Monday, August 28, 197B 1 he Daily Tar HpI 7 KimiMmiMiiiM FeeEsdlay Face lPqmI JPI&y9 humorous mespite twisted plot DiMECitlem ciMiTdcters By ANTHONY SEIDMAN Staff Writer Foul Play is a dizzy film. At some point in its creation the movie's plot got spun znm&dr twtsted"Way off course. This is too bad, because the separate elements of Foul Play have enough potential to make a viewer wonder how good the film might have been if it had a decent screenplay. Not to say the the movie is a total failure; a movie can get by on performance and style even it its screenplay is terrible, and Foul Play almost does. Foui Play'sscriptvtses cliches that were cliches before they were cliches. And although the basic premise, about a plot to kill the pope, may be viable, the way in which it is presented is not. The main character, played by G oldie Hawn, is a recently divorced librarian who wants to give up being a hermit. She starts looking for some action and of course she finds it. From here on the plot follows the lines we all know so well from our nightly television shows. Goldie Hawn is the most important factor in the concealment of Foul Pay's structural faults. She gives a performance that is bright and bubbly enough to cover up almost anything, yet she avoids being cloyingly sweet. Hawn is funny in a controlled way, having abandoned the crude, carbonated giggly style of Laugh In for real comedy. Just as important, Hawn is cute. A sexy, liberated cute, but cute none-the-less. She knows how to use her vulnerability, and doesn't hesitate to on the villains or on us. Chevy Chase enters into the mainstream of feature films as a charmingly effective police lieutenent. Unfortunaely he picked the wrong star to play against. In any other film his performance would be hilarious. Here it's just funny. His klutz gags do not work. Cinema Foul Play They don't tall funny, they tall flat. Chase's performance is no more than a transference of his Saturday Night Live style, a factor hard to fault because it suits his character perfectly. As Hawn has a superb talent for being cute, so Chase is able to project an appealing obnoxiousness. He's something of an ass, but a funny, likeable one. San Francisco is the third featured player in Foul Play. The city dominates the film, with swooping hills and sprightly architecture helping to pick up its pace. San Francisco has at least as much character as any of the actors, and Colin Higgins, the director, does nothing to restrain the city's charm. He should have. After a while Foul Play begins to look more like and ad for the city than anything else. Colin Higgins wrote and directed Foul Play, his first feature film, with results similar to what we're getting from a lot of Hollywood egoists, who try for a two for one billing, and who should get less than one. Without another head to criticize Foul Play's mess of a screenplay, all balance is lost. The plot grows until it nearly conquers all. The movie is supposed to be both a light comedy and a detective thriller, yet the alleged thrills 3 - Cinema Slngln in the Rain Gene Kelly and Debbie Reynolds perform their famous seaside duet in one of the greatest American musicals. At 8 p.m. Wednesday in Carroll Hall. In Focus Thii week'i featured artists include: Crosby and Nash; John Prine (Monday); Jesse Colin Young and War (Tuesday); Traffic and Isao Tomita (Wednesday); and James. Taylor and Loudon Wainwright III (Thursday). Aired 6-11 nightly on WDBS (FM 107). Lecture Television Chevy Chase and Goldie Hawn, stars of 'Foul Play' only interfere with the comedy. Higgins, in his choice of plot, has been forced to restrain his stars, to hold them back so that the story line could dominate. With two performers like Hawn and Chase in the film, Higgins made a mistake. Hawn has developed her own restraint, a mature, involving style. And Chase is at his best when he's allowed to let go completely. Hawn and .Chase are comedians. Higgins should have let them be funny, not brave. As for the second-line players, Higgins rarely allows even a hint of balance to come through. Duddley More, as an aspiring machoite, comes off as more pitiful than funny. All the other actors, excluding Burgess Meredith, are too busy fighting their way through the plot to turn in. anything but serviceable performances. Meredith does well though, as Hawn's mentorchum guardian and as a combatant in one ot the funniest karate battles yet put on film. -Foul Play is a movie that ignores talents of its actors for the doubtful benefits of an overly complex plot. The actors spend so jnuch time working around the script that the film just barely has enough energy to get by. Any film that features another film in its ads, as Silver Streak is in Foul Play s, becomes a little suspect. You can sense that the producers were somewhat nervous about their product. They needn't have worried. Foul Play gets by, slipping out from under the crushing weight of a crudely crafted plot through the polished performances of its well-picked players. Foul Play is funny, in spite of, not because of, itself. Union Forum Frederic Storaska. an expert on rape prevention, will reveal some of his insights on the act of rape and its prevention at 8 p.m. Tuesday in Memorial Hall Art AcVland Museum The Eighth Annual Student Printmakers Exhibition will be on display through Sept. 30. The Gallery is open 10-5 Tuesday through Saturday. 2-6 Sunday and is closed Monday. Radio Inside Track A newly released album will be featured at 1 1 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday. Tune in WXYC (FM 89). Jazz Show The best in classical and contemporary jazz is featured from 9 p.m. - Midnight Wednesday. Tune in WXYC (FM-89). ' ' Monday Flying High Three beautiful girls learn what flying is all about in this premiere show of CBS's answer to Charlie's Angeb. At 9 p.m. on Channel 1 1. - Where Eaglet Dare Richard Burton and Clint Eastwood star in this WW II adventure. At 1 1:30 p.m. on Channel 1 1. Tuesday The Belle of Amherst Julie Harris stars in this one woman ' celebration of the life and poetry of Emily Dickinson. At 8 ' p.m. on Channel 4. Leningrad Ice Show A special on a Russian skating troup. At 8 p.m. on Channel II. .( Wednesday The Day of the Dolphin George C. Scott and Trish Van Devere star in this thriller about a plot to use dolphins in a political plot. At 8 p.m. on Channel 28. UJA. Open Highlights from the days activities at Forest Hills. At 1 1:30 p.m. on Channel 1 1. . Thursday The Best of Carson A repeat of the show which features clips from Carson's most memorable shows. Guests include Dolly Parton. Charlie Callass and Hose Molina. ITI-25 SR-40 Bus. Anal. 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Psalms 2:1 and Acts 4:25 WW "AND THOU SHALT REMEMBER ALL THE WAY THE LORD THY GOD HATH LED THEE THESE FORTY YEARS Deuteronomy 8:2. For your consideration: The same Lord God has led our nation these 150 odd years, 1777 - 1930. Generally speaking, it was the 1930's our nation and her Government began to turn away from honoring and following after the G od of our fathers, T he G od of the B ible, His ways, His Laws, and His Commandments. However, we kept on writing oh our money "I n God we Trust," and still do, in spite of the fact that we have "cast away the Law of the Lord of Hosts" in many respects: concerning idolatry, profaneness, Sabbath desecration, dishonoring of father and mother, murder, adultery, stealing, false witnessing, and covetousness "covetousness is idolatry." Christ said of Himself: 'The Son of Man is Lord of the Sab bath Day." Have we not taken away His Lordship of the sacred Day and turned it over to the Kings of Sport, the world, the flesh, and the devil? Also, do we not almost boast that we have nearly done away with the Death Penalty com manded by The Almighty, and are saving the lives of murderers, rapists, whoremongers, homosexuals, and others whom God commanded His people to put to death and send their spirits back to Him who gave them? We will not take time to speak of cur heavy and growing crop of crime, thieves, liars, coveteous, etc.! "BE NOT DECEIVED: GOD IS NOT MOCKED: FOR WHATSOEVER A MAN SOWETH, THAT SHALL HE ALSO vREAP. FOR HE THAT SOWETH TO HIS FLESH SHALL OF THE FLESH REAP CORRUPTION: BUT HE THAT SOWETH TO THE 'SPIRIT' SHALL OF THE 'SPIRIT REAP LIFE EVERLASTING.' Galatlons 6:7,8. This Column has presented God's question to man in the Second Psalm: "Why DoThe Heathen Rage?" together with His statement as to who are the heathen: "People who imagine a vain thing, their kings and rulers," and that their rage is against God Himself, and His Anointed," and for the purpose of getting rid of His Laws and Commandments: " D tiring the past forty years or more have we not been very successful and made a good Job of "breaking God's and Christ's bands asunder, and casting away their cords from us?" Is not the rise of crime, rape, riots, pillage and burning of our cities good evidence that God Meant what He said about "holding in derision and vexing with all adversity" those who reject His Laws and Commandments? Fear God and keep His Commandments: for this Is the whole duty of man. P. O. BOX 405, DECATUR, GA. 30031 m Li iSLfuu n n r" 2 . f : ' I A.- l.Mhl (sH (""---i M r: iwii p nil j mill itl iii mi tydots to uir pecial Doscoyini an ew SaBa 9p (good through Aug. 30.) ' tl f f ft All our food j j is available for take-out ! Also Offering Luncheon specials! except for our 990 Big Tex ; at no extra charge Open 11 a:m. 7 days a week Mi v 4 I rrA IAI I I fl""l OH VV. I Rosemary j J Jk4 am I I jr 1 X ., hiii'uiib-i in in in wr irmrrm1-. in nun i iii'TnrirI-inrrrri i i'ij it j i 1 I r " .i-i- i m i in adapt m .1 ESIDENCE HALL EF-MG EE ATOM MENTA $36.40 per Year $24.00 per Semester plus $15.00 deposit A AVAILABLE NOW: UDEi3T Suite B Carolina Union Mon.-Thuro. 2-4 P.M. Suite B. Carolina Union 933-3502 II