I 'D1 w ' w ' 2 The Daily Tar Heel Friday, November 18, women Continued from page 1. "We say we're trying to comply with Title IX. but we won't be if the scholarship cutback holds." aid Frances Hogan, director of women's athletics it UNC. "We'll be getting less than the men." AlAW's 1976-77 handbook insists that "nothing in these regulations shall be interpreted to be contrary to any applicable law." A spokesperson at AlAW's national headquarters said. We look for overall non-discrimination, and we follow federal regulation. We lake an overall, not i specific view." "It doesn't seem logical to me that it could hold up in court," said Cobey, who as athletic director must organize one department under two different sets of rules. But for now, Cobey said he will give Al AW the benefit of the doubt that its interpretation of Title IX was valid when it added the scholarship cutback to the list of discrepancies between Al AW and NCAA scholarship programs. However, he said he plans to find out how AIAW would maintain the cutback in court if a women athlete showed she is being denied equal opportunity to receive tuition, fees, room and board based in any way on athletic ability. "If they (AIAW) won't give me the justification in writing, I will raise the issue on the floor of the next convention to get their legal explanation for the cutback," Cobey said. Cobey will attend AlAW's National Convention for the first time in January. Hogan will attend as the University's voting representative. The NCAA national convention will be held in Atlanta immediately after AlAW's convention, instead of simultaneously as in previous years. Cobey said the back-to-back conventions will allow a healthy interchange between the two organizations to build more trust and compromise on both sides, something he considers a necessity for comparable scholarship programs for men and women athletes. Pre-Holiday Sale blouses and robes Save up to 33 from November 14-23 See our other holiday gifts and merchandise 129 E. Franklin The pleasures of the Southland abound. The heritage is rich, the joys are unique only to the South. One of them is traditionally enjoyed while the good ol' boys j'oyfully partake of the others. Rebel Yell, made and sold only beneath the Mason-Dixon line, host bourbon of the South. Rebel Yell is a joy to be savored. Try it. Have yourself a sun I ts foe might think he 1 ijl 1 1 passed away due , 1 m!mL Robert E. Lee's ' -s. to natural causes. f , 1 u " . birthday is January 19. . . . v , Possums attempt -4 So""16"1?1116 Recent lv, Congress . " , ' ' this in the face Si I is coniferous, made him a citizen ' ' - i I ' ' of on-coming """" "I resinous, ever- again. Hewasnot ' automobiles to I green and consulted. ' no avail. everywhere. For years there've been toasts to the Southern Belle. . Who nowadays toasts back with her I 1 (You supply a rhyme.) , J There has been much singing about waiting on the Robert E. Ixe. It must have had an on-time-arrival problem. ;i!el3". Oh, the joy of good ol' cornbread. Mix up 2 cups of stone ground, self-rising corn meal, 1-12 cups buttermilk, and 14 cup of vegetable oil. Butter up an iron skillet or y pan, bake at 450 20 minutes. Slice and Ri'lu-I Yi-II IfiNlillt r l.c.iimMiir 1977 -campus Compiled by Public service announcements must be turned Union by 1 00 p m it they lire to run the next ACTIVITIES TODAY The North Carotin Shakespeare Festival Olt-Season Players present Beyond the Fringe al 7 and 9 p m al ihe Ranch H'tuscon Airport Road Cost isS.llor students vvilhllsamtS4 lor adults. the Cornerstone Coffeehouse, Chapel Hill's Christian colleehouse, insites everyone lo a ni(ihl ol lun. Icllouship and enUT.ainment at H p,m in the St. I homas More Catholic Church, t-oumain. a contemporary Christian group Irom (ireensboro. will perloim. Admission is Iree. I he UNC Water Polo Club will practice Irom 2 to J p.m. today and Irom I to 2 p.m. Saturday al Bowman Gray Pool. Newcomers welcome. I he Graduate Fellowship Group will meet at U) p.m. at Baltic House. 20.1 Battle I ane. lor the regular covcrcd-dish supper. An Avon Christmas party to raise money lor summer missions will he held at p m. at Battle House Dasid McRcynolds. long-time pacifisl. acllsisl and writer, will speak on Radical Nonviolence: A IWIerent Perspective on Current Social. Political and Economic Issued " at 7 .10 p m. in Ihe Catholic Newman Center at 2IK Pittshoro St. A Sftabbat dinner will he held at d .HI p.m. l-riday at the H'ild House. 210 W. Cameron Ave. All are welcome, bul please siyn up hy noon r-riday Dinner will he followed by services at K p m. I he alternative service group will meet in the library. Alan Slern ot ihe political science department will speak on Ihe nature of aggression at the last Campus Y Oinnei discussion al V.K)p m V or details and signup, enmehv Room 102 ol the Campus Y All persons interested in working on ihe Student Consumer Action Union's new edition of (11111' r Chavl Hill Hmlmnis should attend a meeting al .1p.m. in Suite Bot the Carolina Union. Lab Theatre presents Brendan Bchan's The Huuaer at 5 p.m. and H p.m. in Ofi Graham Memorial. Admission is Iree. Come by the theater belorc each show to sign up on the waiting list. Olher performances will he at 8 p.m. Salutdav and Sunday. Person Power needed I he Carolina Court Review needs help slulling packets with questionnaires, (ireal company, fascinating conversation from .1 to 10 p m. in Room 205 Carolina Union. I he Hampton Institute Concert Choir w ill perform at noon in Great Hall. Admission is Iree. Meet gay students and professionals in the physical, biological and mathematical sciences and engineering by attending a meeting ol the Triangle Area Gay Scientists at 7 p m. in Durham for more inlormation. call 49.1-2771 or 429-4097. the Population Bag-Luncheon Series sponsored by the Carolina Population Center will be al noon at 405 University Square. Fast Open 10-6 Mon. thru Sat. 929-9553 hiv tk I ft " p ,$M 'IS7 "KlME 'U(iPrl (mm m WMo belt. - S!, degrees for about butter. 1: :: :: i Kudzu was brought South for cows to eat. But they didn't like it. The vines literally grow while you watch. It may takeover the eart h. Ki-nunkt 'Hi I'nu.l hi'iil in k Si r.ufiil li.mt !m calendar - Jodi Bishop in to the box outside the DTH offices in the day Each iteni will run at least twice. lower, lony Whitehead, clinical ussistanl prolcssur ol health education, will speak on men and family planning in Jamaica. Student Consumer Action Union will meet with all interested students at 2 p.m. in Suite B of the Carolina Union to discuss investigating the student adviser system at UNC. Durham Academy Parents Council will sponsor a book fair from 10 a m. lo 5 p.m. in the gym at the Academy Road campus. UPCOMING EVENTS Join us at Hillel. 210 W. Cameron Ave., lor Shabbat morning (shaharil) worship at 9:.K) a.m. and Torah reading (Vayycue). Talmud study group at 1 1 a.m. and musaf service ill noon, which will be followed by an Oneu with Kiddush. loud and Shahbal joy. Luso-Breiillan Open House will he held Irom Ilium, lo 5 p.m. Saturday in Ihe Dey Hall faculty lounge and .10.1 lies Hall. Drink tree Brailian coflec. eat Brailian snacks and new Dr. Clark's Brazilian art collection. Si. John's Metropolitan Community Church (MCC) will hold regular worship services at J pm Sunday at the I ICC al ihe Battery, spark plugs reported stolen An automobile battery and three spark plugs were stolen in separate incidents on campus Wednesday. University Police reported. Genevieve S. Collins of Bennct told police the battery was stolen from her car at a South Campus parking deck Wednesday afternoon. Pattie B. Mclntyre.assistant librarianat Wilson l ibrary, reported the plugs were stolen from her car while she was at work Wednesday night. The spark plugs were valued at $4, while the battery was estimated at $.10. Betty H. I andsbergcr. a lecturer in Ihe School At last the third novel in PHILIP JOSE FAHMEO'S fabulous RIVERWORLD series! CP- It III 'The Booklist future is bright. Many Rebel yei a , , ''U K?W Si i . t B DEKP HE GOOD OL' COYS' BOUZ1E0:!. Wlu - ki - y corner of Dixie I rail and 1-40. MCC is a Christian fellowship of holb gav and straight Christians, t or more information call 929 KK4.1 or 7-9626. or write MCC. Box Ml. Chapel Hill. I he UNC Jugglers Association will meet al ) p.m. Sunday outside Hem hill Hall. Anyone wishing to go on a day hike Sunday with Ihe Outing Club should meet al 10 .10 a m. Sunday in the Carolina Union paved parkir.g lot. Hiking will he al Duke Lores! Bring lunch. 1 he A DPi Spaghetti Dinner will he at 5. 6 and 7 p.m. Sunday al 411 1 RosemarySt. Tickets are $2 50 and may be bought fromany ADI'i pledge or al Ihe door. ITEMS OF INTEREST A limited number ol I97&-77 YtKktty Yacht will be Hvailable lor people who did not subscribe lust year. The pruc will be $15. Sign the wailing list in Suite I) ol ihe Carolina Union. Womancraft has a bemtiuxkcUono4tokKltoChiridttm gifts, all hand-crattcd- Watch for lutings of upcoming demonstrations and our pnng clan ichcdulc. I he ihop t located across Irom McDonald' on h rank It n Street. Anyone inlcre(ed in attending the steering committee meeting ol, the National Siudcnt Coalition AQafc. Ractom in Washington. DC, Dec. 2 and should call Dough al 967-S425 alter 10:30 p.m. An exhibition ol Dayak Waiving, iklrU ami caramon ial blankttt Irom Borneo s on display through Dec. 1 at Ihe Wesley f-oundaiion at 214 Pittshoro St. Admission is free. I he Studant Govammant Tutoring $arviea needs volunteer tutors, opeciallx in math, business and economics courses. Tutors mi i he mm it schedule Anyone intcreted.callW-520l bet ween 6 p m and H p ni. of Nursing, told police she discovered her purse missing from 425 Carrington Hall last week. She had left the room for about 10 minutes. The purse and its contents were valued at $30. Police cited Cassius Holloway for trespassing on Department of University Housing property Wednesday, according to reports. Henderson Residence Director Ron Wilson told police Holloway had been staying at Connor dorm. Holloway is not a student and his address was not available. Exciting new adven tures in "one of the most imaginative worlds to be found in science fiction" - by the Hugo Award winning author of To Your Scattered Bodies Go and The Fabulous Riverboat. A Berkley Putnam Book Just Published 412 pages $9.95 at your bookstore G.P. PUTNAM'S SONS f8 - "jv J, f SOUTH, A DKiffli 12a Wlven Omaga Pal Phi fraternity knocks on your door, be sure to live. Support its annual canned food drive In make Thanksgiving brighter for a few mure people. Representatives of the PannsyWanla Collsga of Oplomalry wilt he on campus from 12:30 to I .W p.m. Tuesday in 311 South Buildin. Want lo work for the Daily Tar Had? We ncid someone to compile Campus Calendar. Contact l.aursSctsmoi ficn Cornelius al ihe DTH office. Inleresicd in taking the PACE Exam? It will be offered on campus at I p.m. .lun. W. 1978. in 100 Hamilton Hull Sign-up for the lour and one-hall exam in in 2 1 1 Hanes Hall, f orms must he completed hy Nov. 30. Need inlormation for a term paper? Interested in hunger'.' If so, the Y Hunger Action Committee has a resource library on the second floor of Ihe Y Huilding. The Association for Women Students u sponsoring a collechouse in coniunction with i ho Women's Festival sei for Jan. Win This 10-Piece Sectional by Overman trom Luesiyie Ufastyta ha. eicltsng modular wall unlfa, chain, J pfknta and aactlonal aeattng al prlcas often balow jf S fA7My wholaaalal Youwonlbaltavallunlllyousaall.aowa Jp f igrWu'lrB -,'q art ghrlng away this $1200.00 value 10 piece sac- J?" J t I" " T Honal by Ovarman absotutaly tra. Just coma by our jf " f TZ. niinSL-' V-U. stora and raglslat. You so not hava lo ba prasanl lo jF Jr win. No purchase fa necaseary. Drawing will b hald jff f I llselwl Oacambar 24th. f LlieSIylB 929-8383 f Chapel Hill jf Free Parking at the Ranch House DTH Classifieds Announcements TO THE YOUNG LADY looking for the article on jogging in the DTH: we found it in the 9-26 issue. You can come by Friday or Monday to make a copy of it. SKI VERMONT! Glen Ellen Mountain: largest vertical descent in the East! Luxury lodging, meals, lift tickets, evening ice skating, travel by Amtrak for ONLY $270. Call Randie Weisberg 929-7776 or 942-8534. Deposit $150. Deadline Nov. 21. Auction AUCTION sponsored by University Methodist Day Care Center. Exciting auction itemsservices from local residents and merchants. "Country Store" with home canned and baked goodssecond hand bargains. Come bargain hunt. Free coffee and donuts admission $1.00 Saturday Nov. 19th 10 a.m. at University Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. For Rent FEMALE GRANVILLE SOUTH spring contract for sale! Call 933-0351. Leave message. Keep trying! HOUSING CONTRACT for sale. Kenan Dorm, North Campus. Call Sue Schlitz 933-1414. FOR SALE: SPENCER CONTRACT for sale to any non-campus resident or Granville Towers resident. Call 933-5841 for information. Must sell immediately! ROOM CONTRACT FOR SPRING SEMESTER for sale in James. Need to sell as soon as possible. Cal Kim 933-4826. FOR SALE: FEMALE GRANVILLE SOUTH contract for spring semester. Call 933-0443. Leave name and number. Help Wanted ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS: Looking tor a part-time job with good income, flexible hours, and real experience with a career, opportunity in the business world? CaJI,Jim Morgan, Northwestern Mutual Life, 94241. WAITRESSES NEEDED IMMEDIATELY. Apply in person at Western Sizzlin.' See Charlie Feltman from 10-5. RELIEF PARKING LOT ATTENDANT - Town of Chapel Hill. Parttime. Work on an as-needed basis. Must be able to count money, give change. State availability for anyall shifts: 8:30 a.m. 1:30 p.m., 1:30 - 6:30 p.m.,6:30 p.m. -12:30 a.m., Mon. Sat. $3.16hr. Apply: Munic Bldg., 306 N. Columbia St. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. Lost and Found LOST: GOLD MEDIC ALERT TAG, octagonal, yj", red caduceus on one side, PENICILLIN on reverse. Call Susan, 967-4072, or turn in to Alpha Phi Omega. FOUND: ONE "Totes" black folding umbrella wcase on steps of Lenoir. Claim at Union desk. Miscellaneous RESUMES: Prepared by professionals with corporate recruiting experience. Call collect 323-5013. Alden Associates, Inc. ITEM FOR SALE. 16 mm movie projector sound, excellent condition. $175.00. Call 1 782 6572 after 5 p.m. SCREEN THRILLS magazine. Where film fans and collectors meet. A magazine crammed full of stories, features, ads, films, posters, and movie memorabilia. If you like old stories, youH love Screen Thrills. Sample copy $2.00. One year subscript ion (6 issues) $6.00. Screen Thrills, 7305 Longstreet Drive, Raleigh, NC 27609 ihrouah28 1978. Women musicians may audition at 7:J0p.m. ) n l)eep Jonah. Interested persons should contact AWS in SuMc 1) ol me Carolina Union (W3-2I65I o, Pern Morgan (OJJ. 5245). Non-professionals are nclcome. I heCarrboro recreation department has open.np for , coach., for it, youth basketball P'""' boys and girls, wnlacl Ihe departmenl of 942-8541 or 942-145. Chrt.lrna. erafbj by Lynn Bradshaw, 1 he Interaational Bauar and lit Painted Bird will be .hown in the Carolina .Union showM" through Dec. 13. The I97 Ortantiflon Commission is accepting applications for position, in Suite D of ihe Carolina Union throughout this wk For more information call 933-2375 or 942-3469. The Ordar of mt Old Wall is accepting applications for membership. Application, are available al ihe information dek in the Carolina Union. UNICEF cards and gifts are available 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday through Friday al Ihe War Resilient League office. Room 108, Pureloy Road Community Church. ot unapt;. CONDOM SAMPLERS: Learn the difference between condoms with one of our famous sample packs. Preshaped, textured, colored, lubricated skins, stubs. Designed to increase sexual satisfaction. Adam & Eve, Franklin & Columbia (over the Zoom). 929-2147. PERSONALIZED DATING. Try the Triangle's sophisticated answer to the singles' bar. We provide five matches based on your exact specifications. Satisfaction and confidentiality guaranteed. Write for FREE information- today. HESHE, P.O. Box 1109, Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514. Personal HEY MOOSE - It's a great day for a birthday! Happy 21st Duck, Amy, Marion. KAREN M . Do not wait too long to go back and do not let any others stand in your way of returning. Same concerned friend. I'M NO HOT DOG but rather a fickle pickle. I have 2 years to get it out of my system. How does one approach another whom one has perhaps hurt wo causing more hurt? TO THE C, P., AND H.L.B., in 428: Happy Birthday a day late from your anatomy prof. B.H. THEY are all wrong about you, pheasant or no pheasant. M. HAPPY EIGHTEENTH BIRTHDAY, CAROLYN JURSA! Sorry we're late! You're a woman at last. What cloud are you on now? Love, Queen Bee and Bird. GEORGE "RIP" HAWKINS: If loving you is wrong, I wanna be right. Tahiti hell! I'm not the only one who hates you. You nerd, nerd. You dormrat, You nerd... TO DOOLEY'S ANGELS (AKA Carolina's Lady Wrestling): Thanks for making the Virginia trip great. I want to tome on your next mooning and wrestling trip. B.R. Roommate Wanted ROOMMATE WANTED: Female to share 2 bedroom apartment. $62.50 plus 13 utilities. Nonsmoker please. Available now. Call 967-8843. Tickets FOR SALE: 4 football tickets - Duke-UNC. Call Dr. Salisbury at 966-3080 or 966-4446. Tha Dally Tar Haal Is publlahad by ttss Dally Tar Haal Board of Dfractora ol tha University of North Carolna dally Monday through Friday during tha regular academic year eicept during exam period, vacations and summer seas Ion a. Tha foNowktg dales are lobe the only Saturday lesuee: Sept. 17, Oct 1, s, 22, No. S. Tha Summer Tar Heat la publlahed weekly on Thursdays during the ummer sessions. Office are at the Frank Porter Graham Student Union Budding, University of North Carolina, Chapel HNI, N.C. 27S14. Telephone numbere: Nawa, 8porta-833-024S, 933-024, S33-0252, 33-0372; Buelnaee, Circulation, Adverttsing-S33-11S3. Subscription ratea:'$25 par year; $12.50 par semester. The Campus Governing Council shafl hava Powers lo determine the Student ActJvNIe Fee nd to appropriate all revenue derived from tha Student Acthrlllee Fa (1.1.14 ot the Student Constitution). The Dally. Tar Heel la a student organization. The Daily Tar Heel reserves the right to regulass typographical ton of an adrertiaementa and Wrevta or turn away copy H considers oblectlonable. The Dally Tar Jleel win not consider adjustment or payment for any typographical rrors or erroneous Inaertton unleea nolle fa Ojvan to the Buiinesa MaaBgw within (1) on day tier the advertlsemenl appears, within (1) day of receiving the tear sheets, or subscription of the fwper. The Dally Tar Heel will not be responsible w more than one Incorrect tneertton of an dverilsement echeduled lo run several tan. "oc lor such correction must be given belor the neit Insertion. CIslraBagley Busnew Maneoer tan Collins Advertising Mtnigf

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