2 The Daily Tar Heel Wednesday, November -campus Compiled by Public aarvlca announcementa mutt be turned Union by 1 00 p m it they era to run the next ACTIVITIES TODAY Ecfcankar, The Path of Total Awarrntss, prtstms the film Eckmkar:A Wcy of Uft i1W o m in Toy Lounge on the fourth floor of Dey HtlL Fret Admission. Dr. Frad Aneon of the California Inmtute of Technology will ipeak on Clinint Molecules: Electrochemiitry with Reactants attached to Electrode Surfaces" at 8 p m. in 207 Venable. Tha Intamat tonal Folk Dancara will meet it 7 p.m. at the Student Center of the Univemty Presbyterian Church Cit Cit (Turkiih), Poitupano (Macedonian) and Bclcsi Parol (Hungarian) will be taught. The NCtL Land Management Committee will meei at 8 p m. in Room 213. Carolina Union. Milton Carothera, Presbyterian University Minister, will moderate a program on the male-female relationships in country music at I p.m. at the Church of Reconciliation on Elliott Drive. Live music by Real Fire. Can will leave the parking lot of Univentty Presbyterian Church at 7 .10 p m. for those needing transportation. The UNC Water Polo Club will meet at 6 p.m. in Room 21.1. Carolina Union. The Student Conaumer Action Union will hold an organuattonal meeting for persons interested in working on The Southern Part of Heaven? at 4 p.m. in Suite B. Carolina Union. Come help SCAU compile better apartment-hunting information for Chapel Hill and Carrboro. The Joint UNC -Duke Phyelce Colloquium will present Prof. Douglas Hall of Vandcrbilt University speaking on "V. hy Binary Sun Don't Have Constant Orbital Periods" at 3:50 p.m. in 2r3 Phillips Hall. Cerotna QoM, tha campus scouts group, will meet for dessert and coffee at 7 p m at the Zoom The UNC Tennle Club will meet at 7 p.m. in Room 209 Carolina Union. All members are urged to attend and anyone interested in joining a welcome. (Duet are S2 per semester) Chapel Hill ECOS will not meet tonight, but will meet Nov 9. Seniors or graduate students who do not desire to teach, are seeking employment or want to use the services of the Career Planning end Placement Office are invited to an orientation meeting at 10 a m. in the Frank Poner Graham Lounge of the Carolina Union. The UNC Apathy Club will not hold its first meeting today. Anyone interested a invited not to attend. Anyone interested in the UNC Study-Travel Program In Great rttaln should attend a meeting at 7:30 p m. in 218 Peabody Hall. The program will be described in detail, and participants from previous programs will answer questions. UPCOMING EVENTS The Christian Science Organization will hold its weekly meeting at 6 p.m. Thursday in the Frank Porter Graham Lounge of the Carolina Union. Tha week's topic: "Strength A tnergy Irom God." All arc welcome. Berry debet will perform at 9 p m. Thursday in Deep Jonah Come on down to the moat laid-back place in town BYO beer or wine. No cover. We're in the basement of the Carolina I'mon. Students and faculty are invited to the International Center Co flee Hour from 3 to 5 p m. Thursday for a slide show and talk on the University of Ghana by Sondra McCurry. a UNC student participant in the Junior Year at Ghana program. Anyone interested in looking into the itudenl-advleef artuailon ii encouraged to attend a Student Consumer Action Union meeting at 4 p.m. Thursday in Suite B of the Carolina Union. An organuetiona! meeting for all persons interested in working on the Student Conaumer Action Unlon't new edition of Guide to Chapel Hill Merchants will be held at 7 p m. Thursday in Suite B of the Carolina Union. H inton James presents The Odd Couple starring Jack Lemmon and Waller Matthau. 8 and 10 p.m. Thursday in the Ja,mes recreation room. Admission is 50 cents and free refreshments will be provided. Interested in an internship or tummer job? Come to an orientation meeting for the P re-career Experience Program, which helps students who want short-term experience in a field of potential interest. Meeting will be held at 3 p.m. Thursday in 108 Hanea Hall, sponsored by Career Planning and Placement. Career Planning and Placement ia offering a free workshop on reeume dealgn at 1 1 a m Thursday in the Frank Porter Graham Lounge of the Carolina Union. The Aschamrat, UNCi interdisciplinary science magaine will meet at epan. Thursday in the Frank Porter Graham Lounge of the Carolina Union. Articles to be considered for publication in the fall ieaue should be turned in thii week. If there are questions, call 967 5186 after 6 p.m. Betty Lou Johnson, Republican national committeemember, will apeak against succession at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in Room 204 Carolina Union. The speech is the second in a two-part series 'Should Succession SucctedT sponsored by the UNC College Hepublciana, The UNC Juggler Aeeocletlon will meet at 4 p m. Thursday in Memorial Hall. Beginners, are welcome. LUNCH BUCK OWE OOLLAX Off AU OR COUPON l OMF i GOOD 11:30. t:30 ivtRY THE Daily Crossword ACROSS 1 Type of bomb 5 Brainy 10 Rebuild 14 Biscuit or jerk 15 Carved gem 16 - fixe 17 One to one 20 Collection of sayings 21 Ms. Bagnold 22 Objective 23 " smile be your..." 24 Prod 26 Additions to bills 29 Declaimed 32 Pitymel 33 His and her 34 A Louis 36 Basketball contest 40 Chinese pagoda 41 Used a cut ting tool 42 Verve 43 Takes a liking 45 Mum 47 Depend 48 Treaty 49 Affair of the heart 52 A Chaplin 53 Mouths 56 Dicer's ex hortation 60 Singles 61 Relatives 62 Ocean route 63 Narrow boat 64 Place for a watch 65 Proceed smoothly DOWN 1 Movie dog 2 "Our -" 3 Ancient Gr. theaters 4 de mer Yesterday's Puzzle Solved: IfaroI1seIttoF1sIegTo o.iiL o E iTJa" t o h Ai f . E H5lM.il E A NQN 0 T ADsJp I D E R fTD I A H. NTDOP' K E S 5 S I H R 31 8 I Tl ' j LS.L Mr!71 a $ b eJsJt o s. M LllH 0 T H sfclJiJ j" E eMaLiiTpHiiki ir3T0 G TE If. A. N. N. E R W A G E SPATS C E N D A M U LE tDp o s yTTtTw I et7TE'Fh--I l oTa d E N! eTF r A N C E rNv"Y t S T A Iff EJ A 1 0 1 D I E I WaLl R U U l j 1 uh)11 i 12 n ik r-ii lo 7 IB $ r-iio iti t2 u IB ""71 """"- n ' ' rr rpr1 J t-i pfpr iri rrtn IT 33 35 jJ ); xtr "-feipr -u -tr 7jo ' ? I 1 f i, S f 1 iisiTaiaai. iswi'i srr'g?fa.gS' sny 2. 1977 calendar - Jodi Bishop in lo tha box outaida the DTH otficea in the day Each Item will run at least twice The Carolina Forum Committee will meet at 4 p.m. Thursday in Room 207 Carolina Union. All members are asked to attend. Dleco Party! Presented by the N C H illel Foundation from 8.30 p.m. to 12:30 a m. Thursday. All you can drink, and admission is SI for affiliates. $2 for nonaffiliates. Come to Hillel. 2I0W. Cameron St. The Y Hunger Action Committee will meet at 7: 30 p.m. Thursday to coordinate plans for the "Fast for a World Harvest." All interested persons are urged to attend. The 1977 Homecoming Dance end Concert sponsored annually by the General Alumni Association will be provided by ihe Shirellet and Swamp Fox. Tickets are $7.50 per personftwo for the price of one offered to students only.) Tickets available cjaily at Alumni Office. Alumni House. William Geer will share his impressions of Red China at a YMCA dinner dlecuealon at 5:30 p.m. Friday at the Presbyterian Student Center. Bring a dish to the pot-luck supper and enjoy the conversation. All students and faculty are invited to sign up in Room I02 of the Y Building. The Intorvaralty Chrlatlen Fellowahlp will have an all-campus meeting to honor returning alumni at 8 p m F riday in the faculty lounge on fourth-floor Dey Hall. Everyone is welcome. The Union Gallery Committee will sponsor a sale by Chlneberry Cratl co-op in front of the Carolina Union from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday. Pep Rally Obttuarlei: Memorial Services for the Clemion Tigers to be held at 12:30 p.m Friday in Ihe Pit Everyone come. Abo. banner contest. Winners receive a keg The men of Ram II Chapter ol Oroove PHI Groove 8oclJ Fellowahlp, Inc. cordially invite you to attend their first Annual Black A White Ball. 10 p.m. to 2 a m. Saturday in the Great Hall. Dress accordingly. The ERA Committee will meet at 7 p m Thursday at the AWS office. Suite D Carolina Union. All persons interested in seeing ERA ratified in North Carolina are urged to attend. The South Cempul Committee ol the Caroline Union will meet at 8 p.m. Thursday in the Morrison Conference Room. All interested penons are invited to attend. A planning meeting for the Men Reaource Center, to provide lor suppon for men as they struggle against sexist altitudes and behavior in their own lives and in society will he held at 7:30 p m. Thursday in the Carolina Union. ITEMS OF INTEREST Vote Tor your Lady Blue in (he Hofntcomlno, Oun Election Orders for flowed will be taken at all voting booths at the Carolina Union, Undergraduate Library, and YMCV The Trm Papor CUnta. a icrv.ee offered by the U ndcrgraduate Library Reference Department, will continue throughout (he lemetter. Sign up at the Undergrad Library Reference Dek for help through research itages of your term paper. Womancratt'Htndmadt goods. Free dcmonstreitiunk and special ordcrv Creative workshops and classes. Exhibited in early November will be hats and scarves, and for the remainder of the month dolls. Come by 412 W. franklin St. Jicrowt from McDonald's or call 929-8362. Applications are now being accepted from gradualt and profmlonal atudtnta interested in wrung on the Karr Laka Committal Call the GPSF office at 91J-5t75 The Carolina Court Ravlaw. an evaluation of professors and courses is available in the Undergraduate Library and at the Union Desk. The Flna Arta Faatfval is sponsoring a logo contest The winning entry will be the official logo. Entries are due by Nov. i2 and ma be submitted to Box .11) Carolina Union. Sign-ups for HEED 33 Human Saiuallty will be held by lottery from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday in Room 315 of the School of Public Health. The Nip P. Oaaka Mamorfal last annual CPA finale and gel naked graduation party will be at 9 p.m. Nov. 5 until Dec. IK. Refreshments will be served. Bring cheese. WX YC News has opanlngs tor local rtporttrt. E xpenence not required. Chance to work with copy editing, feature writing, production and sports. Come to weekly Monda news meeting at 4 p.m. in Room 213 Carolina Union or call 933-7768. Members of the UNC IE Spaach Ttam who plan to attend the George Mason Tourney will have to practice before two coaches by Monday. Sign up in 215 Bingham for practices. An informational meeting for anyone interested in working with the 1977 International Handicrafts Haaar will be held at 7:30 p.m. Monday and Tuesday in the Y Building. Anyone interested in signing up for a prison court through the speech department is requested to go by Bingham 205 to pick up an application and sign up ior an interview, 10 a m. to4p nv. Monday through Friday. Due to the tremendous response, free portraits lor the 1978 Yacktty Yack will be taken until Nov, II Photographers' hours are 9 a.m. to noon and I p.m. to 5 p.m MWF.and I p.m.to5p.m. aid 6 p.m. to 9 p.m TTH. All undergraduate, graduate and professional students should make appointments at the Carolina Union between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. oi by calling 933-1 259 betwe .i I and 5 p.m. 5 Sniffs out 6 Racketeer ing group 7 During 8 Ring figure 9 Toddler 10 Dance of old 11 Prepare copy 12 Hawaiian goose 13 Ruminant 18 Change course 19 Health food 23 majesty 24 Defeat 25 Kings: Fr. 26 Large collection 27 Of a pelvic bone 28 Philippine gulf 29 Jerks suddenly 30 Banish from one's land 31 Sofa 33 Of a sandy color 35 Give forth 37 Behind a ship 38 "Ballad of Reading " 39 Hat mate rial 44 Most loyal 45 Least nutty 46 Adjective ending 48 Browning, Frost etc. 49 Soaking 50 Order source 51 Meal source 52 All: comb, form 53 Racetrack 54 City north of Lake Tahoe 55 Again 57 Crow cry 58 Possessive 59 Pixie u c 6 c . w n 2 t z 2 c ii li as 2 a m ari. it a a r n vm. ri m mv a im m - a j m j j i s i i i 11 j i 11 t t t i.'i . Mtumi as v.a Bakerv-DelicatessenM n m . w m m yjw tut n i - - - - a saV I uiiBiiii'i-vJ jt'l r tit WW I'.m . ; i ll 1 P' J "I b-j:Al W iAi. .--...a 1977 Homecoming Court First row, I. to r.: Cam Lucas (Pi Kappa Phi Frat.); Lori Lewis (Pi Lambda Phi Frat.); Cathy McDowell (Kappa Delta Sor.); Sarah Futrell (Air Force ROTC Angel Flight); Cindy Coe (Phi Delta Chi Frat.); Cheryl Anita King (Alpha Kappa Alpha Sor.) Second row, I. to r.: Toni Mascherin (Kappa Alpha Theta Sor.); Susan Davis (Sigma Nu Frat.); Ann Clarke (Chi Phi Frat.); Carter Williams (Whitehead Dorm); Melinda Steele (Kappa Kappa Gamma Sor.); Susan Swindell (Alpha Tau Omega Frat.) . Third row: Leigh Spicer (Morrison Dorm) and Allison Medlin (Granville Residence College) Not pictured is Wanda Lovette (Phi Mu Sor.) MAD HATTER WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY RAZZMATAZZ Best name room in town Downstairs Mad Hatter Deli serves delicious hot & cold sandwiches fantastic Salad' Bar Try us soon! Vote For ANITA KING For Homecoming Queen TODAY.' Save time., advertise in the DTH - x icj) mt. I'll n Almar's Black Pepper Beef Bavarian Brand Cooked Ham Cole Slaw Yellow Or White American Cheese Lb Edam Cheese.... Lb. $259 m. I paa.a 29 Appie ne Cherry Or Apple Turnovers Sweet German Chocolate Cake Ea- $2-79 Hard Rolls Doz. 69c Italian Bread Loaf 53c WATCH FOR OUR UNADVERTISED SPECIALS DECORATED CAKES AND PARTY TRAYS FOR ALL OCCASIONS CteflB mm Carr Mill Shopping Village 942-8564 Puces Effective Through Sun., Nov. 6. 1977 All Quantity Rights Reserved 128 E. Franklin Street Next to Yogurt Barn Downtown Bar Phone: 929-8276 Deli Phone: 929-3824 S039 Lb. aC Lb $249 , 69 $- 99 Ea. i A 4 $100 For 1 Gil L J Homecoming balloting today, flower orders to be taken Voting lor the 1977 Homecoming Queen will be held from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. today. Voting booths will be located at Chase Cafeteria, the Undergraduate Library and the Y-Court. Persons at voting booths also will be taking orders for boutonnieres and corsages "cheapest of anywhere in town," said David Royle, president of the Carolina Athletic Association. The flowers may be picked up Friday night or Saturday morning at the Carolina Union. Profits will go to the UNC Crew Club. The. Homecoming Queen will be selected from a court of 20 nominees the largest number in a decade. The girls were nominated by campus organizations such as dorms, fraternities and sororities.. , The winner, will be announced during halftime of the annual Homecoming football game Saturday, which this year pits Carolina against Clemson at 1:30 p.m. in Kenan Stadium. The entry fee for a nominee is $20. The Carolina Athletic Association, which coordinates the event, is giving the profits to the UNC Crew Club, which was struck ECKANKAR presents SOUL: THE ETERNAL PERSPECTIVE ' Sunday, Nov. 6; 1-5 p.m. Great Hall of the Carolina Union, UNC ' Requested Donation: $3.00 , TONIGHT! An Introductory Film Eckankar: A Way of Life 7:30 p.m. Faculty Lounge, Dey Hall DTH Classifieds Announcements 1NSTA COPY offset printing & quick copying while you wait. 100 satisfaction guaranteed. Check our fast service and low price on theses work. Insta-copy, corner of Franklin & Columbia (over the Zoom). 929-2147. A REPRESENTATIVE OF U.S. NAVY Officer Programs will be in the Placement office on November 9. Interested seniors should register for an interview with the Placement office. Legal Clinic of Winston, Coleman, and Bernholz Offering legal services at reasonable prices at convenient times. Services available are: Uncontested Divorces $125 plus court costs Name changes $35 plus court costs Consultation $15 for 30 minutes For an appointment call 929 0394. Legal clinic located in NCNB Plaza above Blimpie's. Auto Service VW PARTS & machine service for Do-it-yourselfers at lowest prices. The Bug Haus 967-7414 evenings for information. VW GOT THE BLAHS? Tune-ups $1230 plus parts. Mufflers, clutches, shocks, brakes, valves, rebuilds. The Bug Haus guarantees parts & labor. 967-7414 evenings for information. For Sale v ;;v 1972 FORD MAVRICK, Carolina blue. New interior, needs minor repairs but otherwise excellent condition. $800.00 Call Mike after 5:30 p.m. 929-9445. FOR SALE: 3 Granville South contracts for spring semester. If interested call 933-0345 or 933 0338. : FOR SALE: 1974 MGB 4-speed, wire wheels. Maroon with black top (two extra covers). $3200, but will negotiate. Call Roger at 933-4072. Leave message. Help Wanted JOB OPENINGS: Alcoa Aluminum has College-Management-Training openings. No experience necessary. From $3.75hr. $5.25hr. to start. Non-students also welcome. Apply at Carolina Union, Room 209, today at 3:10 p.m. NEED MONEY? Sell Lacoste sportswear on campus. High profits, info, call (215) 387-8882. Write: Golden Gator, Inc., 506 S. 41st St., 2K, Philadelphia. 19104. TEACHER NEEDED. Local Christian school' needs experienced first grade teacher. Sponsored by a fundamental church. Write or call Liberty Christian Schools, P.O. Box 1 1 186, Durham. 688 7616. . '. . . . OVERSEAS JOBS summeryear-round. Europe, S. America, Australia, Asia, etc. All Jields, $500-$1200 monthly. Expenses paid, sightseeing. Free inform. - Write: International Joj5 Center, Dept. NL, Box 4490, Berkeley, CA 94704 : ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS: Looking for a part-time job with good income, flexible hours, and real experience with a career opportunity in the business world? CaJI.Jim Morgan, Northwestern Mutual Life, 94241. ' heavily by vandalism and theft last year. During halftime of the football game, Edison Ford of Charlotte, the first Tar Heel to score a touchdown in Kenan Stadium, will be honored with his 1927 teammates, who will be special guests of the General Alumni Association (GAA). The annual Blue-White basketball game in Carmichael Auditorium is slated to start about 30 minutes after the football game ends. Also, the GAA will hold its regular postgame Alumni Mixer at the Carolina Inn after the game. To help alumni reminisce, the GAA is presenting the "Golden Oldies" of the famous Shirelles at the Homecoming Dance Saturday night in Woollen Gym. FOR THE RECORD No free beer or munchies The Daily Tar Heel incorrectly reported Monday that APO service fraternity would hold a gingko tree party with free beer and munchies. APO will hold the party when the gingko leaves fall, but there will be no free beer or munchies. Free to Public Lost and Found LOST: WHITE SWEATER with Carolina blue design in Student Union last week. Call 933-8723 to collect reward $$$. Please return; great sentimental value. LOST: OPAL RING on handball court Monday evening October 24. Reward. Please contact Karen, 966-4708. LOST: ALL GOLD, square, ladies watch, at pr around Kenan Stadium, October 22. Sentimental value. Please call 933-8224 and claim reward.' FOUND: A PAIR of girl's glasses in the Student Health Center. Contact Dr. Schaeferle. Miscellaneous DISSERTATIONTHESISPAPER DUE? COPYQUICK low cost quality copies. All work guaranteed. Ni minimum number required. Free sorting. Upstairs over the N.C. Cafeteria on Franklin Street. Monday Saturday. RE-ELECT ALDERMAN SILVEiT. because Marvin supported the intervention by the town in fighting the anti-student rate'increase by Southern Bell - David Smith, UNC Junior. PARENTS AND FRIENDS OF UNC! Don't miss out on all the campus news. Subscribe to THE DAILY TAR HEEL this fall. Personal HAPPY 1, USA and Markl Love, B, H. Tickets URGENTLY NEEDED: TWO TICKETS to Blue & White Basketball Game. Call 3-7045. Keep trying. Tht Drily Tw HmI la pubUatrad by tha Dally T Ht Board ol Dlraciora ol tha Untvafally ol North Corolni drily Monday through Friday during tha rogular acadamlc yoar axcapt during oaam poriod, vacttlona and aummar aaaakxia. Tht following oataa art to t tha only Saturday taauaa: Sapt 17. Oct 1, S, 22, Nov. 5. Tha Sommar Tar Hari li . publlahad waakry on Thuradayt during tha aummar aaaatona. ' OWcaaara at tha Frank Porter Qraham Studant Untoo Building, UnhracaHy ol North Carolina, Chapal HHI, N.C. 27514. Triaphona numbara: Nawa, Sporta-933-0245, JJ-024, 931282, 33-0372; Buatnaaa, Circulation, Advtrttalng "J 933-11S3. " Subacrlptlon rataa: $25 par yaar; $12.50 par aamaatar. Tha Campua Govamkig Council ahril hava powara to datarmma tha Studant Actrrltlaa Faa and to approprlata all ravanua darlvad Irom tha Studant ActrrHlaa Faa (1.1.14 ol tha Studant ConatHutton). Tha Dally Tar Haal la a atudant organization. Tha Dairy Tar Haal raaarvaa tha right to ragulate tha typographic sona ol all advartlaamanta and 01 torn away copy N conridara oblactlonabla. Tha Dally Tar Haal win not conaioar adiuatmanla or paymant lor any typographical arrora or arronaoua Inaarnon untaaa nottca la glan to tha Bualnaaa Manaoar wrthsn (1) ona day, altar tha advarttaamant appaara, within (1) day ol racahrlng tha tear ahaata or aubacriptkxt ol tha pap. Tha Dally Tar Haal wll not ba raaponalbte lor mora than ona tncorract Inaartton ol an owrtlaamant achaduted to run aawal tlmaa. Notlca lor audi correction muat ba gtvan balora tha nail Inaartlon. Varna Taylor Buamaaa Manafl- Dsn Col!,IU Adv,rfs:ng M,ne30r

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