2 The Daily Tar Heel Wednesday. November campus Compiled by Jodi Bishop Public service announcements must be turned in to the box outside the DTH offices in the Union by 1 00 p m it they are to run the next day Each item will run at least twice ACTIVITIES TODAY Have breakfaiit with friendi and prof mors. Come ui ihe Koffee Kletch from V to M a m. in the Pine Room Sponsored by the Campus Y. A UNC Short Course, "How lo I'm the I inkajie Editor and Loader and Establish Program l.ibraric,"illheoHcrcdiil 3 p m. u 228 Phillips Hall. S. D. Cotsonof Yal I'mvertiiy will discim "Energ Transfer in Isotope Mined Crystal!" at J 50 p m in 2bi Phillips Hall as part of the UNC Physics Colloquium. Col Ice and lea will be served ai .X pm. in 227 Phillips Hill. College Student In Broadcasting w ill meet ti 7: .W p.m. in ih'c Carolina Union. Guest speaker will he Bob Johnson of WTVl). Education seniors and graduate students seeking employment who want to use the services of the Career Planning and Placement Office arc invited to an orientation meeting at 2 U) p.m. in 0s Peabody. Please sign up in 21 1 Hanes Hall if you plan lo attend. I h UNC tea) Hookey Team will noi scnmmage in Greensboro today due to problems at Wake. The Science Fiction and Fantasy Club will meet at 7 p.m. in 308 Alumni Building. All interested persons arc invited. The Valkyries will meet for supper ai i .V) p m at the Carolina Inn Cafeteria. Chapel Mill ECOS will meet at 7 30 p m in 21)1 Bingham Hall lo dsscuts nuclear and solar power 1 he public is invited. The UNC Committee to Free the Wilmington 10 ill meet at 3 and B p.m. in the South Gallery of the Carolina Union. The Residence Hal Association will hold ibe first annual giveaway of Peabody H all floor maps between 2 and 5p m. in Suite A of the Carolina I'mon. The UNC Media Center will hold an open house lor those interested in viewing its production and language laboratory facilities between 3 30 and 3 p m on the first floor ol Dcy Hall 1 he public is invited. , The Students' International Meditation Society is sponsoring an introductory leciurc. "enlightenment thiough the Transcendental Meditation Progtam." ai 2 and 7 :30p m in Room 2l3Carolina Union Evervonc a welcome. The UNC Water Polo Club will meet at 7 p m in Room 21$ Carolina Union. Durham Academy Parents Council will sponsor a book fair from II am to 8 pm in the gym at the Academy Koadcampus. The Lutheran Campus Ministry will meet at S: 15 p m. in the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church to celebrate Holy Communion. A common meal and fellowship will be held at 6 p m. in the campus center behind the church Students interested in the UNC Year in Seville Program should attend a meeting at 4 15 p re in the fourth-floor faculty lounge of Dty Hall. The mtematlonal Fok Dancers will meet at 7 p m in the Presbyterian StuJenl Center Haroa Haklana (Israelii urn! Bckesi Psrot (Hungarian) will be taught The Norm Carolina Shakespeare Festival OH-Seaeon Pteyen present "Bey ond the r nnge" at 7 and 1 p m at Ihc Ranch v House oa Airport Road Cost is S3 for students with IDs and M for adults. The Wadneaday Bible Study ol St. John's MCC ill meet at 8 p.m. at Raleigh. If you need transportation call v2V-HM or 7-626. DTH gets All-America prize I The Daily Tar Heel has received an A II American rating by the National Scholastic Press Association (NSPA) and the Associated Collegiate Press (ACP). The Ail-American rating is the highest rating given in the collegiate newspaper competition and was presented to the DTH this fall for its issues last spring. The DTH received marks of distinction in all . five categories: coverage and content, writing and editing, editorial and opinion, physical appearance and photography and use of graphics'. The collegiate newspapers were judged in competition to other college newspapers with similar enrollment, frequency of publication and printing process. advising But most advisers seem to be in agreement that if there is a major flaw in the advising system, it is not in the system itself but Jhhe way students utilize that system. t "Students need to take better advantage of the services we provide for them," Professor Melvin Chambers of the pharmacy school says. "If the students would simply consult with their advisers more we're in a better position to help them than they are to help themselves." "In General College we try to stress students' coming in not because something . has happened but before something bureaucratic hits them," says Robert Daniels, an anthropology professor. Carol Reuss of the School of Journalism says, "My philosophy is that students should learn to use the tools available use the guidelines within the University to develop THE Daily Crossword by ACROSS 1 Skiers' lift 5 Barrel 9 Theatrical auntie 13 Tops 14 Jai - 15 Tanker 16 Plod heavily 17 Dusk sights 19 Beethoven opuses Yesterday's 21 Springes 22 Drunk 23 Biblical verb 24 Piggeries 27 Raven man 28 Bridge side 31 Browns 32 Cocktails 35 Before Sept. 36 Have a late meal 37 Swiss river 38 British Puzzle Solved: military . . decoration 39 Dessert 42 Abominable , one 43 Holy Roman "emperor 44 Buck's mate 45 Award 46 Room for 'j linen 48 domer, 49. Undeman&ed yet 51 Flowers 55 Church tenures 57 Overlook 58 Steel city 59 Spear or pepper 60 Broad 61 Fish 62 Drunkards 63 "...and Cain - Abel" DOWN 1 Soviet news agency 2 Machete gr l io ipTe n r3?oTo ifcn EI it ?53li2iE5 fr i r i prr n ttt rtj c a t o 2" V r n SITS" TTS y D X T F TT trTr we rfc t r n" fsr trrr? v r m ? t t grp 5l LHi i Lt L LiLL rPJPSHELTJ TY S T plKLL51IiPAiLT0 II167 I 2 Tj 5 f p f f"""' Y) 10 111 112 -J laasLsw, mm,' X 2k hi I26 """in"1 r" 29 130 1 -. t'W ( yr ho k T"""rs2 . t-7 fT"1 1-i-fH ui..iL..J.La,i.l ts"rr hr" ITT'i.T'TT'' t-. Hi -4f5 5 "V p n r p I I 1 L J I 1 I L.j I I I I 16, 1977 calendar - bring-your-own-bag luncheon lor older students will be held from noon to 1:45 p.m. in Rooms 202-204 of the Carolina Union Undergraduates uged 25 to 35 and all students 35 or older are invited. The Career Planning and Placement Office is sponsoring the first of three free workshops on the job-seeking process at 3 p.m. in 108 Hanes Hall. The Student Speech Communication Association will meet at 8 p m. in 106 Bingham. A Career Planning and Placement representative will speak. the French dinner will he held at 5 30 p.m. at Krissa's Restaurant, located behind PI A on West Rosemary Street. UPCOMING EVENTS The Association ol International Sludenta and the International Student Center will hold a eollec hour Irom 3 to 5 p m. Thursday at the center, which is located in Ihc basement ol Bynum flail. Hlnton James presents A II red Hitchcock's .Virrjrtr..Vftrrfivr.w at 7:30 and 10 p.m. in the Hinton James Recreation Room. Refreshments will her served Admission is 50 cents. 1 he Gay Rap Group will mcei at 8 p m. Thursday in Raleigh. Come share vour problems and triumphs. Tor more information call 92t-m or 832-1582. I he UNC Scuba Club presents " I ales ol the South Pacific." a slide show extravagana. at 7 p m. T hursduy in Room 202 of the Carolina Union. Admission is 50 cents. The Beginning Needlework Class will meet at 7 p.m. 1 hursday in 452 Hamilton Hall. 1 he Christian Science Organization w ill hold a discussion on Gratitude at 6 p m. Thursday in the Carolina Union. 1 he UNC Jugglers Association ill meet ai 4 p m I hursduy outside Herryhill Hall. T he Order ol the Grail will meet at 8 p.m. Thursday in Ihc r-rank Porter Graham Lounge ol IheCarolina Union. Ring policy will be discussed. V lection of officers for Ihe spring term will he held at the Di-Phl Societies meeting at 8 p m. Ihuisday in 300 New West. The Alchemist, UNC's interdisciplinary science magaine. w ill meet at 8 p m. Thursday in Room 215 Carolina Union. Anyone interested in submitting articles is welcome. The ERA Committee will meet at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at the AWS Office in Suite 13 of the Carolina Union. All interested persons are welcome. 1 he North Campus chapter ot the Intervarslty Christian Fellowship will meet for prayer hclorc beginning the evangelism application at 5 p m Thursday in Ihe parlor of Ihc Chapel of Ihe Cross Fpiscorul Church Please meet together before going to dinner. The Graduate History Society and ihe Curriculum In American Studies present Professor Warten Sussman ol Rutgers speaking on "Character and Society in 2()th Century America" at 8 pm Thursday ill III Murphey Hall. Rabbit and Ken will pcriorm at v p.m. f hursday for the final Deep Jonah of this semester. Bring your own beer or wine. There u no cover charge. The Medical Technology Club will meet at 7 p.m. I hursday in Room 206 Caiolina Union Information on the C hristmas party will he given "The Daily Tar Heel is as always a 100 percent professional publication," said Mary Skar, director of the NSPA and ACP critical services. "Your staff and school should be proud." "Associated Collegiate Press is the most authoritative critical service in the country for college newspapers," DTH Editor Greg Porter said, "and they gave us the highest possible rating, .so we have to be proud." . Porter noted that it was the first time the DTH had received marks of distinction in all five categories in several years. He added that the Daily Tar Heel is often compared with collegiate papers that have greater resources. "We feel we're doing a lot with what we have," Porter said. Continued from page 1. their own program. If they don't take advantage of the services, maybe they don't need it; maybe they don't want it." ' One: interesting .approach to advising is being attempted in Henderson Residence College. For the past three years, a General College adviser has maintained an office at Henderson and has kept regular office hours to assist its residents. "I'm more accessible to students here," Susan Furr says. "One strong point is that I haven't had people missing appointments. And it's less formal because I'm in their environment. "I have to look up a lot more information and make more phone contacts because of the wide variety of students 1 talk to, but for people who are undecided it seems to work real well. They can talk more informally in this situation." Arm D. Rhoades 3 Soon 4 Entertains sumptuously 5 Jeweler's weight 6 Drinks 7 Melancholy 8 Broadway favorite 9 Blew the lines 10 Sailing term 11 Shea den izens 12 Voiced pauses 15 Rampaging 18 Before form or cycle 20 Poetic contraction 23 Offspring 24 Pierce 25 Bull: comb, form 26 Gold bar 27 Unfulfilled hopes 29 Took the part of 30 Seed cover 32 Dart-board site 33 "- of the Last Min strel" 34 Earth 36 Armstrong Jones 40 Honed 41 Plaything 42 Ages, in away 45 Noted Chinese 47 Continent: abbr. 48 Gray fogs 49 Ogden the poet 50 Pelion's companion 51 Let out 52 Ludwigor Jannings 53 Ebb or neap 54 Meat dish 55 Footlike part 56 Uncle: Sp. J White House rocked by riot Anti-shah mob battles police; Carter, From I nited Press International WASHINGTON - Bleary-eyed in wafting tear gas, President Carter greeted the Shah of Iran on the White House lawn Tuesday as hordes of screaming, club swinging anti-shah demonstrators brawled with police and pro-shah crowds a few hundred yards away. The shah, his queen and Rosalynn Carter wept and gagged in the wind-carried gas police fired during the half-hour, skull cracking battle that erupted just as the Iranian monarch arrived for a two-day visit. White House veterans said they could not recall any comparable disruption of a White House state ceremony, not even during the Vietnam protest era. U.S. Park Police said Tuesday evening they counted 92 civilians and 17 police among the injured, most with cuts and bruises. Hospital spokespersons gave a somewhat lower figure but said it included one man, a shah partisan, in serious condition with a skull fracture. Sadat invited to Israel JERUSALEM Prime Minister Menahem Begin Tuesday formally invited Egyptian President Anwar Sadat to the Holy City of Jerusalem to show the world "we want peace with all our heart." The United States acted as postman. Sadat said he would travel to Jerusalem and address the Israeli parliament if he got a proper invitation. Begin promised "he will be received with pomp and ceremony as befits the head of a neighboring state with which I Tonights j 2 for 1 Pizza Special! j 1 Auggies brought the taste to beef . . . J And now they bring it to pizza! j j From I 1 5-9 p.m. I i I Phone L Bring r Bakery-Delicatessen Cooked Turkey Roll Bavarian Brand J OQ Braunschweiger u. 1 Cole Slaw Yellow Or White American Cheese., Mini Swiss Cheese Sard . . rv Pumpkin Pie, Cinnamon Roll Coffee Cake Carrot Cake : Ea. $2.79 Onion Rolls Doz. 79c Koster's Munchner 16 Oz. 69c WATCH FOR OUR UNADVERTISED SPECIALS DECORATED CAKES AND PARTY TRAYS FOR ALL OCCASIONS V Carr Mill Shopping Village 942-8564 Prices Effective Through Sun., Nov. 20. 197 All Quantity Rights Reserved m 1 V Menahem Begin we wish to live in peace." Begin handed the invitation to Sadat, plus a separate message for President Carter, to U.S. Ambassador Samuel W. Lewis, who promised the U.S. Embassy in Cairo would have it within minutes. Justice says AA okay WASHINGTON - The Justice Department told the Supreme Court Tuesday affirmative action programs favoring minorities do not violate the 1964 Civil Rights Act's prohibitions against racial 1 1010 Hamilton Road Down the Hill from . Carmichael Auditorium Now open I 942 - 5153 I 5 to 9 Sundays I This Ad! I Lb. Lb 69c $99 $289 Lb. Lb. $4 09 2eoz 1 f Ea 69c $4 99 - - - J V,... ...J discrimination. The department filed its court-requested "friend of the court" brief in Allan Bakke's reverse discrimination suit challenging a special admissions program for disadvantaged applicants to attend the University of California Medical School at Davis. "The act as a whole," the department argued, "was intended to deal with the discrimination against black persons then pervasive in our society." news briefs Energy battle continues WASHINGTON - Senate energy negotiators Tuesday refused to accept mandatory reform in the way electric rates are calculated, saying the most they will do is require states to consider rate changes proposed by the House. House members of the energy conference committee, however, stuck by their demand for specific, federally required reforms. They indicated the most they were prepared to oiler was a series of loopholes to let states ignore reforms considered too distasteful. Tuesday night. Republicans urged President Carter to dump his energy proposal and offer another plan that will keep America great by requiring persons to sacrifice less and emphasizing new production instead. Blue blood born LONDON - Princess Anne gave birth Tuesday to a 7-pound, 9-ounce son who is fifth in line to the throne. The first known Cookie Sale at ThelFs! 2 dozen cookies for $1.00 All your favorites: Chocolate Fashioned Sugar, and Pecan. W0lt?T 8:30-6:00 We're still making those good old fashioned pumpkin cookies. DTH Classifieds Announcements MEET GAY STUDENTSPROFESSIONALS in physical, biological, mathematical sciences and engineering.. Triangle - Areai-Gey' Scientists meet November 19 in Durham. Call 493-2771 or 967-9626 or 929 4997. Auto Service WV PARTS & machine service for Do-it-yourselfers at lowest prices. The Bug Haus 967-7414 evenings for information. WV GOT THE BLAHS? Tune-ups $1250 plus parts. Mufflers, clutches, shocks, brakes, valves, rebuilds. The Bug Haus guarantees parts & labor. 967-7414 evenings for information. Auction AUCTION sponsored by University Methodist Day Care Center. Exciting auction itemsservices from local residents and merchants. "Country Store" with home canned and baked goods second hand bargains. Come bargain hunt. Free coffee and donuts admission $1.00 Saturday Nov. 19th 10 a.m. at University Metnodist Church fellowship Hall. FEMALE GRANVILLE SOUTH spring contract for sale! Call 933-0351. Leave message. Keep trying! EXCLUSIVE Female coed dorm contract for sale for spring semester. Second floor Winston, corner room.' Great North Campus location. Don't delay! Call Diane, 933-5225. FOR SALE: COBB DORM contract for spring semester. If interested, call Debbie at 933-7354. SPENCER ROOM CONTRACTS for sale -Spring semester. Double andor single room. Call 933-5843. If no answer, 933-5252. Must sell immediately! For Sale FOR SALE: SAE Mark 30 Preamp; Mark 31B Power Amp, 50W. NEW. 5 year warranty. $299 for both. Call Jim, 933-7456. FOR SALE: Craige contract. In the Craige Penthouse, corner-room for quiet and privacy. Room empties on 1st of December and has a single or double capacity. Call Tom. 933-7256 eves. Price negotiable. FOR SALE: GE PORTABLE STEREO PHONOGRAPH. Ideal for dorm room. $35. Stand included. Call 967 5347. UNUSUAL AND ORIGINAL JEWELRY, stone setting, custom and repair wqck, at LYSANDER'S, 105 North Columbia upstairs. Tues. - Fri. 10:30 5:30, 929-6852. Help Wanted ATTENTION ALL STUDErfrS: Looking lor a part-time job with good income, flexible hours, and real experience with a career opportunity in the business world? Call, Jim Morgan, Northwestern MutualLife, 942411$. Lost and Found FOUND: Set of keys on a Brookstone key ring. Found by fence surrounding new gym site on side closest to Teague. Pick up at the DTH. others gassed grandchild of a reigning British sovereign ever born a commoner, he will be known simply as "Mr. Phillips." Artillery resounded across the River Thames 41 times from the ancient Tower of London in celebration of the child, born in the silver jubilee year of Queen Elizabeth's reign. FDA asks for labels WASHINGTON The Food and Drug Administration today told diet soft-drink bottlers and other users of saccharin to begin placing cancer-warning labels on products as soon as possible. The agency published tentative guidelines to tell the industry how to display the warning label Congress has approved as part of still-unsigned legislation reversing the FDA's earlier proposed ban on the artificial sweetener. President Carter's approval of the legislation is expected shortly, and the FDA said it was publishing the guidelines in the event the measure becomes law. Thieves carry off music equipment University Police reported that an amplifer, two speakers, a turntable and a tape deck belonging to the department of music were stolen from 110 Hill Hall sometime over the weekend. The thieves gained entry by breaking a window, police said. Peter Schneider of H-9 Carolina Apartments told police he lost his wallet in the Carolina Union at noon Monday. The wallet and its contents were valued at $20. chip, Oatmeal, Old Reg. 72F a dozen. Thell's Bakery fmtX 124 E. Franklin St. 1:00-6:00 942.1954 Miscellaneous PERSONALIZED DATING. Try the Triangle's sophisticated answer to the singles' bar. We provide five matches based on your exact specifications. Satisfaction and confidentiality .. guaranteed. Write for FREE information today. " HESHE, P.O.Box ll&?,ChapelHill,N.'C7514. INSTA COPY offset printing & quick copying while you wait. 100 satisfaction guaranteed. Check our fast service and low price on theses work, lnsta-copy , corner of Franklin & Columbia (over the Zoom). 929-2147. FRESH SEAFOOD - shrimp, scallops, oysters, fish, clams, frozen lobster tails -Open Friday 9 a.m. - until, Saturday morning 'til noon. Behind Quick Food Mart - corner of Church & Rosemary Sts. Ask about discount s on large food orders. Personal RDM, W.G.I.O? Will you marry me in June? My krystal ball says YES! Love you, ABK BARBARA COSTA - The love I lost was a sweet love. Let's stop hating each other and get married and go to Tahiti. Love, Rip H. ELI JUNIOR McCULLOUGH - Today is your big day! May you have one of the happiest birthdays ever. Love you, Diane. TO SECRETARY TREASURER JANET -Happy belated birthday wishes! Happy Trails! Love, The DH Fan Club. Transportation HELP, HELP. 1 need a ride to NYC for Thanksgiving. Please call Heidi at 942-7015, alter 6:00 p.m. Typing TYPING THESES; PAPERS, RESUMES, applications reasonable rates. Executive Secretarial Services, 100 Eastowne Drive, (Across from Blue CrossBlue Shield) 929-0286: 493-1488. Tha Dally Tar H la publlahad by lha DaHy Tar Heal Board ol Director! of tha Unlveralty ot North Carolina daily Monday through Friday during lha regular academic year aicapl during eiam parkx), vacations and summer aeaaiont. Tha following dates are to be the only Saturday Issues: Sept. 17, Oct 1, 8, 22, Nov. 5. The Summer Tar Heel Is published weekly on Thursdays during the summer aeaslona. Offices are at the Frank Porter Graham Student Union Building, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514. Telephone numbers: News, Sports 933-0245, 933-0246, 933-0252, 933-0372; Business, Circulation, Advertlaing 933-1163. Subscription ratea: (25 per year; $12.50 per semester. The Campus Governing Council shall have powers to determine the Student Activities Fee and to appropriate all revenue derived from the Student Activities Fee (1.1.14 ol the Student Constitution). The Dally Tar Heel is a student organization. The Dally Tar Heel reserves therlghttoregulate the typographical tone of all advertisements and to revise or turn away copy II considers obectknable. The Dally Tar Heel will not consider edlustmenls or payment tor any typographical errors or erroneous Insertion unless notice la given to Ihe Business Manager within (1) one day attar tha advertisement appears, within (1) day ot receiving the tear sheets or subscription o) the paper. The Dally Tar Heel will not be reaponalble lor more than one Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement scheduled to run several times. Notice tor such correction must be given before the neit Insertion. Claire Bsgley Business Manager Dan Collins Advertising Manager