2 The Daily Tar Heel Monday, November 21. 1977 campus calendar- Compiled by Karen Barber Public service announcements must be turned in to the box outside the DTH offices in the Union by 1 00 p m if they are to run the next day Each item will run at least twice Hillmont student tenants seek advice Sadat Continued from page 1. ACTIVITIES TODAY World TerrortMit will be discussed it 7:30 p.m. in Room 2I3 of the Carolina Union. Tht d acumen will future Dr. Mungcr. Dr. Baloyara and Dr. Steiner of the political science department. This dacuuion it sponsored by the Undergraduate Political Science Association. Childbirth Intormatloo invites the public to hear Dr. Ross Vaughn from Wake Medical Center in Raleigh speak on "Prevention of Premature Infants" at 8 p.m. at the West Raleigh Presbyterian Church student lounge at 27 Home St., off of HUlcborough Street behind Baxley's in Raleigh Childcare will be provided. The Orientation Committee of the Association of Business Students will meet at 3 p.m. in 205 New Carroll Hall. The Fine Art Festival will meet at 6:l)p.m. in l-A Swain Hall The UNC Committee to Free the Wilmington Ten will meet at 3 p.m. in the South Gallery of the Carolina Union. Hayden B. Renwtcst, associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, will speak on Minority Enrollment at the University of North Carolina at 8 p.m. in Room 202 of the Carolina U nion The address is sponsored by the local chapter of the American Association of University Professors. The Sociology Department's Doris Sato Memorial Lecture skHU be presented by Professor Diana Crane of the University of Pennsylvania on "Consensus and Controversy in Medical Practice: The Dilemma of the Critically 111 Patient." at 3 p.m. in the Morehead Planetarium Lounge. of native American awareness, including traditional food. Indian singing, a multimedia show and graphics enhinit will begin at 6 p m at the Zoom-Zoom Restaurant Cost for the meal is SI. 50. and admission to the media show is tree. Will you be looking for a job? Learn ho to do it effectively so that you do not waste time and cause unnecessary frustration. Career Planning and Placement is ottering a workshop on the kb-aeeklng process at 3 p.m. in Room I UK Hanes Hall. UPCOMING EVENTS The Carolina Association for Disabled Students (CADS) will meet ai 7 p m. Tuesday in Suite C of the Carolina Union. The Association of Business Students will meet st 3:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Floor I acuity lounge of Carroll Hall. All interested persons sre invited. Members of the North Carolina Student Oplomehic Society at Pennsylvania College of Optometry will be on campus from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Prehealih Professions Advising Office in Nash Hall Interested students and faculty sre invited. FOR THE RECORD It was Rogers at the helm Our apologies to Parks Rogers, who wrote 'Nature preserve is living laboratory, history survives in 800 wild acres," in Weekender last Friday. His byline was incorrectly listed as Parks Helms. The Outing Club will meel at 7 p.m. Tuesday in Room 202 of the Carolina Union. Slides of fall trips will be shown. The Carolina Union Performing Arts Committee will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday in Room 204 of the Carolina Union. Plans for the spring semester will be discussed. ITEMS OF INTEREST Womancratt a craft co-op of local women. Shop for a distinctive gift in our Merry Christmas shop. Watch listings for upcoming demonstrations and spring classjchedule. We are across from McDonald's on Franklin Street. Campus groups are invited to Christmas carol at Memorial Hospital this holiday season. To sign up. call Volunteer Servicesat U793. A limited number of 1976-77 Ytckety Yacks will be available for people who did not subscribe last year. The price will be SI 5. Sign the wailing list in Suite D of the Carolina Union. Anyone interested in attending the steering committee meeting of the National Student Coalition Against Racism in Washington. DC. Dec. 2 and 3 should call Dough at 967-5425 after 10.30 p m. An exhibition of Dayak Weevvnge, skirts and ceremonial blankets frum Borneo is on display through Dec. 2 at the Wesley Foundation at 214 Pittsboro St. Admission is free. The Student Government Tutoring Service needs volunteer tutors, especially in math, business and economics courses. Tutors sei their own schedules Anyone interested, call 933-520 1 between 6 p.m. and p.m. When Omega Pal Phi fraternity knocks on your door, be sure to give Support its annual canned food drive to make Thanksgiving brighter for a few more people. Want to work for the Dally Tar Heel? We need someone to compile Campus Calendar. Contact Laura Seism or Ben Cornelius at the DTH office. Interested in taking the PACE EaamT It will be offered on campus at I p m. Jan. 30. 1978. in 100 Hamilton Hall. Sign-up for the four and one-half nam is in 21 1 Hanes Hall. Forms must be completed by Nov. 30. Need information for a term paper? Interested in hunger? If so, the Y Hunger Action Committee has a resource Horary on the second floor of the Y Building. The Association for Women Students is sponsoring a coffeehouse in conjunction with the Women's Festival set for Jsn. 22 through 28, 1978. Women musicians may audition at 7:30 p ut. Dec. I in Deep Jonah Interested persons should contact AWS in Suite D of the Carolina Union (933-2165) or Perri Morgan (933 5245). Non-professionals are welcome. The Carrboro recreation department has openings for volunteer coaches for its youth basketball program. If interested mcoaching boys and girls, contacl Ihe department of 942-8541 or 942-8556. Christmas crafts by Lynn Bradshaw. The International Bazaar and the Painted Bird will be shown in the Carolina Union showcases through Dec. 13. The 1971 Orientation Commleeion is accepting applications for positions in Suite D of the Carolina Union ihroughoul this week For more informaiion call 933-2375 or 942-3469. The Order of she Old WeU it accepting applications for membership. Applications are available at the information desk in Ihe Carolina Union. UNICEF card and gilts are available 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday through Friday at the War Resistert League office, Room 108. Purcfoy Road Community Church. By MICHAEL WADE Staff Writer Several UNC student tenants of Hillmont Apartments in Carrboro have sought advice from Student Legal Services in connection with a planned increase in their rent which they charge is illegal. The apartments, located at 700 Fidelity St., were owned by the Herb Holland Co. but were transferred recently to Robert Oakes, who also owns the Fidelity Court and Cedar Court Apartments. The tenants say that Oakes plans to raise their rents although their leases have not expired. H owever, Oakes said he is not planning to raise the rent on any tenants under their present leases. He said tenants whose leases are less than 12 months old will not have their rents increased until their leases expire. Anyone who has lived in the apartments for more than a year, however, will be given 45 days notice that his lease will be terminated and then will be offered the option of getting a new lease with $25 more in monthly rent or moving out. Oakes said recently that"my attorney said we can terminate that lease after 12 calendar months at any time." He said tenants who have lived in Hillmont Apartments more than a year are not living under their original leases because the leases were not renewed, although they allow for succeeding years. , The tenants have said that the lease automatically renews itself unless the landlord gives them 45 days notice before the beginning of the next term of the lease. The tenants in the Hillmont Apartments were notified of the planned rent increase by a letter Oakes sent to each apartment. Oakes said he "made a mistake and acted in haste" by sending a copy of the letter to every apartment instead v of only to those apartments whose tenant's leases were more than 12 months old. Oakes said he has told only those tenants who have contacted him whose leases are less than 12 months old and that he will honor their leases at present rent prices until they expire. He declined to comment on why he had not contacted every tenant whose lease is less than 12 months old, but added, "I have told everybody that has contacted my office." Oakes said he told one tenant of the apartments that he would change the lock on her door if she refused to pay higher rent after being given 45 days notice her lease was being terminated. At least seven student tenants of the apartments have asked for help from the Student Legal Services. Student Attorney Dorothy Bernholz said she could not comment on the case because litigation is possible, but she emphasized that "we're not involved in a legal action right now." conference. It called for Israeli withdrawal from occupied Arab territories, the creation of.a Palestinian state, guaranteed secure boundaries for all, establishment of relations, in the region under the U.N. charter and termination of the state of war. Then he came close to recognizing the Israel state, whose existence is not even admitted by the Arab world. "We rejected you in the past, yes," Sadat admitted to a people who are in a state of war with his nation and fought it four times in 29 years. "We refused to meet with you, yes. We described you as the so-called Israel. Yes. This did occur. "I tell you today and I declare to the whole world that we agree to live with you in a permanent and just peace. We do not want to besiege you with rockets ready to destroy and we do not want you to besiege hs similarly." unmiMistw art fp) Willi sv, ISM .itolBiDD CA ' mrnmiummmmm mn " 11 "!;.' ". J -.:..! i'aiff'w j Salad at its Best! a f3! w i Hfr and all the trimmings ffl All you can cat Tonight 5 7 p.m. I from our all new 16-item Salad bar. C,hasr? Cafeteria J the Pine Room J Ii ' . k Al1 yu can eat for $3-00 . J y mea' Pan honored) I $0J. 15 ts gobbling good! ) I 1.79 y Also Try Our Tacos and Chili! oJv I SHOWEYe) DTH Classifieds j II Men, big boy restaurants 1 Announcements H Thurs., 6 am-11 ft H Lrri., o am-j am ioe. w. rranKiin h Sat., 7 am-3 am Across from Granville Towers p Sun., 8 am i l H Take-out Number 929-21 15 S Sioiidl'S n M The .Job. The Coast Guard's involved in things like saving lives, fighting pollution, enforc ing the law, and maintain ing naviaational systems. They're Big jobs and they're important jobs. To the country and to the people who do them. And you could be involved in one of them after just 18 weeks in Officer Candidate School in Yorktown, Va. " As an officer in the Coast Guard you would be in a position of responsibility and leadership. It's a chal lenging job. One where you II prove to yourself and others that the 4 years you spent in college were well worth it. The Pay & Benefits. As an Ensign in the Coast Guard, your starting salary will be over $10,000 a year. During your first 3 years, normal promotion and seniority will increase your salary by over 40. Along with that come generous living allowances and benefits. Your medical and dental care is free. If you Our Representative will be here 113077 get married, your family And you'll be able to also receives medical travel. A Coast Guard coverage. If you make the Officer doesn't stay put. Coast Guard your career, Your assignment could be you can apply for post- in any of a variety of loca- graduate training. And if tions around the country you're selected, we'll pay or overseas, your tuition plus keep you The Future, on full salary while you're As with any job you're attending school. interested in now, the There's also a generous future has got to be an retirement plan if you stay important consideration, with us for at least 20 Where's the job going to years. That's something lead you? In the Coast you won't find with many Guard your future is, to say private companies. the least, expandable. The OppcrtiiaitJes. Whether you make it a The jobs the Coast Guard career or not, the experi- does are anything but or- ence and skills you'll dinary. Which means that develop will be hard to doing those jobs will pay match anywhere else. The off in training and experi- most important of which ence that is anything but will be the skill of handling ordinary. You'll develop yourself in a management skills in manage ment and leadership that will be x'"' invaluable to vou and vour career. Skills you ran use whether yuu May hi the Coast Guard or not.1 situation. Because rj that's what you'll ffcfes be involved in on "7V7 the first day of your . N job as a Coast Guard X - Off icer. And when -rr kmd of experi ence, you can use it anywhere. r i o l aaaia.niiiiiiiinussttM' nrnr nmirniig Visit your college placement office, or call 800-424-8883 toll free, for more information. SKI VERMONT! Glen Ellen Mountain: largest vertical descent in the East! Luxury lodging, meals, lift tickets, evening ice skating, travel by Amtrak for ONLY $270; Call Randie Weisberg 929-7776 or 942 8534. Deposit $150. Deadline Nov. 21. For Rent FEMALE GRANVILLE SOUTH spring contract for sale! Call 933-0351. Leave message. Keep trying! JAMES DORM CONTRACT for sale. 10th floor. Please contact Cynthia for information. 933-4968. Please call. Thanks, and keep trying. SPRING SEMESTER ROOM CONTRACT for sale in James. Possibility of No Roommate. Need to sell as soon as possible. Call Anita, 933-4827. CONTRACT FOR SALE in James. Must sell immediately! Call Kim, 933-4923. MORRISON CONTRACT for sale. Female contract for spring semester. Call 933-3378. If no answer call 967-9165. DISSERTATION THESIS PAPER DUE? COPYQU1CK - Low cost quality copies. All work guaranteed. No minimum number required. Free sorting. Upstairs over N.C. Cafeteria on Franklin Street. Monday-Saturday. j is? "INSTA-COPY offset printing & quick copying while you wait. 100 satisfaction. 'guaranteed. Check our fast service and low price on theses work. Insta-copy, corner of Franklin & Columbia (over the Zoom). 929-2147. Help Wanted ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS: Looking for a part-time job with good income, flexible hours, and real experience with a career .opportunity in the business world? Call. Jim Morgan, Northwestern Mutual Life, 9424187. LOST: GOLD MEDIC ALERT TAG, octagonal, red caduceus on one side, PENICILLIN on reverse. Call Susan, 967-4072, or turn in to Alpha Phi Omega. Miscellaneous ELIMINATE THE BOOKSTORE! Save $$! Buy and sell books of any type with students across the country. For free details, write to Carrick Enterprises, P.O. Box 2203, Dept. 2, Waterloo, Iowa 50705. Personal JOHN THOMPSON if you have my earring, please call me back I was not able to reach you. Lise Myers, 967-1636. DISCOURAGED, BROKENHEARTED, AND FRIGHTENED young woman desperately needs sensitive guy to listen, encourage, and love her before it's too late. Anybody out there? Please RSVP - Margot. TOTHESISTERS of Kappa KappaGamma: from toilet paper to newspaper, from roses to reveille, from songs to skits, from Bid Day till now, we've crjrtie a long way. Thanks, your pledges. SUE - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!. We all bve you!! Salty Dog, Rebo, B.B., Taily, and especially Talley. THANKS FOR BEING NEARBY when I was "lost." I realize your decision was .based on "doubts." Although I hope you'll be happier now, I have my "doubts." Have a happy Thanksgiving, you deserve it. One last word: "Smile." ELVIS, Please come to dinner Monday night feOO. The phone call was not a joke. Tickets WANTED: TWO TICKETS to the UNC Cincinnati basketball game on Dec. 17 in Greensboro. Call Susan at 933-4889. RESUMES: Prepared by professionals with corporate recruiting experience. Call collect 323-5013. Alden Associates, Incr "I WAS BORN IN CHAOS. After completion of everything, I will go and never come back again... For complete literature, send $2.50. The biggest bargain of your life. Pritikin Publishing Co., 2137 Monterey, Santa Barbara, California 93101. SCREEN THRILLS magazine. Where film fans and collectors meet. A magazine crammed full of stories, features, ads, films, posters, and movie memorabilia. If you like old stories, you'll bve Screen Thrills. Sample copy $2.00. One year subscription 6 issues) $6.00. Screen Thrills, 7305 Longstreet Drive, Raleigh, NC 27609 Tht Daily Tar Haal It published by tht Dalit Tar' Htal Board ot Dlrtctora ol tht Unlvsr ally ol North Carolna dally Monday through Friday during tht) rtgular acadamlc ytar tictpt during tusm. parted, vacations and aummar stations. Tht toltowlng dattt art to bt tht only Saturday Itsutt: StpL 17, Oct. 1, , 22, Nov. S. Tht Summsr Tar Httl It publlshtd wttkly on Thursdiyt during tht summer ataalont. OHIcat art at tht Frank Porttr Graham Student Union Building, University ol North Carolina, Chaptl MM, N.C. 27514. Ttltphont numbort: Nawa, Sporta 933-0245, 833-0246, (33-0252, 33-0372; Bualntaa, Circulation, Advertising 933-11S3. Subscription raltt: $25 per year; $12.50 par stmtsttr. Tht Campua Governing Council thill has powere to determine tht Student AclMtlet Fee and to appropriate all revenue derived from the Student Activities Fee (1.1.14 of tht Student ConttHutlon). Tht Dally. Tar Heel It t student organization. The Dally Tar Httl reserves the right to regulate the typographical tone ot ill idvtrtlsementt and to revise or him twty copy H consider! obltctloniblt. Tht Dally Tir Httl will not contldtr adustmenla or paynTent tor my typographical trrort or erroneous tnaprtlon unless notice It given to the Business Matjagar within (1) one day attar the advertisement appears, within (1) day ol receiving the tear sheets or subscription ol tht paper. The Dally Tar Heel will not be responsible tor more than one Incorrect Insertion ol n advertisement acheduled to run several timet. Notice lor such correction must be given before the neit Insertion. Claire Bagley Business Manager Dan Collins Advertising Manager .

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