2 The Daily Tc;1 Heel Thursday, October campus Compiled by Jodi Bishop Public Mrvict nnounctmnti mull ba turned in to the boa outiiOe tha DTH otficei mtht Union by 1 00 p m if may ara to run th not Day Each nam will run at least twict ACTIVITIES TODAY A metiinj ol the CaroHni Indian Orel will be held at ' W p.m. in iht V -Building Electioni will he held. 1 he UNC Watar Pole Club will play tonight at Duke All plavcrt are aiked to meet at the pool at 3: JO. Anyone ii welcome. The gay rip group ipomored h Raleigh MCC will meet at 8 p m in Raleigh For meeting place or information call 929-H4.'or 8JMJH2. A meeting of the 1t7l Walk tor Humanity Organlilng Commhiea will he held at 7 p.m. in the Camput V -Building Everyone intereited in the walk thould attend ror more information call the Campiu Y oft ice The International Center Corlee Hour will teature a IkIc ihow on Oottingen. Went (ierminv, at J p.m in the International Center in Bynum Hall. German putnck and collet will he nerved. A tree reading period ol Carolina Aaadara will he held at 7:.W p.m in I0J Bingham Hall Pleatc hung a reading of m more than three minutei that you would he comlortahlc thanng with the group. Triangle Area Coalition ol the Moblllutlon tor Survival, an anti-nuclear power nuclear weapon group will meet t hurw)a in the Durham Kriendi Meeting Houie at aoa Alexander Ac for more information call WNd2 or 967.7244 Everyone welcome. Mature adult atudanla will meet at p m . 1 huradav in Koom 202-204 Carolina U nion. A II itudent ho are 35 or older are urged to attend William Spencer, coordinator for the National Academy lor Peeoe and Conflict Reeokitlon Campaign, will pek at H p m in Ccrrard Hall Hit talk will he open to the punk' and will he pontored by the Curriculum in Peace. War and Detenne A Young Socialist Porum on the topic ol "Soclallam end Damoracy"illlKhtldai7;Mp.m. in the South (iallen Meeting Room of the Carolina I'nion. dart Sage ol the Raleigh SuohIkI W orker! Part) will make the pretention at the lorum. which it tpontored by the I NC Young Socialm Alliance. Bmy Reevea will be performing in Deep Jonah at 8 p m. Hot apple cider and other relrethmenli will be told. Bring your own beer or wine. No cover charge. The Beat Stale Eitreveoania, a day of lun. it tcheduled lor 2 JO lo 1 1 p it. onCarmichael Field. The Drifter hand will hold an outdoor concert and pep rally, and the Carolina Olympict will he held All proceedt go to the American Cancer Society. TOPIC, a new camput tpeaker tenet dengned with the graduate ttudent in mind will pretent itt Tint tpeaker. 1 erry Maddox of the Graduate Fellowthip Office, at 8p m in the Green RoomofCraige Retidencc Hall. Maddox will tpeak on "Where the Money It." Beat State activities The fifth annual Beat State Extravaganza gears up with the Carolina Olympics at 2:30 p.m. today on Carmichael Field. Activities will continue until 5 p.m. The activities are sponsored by Delta Upsilon fraternity and the Recreation Committee of the Carolina Union along with Durham Distributing Co. and Eliot's Nest disco. Proceeds will go to the American Cancer Society. A pep rally will be held at 7 p.m. today on Carmichael Field. The marching band, the cheerleaders, Coach Bill Dooley and selected playerg will be on hand for the celebration. After the pep rally, the original Drifter will I With This Coupon FREE BEVERAGE OF YOUR CHOICE with your meal Offer good tonight. October 13 only I I 1 I ALL ABC PERMITS Whether you're a man or a woman, if you can agree that you don't feel the ume every day, then you can probably ajcrrt that you p through cycle. Those cycles are called biorhythma. You have three of them. A 23-day physical cycle A 28-day emotional cycle. And a 33Ly intellectual cycle. You also have up and down penods in each. And your daily pouoon in each of these cycles has a lot to do with hirw you teel You have 3 biertivihm evclet. hvtlctl. Imoitonallof rntliivlivl. And Inlf Itrciual. Your dailv posiilun in rach uf Ihrsc cycles has a lot lu dt wilhhow youlfftl. So it follows, that if you know what your biorhythms will tie lor any given uay, cnanccs Arc you u nave a prary good idea ot how you can expect to feel. That's why people keep trackof their biorhythms. Be cause by knowing when you're up biorhythmitally you can be sure you put the tune to gixai use. And by know ing when you're down biorhythmitally you can pick yourself up psycholonically. To keep track of your biorhythms you could spend hl.am.m) on an IBM W.)c miputer. Or a couple of hours a day with a pencil and paper. But you can do all the biorhythmic calculations you'll ever need on the Kosmos 1 Biorhythm Computer and Calculator Punch ti day's djte along with your binhdate into one ot Kosmos I s memi ry banks Then push a button and your position in each o( the threv cyck'S will licht up for you toscv. You can look h a memory feature on any ot! biorhythm calculator But you won't hndnne Push the reverse kevon Kosmirs I and vou'll see what your b 'rhythms were in the past Press the forward key and you II see what they U ne in the future. You'll know w hen to expect a cntical day, when vou're crossing from one side irf a cycle to the other, because a red light will warn you. You'll Know when to expect a rruni-cntical day, wncn! you're at the very top or bottom of any cycle and changing direction, because a yellow bjtfit will alert vou lust don't cxnect other biorhvthm calculators tt have these features Because they'll disappimt you. Key someone else's birthdate into another Kosmos I memorv hank and sn their biorhvthm. Then press the compatibihr'suTiiranty' key and see what percentage of ume your biorhythmic cycles are in phase with the other person's. There's lust no other practical way to figure that out, no matter what you use. One more point K osmos I is also one ul the finest rot it ruooion anthmeuc calculator rnjc&. FREE DEMONSTRATION $ o Jk H I Ridiculous ,hm,,fd ,urply) r r-- ' : V .t T7TTT?TTQ 405 W. rranklin jt. RUFUS ELECTRONICS 13, 1977 calendar - Daphne Atrial will read Irom a lorthcoming novel at 8 p m in Ml New Wett. All are welcome. I he UNC Jugglers Aaaoclatlon will meet ut 4 p.m h the Old W ell Hcginnert are welcome. Fvcryonc it welcome to attend the Chrlatlan Science Organlutlon meeting at 6 p.m in the South (.alien Meeting Room Carolina I'nion Effective healing prater will he the tuhicvl ol the meeting. Frederick A. Fithei. Department Unmina ol the Hoard ol fxaminen for the Foreign Service, will meet ut Itlu m. in Room 217 Carolina I'nion with ttudcntt interettrd in foreign service office careers. I hv application deadline lot the examination i Ovl. 2 1, and the date ol examination it I et. J. Morcinlormulionit atailahk at tne Career Planning (Htm in 21 1 Hanct Hall. The Alchemlet, I NC't mterditciplinan tcience maguinc will hu' u meeting at 8 pm in the Carolina I'nion All interested ttudcntt thould attend A beginning needlework clan will hegm at ' p m. in 42 Hamilton Hall Call Ann at 9M-I47I hclorc J p.m. lor more inltirmuliiin A meeting ol the Young Buddhist Republicans will he held at 8 VI p m in the Frank Porter Graham Koom. C arolina I num. I he LDSSA ( Mormont) will present "Ancient America Spcakt" and"lhe Three Witneet"al 8 p.m. in IUI Greenlaw Hall. Dr, .lamct (iinan, 1'niven.iu l ibrarian, and (iordon Ruthcrlord. Director ol I nitertily Planning, will meet with interested graduate and prolckiional ttudcntt and anyone cite concerned with the plan of the new centrallied library el 4 p m in III Murphev Hall UPCOMING EVENTS Prol Peter A W I ewu Irom the Nasal Postgraduate School in Monterey. Caltl . will speak on Models lor Positive-Valued and Discrete Time Serlea at Jpm Friday in 2 J4 Phillips Hall All arc tnsited. A coflee hour will he held Irom 2 Jtllo Jp m in 1112 Phillips Annex Sonahbie, Christian Musk- with u dillcrence. will he presented by the Cornerstone Colleehouse at 8 p m Friday, in the Catholic Church ol St. Thomas More The Grad Brothers of Omego Pal Phi Fraternity, Inc., will sponsor the October ANelr 77 at V p.m. Friday in Great Hull. Carolina Union. Musk tor thrs exclusne night it provided hv "1 Kutd Pleasure " Tickctt are SI VI at the door. VYXYC, It ) PM, it sponsoring a Bluegreee Featlval from J to begin at 2:30 perform at an outdoor concert until 1 1 p.m. A dance contest will be sponsored by Eliot's Nest during the concert. All contestants must sign up at Eliot's Nest before the contest to be eligible to participate. Each organization participating in the Olympics i asked to donate at least $10 to the fund-raising drive. Delta Upsilon fraternity brothers also are soliciting $1 donations from students in exchange for a chance to win coolers, free dinners, tickets and other prizes that have been donated by Chapel Hill merchants. Names ol student contributors will be drawn at random throughout the day Thursday. 42-81 S3 1010 Hamilton Rd. Chapel Hill Juat oil IntvrMction of 1S-S01 BypaaatHwyM (Acroea troen Oban Lannoa hopping center) That's why Kosmos 1 figurea to make life easier no matter how you use it. 10 sum it ail up, no inner pocKci-sizc our rhythm calculator can do as mucn tor you as the Kosmos l tuornytnm Computer and Calculator. A lot ol uhlettt k p UKk ol ihrlr blu- ihvlhint. eectutt ll iney n on inr ur o ol iheli fhvtlcal cycle ihey know ll'torohtSlyitoodilmr locomaeie. II ihcy'non ihedimn tide they know they have in psveh ua. ul cm iilll do well. It'll make sure you know when to expect a pxtd day so you can take advantage of it And when to expect a day when things could he a little rough, so you can compensate fur it. And Knowing an mat nas to mane you icvi giu anytime KQBM08 1 Btorhytnm t-omputer rvci (.AicuMitor. I I s$oA i r w jrm airi m m .-.J u m H 111 aT Tl II .."PM!?y, llWIIHiSl at. M7-a.T-i II T x ir-''ny if i . cN Res- so.00 f FRIDAY, OCT. 14 10:00 'til 6:00 Stop by Ridiculous Rufus and let a representative from Kosmos Biorhythm Computers check your biorhythm for you. Special Introductory Price onnA thru Saturdavl lbcc ' ' Biorhythm Sporti Forecasting Book with purchase of a Biorhythm Calculator ...ii.. 929-7216 midniahi Salurdaj at the-1 Hrcst I hcatrc. I ickcu arc nn sak- at the ( arolina I'nion Desk lor $1. I he Pltymakara Raprtory Company (PRC) prtatnta Pattf hr' play Iquua On. IJ through .10 at X n m mi I kivvduss n nil Suturdayt anil at 2 p m Sundat. I stra perliirmanu's have hevii added ut K p m nn Sunduv. Oct. 2.1. and at 2 pm. on Wodiwsdas. Oct 2ti I iir more mliirmatinn call the htix olliw at 1.M-II2I Opao utlltlona lm Htendan Hehan't " I he Hostage" will he hekllriim4loftp.nl Indaj and Irom ,t Hi J p.m Suturda) inil (iriihum Memorial Hall. II possible, please prepare a two minute audition piece ( monologue. Mint or dance). I'erliirmancedali'lor Ihit I ah Iheatre tho are Nm. 17 through 20 ITEMS OF INTEREST Students who would like the opportunity to atudy In Ortat Britain should contact Kulrinu Garner at the International ( enter (.VMMI to make un appointment Mr K ti . t nllins, Direcloi ol Studies lor Higher Iducation in luiopc, will he m the International C'eniei. Bnum Hall, on Monda Anyone interested should check hs the AWS olllct lm details and events taking pluce inOctohci I hi .tliee i- UkjiccI in Sum-1 . Carolina I nion I he National Aaaoclatlon tor Olrli and Woman In Sporti, m coniunction with International ".omen's Year, is sponsi gt l siaie goseinment please tome hs t ateci I'k torch rally run Irom Senceu hulls. New Y ork, to Houston, lexus. I'lacemenl ai 211 llanes Halt Ranana PYnfvrim Ant fn cAttlA dispute over pyramid power By EVELYN SAHR did it jokingly. 1 wasn't trying to si Stiff Writer Dietrich Schroeer. associate professor of physics, and David Craft, a junior journalism major, are trying to resolve their disagreement over the power of pyramids. In a Sept. 7 article in the Daily Tar Wee. Craft expounded on the "great mystical forces of pyramids." He cited an experiment, first described in Playboy, in which a banana is divided into three separate pieces. One slice is placed under a sealed dish, another on a sealed dish, and a third under a pyramid. Supposedly the third slice will be preserved because the pyramid is so shaped that microwaves in the atmosphere in the atmosphere form bands of electromagnetic power in a cone shape around the structure and deflect many of the sun's rays. In a letter to the editor. Schroeer made a "sporting offer" to Craft. He challenged the student to conduct the experiment for 10 days and then eat the banana slice under the pyramid. Schroeer teaches Physics 37. a course which deals with physics in society. As this type of phenomenon is sometimes talked about in his classes, he felt that he should be the one to question the validity of the experiment. Half Original Recipe, half Extra Crispy. So everybody's happy with the Colonel's chicken. And it's all finger lickin' good. America's Country Good Meal Ktnturkii Fried kiiktH. Chapel Hill: 319 East Main Street in Carrboro'Durham: 609 Broad Street 814 Ninth Street910 Miami Boulevard7005 Roxboro RoadRaleigh: 1831 North Boulevard700 Peace Street 1314 New Bern Avenue3600 Hillsborough Street J) PRICE IS BIG REASON TO COME TO MILTON'S FOR QUALITY CLOTHES! Just received Cotton Blend Khaki Suits Reg. $140 European cut Wool Blend Vested Striped Suits $CQ Qfl Vested Corduroy Suits Crew Neck Wool Shetland Sweaters Reg. $30 Cotton Blend Khaki Pants Milton's is a member ot the country's most powerful buying co op. We pay less for our fine merchandise and pass the savings on to you. ! : Ul CLOTira 163 E. Franklin St. i Downtown Chapel Hill Hours: I housands ol women w til cam a torch in this relav symbolima ihe hopes and dreams ol women lor equal opportunity I he run will come thiough Kaleigh on Oct. 20. Women intt'iested in participating m gctnng inlormaiion should call Manha I ahevre at 2hn-J27 or Jenns I eith at Ihe ( Phvsnal I ducaiion llepartmenl. II vou are interesied in iiitciidiniia talk h Maxim Hiowuahoui woman In managamtnt, please go h the WS ullicc at Suite I). ( arolina I'nion. to sign up I he deadline lor mint lm Hit lull issue ol the Callar Door is Salurdas. (Ki I I'ocms. shoo slones and graphics can he suhmitied to eithn Hox 2: .u ihe I nion Desk oi tht Callar Door Ollice, 205 Y Building I he Chapol Hill Parka and Rtcrtatlon Dapartnwnl is in need ol coaches loi its gu ls husl.cihall league Anyone interesied in working with young girlsi patents, students, etc I is welcome to help oul I ot lurthet inlormatioii conlacl ( ind SoIk at C till est 210 I ree portraits lor the IVK Vacktty Vack will he taken hy Sirtent Studios (K'l 24ihioughtn 4 Ml students should make appointments am i'tkd.n ut Ihe I ninnheiuccii''a ni and Vp m . al Ihe outl between 1 J in and I p in ot hs tailing utl. 'Jo ht-tween I and 5 p ni Nit yuua raaldant ol tha atala ol Maw York? It com lutnit is m New , oik mill you would he inleicsled man inltiltsliii' in the held til stale goseinment pleust tome h t ateci rtaiiiitiig and I did it jokingly. I wasn't trying to sound aggressive, Schroeer said. "I just wanted people to realize that the supposed reasons for this occurrence are pure nonsense." According to Schroeer. microwaves, dust like those in a microwave oven, would go right through the pyramid and wouldn't help preserve the banana at all. Craft, proclaiming the challenge is a matter of pride, agreed to the experiment. It was launched last Thursday in the storage room on the top floor of Phillips Hall. Willie Koch, professor of botany, has agreed to evaluate the freshuess of the banana slices M onday. The loser will eat the results in a banana cake. Although Craft accepted the challenge "more or less in fun," he said his credibility as a journalist had been attacked. "Prof. Schroeer told me in so many words that I'd done a sloppy journalistic job." To insure there would be no tampering with the experiment, the pyramid and shoe box. which replaced the dish, were taped to the floor. "He's (Schroeer) a whole lot more serious about this than I am," Craft said. "I'm a journalist, and not a scientist. I don't know why it works, but if it doesn't. I'll be really surprised," Craft said. ONLY THE $69.90 Reg. $140 $59.90 $13.90 Reg. $120 $12.90 Reg. $25 n ) CUPuOARD Mon -Sat. 10-6:30 Sun 1-4 Phone 9R8-4408 W University GRADUATE STUDY IN PUBLIC POLICY The LBJ School of Public Affairs at The University of Texas at Austin emphasizes public policy analysis, interdisciplinary research" and summer internships in government agencies in its graduate programs: -Master's degree in Public Affairs -Joint Degrees Program with the UT Law School Meet with a representative at: Office of Placement The University of North Carolina Friday October 14, 9:00-12:00 a.m. ferTo Advertise VY A in the Daily Tar Heel ... it's no gamble. DTH Classifieds Announcements DURHAM -CHAPEL HILL SKI & SPORTS CLUB kick-off meeting Monday, October 17th, 8 p.m., Royal Oaks Apts, Clubhouse on 15 501. Phone 942-1120 STUDENTS WELCOME - Binkley Baptist Church, S.E. corner of University Mall. Rides available from Student Union (Raleigh Rd. entrance) and Chase Cafeteria each Sunday, 9:20 for Church School (College Class) and 10:30 for Morning Worship at 11:00. Dress optional - we know Jesus never had a tie. CAMPUS COPY CENTER OPENING soon! On the alley by the big rock next to the Port Hole restaurant . Watch for grand opening this month! For Rent FOR SALE GRADUATE STUDENT CONTRACT in Craige for male or female. Call Rich 933-7114. Keep trying. For Sale SPECIAL THIS WEEK only! Long stem red roses $12.50 per dozen. Cash & carry. Limited supply. Ftynt's Florist ,310 West Franklin. 967 9394. UN1SONIC 799 Calculator - Has memory. Does logs, sins, cos, etc. $70. Call Debra, 933-5379 1974 Jawa CZ motorcycle less than 3000 miles. Needs new battery plus few minor repairs. Otherwise good condition. Great for around town. 967-7946 after 4:30 p.m. FRESH SEAFOOD: Shrimp, scallops, fish, clams, oysters, frozen lobster tails. Every friday 9 until ? Saturday morning til noon. Behind Quick Food Mart, corner Church & Rosemary. Help Wanted COMPARDIES NOW OPENING UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT COMPARDIES RESTAURANT, LOCATED AT JONES FERRY AND DAVES ROAD IN NEARBY CARRBORO, WILL SOON BE REOPENING WITH A NEW NAME AND NEW MANAGEMENT FEATURING A WIDE SELECTION OF EXCELLENT FOODS AND THE BEST IN LIVE ENTERTAINMENT. HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO JOIN THE WORKING STAFF OF THIS NEW ESTABLISHMENT WHICH WILL MORE THAN LIKELY PUT CHAPEL HILL ON MOST DINING AND ENTERTAINMENT MAPS. NOW HIRING AT TOP WAGES AND OFFERING BEST BENEFITS TO BOTH FULL AND PARTTIME HELP. IMMEDIATE EMPLOYMENT FOR BARTENDERS, COOKS, DISHWASHERS, ATTRACTIVE WAITRESSES. APPLY IN PERSON AT COMPARDIES BETWEEN 10 AM AND 3 PM MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY. COMPARDIES JONES FERRY AT DAVES 942 8588 OPEN AUDITIONS before live cameras. 5 male and 2 female actors needed. Independent project associated with RTVMP Dept . Thursday, Oct. 16, 7 to 10 p.m. Studio 1, Swain Hall. CAMPUS COPY CENTER opening soon! On the alley by the big rock next to the Port Hole restaurant. Watch for grand opening this month! ADDRESSERS WANTED IMMEDIATELY! Work at home no experience necessary excellent pay. Write American Service, 8350 Park Lane, Suite 269, Dallas, TX 75231. ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS: Looking for a part-time job with good income, flexible hours, and real expnyni.e with a career opportunity in the business world? Call Jim Morgan, Northwestern Mutual Life, 942 4187. Hackney's has storm parkas The Anorak by Woolrich...a windrain resistant hooded jacket sized generously to be worn over the bulkiest clothing. Ideal for hiking, hunting. ..foul weather protection. for people who play. Mall Chapel Hill AMERICAN PASSAGE: a nationwide marketing organization has a limited number of openings for college students to earn an excellent part time income posting advertising materials on campus. Absolutely no selling. Write for details to Michael Gross, 708 Warren Avenue North, Seattle, WA 98109. Lost & Found LOST: W.F.U. GAME, 14kt Slink bracelet, Stadium, Sec.'l4C or bathroom near there. Gift from a deceased friend. Reward. Please call 933 3694. Miscellaneous COLLEGIATE RESEARCH PAPERS. Thousands on file. All academic subjects. Send $1.00 for mail order catalog. Box 25918-Z, Los Angeles, Calif. 90025. (213) 477-8474. CONTACT LENS WEARERS: Save on brand name hard and soft lens' supplies. Send for free illustrated catalog. Contact Lens Supplies, Box 7453, Phoenix, Arizona 85011. INSTA-COPY offset printing & quick copying while you wait. 100 satisfaction guaranteed. Check our fast service and low price on theses work. Insta copy, corner of Franklin & Columbia (over the Zoom). 929-2147. CONDOM SAMPLERS. Learn the difference between condoms with one of our famous sample packs. Preshaped, textured, colored, lubricated skins, stubs. Designed to increase sexual satisfac tion. Adam & Eve, Franklin & Columbia (over the Zoom). 929-2147 Personal MY DEAREST BEAR My love for you will never end Missing you terribly in Paoli Love always, J.J. WOMEN'S SOFTBALL TEAM members: I am pleased to announce that as of 3:30 a.m. Thursday 1 am officially an aunt to an adorable 8 lb. 6 oz. baby boy! "Aunt Clara." IT'S COME AT LAST! Happy 21st birthday to Tom Rawls. Hope the phone calls didn't keep you up. Good luck on your gift. Love, Chele. VICKI, I LOVE YOUR irish setter! He's adorable and so are you. Hope to see you both on campus more often. Stay tuned. Interested. TO THE TWIT of 29W: In a closed mouth flies don't enter. Keep yours shut or we can have it shut for you. Your peers. Transportation RIDE WANTED for child any or all of the following times. From Odum Village to Chapel of Cross, 9 a.m. Tues., Thurs., Fri. Return to Odum Village 12 noon. Could be on bus. Will pay. Call 942-2888. Tha Dally Tat Haal I publlthad by tha Dally Tar Had Board ot Dlraetora ot th Onrwalry ol North Carolina dairy Monday through Friday during tha regular acadamle yaar aacapt during aam parted, vaeaUona and aummar aaaalona. Tha following dataa art to b only Saturday laauaa: SapL 17, Oct. 1, C, 22, Nov. S. Tha Summar Tar Haal la pubHahad waakly on Thuradaya dur ing aummar aaaalona.. Olllcaa ara at tha Frank Porter Graham Sludanl Union Building, Unlvaralty ol North Carolina, Chapal Hill, N.C. 2T514. TaWphona numbara: Nwa, Sporta S33-0245, S33-024S, 133-0372; Bualnaaa, Circulation, AdvarMaing 933-11N, 933-0252. Subacrlptlon rata: by third ciata mall, $12.50 par aamaatar, $5 00 aummar only, $30.00 ptr yaar; by lat claaa mall, $30.00 par aamaatar, $5.00 aummar only, $65.00 par yaar. Tfta C ampul Oovamlng Council ahaH hava powara to dalarmlna tha Studant ActMtlaa Faa and to appropriate all ravanua darhrad from tha Studant Actlvrtlaa Faa (1.1.14 ot tha Studant Conatltutlon). Tha Dally Tar Haal kt a atudant organlutlon. Tha Dally Tar Haal raaarvaa tha right to raguhtta fha typographical tona of all advaitlaamanta and to ravtoa turn away copy H eonaldara obkctlonabla. Tha Dally Tar Haal wDI no! conaldar adkiatmanta or pay man! tor any typographical arroraor arronaoua maartlon unlaaa noUca la glvan to tha Bualnaaa Manaoar within (1) ona day alter tha advortlaamant appaara, wKhki (1) ona day ol racalvlng tha tear ahaate or aubacrtptlon ol tha papar. Tha Dally Tar Haal win nol ba raaponaibte for 1 mora than ona Incorrect tntartlon ol an advartlaomant achaduted to run aavaral tlmaa. No tic for auch correc tion muat bt glvtn bafora tha naat Inaartlon. Verna Taylor, Butinatt Manager Dan Cotima. Advartlelng Maner North Hills. Raleigh I

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