i Cloudy It will be cloudy and cool today with highs in the upper 60s. There is a chance of rain tonight and Wednesday. Temperatures will be near 50 tonight and in the upper 60s Wednesday. Women at home Three women's sports volleyball, tennis and field hockey are in action at home today. See stories on page 5. Serving the .students and the University community since 189 Volume 85, Issue No. 32 Tuesday, October 11, 1977, Chapel Hill, North Carolina Please call us: 933-0245 4i P Freshmen to be rebated for triples past October 3 By AMY McRARY Staff Writer For the 177 freshmen still suffering from the overcrowded conditions of tripled dorm rooms, compensation is on the way, whether they receive new housing or not. Those 177 freshmen, still tripled as of Oct. 3 or later, will receive a rebate on their dorm rent, the Department of University Housing decided last week. The rebate will be given to all three freshmen occupants living in a room built to house two people. The payment will be computed from Aug. 21, the day after halls were opened to freshmen, until the day the third student is relocated in another room. The rebate is computed as 20 percent of the nightly rate charged for a certain hall. This figure is then multiplied by the number of nights students are tripled. This gives the amount of payment due each student. For example, the nightly price for a medium-priced hall is $2.28. Twenty percent of $2.28 if 46 cents. If three students live in their double rooms from Aug. 21 to Oct. 3, each student will receive a rebate of $20.24. The 44 nights from Aug. 21 to Oct. 3 are the minimum number of nights students can be tripled and still receive a rebate. Because the extra student in a tripled room is given 48 hours to relocate, the housing department does not know exactly when the tripled student leaves the room. Therefore, two days are added to the rebate figure. For the previous example, this would add 92 cents, making the total rebate figure for each tripled student $21.16. Using $2.28 multiplied by the minimum 44 nights necessary for a rebate, the total amount of rebates given to the 177 students Candidate claims election board's queries harass By DAVID STACKS Staff Writer The Orange County Board of Elections will not respond to Carrboro mayoral candidate Robert Drakeford's charge that some students were asked improper questions by voter registrations officials, an elections official said Monday. Joe Nassif, elections board chairperson, said the three-member panel only investigates appeals from persons whom registration officials denied the right to register. Drakeford said Sunday he would ask Nassif to investigate reports that registration officials had improperly interrogated prospective voters. But both Nassif and Drakeford said Monday they know of no cases where students were denied the right to register after they were improperly questioned. Sometimes students are denied the right to vote locally after they tell registration officials they do not intend to reside in the area after they leave school, said Hugh Wilson, Orange County Democratic party chairperson. The N.C. Board of Elections has a list of questions local officials may use to determine if a person registering to vote is qualified, under residency requirements, to cast his ballot locally. Drakeford said he is complaining because registration officials have been asking questions that are not on the approved list. "Residency is determined by a conversation between the registrar and will be $3,745.32, Director of H ousing James D. Condie said Monday. This figure, however, is only the minimum total, Condie said. The rebates may total as high as $9,168.60 if students remain tripled until the end of the fall semester, he said. Giving rebates is not a new idea. The refunded payments were given in 1973 when 1,800 students were tripled in 600 rooms. Tripled students received rebates totaling $35,000. The rebate will be credited to the student's account with the University Cashier, where it may be left as credit toward other charges. Or, if the student chooses, he may request a refund two weeks after the extra student in the tripled room is relocated. Fifty male freshmen and nine female freshmen still are living as the third student in double rooms, said Peggy Gibbs, assistant director of housing. The freshmen women will probably be relocated by this week or early next week, she said. Although some of the 50 male freshmen have been offered rooms since Oct. 3, no official notice has been given the Department of Housing as to the number of men accepting the offers. "It will take several more weeks to relocate the men," Gibbs said. "We just don't have enough openings yet." Because it will take several more weeks, men still in triples will receive larger rebates. Oct. 3 was chosen as the beginning date for the rebates because it is approximately one third of the semester, G ibbs said. "This is just an unreasonable length of time to expect students to live in triples." Setting the date at Oct. 3 excludes 313 of the 372 tripled rooms at the beginning of fall semester that were broken up during August 1 ; i U - ...-- " "J 3 r--" lidhnfliif mm am ii 'iVoiiiimilfciiiihMtfiiftiiiiiiwfffl-iiiiiiiiiiii'iiint'ri' rtr .&.sabt&aaHs fli jatfaitiStS&ftsiiM Poet Nikki Giovanni, second in the Carolina Forum speaker series, recited several poems and spoke on the need for black identity Sunday night in Memorial Auditorium. See story on page 4. Staff photo by Allen Jernigan. and September. Others excluded from the rebates are students who voluntarily tripled their rooms to accommodate friends and the 72 upperclassmen housed in study rooms. "Those who voluntarily tripled did this by choice," Gibbs said. "We are offering rebates to those freshmen students who were inconvenienced when it was not their own doing." The upperclassmen housed earlier this year in study rooms will not receive rebates as they had signed cards stating they were willing to live in the study rooms if no other housing was available. No upperclassmen were living in study rooms by Oct. 3. "These upperclassmen had a choice of a kind," Gibbs said. "The tripled freshmen didn't have a choice." This young man is facing the questions of one of Orange registered has caused conflict among county taxpayers. Staff County's registrars during voter registration at the Chapel Hill photo by Fred Barbour. Municipal Building. The fact that he, and others like him, the potential voter," Nassif said. Elections officials, in determining if a person f u If Tl Is the residency requirement, generally ask if a person banks locally, if his car is registered locally and if he attends church locally. "If the individual claims to be a resident, he indeed should be registered to vote," Nassif said. Drakeford said he has received several calls from students who felt they were improperly questioned. The candidate gave two examples of the questions cited in the complaints: "Do you plan to live here the rest of your life?" and "Did you know your parents will lose you as a tax deduction if you register in Orange County?" Both Drakeford and Gerry Cohen, voter registration official for the Orange County Democratic party, said a person's tax status has nothing to do with fulfilling the residency requirement. "That's a total and complete lie," Cohen said. "The test of tax exemption for a student is if parents provide half of his financial support and if he is a full time student. That doesn't have anything to do with the residency requirement." Wilson agreed with Cohen. "Questions like that those could be successfully challenged in court," Wilson said. "They are clearly discriminatory." Drakeford said he believes the disputed questions were asked of students to intimidate them or to prove they did not qualify to register. Drakeford said he sees any challenge of students' rights to vote in Orange County as a challenge to his candidacy. Committee okays fall break in 78 Taylor has final decision By MKKKDIIll CREWS Staff Writer A proposal for a scheduled fall break in 1978 was unanimously approved by the Calendar Committee Monday, but final approval rests with Chancellor N. Fercbee Taylor. Taylor said M onday afternoon he had not received the report and that it would go to several persons before reaching him. He would not comment on whether he would approve the proposal. The proposal was presented to the Calendar Committee by student committee members Arnald Crews and Nick Long. Long said that although the approval was tentative, it represented ii big step towards making fall break a reality. "This is the first step in a long process," Long said. "It also must he approved by the Instructional Personnel Committee and the vice chancellors before it reaches Chancellor Taylor for final approval." Crews said he was optimistic about the proposal's chances of being approved. He said final approval probably would come by Thanksgiving. "The united consensus of the Calendar Committee carries a lot of weight," he said. "The unanimous recommendation makes the possibility of a fall break more feasible." The proposal calls for a two-day break beginning Monday, Oct. 16 with classes resuming Wednesday, Oct. 18. Two extra class days will be added at the end of the semester to make up for missed classes, and the reading day will be eliminated by scheduling exams on Mondays. "By eliminating reading day and beginning exams on Monday, students get a w eekend to study instead of just one day," Long said. Crews said a fall break also would be beneficial for the faculty. "A fall break can help relieve academic pressures for students, and also allow the faculty to catch upongrading,"Crewssaid. Student Body President Bill Moss commended Crews and Long for their efforts in getting Calendar Committee approval for the fall break proposal. "All of their research, time and work has paid off," M oss said. "It shows what students can do. "Other crucial factors were the presentation and the support of Dean Williamson and Vice Chancellor Boulton in rallying administrative support," he said. Samuel R. Williamson is dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, and Donald Boulton is Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs. JkiiSm)! Q,k4Aftrr" ' rni t ,i i wl,.i.,.r,,,,iwllr,riii.ii.,iiri.n.i.iiivi,i.lM,.,iii fiiwiitni'Sla!Nlllli Ammrnrn Carter policy skeptics detrimental to economy By BETSY FLAGLER Staff Writer Uncertainty about President Carter's tax and energy package is bad for business, according to two UNCeconomicobservers. Businessmen, waiting to see how they will be affected by Carter's slow-to-cmerge economic program before making major investments, have been getting worrisome signals from economic indicators. The Dow Jones average has been sliding down for several months. Unemployment hovers around 7 percent. Industrial production declined one-half of I percent in July for the first time since January. As the natibn's money supply rapidly increases and fluctuates from week to week, imports exceed exports by billions of dollars and the U.S. trade deficit may be $30 billion, Secretary of the Treasury Michael Blumenthal says. "The general drift from Wall Street reflects pessimism in the business community," says Roger Waud, a UNC economics prolessor. "The stock market is an indication of people's expectations of the economy. "When you have a lot of uncertainty, people hedge, pull in their horns and are not overexpansionary." Waud says consumers and businessmen can be pretty sure the energy program will mean more taxes. But whether additional taxes will be returned in the form of rebates or spent on government programs remains to be decided, he says. "With a whole host of uncertain issues, businessmen and consumers are not going to spend," Waud says. He calls the lows in the stock market a bad sign. But Maurice Lee, former dean of the Business School, says lows in the stock market should not necessarily be cause for pessimism. "People on Wall Street are totally irrational." Lee &ays. "If we could get clear on the tax and energy programs, I think there is a good chance for more business investment," Lec says. Although he says the slowly emerging economic program is a negative from a business point of view, Lee adds that the Carter administration has not yet done anything of which he is very critical. Waud agrees that at least Carter has not headed off into expensive programs that may accomplish nothing except harming the economy. "But 1 suspect he will before long," Waud adds. The healing process is slow and careful, but Lee says that government spending has been fast enough thus far. "We've had two and one half years of a pretty unexciting recovery," Lee says. "But I was ready for some unexcitement after such a downfall." Critics of the slow, but steady economic recovery rate say the money supply regulated by the Federal Reserve Board (FRB) should be increased to cut unemployment. "If the money supply is increased, the result is more inflation and less improvement," Lee says. The economy, as always, has a basic trade off which the Carter administration cannot avoid. While programs promoting increased government spending may cut unemployment, they also may plunge the nation into worse inflation. Waud, who was on leave from UNC from 1973 to 1975 serving as senior economist for the FRB, says in economics the question is not what we want or what should be done. Please turn to page 2. Original honor system encourages rise of Student Government By HOWARD TROXLER Staff Writer Editor's note: This is the first in a four-part series examing the Honor Code and the honor system at UNC. " shall be the responsibility of every student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to obey the Honor Code, which prohibits lying, cheating or stealing when these actions involve academic processes or University, student or academic personnel acting in an official capacity, and which requires the student to report any violations of which he has knowledge. "It shall be the further responsibility of every student to abide by the Campus Code; namely, to conduct oneself so as not to impair significantly the welfare or the educational opportunities of others in the University community." The Instrument of Student Judicial Governance. These principles, the Honor and Campus Codes respectively, have governed student conduct at the University for more than a century. The Honor Code, in its early stages, represented the first opportunity UNC students had for self -governance, and the origins of UNC Student Government lie in the honor system. Before the Civil War, an honor system at UNC was nonexistent. University administrators, acting in loco parentis, strictly regulated student conduct. A report entitled "Student Government at UNC Past and Present" provides an excellent portrayal of pre-Civil War University life Jeff B. Fordham wrote the report as a UNC student in 1927. "A great number of queer regulations were included," Fordham wrote. "The students were required to be in their rooms by 8 p.m. in the evening and practically the whole day, up to that hour, was mapped out beforehand for them. One requirement was that they had to cleanse their rooms and beds of bugs every two weeks." Paradoxically, student misconduct and cheating during this period of strict regulation was rampant. "Students were wont at times to commit depredations of a very startling nature," Fordham wrote. "At one period students engaged in the malicious practice of committing outrages against the person or property of unpopular faculty members in order to make them leave the institution. In 1802 they 'had it in for' one professor in particular. On one occasion his room was flooded with toad-frogs and terrapins. . .a beehive was placed in his room and at the same time his bed was filled with hair. "Before the closing of the University in 1868 the practice of cheating on examinations was prevalent. 1 n fact, it was so flagrant and common that little sentiment arose from the student body against it. "What the actual situation amounts to was that for the most part students recognized no responsibility in the matter of their own conduct and looked upon it as unmoral as far as they were concerned. (Cheating) was a battle of wits and almost an art." This attitude persisted among students until the closing of the University during Reconstruction. But when UNC reopened in 1875, this tolerance of cheating disappeared, and the new University administration adopted a policy of allowing students to police their own ranks. The students accepted this responsibility with enthusiasm. The newly adopted Honor Code," Fordham wrote, "was a most vital and serious sort of thing. In the eyes of the students, no greater stigma could be placed upon a man than to be branded a cheat." The Honor Code at first was administered by the Dialectic and Philanthropic Literary Societies (Di-Phi). Membership in these societies was mandatory for all students. Near the turn of the century, the first graduate and professional schools were established in Chapel Hill. The students of these schools were exempt from participation in Di-Phi activities because of the demanding nature of their studies. Soon other segments of the student body clamored for exemption from Di-Phi membership, and, in 1889, mandatory membership in the Dialectic and Philanthropic Societies was abolished. Although this relieved some student dissatisfaction with self governance, it soon gave rise to a major problem: There was no longer a single campuswide student Please turn to page 4. Open discussion on drop policy tonight A public hearing on extending the present four week drop period will be held at 8 p.m. today in Room 213-215 of the Carolina Union, and not in 100 Hamilton Hall as reported in a Daily Tar Heel column Monday. The Campus Governing Council (C(iC) is sponsoring the hearing so that students may present their educational reasons for wanting a longer drop period. "This is the last major opportunity for students to air their feelings about the drop policy," Student Body President Bill Moss said Monday. "The Campus Governing Council is very serious in this attempt to get the present policy extended at least two weeks and mavbe more." Moss said CGC members are particularly interested in students who have been adversely affected by the present drop policy. "What the Faculty Council does not realize," Moss said, "is that some students are being adversely affected by the four-week policy. Students are forced to take courses that do not fulfill their educational needs." The Educational Policy Committee of the faculty recently voted unanimously to recommend to the Faculty Council that the present drop policy be continued. The Faculty Council will consider the drop policy at a meeting Oct. 21. CGC members hope to present an alternative proposal to the faculty at that time.