Clear The high today will be near 60, the low tonight will be in the high 40s and the high Thursday will be near 60. The chance of rain is 10 percent through tonight. f"' hi a 45 Viiimm i urinal Books Walter Spearman reviews recent books every Wednesday in the Daily Tar Heel This week his literary lantern is on page 3. 4 Sriim: 1 1 if iiulfni ami ; I mrrii nmuminiiv mihv IXVt Volume 85, Issue No. 38 Wednesday, October 19, 1977, Chapel Hill, North Carolina Please call us: 933-0245 On UNC admissions Pro-Bakke could have By NANCY HARTIS Staff Writer If the U.S. Supreme Court rules in favor of Allan Bakke in his controversial "reverse discrimination" case, the impact on admissions policies at UNC would be tremendous and instantaneous, according to UNC admissions and law experts. "1 think if the issue is decided on very narrow grounds, it could have a large impact on admissions offices everywhere," Richard Cashwell, director of undergraduate admissions, said Tuesday. Cashwell said a "narrow" decision would be one in which the court ruled that only objective criteria, such as grade-point averages and Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) scores, constitutionally could be used in accepting applicants to universities. "I'm hoping this won't happen, or if it does, it will be on such extremely narrow grounds, it won't affect this office," Cashwell said. In the Bakke case, the University of California at Davis medical school is appealing a California Supreme Court ruling striking down its special admission program, which reserves 16 of its seats in each entering class for disadvantaged applicants. Allan Bakke, a 37-year-old white engineer, won that ruling on the argument that he was discriminated against because of his race and would have been admitted had it ' not been for the program. Although UNC has no formal quota system based on race or other considerations, Cashwell said, there is more to admissions decisions than grade-point averages and SAT scores. A person's family background, school he or she attended and the courses it offered, unusual talents and unusual handicaps are Spring Preregistration Preregistration begins next week for some students. The follow ing is the schedule for all classes. FRESHMEN Nov. 2 adviser appointment books available for sign up. Nov. 7 to 22 preregistration period. SOPHOMORES Oct. 19 adviser appointment books available for sign-up. Oct. 24 to Nov. 4 preregistration period. JUNIORS, SENIORS Oct. 31 to Nov. 4 preregistration period. DECEMBER GRADUATES Oct. 31 deadline for applying for December graduation. Experiment By EVELYN SAHR Staff Writer Proponents of "pyramid power" won a major battle Monday afternoon when it was revealed that a banana placed under a pyramid in Phillips Hall had remained relatively fresh for 1 1 days. The banana was placed under the pyramid as part of an experiment conducted by Dietrich Schroeer, associate professor of physics, and David Craft, ' a junior journalism major. The experiment was the result of a challenge made to Craft by Schroeer after the student wrote an article printed in the Daily Tar Heel which dealt with the theory that pyramids have "great mystical forces." Three banana slices, one in the open air, one Experience asset to Braswell in Toronto fund-raising drive By PAM BELDING Staff Writer Raising money seems to be Ty Braswell's specialty. The 23-year-old graduate student in the UNC speech department currently is coordinating the fund-raising activities for this year's Toronto Exchange Program, but his unusual fund-raising background goes back to his undergraduate days at the University of Richmond. For instance, Braswell will tell you about the 1,380-pound submarine sandwich. On a spring day in 1975, many persons were gathered in the University of Richmond's gymnasium to witness the building and eating of an 800-foot submarine sandwich. A notary public was there to time the whole thing; an official from Virginia's bureau of weights and standards was there to weigh and measure the finished product; and the vice president of David Paradine Productions was there to film the event for entry in the Guiness Book of World Records. Miss Virginia was there also, though Susan Ford and Johnny Carson couldn't make it. Braswell. who had organized the court ruling huge impact some considerations when a person applies for admission to UNC, Cashwell said. "The whole thing is Iraught with problems, even if you just concentrate on statistics." Cashwell said. "People are individuals and von can't make them all alike" Two constitutional law protessors at the UNC School ol Law also said the court's decision could have large impact on UNC. but they were reluctant to predict which way the court would rule. "Whatever the court decision, it will have the effect of law." Daniel Pollitt, professor of constitutional law, said Tuesday. "I don't think it would take long at all for the decision to affect this school and others." he added. Pollitt predicted the court's decision would go beyond education and would influence employment standards and affirmative-action movements for blacks and women in the job market. "1 will be surprised and disappointed if the Supreme Court upholds Bakke." said William P. Murphy, professor ol constitutional law. Murphy said he thought the California court decision was wrong. "It is one thing to use a racial criterion to disadvantage the race." Murphy said. "That is clearly unconstitutional; but the Davis admissions policy was not adopted to disadvantage whites. "It is another thing to use a racial criterion to overcome past discrimination against the race, which is what Davis did." UNC President William C. Friday also has been looking at the Bakke case carefully. "I've followed every word of it because the outcome of it affects us all," he said. Friday speculated that the outcome would be a limited and narrow view, but said he never would try to guess what a court of law is going to do. leaves prof with banana under a shoe box and one under a pyramid were left in their positions from Oct. 6 until Oct. 17. Willie Koch, associate professor of botany, evaluated the freshness of the banana slices and determined Schroeer the loser. Under the terms of the challenge, Schroeer will have to eat the remnants of the experiment in a banana cake. When the bananas were revealed, according to Craft, the two slices not placed under the pyramid were brown and had shrunk to the size of his little finger. The banana under the pyramid was its normal size, just slightly brown and sweet and juicy. "I still don't believe it," Schroeer said. "1 will admit I was surprised, though. 1 didn't believe that there would have been that much project, said, "She didn't eat any of the sandwich, and it cost us $175." The lettuce, cheese and meat committees worked non-stop for 24 hours to put the 2,000 pounds of ingredients into the sandwich. But it ended up weighing only 1,380 pounds, Braswell said, because the workers had gotten hungry. The security guards fought back the 1,400 people who had paid to eat the sandwich. "We almost had a riot," Braswell said. "People thought they weren't going to get into the gym to eat it." Basically, the crowd was a bunch of persons with acute cases of the munchies, he said. Once they were let into the gym, they ate the 796-foot-6 inch sandwich in 7 minutes and 22 seconds. "We fed one group of people who had paid to eat the sandwich, and that money paid for people who couldn't afford food," Braswell said. The sandwich never made it into the Guinness book, however. Merv Minoff, vice president of David Paradine Productions which produced the David Frost show about Guinness, told Braswell the film wasn't of good quality. "He just didn't want to do it," Braswell said, for reasons still unknown to r A I v 't rv' v I! V' I 1 1 lit !? (I V i - Tuesday was a warm day, so Vernon Elmore and Ronnie Tudor took to the streets to play Fli-Back, a toy that some college students would blush to admit they can't master. Staff photo by Fred Barbour. Majority-rule proponent speaks at UNC Zimbabwean advises U.S. to stay out of conflict By BETSY FLAGLER Staff W riter Stay out of Rhodesia. That is the message to the U.S. 'government from Tirivafi Kangai. a representative of Rhodesia's largest liberation organization, the Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU), who spoke in Upendo Lounge Monday evening. "We can remove Ian Smith on our own," Kangai said, as he stood in front of a red and white banner that read "Africa Must Be Free." Rhodesia, called Zimbabwe by its 6 million African inhabitants, is ruled by a minority regime of 250,000 whites led by Prime Minister lan Smith. The visit by the ZANU representative is leading up to Zimbabwe Liberation Day Nov. 12, the day in 1965 when the United Nations called the Rhodesian government of a difference in the freshness of the three bananas. "I expected to be able to say that there was no pyramid power and to show that it was nonsense. Now I know that a much more carefully controlled experiment needs to be conducted." Although Schroeer plans to eat the banana in a cake on Thursday in his Physics 37 class, he said the experiment still does not prove the existence of pyramid power. He said many explanations exist that could account for the difference in freshness of the bananas not connected with the "mystical forces" cited in Craft's article. "I don't mind saying I was surprised," Craft said. "It was a big thrill. He(Schroeer) just stood there with hisjawhangingdown. Bill f m M$MmMW. ilIilil91Plilllf SSK iiipftiiiii .1 i ,a ' Ty Braswell, currently coordinating the fund-raising activities for the Toronto Exchange Program, made the Guinness Book of World Records with his 800-foot submarine sandwich. Staff photo by Allen Jernigan. him. The submarine sandwich was the second of two fund-raising projects that Braswell organized as head of the Richmond student union's Special Events Committee. He transferred to the University of Richmond his sophomore year alter illegal because the Smith regime declared independence from Great Britain to avoid majority rule. "By our own confrontation, we are own liberators." Kangai said. "Other people can help us w ith the lunds. ol course: but we are going to do the actual lighting on our own." Kangai began his talk, one in a series sponsored by the Zimbabwe Liberation Day Coalition, which includes the Black Student Movement ol UNC. by having his audience chant alter him in Zimbabwean. "Forward with the revolution" and "Down with the oppressors." "Our struggle is not racial." Kangai said. "It is a struggle to overthrown the lew who are exploiting the majority." ZANU is part of the Patriotic Front, a group of nationalist organizations in Rhodesia that seek a transfer of power from the current government to the majority rule. on face "I never said in the first place that 1 believed in it (pyramid power). I just wanted the thing to work out of pride alone. I've taken a lot of grief from a lot of people about this." Schroeer said he challenged Craft only because he wanted people to realize that the reasons for this occurrence were pure nonsense. Ctuft. who accepted the challenge "more or less in fun," said his credibility as a journalist had been attacked. Schroeer invited Craft to come to his physics class on Thursday to watch him eat the banana cake. Craft plans to wear a black T-shirt with the words "Pyramid Power Be With You" printed on it when he appears in the class. spending his freshman year at University College, the extension division of Richmond. He didn't get into Richmond right aw ay, he said, because of "running my big mouth in high school and grades that weren't good enough." Please turn to page 3. Drop-period proposal still not prepared by student officials No member found to present recommendations to council B J AC 1 III CMLS Muff N riler With two days to go heioie the faculty Council meeting Friday, the Campus Governing Council (CCiC) and the 'Executive Branch of Student Government have yet to prepare a proposal lor extending the drop period. Also. Student Government (SG) has not found a Faculn Council member to present the proposal to the council at the 3 p.m. meeting Friday in KM) Hamilton Hall. Only a Faculty Council member can present the proposal to the council in the torm of a motion. Otherwise, the council cannot consider the proposal. . CGC representative Sonya Lewis, who is on the CGC committee researching the proposal, said she had asked Prof. Henry II. Dearman to present the proposal, but in a telephone interview Tuesday. Dearman denied that he had been approached about presenting it. "I haven't heard anything about it." he said. Dearman said he would not consider presenting the proposal it it were brought to "Fighting will save the interests of our people." Kangai said. "We tried civil disobedience, constitutional reforms, but nothing changed. We had to change our peacelul . methods and move towards revolutionarv violence to obtain majority rule." Kangai said that in April l6. theZANU faced the Smith regime with weapons. "We caught lan Smith taking a nap," Kangai said ith a smile. "He never thought an African could use a weapon." ZANU agreed to negotiate with Smith at the end of 1974. a move which resulted in no more control for the majority. According to Kangai. Smith said at the time. "There will never be independence in a thousand years. Do you think I would negotiate myself right out of power?" He has not. And the power he asserts today is called a terrorist regime by Kangai. "I can't go in to see my family," he said. "I left Zimbabwe seven years ago. If I were to return today I would be arrested." Some 2 to 3 million persons have been forcibly resettled in villages guarded by soldiers. Rhodesian officials call the villages hamlets for the defenseless blacks. Kangai called the villages concentration camps that have no electrical or sanitary facilities. "I f anyone is out of his hut after 6 p.m., he is shot on sight." Kangai said. "I heard in one camp that 300 people are using 30 blankets. "This is not propaganda. This is reality." he added. "The days of lan Smith are numbered. If 1 lift I .'( ' k a 1 1 .. f the ; s him. "I am in lavor ol the current policy." he said. Bob long, who also has worked on preparing the proposal, said he believed Dearman would present the proposal to the faculty Council after seeing it. "1 feel that if he doesn't want to present it, there will be someone else." Long said. Student Body President Bill Moss said SG was Inning dilficulty finding a professor to present the proposal at the Faculty Council meeting. "We haven't had anything definite to show them." he said. Moss said it would have been better to have the proposal prepared now, rather than having a committee still working on it. A telephone survey of 1(H) students on the drop period, conuueted over a two-day period, w as to have been completed Tuesday night. I he survey asks students whether they lav or a short or a long drop period, whether they had ever dropped a course because of fear of receiving a bad grade, what length drop period they would recommend and Please turn to page 3 Tirivafi Kangai fighting is the only way to achieve peace and justice we have no alternative. "We're more defined than ever before, because of the violence. Because of the gun." Kangai criticized the U.S. government for supporting the Smith regime (the United States is one of only a few countries, including South Africa and Japan, that still have ties with Rhodesia) and the United Nations for negotiating to recolonie Zimbabwe, write a new constitution and dismantle Patriotic Front forces. . i rtw vv. v.--: r.j . v . Nth. V ' . 'i 'T'1 it'-''way on Tour" progrum with one of the most .;,-!m ! tl!Hrtuiy,Oj)jrf,Thtplay,whichranalmost .- wul !c presented toti'ght at 8 pm. in Memorial HalL ; .'.) pii aic available, ut the Carolina Union desk. !'.-" Onsvpkr Ibherwood'i Berlin Stories true-life : ' f s- e In 195 J as cm a Camera. The musical 15 1 : ! ., ,J"t ur.,1 bled put trait of Germany on the eve of ' Jlc-jc'J storekeeper and the keeper of a ; t ,'nd th.." wauvard cabaret singer who r it . .h end mirrored,, presided over bv t v nrnes J! tFcir beauty and anguish thiough tlie . r, v 10 Mv, w ith its vai lous me.. tup iii ki b, and the NaioMicers present at hers arc- also on. the program, helping to imm this era. Behind all this devil-mayi t.f the Hitler regime, looms. large.- A .ibuilv to balance hilarin with a torse of aKiituic-rwith nJ me1 Mu hc'- ncj e nu:r