2 Ti 9 Daily Tar Heel Monday, December 5, 1977 campus ca lendai Compiled by Karen Barber Public Mrvic announcement! mutt be turned in to the box outside the DTH ollices in the Union by 1:00 p m if they ere to run the next day Each item will run al least twice. ACTIVITIES TODAY t Ik UNC SW Club will meet al 7: VIp m. in Room 202Carnlina I mon. A speaker will he present and a party Kill he held nlterwiodv panel dltcuaalon on "After Houston... the State of the Women's Movement" will he held at 7:.KI p.m. in Room 215 Carolina Union. An Older Students hrinp-your-own-hay lunch will he held at noon in Rooms 202-204 Carolina Union. All older ttudentK are in ned Cofiee will be provided. I he Batik Class of Sandy MacDonuld will meet at (v.W p.m. in I he Prohytcrian Youth Center. I hi will he the last class, and all member are asked to atlend. A Meet the Authors Party fur Chapel Hill authors vhiwe works were published in 1977 will he held at 4 p.m. at the Bull's Head Book Shop, t he UNC Press is sponsoring the party. An orientation session lor medical technician students w ill be conducted Irom 12:50 to 1:50 p m. in Room 10 Berryhill Hall. A meeting of all students interested in an Internship or I summer (ob will be held at 2 50 p m in Room 209 Hanes Hall. The Campus Governing Council will meet at X p.m. in Room 215 Caroi na Union. The reception lor new women faculty member, originally scheduled lor today, has been postponed until after Christmas. UPCOMING EVENTS The Recreation Society will have short meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday In Room 207 Carolina Union. Parliamo Itallanol Come and speak Italian at 6 p m. Tuesday at the Rendezvous Restaurant. Muhammad All, the heavyweight boxing champion of the world, will appear at 7.50 p.m. Tuesday at the Durham Civic Center. Admission is SI for students with an II). Nat Anderson, a poet from Atlanta. Ga., will read poetry at 8 p m. Tuesday al the Art School. 150 E. Main St.. t arrboro. The public it invited. An aluminum recycling unit will be accepting contributions from 8:50 to 10:50 p.m. Tuesday at Norlhgale Mall. Seventeen cents n pound will he paid for aluminum items. The Contraceptive Health Education Clinic will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday in Room 251 of the School ol Public Health. Men and women are welcome. WXYC will hold an Open House at4p.m. Tuesday at the station. This will he followed by a stall meeting for all students interested in working at WXYC in any department, f or more information call 955-77MI. Proleesor Daniel Shserln ol the I V Department ol ( lassies will give a lecture entitled "Tollne Portas. Pnncipet. Uesiras: Ps. 25 7-10 in Fxtgrsis and I ilursiy" al h p m luesday in the lacully lounge of Dey Hall A square dance sponsored bv the Outing Club will be held at 7 p m. Tuesday in the Calolina Union everyone is invited. ITEMS OF INTEREST The Ortor ol Oit Old WH is accepting applications until tomorrow. Application are available at the Carolina Uniondtik. Takt break from studying and come to Minion James lor a Mudy break on Dec. 7-9 ami 12-14. Buy some drinks und watch i-.irtoons. in the Hmton James Recreation Room. Campus represen(atie!i arc needed to scllTh Sun. I-or more inlormation. call interested in taking the PACE exam,1 1 he eam will be given on campus at I p m.Jun. Win Hamilton Hall. Since there in a limit to the number of people who may lake the test, a sign-up sheet is availaha? m 211 Hanes. Please Mgn up by Dec 9. UNICEF cards and gifts are available from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through rriday at the War Resisters League Office, 108 Pureloy Rd. 1 his Chmimas season some Cnapel H ill residents have no gifts and food for the holiday. Your help is needed to make this Santa Claus season a happv one tor them. Call the Oranga County Department of Social Services al 8-04f I , and they will accept donations of gifts, toys, clothing and money. Qualified instructors are needed for the Carolina Union Special Interest Classes tor spring semester in the areas of beginning guitur. exercise, hie drawing, watcrcolor painting, arts and crafts und much more. Interested persons should call between 1 1 a.m. and :.W p.m. Mondays, between 2 and 3 p.m. Tuesdays and between noon and 1:30 p.m. Wednesdays. Students can now sijin tip for their English 1 or 2 papers from fall semester I976 in 2(W Cireenlaw, Papers will be destroyed after linal exams. bazaar Continued from page 1 . Technology. Though he made ahout $600 on his tree ornaments and water pipes, he called the bar'aur1 a ''lookers show." lhng cow vertebrae, fish bones and other decaying matter, Millard McDonald took nature a step further vVith his ecology sculpture. Only hartdmade creations of natural material were displayed by theHolston Mountain Arts and Crafts Co-op. By requiring natural work, the co op was trying to enhance mountain skills and traditions and keep them from dying out, according to member Uric Reese. Reese estimated the group's sales at $1500, most of which will be redistributed to the co-op's 200 craftsmen. Irene Mctculf of the Country Boutique cooperative said that only a small percentage of the profits from its clothing and quilts us used toward the co-op itself, the rest is returned to the craftsmen. The Country Boutique craftsmen are low-income people who range in age from the teens to 87 year-olds. It doesn't cost any more to have your pizza delivered! (basic cheese prices) PlaZaZAHUT 13 inch 15 inch $3.49 $4.59 (approx. (approx. $ .0263 i $ .0260 per sq. in.) .pe.rsq. in.) "Mien it comes to pizza, we conn: to vouF PEPPI'S 13 inch 16 inch $3.15 $4.15 (approx. (approx. $ .0237 $ .0207 PQr?qvin.)pe!5g..jn.) PTA 12 inch $2.35 (approx. $ .0208 16 Inch $3.95 (approx. $.0197 persq.in.) persqin.) free delivery (in service area) 942-8581300 W. Rosemary Street THE Daily Crossword by Herb L. Risteen ACROSS 1 Capri coins 5 Big pill 10 Cargo boat 14 Soviet sea 15 Corpulent 16 Rapid rodent 17 Injure 18 Mighty man 19 Fit to 20 Cape -, Mass. 21 Damitl 22 Norse poet of old 23 Biblical brother 25 Poseidon's son 28 Wise guy 30 Lifted 31 Small amount 34 Terra - 35 Brazilian port 36 1051, in Old Roma 37 Optimistic 38 Heavy clubs 39 Diving bird 40 Parseghian 41 Farewells 42 Poet Ezra 43 Indite 44 "- Rhythm" 45 Thickets 46 Mask 48 Stockings 49 Throw into confusion 51 Where Cedar Breaks is 53 Move about restlessly 56 Implement 57 Water lily 59 Readily shaped 60 MissKorbut 61 Mexican abode 62 Last word, at times 63 Jumble 64 Yield 65 Printing term DOWN 21 Moreno or 1 Prayer Gam wheel user 22 Pipe part 2 Asian land 24 Affectedly 3 Storm pretentious heavily 26 Assumed 4 Graceful characters tree 27 Singer Burl 5 Plant life 28 Fracas study 29 Marianne or 6 Newspaper Archie notice 32 Isolated 7 the bag 33 Restricts (blabs) ' 35 Music stick 8 World power 38 Biblical letters trio 9 Kobe coin 39 Cuts twigs 10 Military from headwear 41 Occasion 11 Torturous 42 Milnr v operation character 12 Soviet city 45 Drink aftetfC 13 Tobacco, a drink for one 47 Earthen,. i jars maneuver 49 Energy 55 Unit of source force 50 Kansas 57 "A Shrop notable shire -" 52 Hollow 58 Literary cylinder form 54 Skating 59 Mass Yesterday's Puzzle Solved: EG I v t TH3A R 1 WY N 15" V T L i JjlD R. 0 VL R TTTITs TiiT m p a l E s fTTirvrpT aTn J en at! T N TTTfR; E BTT L F2 H 5 T ov IeTr I X T Tf v e R oTnTa Trrr o a d ed i l rtr TrxTrrr tfpAAp r ts irjE T r JTu. i. Lt;;;:; AjMppT? H H 3M ASH V i A t aQa i EOL LH.LL U N C 0yERjl0VEREAT EIIiiO'LiiLlLR5 a s s e ntlje In It e r sE n p p P. r" , it, i; b u r io in li i J I r5 T5 T7 ;rg n -n :sr 1 ijT- it rr irp tryr p """f"" X ; 5T p n W m JL. a-f- f Lj .LJ. U-J Jr iTjbff : 5T ;r rr birpr1 fjr pr Hrrh Hum Y 1 1 1 Chrbtmat trtt wilt he sold beginning this Suiurday by tintduutc students ol Duke University's School ol hoiestry and Environmental Studies. 1 he sale will take place in the parking lot immediately behind the Biological Sciences Building on Science Drive. Duke West Campus. 1 he trees and trimmings will be on wile from 5 to 9 p.m. Monday through hriday and 10 a.m. to 6 p m. Saturday and Sunday. Attention Snlon! Ohio State's Faculty lor lixccptional Children is seeking qualified minority students lor Ihe graduate school programs in lew incidence handicapped, mildly handicapped, and general special education. Inlormation and admission requirements can be obtained through (he UNC Department of Education. The application deadline al Ohio State lor tall quarter. 1978. is Feb. I. The Carolina Court Rtview is looking for students to write short reviews of their fall 1977 English courses. Both English majors and non-majors may submit reviews, which should deal with their general impression of courses and professors. If interested, please contact Suie Mitchell at 9.W32K7 before Wednesday. Harvard Univtnlty wishes to inform students of its Public Policy Program, and interdisciplinary program in economics, quantitative and analytic methods, political analysis and public management. For more information, write the Kennedy School of Government Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. 02 1. IK. Application deadline is Jan. IS. Tttt Dates for Admlaalon for Fall 1978. Applications in MM Nash Hall: DHAT (Dental Hygiene Aptitude Test) Friday. Jan. H. Applications must be in Chicago by Dec. 23. Fee SI3. OCAT (Optometry College Admission Test) Saturday. Jan. 14 in Durham. Applications must be in New York hy Dec. 17. FeeS25. GflE (Graduate Record Examination) Saturday. Jan. 14. Application must he postmarked by Dec. 13. Fce$l3.LSAT (I.aw School Admission Test) Jan. 2K. Applications must be received in Princeton. N.J. by Jan 6. Fee $12.50 GSFLT (Graduate School Foreign l anguage Test) Feb. 4. Registration must be completed in Nash Hall by Jan. 4. Fee $1.1. A limited number of 1976-77 Yackety Yacks arc available for persons who did not subscribe last year. The price will he SIS. To have a chance to get one. sign up now on the waiting list in Suite D of the Carolina Union. Pott Tim RkUr is displaying some of his original works mounted on plywood plaques in the Student Stores. I he pieces, called Routs of Thought, sell for nine to ten dollars. Employers, grad school reps on campus The following employers and gtadbate school representatives will be on campus to discuss job opportunities and academic programs on the dates indicated. Students who arc registered with Career Planning & Placement may sign up now for appointments with these representatives in 21 1 Hanes Hall. Information and assistance pertaining to summer and full-time employers not represented by on-campus visits is also available. Police report theft of bike, antenna University Police reported that Elizabeth Shakellord ol C-l6Carolina Apartments said her bicycle, valued at $160, was stolen from a bike rack near Greenlaw Hall Wednesday. Deborah Ellington of Durham reported that a Citizens' Band radio antenna, valued at SIS. 95, was stolen from her car while it was parked at the Crescent parking lot near the hospital Friday, police said. Police said Katherine Lynn Lloyd of Raleigh reported the larceny of a small cosmetics bag and its contents from her ear parked at the Hill Hall parking lot Saturday. The bag, which was valued at $75, was recovered later. Dec. 5 Columbia Law School Forsyth County Data Processing Department Dec. 13 University School of Virginia Law Jan. 9 University of Pittsburgh Business School Jan. Jan. "To I Life 17 Jefferson Standard Insurance. Company '' -Vtw I'll r . Brown and Williamson Tobacco Company Wachovia Moore County Schools Vanderbilt University Business School 18 Data General Crum & Forster Northwestern Bank Internal Revenue .Tjw--. .... . i V fBsslretbal! k Boasts Head Inn Chimin ' i a- j i- 2. T'a'V I- LIBERTY BOWL FANS Stay At HOWARD JOHNSON'S 3280 Elvis Presley Blvd. at 1-55 Memphis, Tennessee Convenient to Airport and Liberty Bowl Airport courtesy car Spacious rooms at reasonable rates Call toll free: 1-Bffi) G54-2C .1 nT II Li U y ' , -'" l,lli''"i-J' i i lanuary 6ih and 7th hc basketfca!! teams of the University ol North - Carolina and the UMen!y ol Vl meet la C-r'ztl'" V--i. I ;- We, the stuff of ji! Ui f jt "-"v Lnf.ts you to staj 1 ' your team siajiy'.rt P.r-nr V. I -ct .toja'r.9JlnJ,f-J: entertair.:ireut asJ ticrzv t - - ;c, :-,v m' (804 296-2181 for reservation, t: UAC AJVA R-e. J iaxtvc r i. ASPEciALprs(:cwNT,v ; ';t.;:. ':LL'1hx k-V i----:-'-- - cyjain, IslnLLniLtzd, Una. distinctive hair care since 1970 THE LITTLE DIFFERENCES I MAKE THE BIG DIFFERENCE j shampoo, cut, blow-dry from $10-$1 5 I hennas from $20 j "LIGHT WAVES" from $35 ! facials & make-up consultation j Pedicures $10.00 . : , r i Manicures $6.0-$8.50 ' ' ! all services for men & women j by appointment 942-4391 or 942-4388 j &405 w. franklin street chapel hill, n.c .8 THERE'S MORE AT YOUR n y (QIERIT 10 13 f W m Kodak Film m I J$$ at Discount COUPON MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER KODACOLOR Developed and Printed sT-t EXPOSURE S)99 O-y-w ROLL. ..ONLY No Foreig Film n' EXPOSURE Sfl99 ROLL. ..ONLY OFFER EXPIRES DEC. 31, 1977 I I STOLEN? STORE i I I I 1 I ON CAMPUS ' j DTH Classifieds Announcements SKI VERMONT: Luxury trip includes Amtrak travel, Alpen Inn room & meals, all lift tickets at Glen Ellen Ski Area. Dec. 18 24. Only $270. Randie 929-7776 or Mark 942-8534. SKI CLUB meeting, Monday, December 5, 7:30 p.m. Union Room 202; speaker; BIG Christmas party afterwards. Friday, Dec. 2 deadline for Killington. $165.57. Bill Verch, 933-2567. For Rent APT. FOR RENT. Great location on North Campus behind Kenan dorm, 115 Battle Lane. Need to sell immediately! Call 967-1920. FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share 2 bedroom apt. in small quiet complex $82.50month plus futilities. Call 929-5290 after 5 p.m. For Sale Miscellaneous INSTA-COPY offset printing & quick copying while you wait. 100 satisfaction guaranteed. Check our fast service and low price on theses work. Insta-copy, corner of Franklin & Columbia (over the Zoom). 929-2147. BACK THEN This unique store offers you men's " and women's fashions from the 1930's, 40's, and 50's. New arrivals. Special Christmas paraphernalia. Located in the back of Andromeda, 129 E. Franklin St. (Between the 2 record stores.) FOR SALE: AKC GOLDEN RETRIEVER puppies. Available after Dec. I'd. Call 933-0332 or 599-1283. Great stocking stuffer, only $100 each. RUFFIN CONTRACT for sale for spring semester. Great campus location! Call 933-8955 or 929 2714. Keep trying! FOR SALE: 1970 FIAT 124 Sport Coupe. Runs well; good tires, AM-FM radio. $1000 or best offer. 933-2382 between 5 and 10 p.m. FEMALE MORRISON SPRING CONTRACT for sale. Call 933 4197. Leave message. Keep trying! SOUTH CAMPUS ROOM CONTRACT for sale. Avoid waiting lists, call 933-3616, ask for Kim or call 942-4658, ask for Robin. FOR SALE. Granville East Contract. Convenient location. Need to sell immediately. Call 933-1752 or 929-3898. Keep trying. CRAIGE CONTRACT for sale (undergrad). Call Alan, 933-3519. 73 DATSUN 610. Auto with air. Grey metallic with off white interior. 54,000 miles. Must sell. Best offer over $1,100. Call Bob Branan at 967 3561. FEMALE GRANVILLE SOUTH contract for sale: spring semester. Call any hour 933-0345 immediately. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL: BACH STRATAVAR1AS TRUMPET for sale. Gold, professional in excellent condition. The last of the hand made series. Call 933-4227. FEMALE GRANVILLE EAST spring contract for sale. Must sell immediately! Call 933-1876. Leave message. Help Wanted LIBERTY BOWL MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE HOTEL RESERVATIONS AVAILABLE ' DOWNTOWNER MOTOR INN 22 NORTH THIRD STREET TWO NIGHTS MINIMUM $22.00 PER NIGHT PLUS TAX DOUBLE OCCUPANCY CHARTERED BUS TO GAME AND RETURN ' ' $2.50 PER PERSON COMFORTABLE ROOMS WITH 2 DOUBLE BEDS RESTAURANT AND LOUNGE FIRST NIGHT'S DEPOSIT REQUIRED 72 HOUR CANCELLATION REQUIRED FOR REFUND 901 525-8363 IF DOWNTOWNER BECOMES SOLd! QUT, WE WILL MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO BOOK YOU AT ANOTHER MOTEL DOWNTOWN AND CONFIRM. BREADMEN'S HELP WANTED Cooks & Dishwashers Morning-Afternoon-Night Apply in Person Breadmen's, W. Rosemary, 967-7110 Roommate Warned ONE OR TWO FEMALE roommates wanted to share three bdrm. Bolinwood Apartment for spring semester. Call 967-2968. BOURGEOISE LUXURY! Two non-corporate law students Seek roommate for house in North Forest Hills. Own room, washerdryer, dishwasher, nice yard, $100month. Available Xmas. 929 8067. FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED to share Kingswood Apartment (spring semester) $60 a month plus 13 utilities. Call 933-5252 or 933-5843. (Non-smokers please.) ' Services TYPING-DISSERTATIONS, papers, resumes, applications, reasonable rates. Executive Secretarial Services, 100 Eastowne Drive, (Across from Blue CrossBlue Shield) 929-0286, 493-1488. Transportation NEED RIDE TO DALLAS, TEXAS after Dec. 16. Will help with driving and gas. Please call Becky evenings at 929-3637. htLP WANTED: Cooks, waitresses, salad prepapers, dishwashers. Apply in person to Ethel Tillman, Talk of the Town Restaurant, 1010 Hamilton Road. ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS: Looking for a part-time job with good income, flexible hours, and real experience with a career opportunity in the business world? Cai?,Jim Morgan, Northwestern Mutual Life,9424l. Lost and Found FOUND: MAN'S WRIST WATCH at Woollen Gym on Thurs. Dec. 1. Call 933 7428. LOST: Tan Lab answers to "Krebs," leather collar last seen Nov. 22 around Merritt Mill Road. Pleasant nature. REWARD. Call 967 3687. FOUND: ONE SMALL BLACK AND WHITE mixed breed dog across from Franklin Street post office. 1 1 27 77. To claim call Cathi at 966-5136 or 9339773. FOUND NEAR MURPHY HALL - gold necklaces with com. Call 929 1002 FOUND BLACK LAB mixed female. Approx. three years old. Wearing brown leather color, tv ieved lo Iv voting. WE NEED to locate ww mhti. Old Well Apt. area. 929 2t82. Th Dally Tw HmI It publithtd by Ih. Dally Tar Hwl Board ol Directors of tha Unlvtrilty ol North Carolna dally Monday through Friday during tha regular academic year aicept during tam period, vacation and Mimmtr aauiont. Tha following datea ara to be the only Saturday Issuer Sept. 17, Oct 1, S, 22, Nov. 5. The Summer Tar Heel Is published weekly on Thursday! during the summer sessions. Offices are at the Frank Porter Graham Student Union Building, University ol North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514. Telephone numbers: News, Sports-33-024S, 933-0246, 933-0252, 933-0372; Business, Circulation, Advertlsmg-933-1163. Subscription rates: $25 per year; $12.50 per semester. The Campus Governing Council shall have powers to determine the Student Activities Fee and to appropriate all revenue derived from the Student Activities Fee (1.1.14 ol the Student Constitution). The Dally Tar Heel Is a student organization. The Dally Tar Heel reserves the right to regulate the typographical tone ol all advertisements and to revise or turn away copy H considers ob lection able. The Dally Tar Heel will not conalder adjustments or payment tor any typographical errors or erroneous Insertion unless notice la given to the Business Manager within (1) one day after the advertisement appears, within (1) day ol receiving the tear aheeta or subscription ol the paper. The Dally Tar Heel will not be responsible tor more than one incorrect Insertion of an advertisement scheduled to run several limes. Notice lor such correction must be given before the next Insertion. Claire Bagley Dan Collins . . . , . Business Manager . Advertising Matnger

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