6 The Daily Tar Heel Friday, November 4, Garrboro Editor's Note: The Daily Tar Heel asked the seven candidates for the Carrboro Board of Aldermen and the two candidates for Carrboro mayor to respond to a questionnaire on issues affecting Carrboro. Alderman candidate Mary Riggsbee did not submit a picture. The questionnaire and responses follow. 1) What do you see as the biggest problem facing the town of Carrboro during the coming four years? 2) Do you feel students should be able to vote in the Carrboro elections and take an active role in municipal affairs? 3) Do you favor expanding, continuing at the present levels or eliminating bus service in Carrboro? 4) Would you favor an increase in town taxes to provide an adequate subsidy for bus service? 5) What are your feelings on a possible merger of the towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro? 6) Where should the town board's priorities lie with the transient student population that comprises 80 percent of Carrboro's population or with the more stable residential population? 7) What steps to solve the local water problem do you advocate? 8) What action, if any, can the town board take to insure that students are provided their fair share of town services? Alderman Candidates Doug Sharer 1) Carrboro has grown tremendously in recent years and continues to grow. The manner in which the town manages and guides that growth is the key issue. With thoughtful, sensitive town involvement, private property rights and the public interest can be balanced in a fashion which preserves small town amenities (the Carr M ill Mall) while promoting environmentally and socially sound development. As a professional planner, as former chairperson of the Carrboro Planning Board and as an organizer of the 1975 Growth Options for Orange County Conference, I believe I am qualified by training and experience to help direct the town's efforts. 2) Most definitely. 1 have supported every effort to make participation easier, such as full-time registration at Town Hall. Also, the current board has appointed students to every board and commission in town. 3) I have fought since 1973 for adequate bus service. Our current effort is good but must be expanded this year to provide better peak-period service plus night service. With careful study of needs I would support consideration of additional routes as well as weekend and holiday service. 4) If necessary, I would support up to a ten-cent tax to subsidize the bus service. I have worked hard to pass such a referendum in the past and would do so again. 5) I do not feel a merger would be advantageous at this time. However, 1 do support efforts to increase coordination of municipal services as a means of reducing costs. 6) The board of aldermen must address the Harry Wheeler 1) The single most important issue is Carrboro's future. Carrboro's diverse citizen composition and the limited growth capabilities of Chapel Hill have placed Carrboro in a unique position. This opportunity will be lost unless fiscally sound and reasonably flexible management policies are developed and implemented. Aldermen should listen to and work with all citizens and not create a myopic atmosphere as has been experienced in the past. 2) Regardless of status, every person meeting constitutional requirements should register and vote in all elections. Unfortunately, there are too many people in Carrboro, Orange County, North Carolina and the United States who do not exercise their privilege. All people, whether students or not, should actively participate in all levels of the governmental process. 3) The long overdue bus system in Carrboro is inadequate. It is important to continue the bus system with improvements in the area of night and weekend service. We should establish a sound method to finance the bus program so future service can be secure and, if so desired, extended to other areas of Carrboro. 4) Adequate bus service can be provided by our present budget without an increase in the tax rate. A reduction in aldermen's salaries coupled with contingency and revenue-sharing funds would be one way of financing the bus system, A tax rate increase would invariably increase apartment rents as well as place undue hardships on people living on a limited income. 5) I do not favor merger of the towns of Carrboro and Chapel Hill. 6) To provide one segment of the population with all programs and provide few or none to the other segments would not be in the best interest of the town. Although programs cannot be provided as fully as desired, an alderman must insure that Mayoral Candidates Bob Drakeford 1 ) The biggest problem that Carrboro faces in the next four years is planning for the growth that will take place and managing this growth to maximize the benefits it can bring to Carrboro and minimize the harm to the quality of life in the town. The elements this planning should address are: 1) providing housing that is low-cost, energy efficient, aesthetically pleasing and in a variety that can fill the needs of students, low income workers, professors and other citizens and 2) channeling growth away from the watershed into other areas west of Carrboro. This will minimize the danger to the future water supply of the area. The fact that I have professional training in planning and public health (both at L'NC), augmented by my professional experience at the N.C. Department of Human Resources, qualifies me to lead the town in these areas. 1977 aldermen and mayoral candidates discuss issues facing town muLaJLA toll lk 1 1 Doug Sharer needs of all members of the community. In the past, attention has been focused on the more stable population. I have worked to balance our efforts towards all segments of town whether homeowner or apartment dweller, white or black, transient or long time resident. 7) I support the good faith efforts of OWASA to meet both our short- and long range needs. 1 support development of Cane Creek Reservoir but feel we should also consider possible use of Jordan Reservoir if the water quality permits. 8) The board needs only to pledge itself to fairly allocate its resources. As a current board member, I am working to insure that students get their fair share. Harry Wheeler services are provided as objectively and equitably as possible. 7) 1 would favor a combination of the pipeline to Hillsborough, wells and filling the rock quarry to temporarily offset our water crisis. It is also important for everyone to continue conservation efforts so they will be conditioned for next year's shortage. Long-term solutions should not be geared only to increasing our impoundment capacity but should insure adequate water quality. 8) It is the aldermen's inherent responsibility to insure all citizens are provided a fair share of town services. This applies to students, long-term residents, blacks, whites, women, men, old, young, the physically able and the physically disabled. Aldermen should consider all people when seeking citizen input and making appointments to the various committees. It is important, though, for citizens to make their voice heard if they feel' they are not receiving a fair share. 2) Students comprise 50 to 70 percent of the town's population, and since they are in the majority, the student interests should be high on the town's priorities. All citizens should have the opportunity to vote. Students are a vital part of our town, and a student is as much a citizen as anyone else in Carrboro. Students have and should take a vital part in our town affairs. Students should be on all the boards and commissions the town has. 3) 1 favor expanding the existing service to provide night service, more peak-hour buses, an additional route to cover the areas not covered presently and study into some types of very early service (4:30 a.m.) for workers who have to go to work at that hour. 4) 1 would favor an increase in town taxes to subsidize the bus system. 1 don't think an additional tax will be needed to finance the current svstem or an, expanded service. The use of revenue- if'-.' Nancy White 1) The biggest immediate problem is getting increased bus service on an assured financial basis. On a more abstract level, we must recognize the changing makeup of our population, the probable growth of the town and the increasing energy shortage and plan accordingly in using our resources. Recognition of the scope of our problems is requisite for solving them. 2) Yes. Occupation should be irrelevant in determining residency. I want those students who vote here to take an active role in town affairs. 3) I favor expanding the level of bus service by extending the hours of service, by providing weekend service, by providing year-round service and by providing at least one more bus route in Carrboro. 4) Yes. 5) I am in favor of merging the two towns. With our small tax base Carrboro cannot provide all the services its citizens need. 6) The needs of students and other citiens are not all that different. The whole town needs bus service, street paving, bikeways and recreation facilities. 1 think it reasonable for the town to pay most of the cost of mass transportation and for property owners to pay most of the cost of street paving. 7) Water decisions are made by OWASA. not by aldermen. I trust the board members of OWASA to make informed judgements. John Thomas 1) The biggest .problem facing C arrboro now is financial: management, tax rates and tax base. Projections show that the 1980-81 tax rate will reach $1.40. The county tax assessor sees' little hope lor a tax base increase in Carrboro and agrees that we have a problem. Financial management now is absolutely necessary. 2) Yes. students should be active in politics in Carrboro. Student Government should maintain an active list of students who wish to be involved in party politics and in city government. Business school and regional planning students, particularly, could contribute ideas to the budget input. A balanced consensus will produce better government. 3) Presently the level of bus service is inadequate and should be adjusted to provide additional services. I have requested through channels that Student Government appoint three upper-level students who live in an apartment complex to serve on a transportation advisory committee. Their input would be necessary to determine the best bus service level. 4) I believe that the tax rate is adequate to provide the necessary bus service. The budget has an extremely large contingency line w hich has no planned or stated purpose. The contingency is equivalent to ten cents. Presently Carrboro is borrowing cash to pay the payroll, and OWASA will not install hydrants because of unpaid bills. 5) This question deserves exploration by the boards of both towns. In two years Carrboro could benefit by receiv ing a much lower tax rate. I would like to see this subject discussed rationally and in a nonpolitical part of the year. 6) The town board should strive to represent all people in the town. In the current campaign there has been an unsuccessful effort to pit the students and Jim 1) All the important questions that Carrboro will face in the future economic development, managed growth, streets, etc. will be resolved only if each alderman is commited to the good of the whole community. 1 have a master's degree in public affairs and several years experience in governmental administration. I believe that my knowledge of government and my commitment to nonpartisan allegiances will allow me to make the fight decision on particular issues. 2) Absolutely. Students should be able to vote as long as they meet the requirements that any citiens needs to vote. The qualities that make a good citizen are transferable from one community to another. Just because a student lives in Carrboro for only a few years is no reason that he or she can't contribute to the good of te community. Carrboro owes much to her .student population, and she has an obligation to allow her students to develop into good citizens. 3) I support the present levels of bus service that we have but would not favor extending the bus service into comprehensive' coverage of the town. I believe that the bus service that we now have is serving the population most in need of it. sharing and sources of revenue other than tax dollars could be used to finance the system. 5) The two towns are not alike in the way they operate politically and governmentally. The viewpoints in the two towns differ greatly on many issues, and it would not serve the interests of either town to merge governmental units. There are good reasons for combined services, joint bidding and mutual cooperation of departments. These joint efforts could save money and provide better services for Southern Orange. 1 am against merger but for sharing services. 6) The town has got to do what the vast majority of its citizens want in all actions it takes. The student majority has to be heard and responded to. The' minority or non-university personnel should also be hear'd and treated fairly but not at the expense of the majority. The board's priorities therefore should lie with the students. 7) Building Cane Creek, building a pipeline to Hillsborough, joining in a fty - f k r t Nancy White As an interested bystander. I lavor the Cane Creek Reservoir and do not think it wise to close the Jordan Dam or to take water from the Haw River as long as purer sources of water are available. 8) Such action can best be taken by students themselves in their choice of candidates lor whom to vote. Then interested students can call their aldermen and make their opinions known on issues before the board. John Thomas blacks against the stable residential population. I.ove and concern for all constituents is necessary if people in each section of town are to understand the needs of others. 7) Chapel Hill and Durham's sewage should be cleaned up and Jordan Lake filled for future w ater usage. Cane C reek should be impounded, wells dug and University Lake should be enlarged. A large reservoir should be built in north Orange County for future demands. Jordan I ake would be a fine recreation resource. . 8) It would be hard to determine the lair share due to any segment of a population. I do plan to determine the property tax revenue received from apartments, utilities, businesses and residential areas.' Comprehensive decisions by the town board w ill best prov ide lor the needs of the citizens and. hopefully, will result in fairness to all. Porto 4) 1 am not opposed to using the tax dollar to finance the bus system as long as the majority of Carrboro's citiens are in favor of it . But even with trie consent of Carrboro's citizens to use the tax dollar, 1 think we cannot afford a comprehensive bus service. 1 would still advocate only a limited bus service to those routes that would most likely have a high ridership. 5) I would not like to see a merger of Carrboro and Chapel Hill. Carrboro has a charm all its ow n that is appealing to me. 1 would like to see our downtown area continue to develop an identity distinct from that of Chapel Hill. 1 his is not to say that I wouldn't favor cooperation between the towns on some governmental functions such as recreation. 6) The town's priorities should lie with the good of the entire community. This means that priorities should be established as each particular issue is raised after all available information has been evaluated. 7) I advocate a complete review of the Orange Water and Sewer Authority's history, starting with the sale of the utilities by the University. This study should include -a review of the financial history and structure of the authority - its rates, its bonded indebtedness, etc. - - and a review of regional water venture. 8) Mandating that students are on every board the town has. moving board meetings to apartment complexes periodically . establishing dialogues with student leaders to insure the town's shortcomings are redressed. 7""" ' - A,'. Bob Drakeford Braxton Foushee ru. u:.. ....... l.1 r.: - i I ) The biggest problems facing Carrboro in the coming four years are busing, street paying, planning and growth and recreation. My eight and one-half years on the board and being a lifetime resident of Carrboro make me a qualified candidate. 2) Students are part of all elections and should take part in them because it is their right. I have tried to get them to take an active role in Carrboro affairs. 3) 1 support expanded peak and night service in Carrboro. 4) I w ill support a ten-cent tax to subsidize the bus service. 5) I think that Carrboro and Chapel Hill will merge in the next 20 to 30 years. 6) I look at all the population of Carrboro when looking at priorities. One cannot look at a piece of the pie without looking at the w hole pie. 7) Cane Creek will meet the needs of Carrboro and Chapel H ill for the next 25 to 30 years. So I will favor Cane Creek. 8) If I am re-elected. 1 will see that the Sherwood Ward 1) Carrboro must solve the many problems it has incurred as a direct result of a phenomenally explosive growth in population in recent years. This explosive growth has tremendously increased the demands for services and facilities to be provided by the town without a commensurate increase in the town's tax base, which is the primarysource of revenue. It is my opinion that these growing pains cannot be addressed in an effective manner until a more responsible and truly progressive board of aldermen is elected to provide a broader base of representation which will be sensitive and truly responsive to the needs of all citizens. Therefore, one must .conclude that the single most important issue lacing the Town of Carrboro during the next four years is the Nov. 8 election, which is the most critical in the town's history. 2) 1 definitely feel that students living in Carrboro should take an active role in municipal affairs. Through active participation they will become better informed citizens and will contribute greatly to the election of responsible and effective leaders who will administer the town's business on a fair, equitable and nondiscriminatory basis. 3) Carrboro is presently engaged in a program which provides bus service to areas where residents have the greatest need. This level of service is an excellent way for the town to address the problem of meeting its citizens' transit needs, and I support it wholeheartedly. It is my opinion that the present level of service provides a sound basis for determining the. extent to which bus service should be expanded and the level of funding which the town can afford to appropriate for this purpose. 4) With sufficient justification of need, the assurance that it would be within the town's financial capability and that it would be in accord with priorities outlined in an organized plan of long-range goals and objectives. I would support a tax increase or a bond referendum which would improve the quality of life for all residents of Carrboro in a fair and equitable manner, i would not, however, propose a tax increase to subsidize Jim Porto all options to increase the storage capacity of the water system. After having made this review and with creative administrative leadership, I believe that we will see a solution to our water problem. 8) If the members of the town board keep in mind that students are a part of the constituency that they are serving, then students will get their fair share of town services. John Boone 1) The biggest problem facing the Town of Carrboro during the next four years is unity in the town. Town government and town people need to unite together for one purpose, to work for a belter Carrboro. I am a lifetime resident of Carrboro; I have grown up with the town. I think I can fairly represent all citizens of Carrboro. 2) If a student or any other resident is a citizen of the Town of Carrboro and legally registered, I do not have problems with them voting or taking active roles in municipal affairs. 3) 1 don't think we need to expand the present transportation system any further than it is now. The system is serving the purpose and the people it was intended to serve. 4) No, I am not opposed to public transportation. I am opposed to subsidized public transportation. 5) 1 am not in favor of a merger for the Town of Carrboro and the Town of Chapel Hill. We each have our own governmental unit and our own identity. I don't see why we should change this. P" ' - . ! ' "V. Braxton Foushee students get their fair share of all town services. -I 3 - Sherwood Ward bus service until exhausting all possible sources of funding available within the present budget. 5) I am absolutely opposed to a merger of Carrboro and Chaper Hill. 6) Policy decisions which affect the quality of life which a town provides its citizens should be made in a nondiscriminatory manner. Regardless of the imbalances which exist in the town's population structure, elected officials should strive for a qualitative and a quantitative improvement in the level of services and facilities in a realistic and fiscally responsible manner. ' 7) Finding an adequate source to supplement the shortage of water we will experience during the spring and summer months of the next several years is an immediate priority in solving the local water problem. The Hillsborough pipeline, supplemental wells, the Haw River, the gravel pit and Alamance County sources are possible short-range solutions. 8) The appointment of a blue ribbon advisory commission comprised of equal representation from all segments of the community, including students, would be an appropriate action for the town board to tatke to insure that all citizens receive their fair share of town services. Mary Riggsbee 1) The Town of Carrboro has many problems: water, streets, obtaining an identity, trash, dogs and much more, I am sure. I will set priorities if elected to the Board. I don't make any promises to solve the problems but will do my best trying. 2) I do not feel the student should be allowed to vote in our local elections. Usually the student is interested in an issue and not in the town as a whole. I just don't believe anyone can be sensitive to the needs of people in the short time a student is here. 3) The bus question was answered in 197 1 , 1 973 and 1 976; therefore, I will do my best to represent the majority of the public's wishes. 4) Since the tax increase has been voted down three times, legally the board cannot increase taxes for a subsidy purpose without another referendum. 5) Merger of the towns hopefully will never happen. 6) If there were priorities, 1 would have to go with the one that benefited the town and most people. 7) 1 think the filling of Jordan Lake would solve our water problem. 8) I don't know of any special action the board could take toward assuring students town services as I believe in treating everyone alike. John Boone 6) When town board priorities are established they should be with all citizens of the town. 7) We should fill the New Hope reservoir and draw water from the Haw River to help solve our water problems" 8) All tow n services are provided for all people of Carrboro. Everyone gets the same treatment. ;Jr A I" Y"";:. t I l 1

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