Hours) Oct. 12 and 13 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. UNC Seniors and Juniors Eligible Carolina Union Room 213 Details and Sign-up at Placement Office or Call toll-free 800-662-7568. FOR AW FUTURE CAREER I HAVE PECIPEP TO BE A HAIRDRESSER AW PAP 15 A BARBER, YOU SEE, ANP IF I SORT OF FOLLOW IN HIS F00T5TEP5, THAT WOULD RP QJPAC DPI I y ' HAHAHANA ' ' g) 1977 Unil8d?8luf SyndtcaU, tnc JUSTA LITTLE HUMOR THERE, MA'AM, BEFORE WE BREAK FOR LUNCH ""aj ecwemmitoAwc SLAmmK. ANPWRE LISTENING TO ANOTHER. ONE OF WBBY'S "PRO FILES ON PARADE"! TONIGHTS GUEST IS MR., TBPmCR.THB ATTORNEY JACKIE OMSS&S i2b kVUOi WRnANC SETTLEMENT! mitvt. imoR, u IKNOUlimAT WPE60N61O ASK! NO, WW JUST DOIT FOR muMourvJi ASAMATTER. uh.. of ma THIS HO, SIR.. HAPmEQTOBS I.. A PROJECT I PEEPVi BcUEYED Ull r? .. L - 1 r.i weai milium hoi esses mm wcmm wmm mum wmmm mm hh mm mm