2 The Daily Tar Heel Thursday, March 22, 1979 C7QC2QT- From page i women faculty on the UNC campus by promoting intellectual and social discourse, disseminating information concerning achievements of and opportunities for women and initiating programs that serve the interests of the members and benefit the University community." Both Reuss and Lane said they were encouraged by the turnout for the first AWF organizational meeting in February. "About 75 women came to the meeting and 25 others who could not attend also expressed an interest in the group," Lane said. "Men, too, are always welcomed to join the organization or come to meetings. The AWF is an organization for, not of, women faculty." So far, there are no male members. ? Through committees on programs, honors and rewards, research interests and status of women, the AWF hopes to promote interest in sharing research ideas and developments, brings speakers, and learning about fellowships, scholarships and leadership positions available to women faculty. "We know that a special effort was made about five or six years ago to bring minority and female faculty into the University system," she said. "Most of them came in as assistant professors (who are included in the tenure-track) and we are interested in finding out how they are progressing professionally." Lane said the organization has received a very positive response so far, and she hopes that the AWF will continue to be a creative group and will enhances the University environment for both the faculty and the students. I ! Information Booth: j April 3-6, 1979 Interviews: Placement Office Special ebpPe?.. People Who Care 11 COUPON TSiffi Homemade Italian Food Full menu with wide selection of domestic & imported wines A&P Guess Rd. to 8? 2610 Carver St. Durham ji m a March 22 On March 22, we at the Naval ROTC unit on campus are sponsoring free helicopter rides for any interested freshmen or sophomores as part of our Open House program. If you're interested in a ride aboard a U.S. Navy helo and seeing a program on what this helo's mission is. inquire at the Naval Armory prior to March 22 or come to the Open House. Information on Carolina's NROTC program and the many job opportunities in the Navy will be available. The hours of the Open House are from 10 to 4 March 22. Refreshments will be served. For more information call lltjg. Steve Widman at 933-1198. "Although our membership is limited to faculty only, we enjoy our contact with the campus women's organizations and would encourage them to continue their receptions for the new faculty members and their efforts to bring the women faculty and students together," she said. AWF officers include Betty Cogswell, president; Lane, vice president; Andrea Sedlak. secretary; and Reuss, treasurer. From page 1 In radical Iraq, the 10.000 circulation daily Al Thawra of the ruling Socialist Baath Party predicted war and said., "The Arab masses must change any war that Israel launched from a limited one, as Israel would like, to a liberation war." In. Jerusalem the treaty debate in Parliament was winding up without much excitement. ' There was a raucous argument over treaty text discrepancies which Begin labeled "insignificant." Arguments centered on the plan for Palestinian autonomy in the West bank of Jordan and the Gaza Strip. "When this bridge collapses, we are all going to be underneath the rubble." said Shlomo Hillel of the opposition Labor Party. Opponents argued that if talks on the autonomy plan fail, the new treaty could not prevent a new Middle East war. Supporters again argued that despite the risks, peace with Egypt was worthwhile. Begin planned to leave for the United States Friday to join President Carter and Sadat for the signing. Student Union 3). aruvcu $1.00 OFF ANY BAKED DISH OR PIZZA Coupon Good Thru April 30, 1979 471-8455 S ...m,.-!,, , ,.-r ,i,ii.L...l.if iin.i...ilj,i-iri.i. . w n ,.ihiim-i..hi.j.jii'h; i-rnii nwrfmniirnno i - " ,mi1 ; ; Jj--' Legislator hits UNC faculty report RALEIGH (AP) Rep. John Gamble, D-Lincoln, has criticized a report on a study by the University of North Carolina Board of Governors on faculty workload and tenure as unobjective and in some cases distorted. Gamble says he will introduce legislation to have the study continued and expanded by a Legislative Study Commission. Gamble's criticisms were contained in a letter he mailed to members of the General Assembly, Board of Governors and UNC President William Friday. The study was called for by the 1977 legislature and was intended to cover university faculty workload, tenure, and related professional work such as consulting services. ' ' The resolution that authorized the study asked that a Legislative Study Commission conduct it. But according to Gamble's letter, "The House Higher Education Committee was subsequently persuaded to allow the Board of Governors to make it. Now that we have received the report of this study, it is apparent that the University system is unable to objectively study itself and offer useful critical judgments." Studies paint gloomy energy picture WASHINGTON (AP) A new CIA study painted a gloomy picture Wednesday of the nation's ability to recover from the loss of Iranian oil and warned of major shortages, higher prices and an economic slowdown. Industry and government energy officials told -a Senate panel they would not dispute the agency's findings. And they insisted current worldwide oil shortages are indeed real, not contrived by big oil companies to drive up prices and boost profits. "The bottom line is that unless Iranian production is soon restored to a level of about 3 to 4 million barrels per day, or oil consumption is restrained, stocks will fall to abnormally low levels by mid-year," the CIA said. A separate study released Wednesday, this one by the Treasury Department, concluded that the threat to national security from growing dependence on foreign oil is "greater now than at any time in the past." Poll: Carter's popularity unchanged NEW YORK (AP) Deepening displeasure with President Carter's response to the nation's economic and energy problems offsets approval of his Middle East diplomacy in the latest poll of American opinion taken this week by The Associated Press and NBC News. The total of these crosscurrents in public perception is almost no change in Carter's overall job rating, the poll taken Monday and Tuesday shows. The survey found the public's ratings of Carter's handling of the nation's economic and energy problems at the lowest levels of His administration. But Americans' opinions of his work in foreign policy and particularly the Middle East are up significantly from February, but not to the levels fround immediately after the Camp David summit last year. Twenty-nine percent gave Carter excellent or good ratings for his work generally. That is not significantly different from the 28 percent mark found in the February A P-NB News poll. Kurdish rebels challenge to Khomeini SANANDAJ. Iran (AP) Revolutionary leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini faced one of the toughest challenges to his Islamic state Wednesday as Kurdish rebels tightened their hold on this provincial capital after four days of bloody fighting. Rebel forces tried repeatedly to overrun the military barracks but were turned back when the government put two tanks into the battle. The government admitted more than 100 persons were dead and several hundred wounded. Independent sources here claim at least 200 have died. The conflict appears to have been sparked by sectarian rivalry between the Kurds of the Sunni Moslem sect and the dominant Shiite Moslems who control Iran's new government.: . . ; , --k ?v-'uvi ' l GSA administrator resigns WASHINGTON (AP) Jay Solomon resigned Wednesday as administrator of the scandal-marked General Services Administration, effective March 31. President Carter said he accepted it "with regret." White House Press Secretary Jody Powell told reporters the selection of a new GSA chief "is very near" and could come later this week. msmm -f wsnans mmr : Village Opticians PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED LENSES DUPLICATED o CONTACT LENSES fitted - polished - cleaned SUNGLASSES prescription - non-prescription OVER 1,200 FRAMES 121 E. Franklin St Phone: 942-3254 3 If mm mi m mmmmm m mmimmmmmm mmm" Taws- & JOHN C. SOUTHERN - OPTICIAN f crl uj mv mm t mm m m mwrn msm i Isjw 4, i. I mm Announcements ALEXANDER: Vote Wilson for Social Chairman. The Mad Hatter Proudly Presents Virginia's Finest Rock and Roll Band RAZZMATAZZ Thursday, 9:30 PM FEATURED THIS THURSDAY night at Southern Comfort-'-an evening of jazz with "The Jazz Mongers." Steve Wing on keyboards and Rodney Marsh on sax. Traditional bebop and some easy-listening originals, beginning at 8:00 pm in Chase Cafeteria. Food available. Admission free. NORTH TOWER, Chapel Hill's newest beach & top 40 band, will perform Wed. & Thurs. night at Crazy Zack's in Raleigh ID required. THE ACTING COMPANY will present Romeo and Juliet in Memorial Hall on Sunday, March 25 at 8:00. Tickets, 3 and 4, available at Union desk. Roommates EASYGOING GRAD looking for couple or single to share two bedroom apt. Pool, laundry, good location. Rent couple $105, single 87.50. No Beach music fans, please. 967-3924. WANT ONE or two girls to share Foxcroft Apt. with us for the summer. Pool, tennis, sauna, and more! Call Sylvia 9684381. ROOMMATE(S) NEEDED for summer andor fall. Two bedroom, two bath Foxcroft Apt. Pool, clubhouse, bus line. 101 per month plus 13 utilities. Call 967-3408. WANTED: ROOMMATES to share 3 bedroom Carolina Apt. this summer. 81.50 a month plus 13 utilities. Call Karen 967-9514. . NEED ROOMMATE, summer (and fall) for 2 bedroom, furnished apartment. On busline, residential area, low utilities. Your share of rent, J120mo. utilities. It's worth it. Call Paul Deane,942 3591. NON SMOKING FEMALE roommate needed to share furnished two-bedroom apt. for 79-'80 academic year. 77month plus 13 utilities. Call Leigh at 929-7775. ONE OR TWO roommates needed for summer at Kingswood Apt. Has pool, air conditioning, and on bus route. Also have piano in apt. Call Betsy, 967 2305. For Rent COUNTRY STORE, converted to house. 4 rooms, bath, & appliances. Needs some repairs. J85.00 per month with improvements. Call 929-3224. SUMMER SUBLET: Large bedroom of furnished King's Arms Apt. Good location. Price negotiable! May 15-Aug 15. Call 929-7824. SUMMER SUBLET: 2 bedroom Foxcroft Apt. Pool, sauna, tennis, weightroom, basketball! Call Sylvia 968-4381. LARGE PATIO furnished room for female graduate student. Call 929-1349 evenings. SUMMER SUBLET May 15-August 15. Must rent, reasonable price, 2 bedrooms, Foxcroft. Call 929 9470, keep trying. APARTMENTS NOW RENTING "M " TAR HEEL MANOR 102 Highway 54 By-Pass Carrboro 942-7569 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, kitchen, LR-DR, central heat & air, swimming pool, laundry; 1 handicapped equipped apt. Lost & Found FOUND: NECKLACE in women's locker room 320. Call and.identify, 929-5303. FOUND: NOVEL at Franklin and Columbia St. bus stop 320. Call and identify, 929-5303. LOST: BATON behind Kenan dorm. If found, please call Tricia Wood. 933-1437. FOUND: MAN'S MEXICAN RING, Sunday, March 18 by track. Call to identify: 929-6682. FOUND: A SILVER CROSS pen with an inscription, in Gardner Hall. Call 933-2676 and ask for John. LOST NEAR MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, woman's unusual large ring. Yellow gold, blue and green flecked stone. Reward for return 100.00. 967-7550. LOST: GRAY PLASTIC GLASSES in brown case near Carroll Hall, Grad Library, Student Stores, or Union. Call 942-6927 if found. Reward. LOST: SLENDER GOLD BRACELET, sometime 'Saturday. Great sentimental attachment. If found, please call 9334298. Help Wanted SEVERAL STUDENTS for yard work, painting; Saturday, March 24th (weather permitting) 8:30 4:30, 3.00 hour, 929-6044. MALE OR FEMALE student to supervise three active boys after school. Salary or rent-free cottage in exchange. Must have own car, personal references. 9294.176. HELP WANTED: Part time cooks needed. Flexible hours. Apply in person at Peppi's Pizza Den, 15-501 By-Pass, Eastgate. PERSONS TO PLAY roles in a trial re-creation. Pay 10 20 for two hours work. Call 967-1359 after 6:00. HOUSEKEEPER NEEDED: Afternoons approximately 3:00-5:00. References and transportation. 929-8011, after 7:00. 4.50 to 7.00hour. That's what a Domino's Pizza driver averages. Must be 18, have own car and insurance. Full- and part-time. Very flexible hours. Apply in person, 503 W. Rose ma rv Street. Are you looking for a way to improve DTH 'circulation for next year? The Daily Tar Heel is accepting applications for circulation and distribution manager. If you are interested, pick up your application at the DTH office between 9 4 pm. Experience not necessary; desire mandatory! BRANT LAKE CAMP in the Adirondacks of New York, a private camp for boys. We are recruiting outstanding college students as general counselors. Season June 23 to Aug. 21. Program Team sports, individual "sports, camping, water sports, radio & electronics, arts & crafts. Salaries 450-750 depending on qualifications. Contact Prof. Bob Gersten (516) 432-1555 or write 84 Leamington St., Lido Beach, NY 11561 STUDENT OPPORTUNITIES We are looking for girls, interested in being counselors-activity instructors in a private girls camp located in Hendersonville, N.C. Activities are: Swimming ( WS1) , Horsebac k riding, Crafts, Tennis, Archery, Riflery, Canoeing, Backpacking, Drama, Art, Dancing, Basketball, Photography, Gymnastics, Office work. Baton, Cheerleading, Nature study, Camp craft. INQUIRES TO: B. Morga Haynes, Jr. P.O. Box 400C, Tryon, NC 28782 Travel . FLY TO ATLANTA Leave ThurFri, March 30. Round trip less than commercial fare. 1st come, 1st served. Gary Jacobs 966-1161 day (message), 929 7407 eve. Services THE DATING BANK New, registered, progressive, serving the lonely unmarried locally by mail. Box 1549, Winston-Salem, NC 27102: 1-761-1579. DISCO SESSION with Dorothy Reep at the Sandell Dance Studio. Beginning April 5th. Couples and singles. To register and for information call 942-5512 or 929-7304. For Sale MUST SELL ONE PAIR of Comm TVR-20 auto speakers. New and never installed. Three-way, 5&", 20 oz." magnet. Great sound, great price 35. Call Chris at 942-7765, keep trying. A COUPLE OF THINGS. Od Book News is ready. Civil War is the topic, so stop by for your copy or send stamp and well mail it. Also we're featuring a nice lot of art books this week. The Old Book Corner, 137-A East Rosemary Street. GUITAR steel string acoustic in excellent condition. Also included hardshell case, strap, capo, and 6 songbooks. Call anytime, day or night 933-7736, ask for Paul. Rides RIDE NEEDED to Norfolk or Virginia Beach on Friday, March 30. Will share expenses. PLEASE call Leigh at 933-7326, keep trying! Wanted it WANTED: Non-smokers as subjects in paid EPA experiments on the effects of the environment on health. No complicated tasks involved. Experiments this spring start April 1; they involve you for two days, 7:30 to5, and the next day, 8-10. Pay is , with travel reimbursed. Experiments are run in Chapel Hill. Interested healthy males, 18-30, Caucasian, with no allergies or hay fever and no smoking for six months, should call Chapel Hill collect, 966-1253, from 8-5, for more information. Miscellaneous LONDON THIS SUMMER: Four weeks, interdisciplinary, credit or audit. 1200 includes tuition, dorm room, two meals daily, excursions, air fare. Trans-Atlantic Cultural Studies, Box 1795, Greenwood, S.C. 29646 PINE ROOM CAFETERIA Quick Food Line open for lunch and dinner. Vegetarian entre available each day. Also fresh vegetable plate now in Butcher Block for lunch. SUBJECTS NEEDED for research on repeat abortions: 5 for confidential interview for college women who have had at least 2 abortions. Call 966 2281 for 90 minute Saturday appointment with Dr. Priscilla Boekelheide, Room 206, UNC Student Infirmary. CUSTOM CREATIVE PORTRAITS on location of your choice. They make great personalized gifts. Also, seeking photogenic people for advertising promotion. Good pay. 489-1045 (Durham). Personals DEAR JULIA, You have a sexy body and its the only thing that can save your quilt. Call soon and make offer or the quilt dies. There comes a time. MAX is a man with sex appeal We've written this poem to show how we feet A mental undresser And English professor He's truly a irnafrof Steele! f: ! .lit p BUD Thanks for a wonderful weekend. Here's to many more! You're the greatest! Too bad we didn't get together sooner. Love, Tammy SCOTTIE, On your 19th birthday, George Breti miqht be your 1 priority, but 111 take 9 any day! Let's add March 22nd to Feb. 2nd and 6th never to forget! How's about another invitation to baseball comer? Love, Mary BARBARA, My spring's still lucky. We share a tendency. So most affectionately, from yours truly, J.C.: Happy 18th Birthday! (Grgebewdt) Vixen! Yogi, Your Dancing Bear To KH, the Weekend Warrior: It's Thursday, it's Thursday, We're out of our cage!! Three days of freedom And RAZZ is on stage. Well go to their concert At the Mad Hatter Bar. 9:30, celebrations begin For your success so far!! Congrats on your new job! The Chapel Hill Connection COLESCOTT: You're so cute in your tight whites! We know you can do better than the Tuesday night pick-up at Purdy's. Give us a closer look same place, 11:30 Thursday night. BONG HIT MAN and the Bastard: 75 Penalty Bongs!! Hit me! Beat me! Buy me beer! Haze me! Haze me! Come on and haze me! But please, please call me PLEDGE!! Classified info Pick up ad forms in any classified box at all DTH pickup spots or at DTH Office. Return ad and check or money order to DTH Office 12:00 (noon) 1 day before the ad will run or in campus mail 2 days before. Ads must be prepaid. - Rates: 25 words or less Students $1.75 Non-students $2.75 59 for each additional word $1.00 more for boxed ad or bold type Please notify the DTH Office if there are mistakes in your ad, immediately! We will only be responsible for the first ad run. Th Daily Tar Hoal Is published by the Dally Tar Hat Board ot Directors of tha UnWrlty ot North Carclna daily Monday through Friday during tha raguSar acadamie yaar axeapt during aram psriod, vacations and summer sessions. Tha Summar Tar Heal la published weakly on Thursdaya during the summer sessions. Offices are at the Frank Porter Graham Student Union Building, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514. Telephone numbers: News, Sports 933-0245, 833-0248, 933-0252, 933-0372; Business, Circulation, Advertising 933-1 1 63, 933 0252. Subscription rates: $1.00 per week 3rd class; $2.00 per week 1st class. Tha Campus Governing Council shall have powers to determine the Student Activities Fee and to appropriate aH revenue derived from the Student Activities Fee (1.1.14 of tha Student Constitution). The Daily Tar Heal Is a student organization. . The Daily Tar Heal reserves the right to regulate the typographical tone of aH advertisements and to revise or turn away copy It considers objectionable. The Dally Tar Haal will not consider adjustments or payment tor any typographical errors or erroneous Insertion unless notice Is given to the Business Manager within one (1) day after the advertisement appears, within one (1) day of receiving the tear sheets or subscription ot the paper. The Daily Tar Haal will not be responsible tor mora than one Incorrect Insertion ot an advertisement scheduled to run several times. Notice lor such correction must be given before the next Insertion. Grant Duers - Business Manager Neal Kimball Advertising Manager