J 1 i" i ; X 2 The Daily Tar Heel Friday, November 4, 1977 campus calendar- Compiled by Jodi Bishop Public rvlc announcements mint be turned In to the box outside the DTH offices in the Union by IrOO p.m If they are to run the next day Each Item will run at least twice ACTIVITIES TODAY All undcrirsduait and graduate studentt inttrolcd in gelling a ob overseas should ailcnd a Hireling ot AIESEL al I p m. in 2 1 B Old Carroll Hill Eucutivr hoard memhen will he there ! explain the proaram and answer iiucitinnii. 1 Overeat era Anonymous will meet at I p m ai the C'amptn. Y Building. Room 206. Fmphau b on Hopping the compulsion to overeat. There is individual and group support; it's tree, r or more information call Cyndy. 7-577 1 after 6pm Career Planning end Placement a ottering a free workshop on interviewing at 1 1 a.m. in the Frank Porter (iraham Room ol the Carolina Union. There will he a Shabbat dinner at 6: JO p m at the Hillel House. 210 VY. Cameron Ave. Please sign up hy noon Friday Dinner will be followed hy sen ices at 8 p m (the alternative sen ice will meet in the library) after which David Halnenn ol the UNC religion department will initiate the Shabbat Lecture Seriee al 9: 1 5 p m. with "The Sahhaih in Ancient Judaism -Toronto Exchange Square Dance will he at 9 p m Everyone it invited Apple Chill Clogacri and hluegrass music will he featured. Help welcome the Canadians! Come to the A I P House. 303 E. Franklin St. across from the Motahead Planetarium William Geer will share his impressions of Red China at a YHCA dinner discussion at 5 30 pm. at the Presbyterian Student Center. Bring a dish to the pot-luck supper and enjoy the conversation. All students and faculty are invited to sign up in Room 102 of the Y Building The Inservarstty Christian Fellowship will have anallampus meeting to honoi returning alumni at 8 p.m. in the faculty lounge on fourth-floor Dey Hall. Everyone is welcome. The Union Gallery Committee will sponsor a sale hy CMnaberry Craft co-op in front of the Carolina Union Irom 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Pep Rally Obituaries: Memorial Smuts lor the Clemson ligers to he held at 12:30 p.m. in the Pit. Iveivnnt come Also, hanncr contest. Winners receive a keg. Social work graduate students will meet Irom 5 p m li. 7 p m. al the Sidetrack lor a happv hour Boh McClure will speak on the obliteration ot African problems at 8 pm in the Morrison recreation room Free pamphlets will he diMrihulcd hctorc the lecture Admission is Ira ni UNC students. Conoeco. Hlack show 4 Ml p m The Water Polo Club will practice Irom 2 p.m. lo 3 p.m. I he Fellowship ol Christian Athletes will sponsor a Hnw River oulinx complete with cumphre. guitar playing, singing and tots of fun. Everyone is welcome Cars will leave from Kenan Fieklhouse ahoul 6 pm. 1 he orientation committee of the Association of Buslrwy Students is ollenng preregistration inlormaiton and advising tor tumor and senior husincss majors and lor sophomore who plan lo enter the business school in the lall. Inlormanon will he available from 1 1 a.m to 4 p.m Sophomores should go to the third lloor of South Building Juniors and seniors may obtain inlormalionon the first floor ol Carroll Hall. , An information session for all interested in skiing Vermont this winter will he held from 3 p.m. lo 5 p.m. in Room 202 of the Carolina Union. Transportation, lodges and area slopes will be discussed, and representatives of various ski trips will he present. UPCOMING EVENTS The men of Rem II Chapter of Groove PHI Groove Social Fellowship, Inc. cordially invite you to attend their first Hlack White Ball. 10 p.m. to 2 a m Saturday in the Great Hall. Dress accordingly. Ski Vermont Glen Ellen Ski Area Dec. 18-24 Only $270 Includes: Fully escorted round trip from Chapel Hill, Travel by Amtrak on our own car Full Transfers Train to Lodge Room and Meals (Map) Daily Shuttle to Slopes Lift Tickets for All Areas. For More Information: Randie 929-7776 or Small World Travel Agency 942 8534. ; a INSTACOPY Quality Copying1 Franklin & Columbia (Over the Zoom) 922147 Mon.-Fri. 9-5 I he Nip P. Osaka Memorial last annual CPA hnak- and get naked graduation party wilt he at 9 pm until Dec. IK Rclreshmcnts will he served Hnng cheese. Nonviolence Study Action Group will meet at 7:30 p m. Sunday at (ireenwillow School. MIK I'urcloy Road Fveryonets welcome I he pledge class ol Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority is sponsoring a Sunday-nlte-sub dinner Nov 6 at 5. 6 and 7 p.m. Saturday Subs (hoagicsl. potato chips, hrownies and lea lor $2. Otraimpus (and Greek) deliveries arc available. Iickcls are available from KKG pledges. The Car Concert, a short promotional film made hv Surah Wilson. Chip Sego. I I) Sheppcrd.l vndiil.ammarid Mark lurin lot i he Fine Ails Festival lusi spring will he shown bclorebothlrec links. 7 and 9: W p.m Sunday in Carroll Hall. 1 he PanhcllcnK ( ounol is sponsoring a Sorority Service Auction Irom 3 lo 6 p.m. Sundav at the Madhatter I ounge on Franklin St. I he Ml sororities will he auctioning oil sen ices such as dinners, dancing lessons, bartending, study breaks and even standing in line lor basketball tickets! All proceeds will go lo the Chanel Hill "Meals on Wheels" program Free beer will he available I he 1977 Homecoming Dance and Concert sponsored annuallv hv Ihe General Aluumni Association will he provided b ihe Shuttles and Swamp Hm. tickets arcS7 Slpcrpcrsonllwolor Ihe price ol one oflered lo students onlv .( I ickeis av nibble dailv at Alumni Olfice. Alumni House. Join us at FtlHel. 210 W Cameron Ave., for Shabbat morning (Shaban't) worship at 9 30 a m. Saturday and loiah reading (Hayye Sarah). Talmud study group al 1 1 a m. and a joint musal service al noon, which will he followed hy an Oneg with Kiddush. gclille fish and community singing. the Olive Branch, a Jewish-Christian singing group, will present unique Hebraic -sounding music Irom Ihe Old lestament accompanied h a variety of instruments al 8 p m in Hill Hall Auditorium. This worship experience will he sponsored hv Fihw. Ihe Graduate Intenarsilv Christian Fellowship Admission istree. I he UNC Jugglers Association will meet at 3 p.m. Sundav hv the Old Well. Beginners are wvk-ome. ECKANKAR, the Path of lotal Awareness, will present a program entitled. "Soul 1 he Eternal Perspective." from I p.m. lit 3 pm Sundav in 1 he G real Hall ottheCarolina Union Music, talks, an and poetry will he leatured A donation ol S3 is requested fhc Water Polo Club will meet at 7:30 a m Sundav al the Bowman Gra Pool lo leave lor ihe ECl; game. The Ram II Chapter ol the GROOVE PHI GROOVE SOCIAL FELLOWSHIP, INC. welcomes you to our FIRST ANNUAL BLACK & WHITE BALL November 5, 1977 Homecoming Featuring Charlameine Admission Advance $2 50 Single $4 00 Couple Door $3 00 Single $5 00 Couple Al Great Hall Carolina Union UNC-CH 10 00-2 00 Dress Accordingly I hvCGC Rules and Judiciary Committee will meet at 7 p.m. Sunday inSuileC. I he Honor (ode revisions will he discussed and all interested parties are invited ITEMS OF INTEREST I wo Mormon missionaries are now in Chapel Hill I hey arc Sister Shauna Brooks and Sister Valerie Fort. For more information call U67-2I23. Free portraits for the 197S Yackety Yack will he taken until Nov. II. Don'l miss your chance. Sign up lor an appointment between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m in the Carolina Union or call u33-125" between I p nt and 5 p.m. Photographers'hoursareva.m to noon and I p.m. to 5pm Monday. Wednesday and Friday and I p.m. to 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. to s) p.m. on lucsday and Thursday. The Campus-Community Link needs student volunteers to serve on the Campus V committee. Contacl the campus YM Y WCA at 33-2333 il interested tncoordinatinga project involving students and senior citiens. IhcFlneArtsFestrvalissponsoringalogocontest. Ihewinmng entry will he the ollicial logo. Submit entries to Bos IS. Carolina. Union, bve Nov 12. 5- Ax& Fri.: Decatur Jones Sat.: Rabbit & Ken Sun.: Rabbit & Ken Happy Hour: 4:30-6:30 i Historic Hillsborough , Since I 7SV E Featuring Old South Cooking 153 West King Street v. v. "PETE" Thompson, Innkeeper "fC-C-fTC sT'nTii fiij advertise in the DTH Webbo, i i Happy Birthday! I love you, Steve SAVE more than 75 on FAMOUS BRANDS SHOES AND SANDALS $6.50 a pair 2 pairs for $10.00 Finest Quality Shoes and Boots new and used Pic and Save SHOE OUTLET 405 West Rosemary - next to Tijuana Fats and Ihe Cat'j Cradle Please stop in youll love us! SADLACK'S HEROES AND DELI OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! Just beyond the Post Office on Franklin St. Open 11 A.M.-l A.M 929-7202 TAKE OUT! Deli Items Beer Wine 929-7290 NOW OPEN SADLACK'S HEROES AND DELI BOOKS Hard Cover & Paperback CALENDARS 1978 and Advent MAGAZINES Foreign & Domestic Little Professor BOOK CENTER 143 W. Franklin St. Downtown in University Square Open daily 9:30-6:00 Fri. 'til 9 p.m. Sun. 12-6:00 APS AUCTION November 11, 12, 13 r Friday, Nov. 11, Kenan Field House Dinner: 6-8 p.m. (by ticket only) Auction: 8-11 p.m. (All admitted. Sat. & Sun., Nov. 12 & 13, Carr Mill Sat. 9 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sun. 1-6 p.m. Gift items, art treasures, antiques, crafts, concerts, vacations, dinners & fine wines, sports equipment & tickets, unique ser vices, & much more. .Sponsored by the Animal Protection Society of Orange County , inrinuy technology in a $145 powerhouse. Qa 13 t The Qa speaker gives you an EMIT" Infinity's Electromagnetic Induction Tweeter that outshines even expensive electrostatics. And the advanced Q-wooferw, with the same ability to deliver delicacy as well as power. Come hear sheer realism! infinity We get you back to what it's ail abou!. Music. ONE OF NORTH CAROLINA'S FINEST COLLECTIONS OF ENGLISH, FRENCH, AND AMERICAN ANTIQUES IS AT MORTON'S IN CHAPEL HILL i f N ft . v m x v CHEST, SIDEBOARDS. DESKS, SETS OF CHAIRS, SECRETARIES. DINING TABLES, STERLING AND COIN SILVER, ORIENTAL AND EUROPEAN PORCELAINS, AND FINE PAINTINGS ARE JUST A SMATTERING OF OUR EXTEN SIVE STOCK. RETAIL AND WHOLESALE MORTONS ,.i N.-vi t Mot' - Sdt 9 10- ' v'l '.il9)9ftr-509 University bqiuue Chapd Hil THE Daily Crossword by Jack Luzzatto ACROSS 20 Seagull 1 He makes 21 Eggs passes 22 Played 7 Made like polka? a canary 24 Carry with 11 Alarm clock effort 13 Easy marks 25 Columbus' 16 Idle youth hometown ofyester- 27 Nag year 29 Billfold 18 Morse item signals 30 Card packs 19 Headlong 32 Bucolic retreat guffaws Yesterday's Puzzle Solved: PASTAflSARlf'jatFE 1LE11 m kH.H.1 JLOIL Jil 1 1 o A iL m I N'TH L T iil 0 Cjc a l r;: i RTlpHOlTPLATe 0.LZ SiHiARC Si. 2.1 III D " S Al AS Jo E Ad T e T u bTF TacT t i ri f". A 0 ECj SOLA lA C 0L SHOiUroll NG abFe "iiU"11! OAfT AkIl'i.LLL 0 E N T tjO E S K LiT R A Y 5 III.77 34 Drag racer 36 Mets, Cubs or Reds 38 Latin title 41 Raw: Fr. 42 Foreigner 44 Postal districts 46 Garment edge 47 Infuriate 49 Mrs. Peron 50 Illegally off base 52 Ives the singer 53 Impresses deeply 54 Hoofers of yesteryear 58 Early showing 59 Rare twins 60 Say no to 61 Smelled foully DOWN 1 Rabid canine 2 Got there 3 Cassock 4 Embraces 5 Lisper's problem 6 Reentry rocket 7 Just as said 8 Long 9 Salamander 10 Descend in a sub 12 Family ancestry 13 Dwindled 14 No hits, -, no errors 15 Irish dramatist 17 Classic baseball thrill 22 Name in two states 23 Heroic actions 26 Eight, in Spain 28 Old joke 31 Carved pillar 33 River of Florence 35 Colorful arc 36 Happening in the good old days 37 Spread a story 39 Wage period 40 Backtrack 41 Top of the heap 43 Aromatic herbs 45 Got fresh to 48 Egg-white sizing 51 Wash gently 53 Highest point 55 Can 56 Rude shout 57 Burns' negative II 12 i li b It -""- 9 10 I yi if"! jlT tTTiT- T5 Tf TS T5 j!3 75 ?r 2T 15 mw jT" !"" 12 33" "" iirnr 3Tp"j irr S3 tj"- Sf1 rivr sT" ?B 9 h.nt.. ,wrrniT , n li u c b c . w n i 4) z z c 3 a JEf n o 2 CELEBRATE HOMECOMING! Mateus Rose (15 gal.) 2.59 Blue Nun (15 gal.) 2.99 Wcnte Blanc dc Blanc (15 gal.) 2.99 Giacobazzi Lambrusco (15 gal.) 2.19 Old Milwaukee 123.09 Schlitz Light 123.15 TuborgGold 1.49 Heineken 3.49 Canada Dry Gingerale 28 oz..39 6-Pak Pepsi Cans 1.19 STOCK UP NOW at PARTY BEVERAGE CO. 301 WEST FRANKLIN 967-4535 DTH Classifieds Announcements CONTACT LENS WEARERS. Save 6nbrand name hard and soft lens supplies. Send for free illustrated catalog. Contact Lens Supplies, Box 7453, Phoenix, Arizona 85011. CHAPEL HILL NORTH CAROLINA announces the arrival ol smash and little smash (alias Michele and Michael Vavolizza) today from the Bronx. Enjoy the weekend! Love, Uncle Robbie. YES! YES! YES! Ski Killington, Vt. with the UNC SKI CLUB. Space still available. Only $165.57. Bill Verch 933 2567. Legal Clinic of Winston, Coleman, and Bernholz Offering legal services at reasonable prices at convenient times. Services available are: Uncontested Divorces $125 plus sourt costs Name changes $35 plus court costs Consultation $15 for 30 minutes For an appointment call 929-0394. Legal clinic located in NCNB Plaza above Blimpie's. ATTENTION SKIERS: Why travel by bus . . . Take the train with us. Ski Vermont's GLEN ELLEN SKI AREA. Beginners, intermediate, expert stapes. Less crowded than Killington. A luxury trip at a discount price. Call Randie 929 7776 or Small World Travel for more info. If you are interested, come by Room 202 in the Student Union between 3 & 5 today. , SKI VAIL, COLORADO! March 4-11 (spring break) with the UNC SKI CLUB. Only $376.00 (yes, we're flying). Bill Verch, 933 2567; Circle Tours, 9424196. GO! For Sale FOR SALE: 1974 MGB 4-speed, wire wheels. Maroon with black top (two extra covers). $3200, but will negotiate. Call Roger at 933 4072. Leave message. GARRARD 62 TURNTABLE. Includes base, dustcover, Pickering cartridge, and accessories. Excellent condition. $45.00. Call 489 0453 (collect) after 5:00 p.m. Yard Sale 100 FAMILY GARAGE SALE. Sun., Nov. 6, 12 5. Sunoco Station, Estes & Franklin Sts. Judea Women's Group. Clothing, rugs, household, collectables. Miscellaneous PARENTS AND FRIENDS OF UNC. Don't miss out on all the campus news. Subscribe to THE DAILY TAR HEEL this fall. FRESH SEAFOOD - shrimp, scallops, oysters, fish, clams, frozen lobster tails Open Friday 9 a.m. until, Saturday morning 'til noon. Behind Quick Food Mart - corner of Church & Rosemary Sts. Ask about discounts on large food orders. DISSERTATION THESIS PAPER DUE? COPYQUICK Low cost quality copies. All work guaranteed, No minimum number required. Free sorting. Upstairs over N.C. Cafeteria on Franklin Street. Monday-Saturday. Re-elect Alderman Silver, because Marvin supports . more high density multi-family housing units close to campus, to the benefit of students and low income people. Armand DiMeo, UNC Law. Help Wanted PERSONALIZED DATING. Try the Triangle's sophisticated answer to the singles' bar. We provide five matches based on your exact specifications. Satisfaction and confidentiality guaranteed. Write for FREE information today. HESHE, P.O. Box 1109, Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514. CONDOM SAMPLERS. Learn the difference between condoms with one of our famous sample packs. Preshaped, textured, colored, lubricated skins, stubs. Designed to increase sexual satisfac tion. Adam & Eve, Franklin & Columbia (over Hie Zoom). 929-2147. . Personal WELL, MIKE, it looks as if you're gonna make it to another b-day! Hope it's great! Infinite happiness, Captain. HERE'S TO THE SWEETHEART of Chi Omega Beta Beta - Sincere wishes for a really super 21st to our 1 face man! Love, JN, JB, LF MAGDALENE My birth certificate says June 1. Why a Leo? J.B. I LOST MYTRUE LOVE yesterday, a large wide brimmed straw hat. My initials are inside. Please help reunite two friends. Tom Whiteside 942 7465. Tickets FIVE TICKETS NEEDED for Clemson game and five tickets needed for Blue-White game. Call Joe at 942 5273. . ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS: Looking for a part-time job with good income, flexible hours, and real experience with a career opportunity in the business world? Call, Jim Morgan, Northwestern Mutual Life, 942417 URGENT: Need two game. Call 933 2443. TEACHER NEEDED. Local Christian school needs experienced first grade teacher. Sponsored by a fundamental church. Write or call Libatty Christian Schools, P.O. Box 11 186, Durham. 6B8 7616. Lost and Found LOST IRISH SETTER - 8-month-old dark red. Answers to name of Theo. I miss him. Call Vikki 967 3663 or 929-4847. Wearing a black collar. FOUND: Lady's silver watch by Woollen Gym. Call 933 6271 and identify. LOST: BLUE RECORD BOOK and brown receipt book (approx. 7" x 11") on or around Astroturf Tuesday evening, October 24. Please contact Mary, 933 2716. LOST: LADIES' GOLD CARAVELLE WATCH. Sentimental value. Call 929 6573 to claim reward. LOST IN WOOLLEN GYM. A white gold class ring and a yellow gold imitation diamond ring. If found please call 933 1936. Reward! LOST; WHITE SWEATER w.th Carolina blue design in Sludont Union last week. Call 933 8723 to culled reward $$$, Pltase return, gt,d sentimental value tickets for the Clemson Tht DHIy Tr Hwl It pubHtlwd by lb. Dally Tr HmI Botrd ol Olrtclon of th Untvtrtlty ot North Crolln dally Monday through Friday during tha raoular academic ytar ticapt during axam parted, vacations and aummar aaaalona. Tho foNowIng datet ara lo b tha only Saturday latuaa: Sapt 17, Oct. 1, 8, 22, No. 5. Tha Summar Tar Hoal If publish weakly on Thursdays during tha aummar seaelons. Offices ara at tha Frank Porter Graham 8tudent Union Building, University ot North CaroHna, Chapel Hill. N.C. 27514. Telephone numbers: News, Sports-3J-0245, 933-0246, 3W252, 33-0372; Business, Circulation, Advert lelng-S33-1183. Subscription rates: (25 per year; $12.50 per semester The Campus Governing Council shall have powers lo determine the Student Activities Fee nd to appropriate all revenue derived from tha Student Activities Fee (1.1.14 ol the Student Constitution). The Daily Tar Heel la student organization. The Dally Tar Heel reserves tha right lo regulate the typographical tone of all advertisements and to revise or him away copy N considers obtectlonaW. The Dally Tar Heel will not consider adlusunente or payment for any typographical arrors or erroneous insertion unleaa notice Is Ohran lo the Business Manager within (1) on day. alter the advertisement appears, within (1) day of receiving Ihe tear sheets or subscription of tha PPT. Tha Dally Tar Heel will not be responsible tor more than one Incorrect Insertion ot an advertisement scheduled to run several time. Notice tor such correction must be given belore tha nail Insertion. Vems Tsylor Bujnosa Manager Dsn Collins Adwrtjsmg Manas

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