! E rr . 5$ t I i if if 14 Thr ITG3A RIGHT DSniZBS. TOMORROW CHAPEL HILL'S FAVORITE FILM! A. ' SSL- IiC3F 70 ." ,V NT - v urn AKUOZvQ, DC DO NT MISS ANY OF THE LAUGHS 2:40 4:50 7:C0 and 9:20 . vi Jrv-V Mil tfclS oPttas LATE SHOWS THIS WEEKEND fcJ U Lit J U L'fc FRI-SAT AT MIDNIGHT r, i THE GIRL IS 12.THE GUY IS A TAXI DRIVER. WHAT HAPPENS TO BOTH OF THEM WILL SHOCK YOU! COLUMKA PICTURES P ROBERT DENIRO TAJHBHWEH FRI-SAT AT MIDNIGHT 8 ' r ... -. ' ' w V'1 l'g-1 rv.---.---.-.-.:.-.-.:.:.:.:.:-:..... ..-.- .i;.:.-,-i4,--v "P' fV 1 1 7 T 4 HELD OVER 3RD HILARIOUS VEEKljr SHOWS AT 3:00 5:00 7:15 9;30 MATINEES DAILY1? SNEAK PREVIEW "THE IN-LAWS" SATURDAY NIGHT-:So J r mm mm rwj CIIATZL HILL'S atz CAUL THE ipi hi , Tar Hcet ThwraBy. Jane 7. 1979 The Campus Calendar is published as a public service by the Summer Tar Heel for announcements of interest to the University community. Contributions should be placed in the box outside the Summer Tar Heel offices no later than noon on Tuesdays for publication Thursday. All listings must be renewed each week. Today's Activities Students International Meditation Society will be offering a free lecture oa the Transcendental Meditation Program at 8 p.m. in Room 205 of the Carolina Union. Campus Christian Fellowship will have a Bible study and discussion at 7 p.m. in the Frank Porter Graham Lounge in the Carolina Union. All are welcome to attend. An Interviewing workshop sponsored by the University Placement Services will be held at 3 p.m. in Room 209 of Hanes Hall. How to prepare for an interview, ways to answer questions and types of interviews will be covered. Sunday Campus Christian Fellowship will hold an informal worship service at 1 1 a.m. in Room 225 Greenlaw. Everyone is welcome to attend., Monday The application deadline for the summer Undergraduate Honor Court has been extended until S p.m. Qualified applicants must be enrolled in the second session of summer school. Applications are available in Suite C of the Carolina Union. . i Tuesday The Fall Gospel Fellowship is a Christian, spirit-Tilled group which invites you to join in worship, Bible study and prayer at 7 p.m. in the Carolina Union. . Wednesday The UNC Bridge Club meets every Wednesday night in Room 207 of the Carolina Union. Come alone or with a partner. Beginners are welcome. For more information call Jim at 929-9656. Last Day "China Syndrone" Starts Tomorrow C.H.O.M.P.S. Valerie Bertinelli Last Day "Love at First Bite" Starts Tomorrow Sclve tho mystery J Or. til s tryins. ROY SCIIZ1DER - JANET MAnG0U?A fffe" M s.-:-: MCE 1 United Artists v m Held Over 6th big week WOODY ALLEN " DIATI3 K EATON 'i- iArHf,-1r1E 01 . Last Day "Coming Home" Starts Tomorrow ? X THESE AKS THE ARMIES f OF THE NIGHT. Items of Interest ' ' ' . Stoney Hill School, a non-profit community-oriented Pottery School, is taking registration for .summer classes. Classes and workshops are being offered in wheelwork and handbuilding for children and adults. For information about classes, schedules and tuition please call 929-8282 or 942-4720. "Parents Anonymous," a self-help group for troubled parents, needs volunteers to care for the children while the parents attend weekly meetings. High school students, college students or older people are wanted. If you are interested, please call Ethel Reynolds at 439-0494. Auditions for Martin the Magnificent, "a comic fantasy for children of all ages." are being held at 7 p.m. June 6, 7 and 8 in Room 202 of the Carolina Union. Tryouts will be held for actresses . and actors. A technical crew also is needed. - The Graduate and Professional Student Federation is accepting nominations for the Chancellor's committees. The Committees that still have openings are the Calendar, Space, Facilities Use, Student Stores Advisory. Traffic Regulations Appeals. Faculty, Building and Grounds. Status of Minorities and Disadvantaged. Scholarships, Awards. Student Aid and the Student Health Service Administrative Board. If you would like to be on pne of these committees, please come by the GPSF office in Suite D of the Carolina Union for an application. Deadline for turning in applications is Friday. The Carrboro Recreation Department and the Bike Safety Program is sponsoring a beginner adult cycling class. The course will begin oh June 22 and end July 10. Classes are scheduled to meet from 4 to 5 p.m. every Tuesday. Registration fee for the class is SS, and is payable at the Carrboro Recreation Department. For more information call 942-8556. The Carrboro Parks and Recreation Department will be sponsoring children's piano classes beginning June 1 1 and lasting for 12 weeks. Two classes will beheld every Monday, one from 4 to 5 p.m. and the other from 5 to 6 p.m. at the Carrboro Elementary School auditorium. Registration fee for the class is SI 5. For more information call 942-8556. The Carrboro Recreation Department and the Technical Institute of Alamance will be sponsoring a Vacation Photography Class that will cover helpful information, activities and materials which can be used by the participants to improve skill in basic photography. No special photographic equipment is needed. This is not a darkroom course. The registration fee for the June 6 through July 1 1 session is $5. Classes will be held from 7 to 10 p.m. on Wednesdays. For more information call 942-8556. 'Summer Heel' meeting today The staff of the Summer Tar Heel will meet at 4 p.m. today in the lounge outside the Daily Tar Heel offices in the Frank Porter Graham Student Union. All writers, editors and interested persons are expected to attend. THE CAROLINA THEATRE 1 1 From Australia, Peter Weir's Spellbinding Mystery M inp inu iji jm ii u.nanip U ium iiMni V(Tff Evenings at 7:10,9:10; SHANGHAI RESTAUR ANT Fine CHINESE CUISINE from Peking, Shanghai, Szechuen and Canton. Choice of more than 100 dishes If .imuiimi iw'nwBnnnn "...tha mssl was uniformly dsUcIous end jaacj nrecrtnterl In n Attractive msnner. Our welter.. .served the meal in a professional mannar not common to these parts...." SueWenzel, "Leisureline", The Durham Sun, Jan. 11, 1979 Mixed Beverages Available Th 3837581 3421 HUltborough Road, at King's Plaza. - (Across from Bsst Po ducts) . Durham, Nortri Carolina Dinner: 5:00-9:30 PM, Mon.-Thur. 5:00-10:30 PM, Frl. & Sat. Lunch: 41 :30 AM-2KXPM. Mon.-Fri. y Sun: .12:00-9:20 PM Ir3 . H- m Durham Nil 7 1 - MWU J" f