mr S - - 1 " "XL "'X t-J Wednesday, October 12, 1977 The Daily Tar Heel 5 Mm V QflFB . One More Reason Why We're A Lot More Than You Expect In A Food Store You can be sure of the highest quality at the lowest prices. In our USDA Choice meats, in our direct buy ing of only the freshest and finest fruits and vegeta bles, supported by our money back guarantee, you can be sure of more value. There is nothing better than shopping where you slowest prices. More Than urouna Beet 30 12 Oz. Can Edwards Lattice Crust Cherry Pie .... Green Giant Whole Kernel Niblet gy Corn... $4 1 89 38 Oz. I 10 oz. QQc For w7 Green Giant Cream Style Com 2 10Forz 99c $-39 Vroman's Creme.Pops . 24 Pk. MAYONNAISE Qt. Jar White. Yellow. Devils Food , Duncan Hines Cake Mixes I V MA MAQf I 11 lkAlW 1 f -: 4i t iEl ii uiniixn Li..Mi.-ir lis uumuu II, 11X9)1 11 ifwt H IJ . 1 1.1 RnllQ VSSp IV, Box w fj J) If ' V - Av;.!!! V - (I Returnable V X ,.rT ""'r' - J". 1 2 Mt. Dew. Diet Pepsi . i2uz.nji-i i i Jar V-V i .X I : ; Or Rhinegarten j rp-v i Q ? fl (I f :wr; ! Bear ;: '. otF, ? ..... o-i f ; nriuz- - -- l Rtl ' U ! W " get highest quality at the 80 Lean Lb. if (Smaller Pkg. Lb. $1.09) u Pure 100 Florida Frozen Natural Sun Orange Juice 0 11 Frozen Lattice Crust Edwards Apple Pie $ 89 38 Oz. E! Pie U Dukes Mayonnaise O (Limit 1 w$7.50 Order) Smooth Or Crunchy Jif Peanut Butter II i lit I I KM II 'O' E fl t Peanut xeEzS Ij 'li t Schaefer ill;- . 'Ill Prices Effective Through Sunday October 16, 1977 In All Quantity Rights Reserved We Gladly U.S. Choice Quality Trimmed Beef Sirloin Steak Carolina U.S. Choice, Quality Trimmed Beef Semi-Boneless Strip Or Porterhouse Steak $- 89 Beef Steak jfc,j a T-Bones Lb 1 U.S. Choice, Quality Trimmed Quality Trimmed Loin &9Q Veal Chops... Lb. Stuffed, Fresh Scotch Chops Or V UUI 11 VUvIl LD. More Than 70 Lean All Beef fft Choooed Steaks Lb 99c H-T Brand (1 2 Oz. 99c) 4 1 Q Sliced Bacon Lb. I Kwik Kook Brand or Carolina Pride , rff Meat Franks.. Lb. Land-O-Frost All Varieties m Chipped Meats 03z 49c Sea Pak Round Or Fantail m Q onnmp n ouuur u i Just Heat N' Serve A j aa r i r-:il l Keren r . eis . Lb i Luck's Pinto Beans G $ 00 y No. m I Cans - Butter, Lemon or GINGER THmS 11 to 13doz. 79$ J liiii. n. i n J Pride Or Selecto Brand Smoked Picnic 3) Lb. (Halves Or Sliced Lb. 69c) H I V Ears California's Finest Red Grapes Ft 11. Lb; Vanity Fair Towels V x I I .2 MOc II Prell Concentrate Shampoo 5 Oz Tube Carrboro Store only Redeem Federal Food Stamps Quality Trimmed It M u 1 $.ft(siit!te Freshly Sliced Beef Liver 11 1 s 1 Lb. J) (Skinless-Velnless) Hy-Top Buttermilk (4 Oz. 4 For 45c) m m Biscuits 4 12For2 $1 00 Hy-Top (8 Oz. 97c) Shredded Pizza Or Cheddar - Cheese 40z 49 Bikini Com Oil (For Your Health) m Marqarine Lb. t5 V We're a lot mere than you expect in a food store! Veal Shoulder Chops Or Roast $- 49 wm New Crop Florida Sweet Corn II I Emera!-Fleehd Western "7 AC Honeydews .. Each f w Tender Fresh COC Broccoli I. Bunch 0J U.S. No. 1 White AA Potatoes l.Lg6 99 Tomatoes 39c Seneca AAq Apple Cider .. 48 Oz. Southern Sweet Potatoes Favorite 1! Seargeants's fS M. IK beniry iv Flea Collar !J 5 $11 00 i( Lbi. U j i i Ea. U