2 The Daily Tr Heel Wednesday, November 9, 1977 campus I Compiled by Jodi Bishop Public lervlcd innounctmtntt mull bs turnad in to the box Outside the DTH offices in the Union by 1 00 p m If they art to run trie next day. Etch itsni will run at least twice ACTIVITIES TODAY lleck Religion and Human Relations it the topic of Herb Edwardi' speech at I p.m. in tht Morthead Kiculiy Lounjt. sponsored by thf Campus Y and the BSM. MM Snort Court, "Fundine, for Social Science Rneirch (Session )" will men tl 2 p.m. in 209 Manning. Tht UNC Term la Club will meet tl 7 p.m. in Room 209 Carolina Union. You art invited to training union on legislative lobbying from 2 to 4 p.m. m Room 202-204 Carolina Union. Sponsored by Social Work 231, Gran Room Participation. There will be a meeting lor anyone interested in working on SCAiri Comparison Snooper at ) p m In SCAU office. Suuc B Carolina Union. The Pertormlrtf, Arts Committee will meet at 6: JO p m. in the Frank Porter Graham Lounge of the Carolina U nion. The meeting time hai been changed due to the Kaihryn Poiin Dance Company performance Tueioay. There will be a meeting of older duM students at 8 p.m. in Room 209 Carolina Union. All itudinti .Hand older are urged to mend. Fred Anton ol Oe CaWomla IntUtult of Technology will peak at I p.m. in 207 Yenablc on "Clinging Molecules: Etmrochemlitry with ReiclinU Attached to Electrode Surficci " Tht N.C. Coastal Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 203 Carolina Union. Everyone interested in the field '.rip to Portsmouth Village thai weekend must ittend. Thinking about your career? Career Manning end Placement it sponsoring a free workshop focusing on work values, skills and interests from 7 to 9 JO p.m. In 208 Hanet. College Studentt tn roadoasttng is sponsoring a panel discussion with broadcasting personnel from WBTV, WXII and WCHL at I p.m. in 10) Bingham. Tht iooieoed Hlspenlsa CtroUneaa will have its weekly tertulia at 3 p.m. at He's Not Hera. Todos quedan invitados. Tht knternttlonal Polk Oanotrt will meet at 7 p.m. ti the Student Center of the U niversity Presbyterian Church Jisni de la Jina (Romanian), Cm Cit (Turkish) and Jo Jon ( Armenian! will bt taught. Tht Durham-Orange County chapter ol "Make Today Count," a self-help support group for persons with cancer or with cancer In their family, will meet at 7:30 p.m. at the Duke Memorial Mrthoditt Church. For further information call Cindy. 929-7733. Proleeeor Doug lea Had of VanderbUt Unlveralty will speak on "Why Binary Sura Don't Have Constant Orbital Periods," at 3 50 p.m. in 263 Phillips. Chapel HW I COS will discuss solar and tnti-nuclear programs at 7:30 p m. in 201 Bingham. A progress report on NonhCarolma's "soft path" will be given. Tht UNC beglrmlrn needlework Olaaa will meet at 7 p m. in 432 Hamilton. Call Ann at 966-1471 for more information The Education BUI Committee of NCSL will meet at 8:30 p m in the South Gallery Meeting Room of the Carolina Union. Film ol War and Peace, sponsored by the Curriculum in Peace, War and Defense, will be shown at 3 p.m. in 106 Carroll Hall. The film Is free and open to the public. Former (Mr) toouta interested in starting a Campus Gold group should attend a meeting at 7 p m. in tht Ruhskcllcr. For more information, call 933-143 or 933-3202. The first CoDeglste Seeamaelera meeting will be held at 7 30 pm. in 749 Hinton Jsmes to dicusa the upcoming tournaments. Anyone interested in fishing is urged to attend. Parkins franceii. The Prenoh dinner will be at 3:30 pm at Sadlark's on East Franklin Street. (CKANKAPi, the path of total awareness, will hold its open discussion group at 7:30 in Room 206 Carolina Union. All are welcome Tht UNC II Speech Team will meet at 7 p.m. in 103 Bingham. The executive council will meet at 6 p.m. Practice deadline lor the fieorge Mason Tournament is today. Will you be looking for a job? Learn how to do it effectively so you don't waste time and cause unnecessary frustration Career Planning and Placement offering a series of three free workshops on the job-seeking process at 3:30 p.m. in 10 Hanes Hall. UPCOMING EVENTS The UNC Juflglert AeaoclaUon will meet at 4 p.m. Thursday outside Berryhill Hall. Beginners arc welcome. The UNC Audio Club, EAR, will meet at 9 p m. Thursdsy at Hoagies Heroes. Bring ideas. The Carolina Indian Circle will meet at 6 p.m. Thursday in the Coffee House of the Wesley Foundation for a pot-luck supper All members ere urged to attend. Kenan Professor of Philosophy E. Maynard Adams will speak at Program to instruct methods of creatively muddling in life Students interested in a "planning process for creatively muddling through life and work" can become involved in the Centering-Venturing program by contacting Jane Kendall at the Career Planning and Placement office or by coming to the office in 21 1 Hanei Hall and filling out appropriate forms. Groups are started when enough persons express an interest in becoming involved. Juniors interested in the program should FILMS OF WAR AND PEACE sponsored by Curriculum in Peace, War, and Defense November 9 106 Carroll Hall The Assassination of Heydrich 3 p.m. a Hansmen Also Die (1943). Fritz Lang's famous feature film about 1942 assassination of Heydrich, one of Hitler's most notorious aides. In reprisal the Nazis shot every inhabitant of Lidice, Czechoslovakia. Libretto by Bertold Brecht. Advertise In the Daily Tar Heel . . .It's no gamble ENGRAVED BUTTONS Gold or silver-plated blazer buttons - 3 large, 4 small; with script or block initials (allow 2 weeks for delivery) $17.50: DOWNTOWN r calendar- .... M. I . WteWltaMV .........fr ... ,..111. I nUIMld) Ml.'tMj . A kV All are welcome. Tht Alchemist, UNC's interdisciplinary science magarinc. will meet at 8 p.m. Thursday in the South Gallery Meeting Room of the Carolina Union. II you're interested in submitting an article, please come. The deadline has been emended to late November. The Medical Technology Club will meel at 7 p m. Thursday in 22 1 Greenlaw to discuss interviews and plans for a Christmas party. The T-shirts are here and are on sale for $2. Proleeeor Fred C. Anion of the California Institute nl Technology will discuss "Electron Transfer to or Irom Molecules Containing Multiple Redox Centers" at 2 p.m. Thursday in 30K Venable Hall. An orientation-indoctrination meeting (or prospective members of the Graduate Honor Court Pool will he held at 6:30 p m. Thursday inOI Steele Building. Any graduate students interested in serving on the court are invited to anend. II unable to attend, call 933-3673 and leave your name and phone number The first meeting of the UNC Procrattlnatora Club has been postponed until further notice. Paul Oeml, pocket bHIIardt tahlbltlonlat, will give free demonstrations of his skill at noon and 2 p m. Thursday in the Carolina Union billiards room. In iht Ben Inieteui nl ihe Children: e Film uhimi lahian Moihen and Child Cmiodr will be shown by the UNC Women In Law at 7:30 Thursday in Classroom 2 of the UNC Law School Building The film's producers will he present to answer questions and discuss Ihe film. The Undergraduate Political Science AeeoclaMon will meel ai 2 p ro Thursday in the third-floor lounge of Hamilton Hall to report on plans lor upcoming events. ITEMS OF INTEREST Lab Theaire presents Alice In Wonderland at II p m. today through Saiurday in Room 103 Graham Memorial. Admission is free. Glngko Tree Day is coming. Join APO. Willie Koch and the North Tower Quartet at 4 p m. the day all the leaves fall off. In the meantime, come bythe tree and guess when this special day will be. WXYC. the student radio station, is soliciting original tcrlpti tor a eerlee ol radio dram at to be produced later this year. Scripts may be of any type and length Scripts and questions should be addressed lo Nelson Goforth. WXYC. Box 51 Carolina Union. The 1978 Orientation Commiaalon is looking for commission members. If you are interested, please come by Suite ) and leave your name and phone number so an interview can he arranged F or more information, call 942-3469. and please keep trying Technical personnel are needed desperately for the Carolina Reader's productions of Dylan 1 homas' Vndrr Mtlkwintd. Those interested may call Kathi Lamb al 966-5136 or 933-9773. South Campus Quiz Bowl, sponsored by the Carolina U niun. a now registering four-person teams at all South Campus information desks. Registration continues through Friday. Play begins next week Juniors and seniors interested in nanicipaiing in Centurlng V en hiring, three-part series on career and life planning, should contact Jane Kendall al Career Planning and Placement office as soon as possible. A group will begin Thursday in the evenings. UNC Reeder'l Theater will present "Bradbury I onight." two short stories by Ray Bradbury at 8 p m today and Thursday in Room 202 Carolina Union. Admission is free. Overeaten Anonymous has switched meeting places from the YMCA lo Room 215 Carolina Union for the Friday afternoon meeting. A co-operative of local women artisans is conducting Iree demonstrations, creative workshops an classes for handmade goods at 412 W. Franklin St.. across from McDonalds For more information call 929-8362. The last Veterinary Aptitude Teet for admission in fall 1978 will be held Dec. J in Raleigh. Applications need to be received in New York City by Nov. 17 and can he picked up in 106 Nash Hall. M ore information on contract schools and catalogues can he found in the Educational Occupational Information Library in 101 Nash Hall. Free portraits lor tht 1979 Yeckety Yack will he laken until Nov. 18. Don't miss your chance. Sign up for an appointment between 9 a m. and 5 p m. in the Carolina Union or call 933-1 259 between I and 5 p.m. Photographers' hours are 9 a. m to noon and I to 5pm Monday. Wednesday and Friday and I to5p m.andhto 9 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday. The Campus-Community Link needs student volunteers to serve on the Campus Y committee. Contact the campus YM YWCA at 933-2333 if interested in coordinaiingaproject involving students and senior cituens. T he Fine Arta Featlval is sponsoring a logo contest. The winning entry will be the oflicial logo. Submit entries to Box 1 5. Carolina Union, by Nov 12. contact Kendall soon, since a group f or these students is meeting now. Kendall says the groups are"homogenous as far as where they are in the career planning process." The program has been offered periodically since last spring. Twelve to 20 students meet for a total of six to 15 hours of class and group discussion. The course is free and non credit. Come To CUPPACEE II a coffeehouse sponsored by Community Church Mason Farm atPurefoy Road Saturday, Nov. 12, 8-12 p.m. Admission $2.50 Interested Performers Register in Advance by Calling 929-7675 fT3 FAHfy&tlC AfdP VM Ad. STJfX tmw IN THEIR ROOM. mcu mte sax living solo OFF SYn.VA"; rjDA. I o.,-rJ ahd the amnoN 5 etcon- WC V0JH, SCRIOUS THAT Mu rjrr rtir i i i.e. L I DOONESBURY 15 A VEWM COLLEGE STVP&JT WiTH HIS EAR TO THE GROUND. TELL ME, j tVHATSTHE SCBNS 1 LIKE TODAY? ' AP KIDS STILL . TUWNO Off AND TWtN6 OUT?' t A. " 0 0 r rA 0 11 J . (. O) LV N.J. Gov. Byrne re-elected; Dalton wins in Va. By United Press International The major political parties fought to a standoff in the 1977 off-year elections Tuesday as Democratic Gov. Brendan Byrne won re-election in New Jersey while Republican John Dalton kept the Virginia governorship in the GOP column. Democrat Edward Koch, as expected, was elected mayor of New York City in the biggest of 40 municipal elections. Cleveland voters made Dennis Kucinich, 3 1, the youngest bigcity mayor in the nation. Erastus Corning retained his title as the country's senior mayor by winning his I Oth term since 1941 in Albany. Coleman Young was re-elected mayor of Detroit, defeating fellow black Ernest Brown Jr. The Democrats lost their bid for the top job in Virginia but won the lieutenant governorship as Charles Robb. the son-in-law of former President Lyndon Johnson, easily won his first try for political office. The two statewide elections left the Democrats overwhelmingly in control of the nation's governorships. Thirty-seven statehouses now are held by Democrats, 12 by Republicans and one by an independent. The outcome also was a partial victory for President Carter, who lost both states in his 'own 1976 effort. He returned to campaign this year for Byrne in New Jersey and for loser Henry Howell in Virginia, but state issues and candidate personalities were judged more crucial to the outcome in both states than the appearance of national political figures. At 10:45 EST, the major races shaped up this way: In Virginia, with 76 percent counted, Dalton led 539,6 1 7 to 409. 1 73 - or 56 to 42 percent. In New Jersey, with 68 percent counted, Byrne's lead was 794.961 to 582,556 - or 58 to 42 percent. In New York City, with 31 percent counted, Koch led Secretary of State Mario Cuomo, the Liberal Party candidate. 203,286 to 177,363 - or 49 to 42 percent. Republican State Sen. Roy Goodman and Conservative Barry Farber trailed badly. The Byrne and Dalton victories had been predicted in late campaign polls, which showed both making strong comebacks after THE PON'T VNPERSTANP., if HOW COME THE ROOF IS COVERED WITH SNOW, BUT HE ISN'T ? TV-AM .V-J I THEY CWAINUAFE, ROLAND, and in EW-emum numbers! WHILE THE USE OF 'ACID IS POtUN, OMR. SmiS SUCH AS "GRASS' AND YOKE' HAVE RE&S7ERED iurV IMPRESS1VF- GAINS I HOWEVER, Bf THE END OF THB YEAR, tD LOOK FOR M0RD0LUN ERS'ANDI WINK m'U FIND MANY STWENT5 WILL BE MOVING TOUARD THE MORE TRADITIONAL CENTRAL NERWUS SYSTEM l&RES- - SANlS'l i , r i ni trailing in early surveys. Byrne, who presided over the enactment of New Jersey's first-ever state income tax during his first term, was regarded as a sure casualty when he faced off against Republican state Sen. Raymond Bateman. But the former prosecutor and judge who had won his first term in 197.3 on an anti corruption campaign heightened by the Watergate disclosures took the tax issue head on. Responding to Bateman's pledge to let the new income tax expire at the end of its first year. Byrne warned property taxes would have to go up another SI billion. Bateman's lead in the polls vanished. Howell, making his third try for the Virginia governship, was well ahead of Dalton after the hotly contested Democratic primary reinforced the fiery Norfolk lawyer's voter recognition. But Dalton, the son of a federal judge who led Virginia's then-slim GOP two decades ago, pinned the radical label on Howell and went on to show that the Old Dominion is now firmly in the Republican fold. The Virginia campaign was no example of the Southern gentleman. Dalton. claiming Education critic Kozol to speak at UNC tonight Jonathan Kool. a prominent critic of the current American educational system will speak at 8 p.m. today in Memorial Hall. A graduate of Harvard and a Rhodes Scholar. K.070I has written three books concerning American public education. His first. Death Al An Karlv Age. won a National Book Award in 1968. Kool will cover three major areas in his speech entitled "Education in America; Reading. Writing or Brainwashing?" He will discuss why American schools turn out what he calls "mindless, obedient young people who are unable to read or write," as well as Boston's surprising success with court ordered busing this year. Kool also will relate his teaching trip to Cuba, w here he taught Etiglish to Cuban ninth graders. Kool will conclude his address by answering this question: "Are American students brainwashed?" Great Selection of Fall Dresses 25 off Come In Take A Look 171 E. Franklin St. Downtown Chapel Hill 5N0U; DOES NOT STICK TO A WARM, CUDDLY BODY ! by Garry Trudeau WMEAN.. ?-f ALCOHOL? KlttCM- i T'eETTTNG PLASTERED" Psi OR 'BOMBED.- o S "a h Wf 0 Vo $ N 1 -f I Howell had compared him to Hitler and called him mean as a junkyard dog, refused in mid-campaign to continue a series of scheduled debate appearances with the Democrat. Dalton brought in no outsiders to boost his campaign, but he had star backing from actress Elizabeth Taylor, now a Virginia resident as the wife of former Navy Secretary John Warner. Warner is expected to be a Republican candidate for the Senate next year. Bateman, a 19-year veteran of the New Jersey legislature, called on former President Gerald Ford for campaign help. In New York City, it was Koch all the way once the five-term congressman had bested the beleaguered incumbent, Abraham state overwhelmingly in Wilson County, Hunt's home. Its passage means he can seek a second term. In Wilson, the measure carried by a 2-1 margin. I n somewhat of a surprise, Bladen County approved the issue by a slim margin. The county is the home of Lt. Gov. James C. Green, an opponent of the succession issue. The turnout was light in most areas of the state, although it was moderate in several cities where municipal elections also were on the ballot. Alex Brock, director of the state elections board, predicted that only 28 percent of the state's 2.3 million registered voters go to the polls. The turnout appeared to be particularly College Students in Broadcasting Presents: A JOB PANEL DISCUSSION with Personnel in: News Sales Creative Services from WXII-TV WBTV WCHL Tonight at 8:00 103 Bingham Hall Reception following DTH Classifieds Announcements PLEASE ATTEND MEETING for Murdoch Center Volunteers Nov. 9, 7 p.m. Room 215 Student Union. Auto Service VW PARTS & machine service for Do-it-' yourselfers at lowest prices. The Bug Haus 967-7414 evenings for information. VW GOT THE BLAHS? Tune-ups $1250 plus parts. Mufflers, clutches, shocks) brakes, valves, rebuilds. The Bug Haus guarantees parts & labor. 967-7414 evenings for information. Help Wanted ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS: Looking for a part-time job with good income, flexible hours, and real experience with a career opportunity in the business world? Call, Jim Morgan, Northwestern Mutual Life, 94241. JOB OPENINGS: Wear-Ever Aluminum has Career-Management-Training openings. No experience necessary. From $4.00hr. to $5.35hr. to start. Non-students also welcome. Apply at Carolina Union, Room 209, Wednesday, at 3:10 p.m. PART-TIME OFFICE WORKER, 10 hours per week. Flexible hours you choose. Excellent experience for Accounting or Business Majors. Some typing experience helpful. For information call Kent Lester Photo Specialties 967-9576. SANTA AND SANTA HELPERS needed to work in South Square Mall in Durham evenings and days - call 493 2451. 1-3 STUDENTS experienced construction carpentry aluminum siding to remodel shed weekends near campus. $3.00 hr. 929-6044. THE BACCHAE is now hiring a disc jockey immediately will train. Apply in person at the Bacchae. Lost and Found FOUND: Set of keys along the road at the side of Phillips Hall. Key ring with leather band. See DTH office to claim. FOUND: 4 keys on leather charm with MAN on leather. Found on mailbox outside Chase Cafeteria 1:00, 118. Keys are at Union Desk. LOST: Pi Lambda Phi Fraternity pin 112 between Joyner and Gardiner. Great sentimental value. If found, call 933-1213. Reward! FOUND: Pair of glasses across from Carolina INN in gutter after game Saturday. Call 933-2610 after 9:00 p.m. or before 9:00 a.m. Miscellaneous ACTIVISTS: Only energetic, articulate individuals with committment to social and economic justice need apply. Position involves canvassing, petitioning, fund raising for statewide grassroots organization. Call 1-682-6076. PERSONALIZED DATING. Try the Triangle's sophisticated answer to the singles' bar. We provide five matches based on your exaci , specifications. Satisfaction and confidentiality -guaranteed. Write for FREE information today. '' HESHE, P.O.Box 1109, Chape! Hill, N.C. 27514. . WANTED: ANYONE WHO SAW a brown tar damaged by a bus Saturday afternoon near Parker and Avery dorms. Reply G. McConnell Box 125 Greenlaw Hall. ; DISSERTATION THESIS PAPER DUE' COPYQUICK - Low cost quality copies. All work guaranteed. No minimum number required. Free sorting. Upstairs over N.C. Cafeteria on Franklin Street. Monday Saturday. RESEARCH PAPERS - our 224 payc catalog lists detailed descriptions ol owr toOO research studies. jIso details our custom research service. Well rush it airmail, send $1 to Pacific Research, Box 5IM, Seattle. WA 9105 Beame, and five others in the Democratic primary and runoff. His strongest opposition in the general election was from Secretary of State Mario Cuomo, who ran on the Liberal ticket. Cuomo entered the Democratic primary on the urging of Gov. Hugh Carey, but the governor endorsed Koch. Voting was hampered by heavy rains all along the.East Coast. There was flooding in Virginia and torrential rains in New Jersey and New York. As the campaign got under way two months ago, polls showed Byrne trailing Bateman by what appeared to be an insurmountable margin. At one point, Byrne's approval rating with voters was at an all-time low of 17 percent. Continued from page 1. light in several western counties where flooding washed out roads and bridges and heavily damaged homes and businesses over the weekend. With 84.09 percent of the state's 2,345 precincts reported, the electricities amendment on the purchase of generating plants had polled 66.39 percent of the votes counted to 33.6 percent against it. The two sex discrimination amendments also gained approval by commanding margins. One extending to a wife the same rights now given to her husband in life insurance matters had won 89.51 percent approval, and the other extending the homestead exemption to both sexes had 89.47 percent approval. LNSTA-COPY offset printing & quick copying while you wait. 100 satisfaction guaranteed. Check our fast service and bw price on theses work. Insta-copy, corner of Franklin & Columbia (over the Zoom). 929-2147. For Rent PLEASE BUY OUR Spring Housing Contracts: Connor (Cheryl - 933-5252), Cobb (Jean - 933 7346), or James (Michele - 933-4966). The sooner, -the better!-' , -; . . v s :?' ;? GRANVILLE EAST tfohfraft 'for tpf trig semester for sale. Great suite. Contact Laura Miller at 933 1805. Roommates Wanted NEED ONE TO TWO female roommates for two bedroom apt, Occupancy available now or in January. Call now at 929-2375. On bus route. For Sale 1965 PLYMOUTH FURY III. Good condition and gas mileage, almost new brake system, just tuned up. Call 929-3896 after- 5:30. $300. Tickets I NEED AT LEAST TWO TICKETS to the Carolina Duke football game. Name your price. 929-3189. Ask for David. Personal SUSAN OR SANDY Please call Marlene about the ride to Gainesville. I lost your number but I do want a ride desperately. KY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! You are very special. Love, Josh. MISSARNINSKI. Happy 21st Nursing Home. Time is near but don't despair, they'll take good care pushing you around in your wheelchair. Love, Young Scottland. LOST: PRINCESS LISA. If found please call 929 0105. A toad is waiting to be freed. BRUCE G., Happy Birthday green eyes! Now more people will know it's your birthday. I let out your secret. Have a good day. Love, Amos. HONEY BUNNY, Welcome back to sleepy Chapel Hill. Bet you really had a ball in San Francisco, LA., Hollywood and Burbank. But remember you were missed more here than you ever will be there. Love, Sugarbugar. , Th Otsly Tv HmI I publthMl by tts DMTy Tw HmI Boird ol Dtrectort of th Unlvortlty ol Kortti CarosVu tally Monday tttrough FrMty during tts regular ftcadmic yar txctpt during axain period, vacations and aummar analon. Ttv following dataa art to bt dw only Saturday mum: Sapl 17, Oct 1, 1, 22, Nov. S. Tfca Summar Tar Host If publlthad waakly on Thursdays during tttt aummar aa salon a. OHIeaa araaltha Frank Porter Graham Studant Union Bunding, UnlvaraHy ot North Carolina, Chaos) HM, N.C. 2751. Tatephona numbara: Naws, Sporta-933-0245, 931-024, 9334252, 933-0372; Bustnsta, Circulation, Advartlsing 933-11S3. SubacnHon ralaa: $25 par yaar, $12.50 par aamastar Tha Campus Qovamlng Council shall hava powars to datermlna tha Studant Act t Mat Faa and to approf lata all rsvsnua dartvsd from rha Studant ActrrNsts Fas (1.1.14 ol tha Studant Constitution). Tha Daily Tar Haal Is a studant organization. Tha Dairy Tar Haal raeanaa tha right to ragulate tha typographical tona ol all advarnasmanta and .to ravtaa or turn away copy It considars obkctsonabla. Tha Dally Tar Haal wM not conaldor adkntmaats or paymant tor any typographical arrors or arronaous sMartton unteea nouca to glan to tha Buamast yaaagar within (1) ona day. altar tha advartiaamanaappaars, within (1) day ol raoalwng tha tear ahaste or subscription ol dsa pap. Tha, Dally Tar Haal wW not bs raaponssbte tor mors aSan ona kscorract tosartton ol an attoartltamant achadulad to run stvaral tanas. Noucs lor such correction must bs given before Ihe nail Insertion. Vema Taylor . . . Dan Collins . . . , . . . Business JUanaoar . Advftusing lUaneer

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