4 2 The Daily Tar Heel Thursday, November :ampus Compiled by Public service announcement! must be turned Union by 1 00 p m it they ire to run me next ACTIVITIES TODAY Kiln Hawk developer David Stick will aura the impact of development on the coastal region at 7'W p.m. in Room 202. Carolina Union. Sponsored by the N.C. Coastal Club. Student Body President Bill Mom will ipeak at the Dl PW Society meeting, at 8 p m in MM New Weil. T here will be a UNC Scuba Club meeting at 7 p.m. in 304 WoollenGym.Dt Newmann of the marine Kience department will give a ilide show and speech on "Diving and Science." Everyone is invited "Growing in Grace." sponsored by Campus Crusade tor Christ, will meet from 7 to p m. in the fourth floor faculty lounge o( Dev Hall. All arc welcome. I he Undergraduate Political Science Association will hold a meeimg at 2 p.m.. third floor lounge of Hamilton Hall. All interested people sre welcome. The planning committee for the 1971 Walk for Humanity will meet at 7 p m in the Campus Y Building The committee will hear presentations from various organisations seeking funds from the walk. Education seniors and graduate students seeking employment who wanl to use the services of the Career Planning and I'iacemeni Office are invited loan orientation meeting ai 2.30 pm in Oft Peahody Hall Please sign up in 211 Hanes Hall if you plan to attend TheCQC Finance Committee will meet at t p m in SuileC of the Carolina Union The Soctedad Hlspanlca Carounesa will hold its weekly tertulia at 5 p m at He's Not Here. Todos invitados. The Christian Science Organization will hold its weekly meeting at 6 p m in the Frank Porter Graham Lounge of the Carolina Union. This week's topic: "Strength A Energy fromGod." A II are welcome. Barry Oabel will perform at p.m. in Deep Jonah. Come on down to the most laid-back place in town BYO beer or wine. No cover. We're in the basement of the Carolina Union. Students and faculty are invited to the International Canter Coftee Hour from 3 to J p m. for a slide show and talk on the University of Ghana by Sondra McCurry. a UNC student paiticipant in the Junior Year at Ghana program. Anyone interested in looking into the Student-sdvteer situation is encouraged to attend a Student Consumer Action Union meeting at 4 p m in Suite B of the Carolina Union. An organizational meeting for all persons interested in working on the Student Consumer Action Union's new edition of Guide io Chapel Hill Merchant will be nek) at 7 p m. in Suite B of the Carolina Union. Htnton James prescnu The Odd Couple starring Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau. ft and 10 p m in the James recreation room. Admission is 50 cents and free refreshments will be provided. Interested in an internship or summer job? Come to an nmnuiion meeting for the P re-career Experience Program, v. hull helps students who wanl short-term experience in a field of potential interest Meeting will be held at 3p m. us I0H Hanes Hall, sponsored by Career Planning and Placement. Career Planning and Placement is ofTenng a free workshop on returns design at 1 1 a.m. in the Frank Porter Graham Lounge of the Carolina Union. Thr Alchemist, UNCs intcrdiaciplinsry science magainc will meet at I p m in the Frank Porter Graham Lounge of thcCsrolina Union Articles to he considered for publication in the fall issue should be turned in this week If there are questions, call 967-) 1 116 after 6 pm. Betty Lou Johnson. Republican national commiiteememhcr. will speak against succession at 7:30 p.m. in Room 204 Carolina Union The speech a the second in a two-part series - "Should Succession Succeed"" sponsored by the UNC College Republicans. The UNC Jugglers Association will meet at 4 pm. in Memorial Hall. Beginners are welcome. The Carolina Forum Committee will meet at 4 p m. in Room 207 Carolina Union. All members are asked to attend. Disco Partyl Presented by the N C Hillel Foundation from 11:30 p m to 1230 a m. Ail you can dnnk. and admission is SI for airiliates. S2 for nonafTiltaies Come to Hillel. 2 10 W CameronSt. The Y Hunger Action Committee will meet at 7: 30 p m. to Humidity meter among stolen items University Police reported a humidity meter and a magnifying glass stolen from 144 Wilson Library between 10 p.m. Oct. 28 and 8:30 a.m. Oct. 31. The missing items were valued at $12. Richard D. Hovis. 302-A Bolinwood Apartments, said someone stole his wallet from the basketball courts at Woollen Gym Monday. The wallet contained his student I.D.. athletic pass and driver's license. .Contents of the wallet were valued at $30. Jane English, an assistant professor of philosophy, told police someone removed'a lock TICKETS STILL for the HOMECOMING 77 Annual Concert and Dance featuring f ( t The Shirelles the earliest of the female rock'and roll groups and one of the most successful. Hear their golden oldies! Soldier Boy Baby, It's You Tonight's the Night Meet Him on a Sunday Dedicated to the One I Love Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow also featuring Swamp Fox Tickets regularly $7.50 per person Special Price to Students! for the price of 1 Sat., Nov. 5 Woollen Gym 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. , (following the Carolina Clemson game) Sponsored General Alumni With This Coupon FREE BEVERAGE OF YOUR CHOICE with your meal Offer good tonight, November 3 on I ALL ABC PERMITS t I III J .I 1010 Hamilton Rd I ELa wmssm mmm 3, 1977 calendar - Jodi Bishop in to the box outside the OTH offices in the day Each item will run at least twice coordinate plans lor the "Fast lor a World Harvest." All interested persons are urged to attend. 1 he ERA Committee will meet at 7 p m. at the AWS ollicc. Suite I). Carolina Union. All persitn interested in seems; IRA ratified in North Carolina are urged to attend. I he South Campus Committee ol the Carolina Union will meet at K p.m. in the Morrison Conlerence Room All interested persons are innled to attend. A planning meeting lor the Men's Resource Center, to pros ide lor support for men as they struggle against sexist altitudes and behavior on their own lives and in society will he held at 7:30p.m in the Carolina Union Sign- urn lor HEED 33 Human Sexuality will he held by lottery from 9 a.m. to 3 p m in Room3l3ofiheSchoolol Puhlu- Health. T he Orientation Committee of the Association ol Business Students is oflering pre-registration information and advice lor tumor and senior business majors and tor sophomores who plan to enter the Business School in the fall. Juniors and seniors come to the first floor ol Carroll Halt and sophomores to third floor of South Building today and Friday Irom 1 1 a.m. to 4 p m. UPCOMING EVENTS Alt undergraduate and graduate students interested in getting a b ovrwu should attend a meeting ol AIESEL al I p.m. FmUy fl2l.V8 0ldCa.-r riday in 2 1 3-B Old Carroll H all E wcutive Board members wilt k here to explain the program and answer questions. OvraaikKi Anonymous will meet at I p.m. I ridiiy at the "intpus Y Building. Room 206. Emphasis is on stopping the om pulsion to overeat. There n individual and group support, it's ret For more information call Cyndy. 967-5771 alter 6 p.m. CaYMr Planning and Plactnwnt offering a free workshop n interviewing at II a m Friday in the Frank Porter Graham oom of the Carolina Union. Join us al HHM, 210 W. Cameron Ave., for Shahhai morning khahan'tl worship al 930 a m Saturday and lorah reading Hayye Sarah). Talmud study group al II a m and a joini musal ervice at noon, which will he followed h anOneg with Kuddush. letiltc fish and community tinging. - IhrrewillheaShabbal dlnnor at fc.Vtp m Friday .H thcHillcl House. 210 W. Cameron Ave. Please sign up hy noon Friday Dinner will he loUowed hy services alHp.m I the alternative scrite will meet in the library) alter which Mavid Halpenn ol (he I NC religion department will initiate the ShabtMrt Lectur Series m 9" 15 p m. with "The Sabbath in Ancient Judaism." GRE (Graduate Record Examination), will be given Dec. 10 Application need to he pmt-marked by Nov. 9 C ost is S 10 50 each for aptitude and advanced tests and an additional $14 if postmarked by Nov. lb. Application forms are in 106 Nash Hall and information about programs ii in the ldutaiinn.il Occupalional Information I. ibrarv. 101 Nash Hall ! he next test is Jan 14 LSAT (t aw School Admtuion T est) will he Dec .V Applications must be prat-marked hy Nov. 7 They are available in 106 Nash Hall. Prrta. HanJhimk and law school catalogues are in the Educational-Occupational Information Library. 101 Naih Hull. The next lest is Feb 4. The OUv Branch, a Jcwikh-C hnstian hinging group, will present unique HebraK-MHinding music from the Old testament accompanied by a variety ol instruments at 8 p.m. Nov. 5 in Hill Hall Auditorium. This worship experience will be sponsored by Ftk M. the Graduate Inlenarsily Christian hellowship Admission i tree. Toronto Exchange Squar Dane will be Fnda a p.m. Everyone u muled. Apple Chill C logger and blucgrass music will he featured Help welcome the Canadians! Come to (he A I P House, .WE Franklin St across from the More head Planetarium. Nonviolence Study Action Group will meet Nov 6 at 7 Mi pm. at Green il km School. I OK Puretoy Road h very one is welcome. Ihe pledge class ol Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority os sponsoring a Sunday-nHe-eub dinner Nov. 6 at 5. 6 and 7 p m Subs ( hoagies). potalo chips, browntes and tea tor 2. On-campu (and Greek) deliveries are available. I ickcis are available Irom KKG pledges cylinder Irom her office door at 202-A Caldwell Hall on Monday or Tuesday. Nothing was reported missing from the office. English reported that someone may have been looking for exams, police said. She said she had two exams scheduled for Tuesday. The lock cylinder apparently was removed by a large pair ol pliers, police said. Donna Beeson reported that another banner was stolen from the Playmaker's Theater. The 6 foot by 12-inch black and while banner, valued al $80, was last seen al g:30 a.m. Monday. It was identical lo a banner stolen Sunday. AVAILABLE Refreshments included Reserved tables for groups of 6 or more available Pick up your tickets now at the Alumni House (on South Columbia Street next to the Carolina Inn). Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. or call 933-1208. by the Association 942-51 S3 1010 Hamilton Rd Chapel Hill Jul of Intersection of 1J-S01 BypCMtHwyM ( Acroea Irom Qsen Lsmnoa Shopping Center) J I I fi I w 4h JiV i Tht Car Conctrt. u short rirnmoiKirml him muds- h Sarah Wilson. hipSesro. .1 I) Shcppcrd. I ynda I nmmsnd Mark I urm lot the l ine Aris Tcsmal lasi spun! h ill he shimn Nov f. Mure hoih lr- links. 7 and V 1(1 pro in Carroll Hall I hr I'anhcllonic ( Utinvil is sponsoring a Sorority Service Auction Nm d In, in 1 to fi p m al the Madhatu-r I mmpi on Franklin St. I he ten soronnes u. ill he auctioning ofl scrsu.es sut It as dinners, ddncina lessons, bartending, sluds hreaks and isin Mandina in line lor haskithall tickets! All proceeds ss ill (to lo Ihe Chapel Hill "Meals on Wheels" program, hrce hcer vs ill he mailable Ihe 197T Homecoming Dane and Concert sponsored annualls hy Ihe (ieneral Alumni Association vs. ill he prosided hv ihcShirellesandNssampTox liekelsarc$7 Sllperpersonduolor iIh- price ol oneollered lo students onls 1 1 Kkcls asailahle daih at Mumni Ollice. Alumni House VA ilham deer ill share his impressions ot Red China al a YMCA dinner dlacuaalon ai S .Kip m I ndas at the I'reshstenanSiudenl Center. Hnng a dish lo ihe pol-luck supper and enjos ihe conversation. All students and laeulls arc ins tied lo sign up in Kooni 1(12 ol Hie V Hmldinp 1 he Intervaralty Christian Fellowahlp ill have an all-tampus nmnng to honor reluming alumni al 8 p m Tridav in the laeully lounge on lourlh-lloor Dey Hall Tvervone is welcome. Ihe I'nion Callers Committee vsill sponsor a sale h Chlnaberry Crarl co-op in Iront ol the Carolina t nion Irom 1(1 a m lo 4 p.m l-ridav. Pep Rally Obituarlet: Memorial Services lor the t lemson I igcrs to he held al 12 .10 p m Tridas in the I'll Fvervonc come. Also, hanner contest Winners receive a keg. I he men ol Ram II Chapter ol Groove PHI Groove Social Feltowahip, Inc. corduillv invite vou to attend their lusl Minual Black & W hile Ball. 1(1 p ns in : a m Saturday in Ihcfircal Hall, dress aecordinglv Ihe Nip P. Osaka Memorial last annual cl'A liualc and gel naked graduation pailv svill he al s) p m Nov 5 until Hcc IK Kcllcshmciils svill he seised Hung cheese' ITEMS OF INTEREST I he Term Paper Clinic, a service ollcrcd hy the I ndergradiiaie I ibiarv Relerence Department, will continue throughout the seniesler. Sign up al the I ndergrad I ihrarv Rclerenee I esk lot help ihrough research stages ol vour term paper Womancratt-Handmade goods. Tree demonstrations and special orders. Ctrativc workshops and classes 1 shihilcd ill curls November will he hats and scarves, and toi Ihe icnlaindei o! Ihe month dolls. Come hv 412 W Tranklm St. across Irom McDonald's or call 24-XV Applications are now being acccpttttttcd hoin graduate and proteaaional atudenta interested in serving on the Kerr Lake Committee Call the (il'NI ollice ai sttt I lie Carolina Course Review, .nievaluaiionoi piolcssors and onuses is available in the I ndclgradualc I ibiarv and al the t anilin.i t nion Desk ( News tusopeningt lor local reporters l-vnericncenni icvliiicd I hanee to work with cops editing, lealtile wrilmg. pioduclion and sports ( ometowceklv Mondav news meeting at 4 p m in Room 2l.t Carolina I'nion ol call stM-Tnn Village Opticians PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED LENSES DUPLICATED CONTACT LENSES fitted polished cleaned SUNGLASSES prescription non-prescription 121 e. Franklin St. Next lo th Varsity Trwatr OOTfF 0t?8 iJAPTAINS" f VIABLE " . . . . sgggggS ermfee .aJ Ail -t J TUerirv5 .. CHOICE dp Milton's The Fun Place To Shop. Quality Clothes At Half The Price! New shipment of wool Shetland Crew Neck Sweaters Reg $30 With zip out linings All Weather Coats Reg $75 Cartien of Paris Cotton Blend Button-Down Oxford Shirts Reg $22 95 Wool Blend, Plaids C.P.O. Shirts Reg $35 Lightweight, Vested Worsted Wool Suits Reg $200 Narrow wale, Vested Corduroy Suits Reg $120 Milton's is a member of the country's most powerful buying co op. We pay less for our fine merchandise and pass the savings on to you. nn yy iJ CLOTHING 163 E Franklin St. Hours: Downtown Chapel Hil! Also 516 ABS will advise business Business majors who are contused about what courses they should take and when they should take them can get relief Irom the new Association ol Business Students' (ABS) advising service. ABS upperclassmen will set up a table on the third floor ol South Building from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through F riday during freshman and sophomore pieregistration, says Sonia Schiller, ABS vice president. A table also will be set up in the hallway outside the business school offices in Carroll Hall during junior and senior preregistration. Schiller says the ABS members will answer students' questions and clear up Congressional in ternsh ip forms for Holtzman due by Nov. 15 Applications lijr u spring-semester internship in the office of U.S. Rep. Elizabeth Holtman of New York are due by Nov. 15. Each semester Holtman invites several students to work I'ulltime in her offices in Brooklyn and Washington, D.C. The Brooklyn job emphasizes case work and community relations, while the Washington program is more issue oriented and includes legislative research and correspondence. To apply, send a letter, resume and short writing sample to Rodney N. Smith. Administrative John C. Southern, Optician 942-3264 rCTATO,HUHPUPpii? $14.90 $29.90 $10.90 $16.90 $99.90 $59.90 CUPBOARD Mon.-Sat. 10-6 30 Phone Sun. 1-4 908-4408 S. Tryon St., Charlotte f misunderstandings about required courses. "Many students are reluctant to take up an adviser's time with questions about course loads," she says, "and many advisers do not have . complete information on updated business school policies." Schiller says the ABS members will have business school catalogs and worksheets to help business majors plan their curriculums. Tom McFarland, chairperson of the ABS orientation committee, has worked at the South Building table. "Even the advisers have asked us questions," he says. Mcharland says the ABS service is especially needed due to the stricter enforcement of prerequisites by the business Assistant. 1025 I.ongworth House Office Building, Washington. D C. 20515. Include both a home and a school telephone number and indicate a preference for either the Brooklyn or Washington office. 1 Personal interviews are also recommended, but telephone interviews can be arranged if necessary. ' V,VV lJ DTH Classifieds Announcements CONTACT LENS WEARERS. Save on brand name hard and soft lens supplies. Send for free illustrated catalog. Contact Lens Supplies, Box 7453, Phoenix, Arizona 85011. PARENTS AND FRENDS OF UNC. Don't miss out on all the campus news. Subscribe to THE DAILY TAR HEEL this fall. Legal Clinic of Winston, Coleman, and Bernholz Offering legal services at reasonable prices at convenient times. Services available are: vs .UnciMUissteti Divorces ;-.-. ; - - '" .' .'s $125 plus- court costs- - f . 1. Jf v--S .. Name changes $35 plus court costs Consultation $15 for 30 minutes For an appointment call 929 0394. Legal clinic located in NCNB Plaza above Blimpie's. For Rent FOR SALE: 3 female Granville South contracts for spring semester. If interested, call 933-0345 or 933-0338. For Sale 1972 FORD MAVRICK, Carolina blue. New interior, needs minor repairs but otherwise excellent condition. $800.00 Call Mike after 5:30 p.m. 929 9445. FOR SALE: 1974 MGB 4 speed, wire wheels. Maroon with black top (two extra covers). $3200, but will negotiate. Call Roger at 933-4072. Leave message. GARRARD 62 TURNTABLE. Includes base, dustcover, Pickering cartridge, and accessories. Excellent condition. $45.00. Call 489 0453 (collect) after 5:00 p.m. Help Wanted NEED A GRAD TUTOR for Math 2 Elem. Prob. Will pay reasonable rates for service. Immediately please. Call 942 4088 between five and seven p.m. WANTED: CHILD SITTER 7 yr. old girl. 14 p.m. Nov. 5. Very independent . Can play or watch TV. You can study. 933-7027 after 6:00 p.m. NEED MONEY? Sell Lacoste sportswear on campus. High profits, info, call (215) 387-8882. Write: Golden Gator, Inc., 506 S. 41st St., 2K, Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. TEACHER NEEDED. Local Christian school needs experienced first grade teacher. Sponsored by a fundamental church. Write or call Libetty Christian Schools, P.O. Box 1 1 186, Durham. 688 7616. OVERSEAS JOBS summeryear-round. Europe, S. America, Australia, Asia, etc. All fields, $500-$1200 monthly. Expenses paid, sightseeing. Free inform. Write: International Job Center, Dept. NL, Box 4490, Berkeley, CA 94704 ' ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS: Looking for a part-time job with good income, flexible hours, and real experience with a career opportunity in the business world? Call, Jim Morgan, Northwestern Mutual Life, 942 A 18,7. Lost and Found LOST: BLUE RECORD BOOK and brown receipt book (.i)vrox. T x 11") on or around Astrotutf Tuesujy evening, October 24. Please contact Mary. 933 2716. LOST: LADIES' GOLD CARAVELLE WATCH. Sentimental value. Call 929 6573 to claim reward, LOST: GOLD WIRE RIMMED GLASSES, photogray lenses, in a snap case. Call G Ballenger at 933 5481 or 967 1523. LOST.WHITE SWEATER with Carolina blue design in StruSPnt Union last week. Call 933 8723 to collect rewjrd $$$. Piease return, great sentimentstl value. majors school. "Previously, if a student had not completed his required courses by his junior year, he could still enter the business school and take them later," he says. "That is not true any longer." McFarland says he hopes the service will help point out student grievances and provide more student input into business school policy. Elizabeth McGowan, assistant dean in the business school, says she is very pleased with the new service. "It was totally a student idea," she says, "but we are working very closely with the ABS members to keep them informed." - EDDIE MARKS Elect BILL THORPE Chapel Hill Alderman Drive Our Cars I 1 ALMOST FREE j to most U.S. cities j AUTO DHIYEAWAY j 919-272-2153 j j 520 W. Friendly Ave. J Greensboro, N. C. I l believe that students should actively participate m town government It elected, t will encourage student involvement Oy circulating memos to campus organizations informing them ot all vacancies on town boards and commissions VOTE NOVEMBER 8 Paid Political Advertisement Miscellaneous ELECT BETTY FRANCISCO to the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board. Students should care how their tax dollars are spent. Vote Betty Francisco on November 8. RE-ELECT GERRY COHEN to the Chapel Hill Board or Aldermen. He's worked hard for better bus service and against Southern Bell rate hikes. Vote Gerry Cohen, Tuesday, November 8. Q Re-elect Alderman Silver, because Marvin his always been a strong supporter of a bus system designed to meet the needs of both students and other townspeople Jan Parker, UNC Senior. CONDOM SAMPLERS. Learn the difference between condoms with one of our famous sample packs. Preshaped, textured, colored, lubricated skins, stubs. Designed to increase sexual sattsfac tion. Adam & Eve, Franklin & Columbia (over 1t Zoom). 929-2147. Personal JAWS AND KNUCKLES: We thrill to your touch but wait for you to thrill and touch us again. With all our lust, Teeth and Gums. HELP ME SAVE MY FAITH in women. Will pay $5.00hr. for two 1 hour sessions of talk. Psych won't help. I'm just a country boy afraid of attractive women. Reply P.O. Box 162, Carrboro. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TINA! May you get all that you wish lor. I'M SORRY. I just can't overcome my shyness. My attitude is "aloof." I'll try harder to speak to you, but it'll be hard. Meanwhile I'll keep staring. Boy, will I keep staring! J.B. Please check again -1 think you are a Leo. Magdalene. Tickets WANT TO BUY 2 tickets to Clemson game Saturday. Desperate. Call Steve at 929 1141 or 967-3619. FIVE TICKETS NEEDED for Clemson game and five tickets needed for Blue-White qame. Call Joe at 942 5273. Transportation A FRIEND of mine wants to visit UNC over Thanksgiving but needs ride from Rutgers. Will help with expenses. Please call Gail at 929-1927. Tha Dally Tar Heal la published by tha Dally Tar H wl Board ol Directors ol tha University of North Carolina dally Monday Ihrough Friday during tha regular academic year eicept during eiam period, vacatloni and aummer stations. The lollowlng datet are lo be me only Saturday Issues: Sept. 17, Oct 1, 8, 22, No.. 5. The Summer Tar Heel la published weekly on Thursdays during tha aummer aatalona. OHIcea are at tha Frank Porter Graham Student Union Bujldlng, University ol North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514. Telephone numbere: Newa, Sporti 933-0245, 933-0246, 9334252, wtllM Bu,lnM,' "''"on. Advertlelng- Subtcrlptlon ratea: $25 per year; $12.50 per aemeeler. The Campua Governing Council shall have powera to determine tha Student Activities Fee nd to appropriate all revenue derived Irom Ihe Student Adtvltle. Fee (1.1.14 of the Student ConatHutloni. The Dally Tar Heel la a atudenl organization. The Dally Tar Heel reaervea Ihe rlflht to regulate the typographical tone ol all advertisement and Z.J" lum CP " conaldera objectionable. The Dally Tar Heel will not consider Oruatmente or payment lor any typographical "ore or erroneoua Insertion unleta notice la h i "" Bu,lnM Mwtager Whin (i) one day tier the advertisement appears, within (1) day ol receiving the tear an eels or aubacrlpllon ol the paper. The Dally Tar Heel will not be responsible r more than one Incorrect Insertion ol an wvertltemeni acheduled lo run several limes, "once tor such coriectlon muat be given before me neit Insertion. Vama Taylor eus,ness Mmagsr Da" Collins Adverting IW8nasw

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