fZ v,. Warn, partly sunny Fair nights, 'mostly sunny days. Highs near SO thru Saturday. Chance of rain today 20 percent. flsed hours? Today is the last day to add those hours you need, but fear not, you can keep on dropping them for the next five weeks. C S I i ! i t I VLii A I'. M II. H i y. Ly Serving the .students anil the University community since 1893 Vc'.ums 87, zzuo No. Iff S Friday, August 31, 1979, Cftrrpcl HIIS, North Carolina Hew 'Sport ArU S33-C245 Business AdvtftiKftg 833-11(3 Minister, lecuds drive Bar grades studied o&$ lire op ie o 7! T m i It ! V M t ; r f i i H y to bring ' in S By JACl HUGHES Staff Writer A Chapel Hill minister is leading a drive to bring 2,000 Vietnamese "boat people" to North Carolina by the end of the year. Jim Riddle, pastor of Chapel Hill's interdenominational Community Church called the flight of refugees from Southeast Asia "the greatest humanitarian crisis of this decade." Riddle will head a N.C. Council of Churches committee to set up a special office for coordinating refugee sponsorship activities among the organization's 6,000 churches. The council voted Tuesday to apply for a $20,000 Church World Services grant to help pay for that office. The remaining $10,000 would be raised by churches throughout the state. Locally, churches are preparing to welcome about 20 families by mid-September, said Pat Reefe, spokeswoman for the Indochinese Refugee Resettlement Coalition. Two families arrived this summer, joining 36 refugees who have come to Chapel Hill since 1975. Riddle said the biggest problem facing Chapel Hill churches that sponsor refugees is the housing shortage. Sponsoring groups are required by federal regulation to place a family in a permanent home. But Riddle said families can be temporarily housed while their sponsors seek permanent housing. "Families may have to be housed in people's homes until something more permanent can be found," Riddle said. "I don't see that as a problem, because people want to help out. If there were a flood, people would double up," he said. Reefe said students can help refugees adjust to life in America. "I would like to see students involved in one-to-one tutorial sessions to help the refugees learn English. Also, students can assist in transportation by taking refugees to medical and dental appointments or : grocery shopping. "The refugees will need help with everything we would take for granted in our everyday lives," Reefe said. Riddle's state committee will select a full time employee to act as a liaison between state churches and other groups sponsoring refugees. - Riddle said such a liaison is needed because existing programs and personnel are not adequate to meet the needs of the thousands of refugees leaving Indochina daily or those who already have fled. DTHWill Owens Jim Riddle expects 20 families "Even if the flight from Indochina were now complete, existing projects and activities are not adequate to assure quick resettlement of . the 370,000 currently in first asylum camps," he said. The Chapel H ill coalition will meet at 8 p.m. Sept. 4 at University Baptist Church. Anyone interested in sponsorship or other refugee related services is welcome. For more information, call 929-8301. -n TV Jl By PAM KELLEY and SUSAN LADD Staff Writers The Orange County Board of Elections is shying away from efforts to organize special voter registration for apartment dwellers because members of the Orange Committee could file challenges against the new voters, Carrboro lawyer Steven J. Rose said Thursday night. The- Orange Committee, a group of conservative northern Orange County Democrats, unsuccessfully challenged last year the voting rights of more" than 6,300 southern " Orange County residents, most of them University students. . Rose, a candidate for a seat on the Carrboro Board of Aldermen, said he and several other politically active citizens including Carrboro Alerman Doug Sharer and Gerry Cohen, a member of the Chapel Hill Town Council wanted to organize special voter registration at area apartment complexes from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday from Sept. 10 until the registration period ends Oct. 8. Rose said he hoped the special registration would benefit students who are unable to register during the day or who cannot get to registration places because they have no car. . Special registration had been planned in clubhouses and laundromats at - several "apartment complexes, including Carolina, Old Well, University Lake, Estes Park and Tarheel Manor apartments, he said. Rose said permission had already been secured from several apartment managers, and added that three people had volunteered to act as registrars. But elections board member Evelyn Lloyd, who , said she talked to Rose about the registration, said her hesitation did not stem from fears of voter challenges, but from past experience with apartment registration that was not properly supervised. "It doesn't have a thing to do with the Orange Committee," she said. But Sharer said he also talked with another elections board member who expressed concern See ELECTIONS on page 2 By MARK MURRELL Staff Writer Studies will be conducted soon to determine why more Carolina students failed the state bar exam this year. Law School Dean Kenneth S. Broun said Wednesday. "We will be analyzing who was flunking and looking at how they did in law school," Broun said. ' "Scores vary from year to year in each state, and it's not unusual for them to suddenly take a dip." The Law School experienced a 14 percent drop in scores from last year's passage rate of 96 percent, while socres at the North Carolina Central University School of Law fell 6 percent from last year's 51 percent. "In October all law school deans will meet with the State Board of Law Examiners as a routine matter to discuss the exam," Broun said. He said copies of the test have been given to the UJMC Law School faculty to analyze. Broun said since the curriculum of the school and i the rnmnnsition nf the student hrvrf v have remained constant over the past few years, there is no clear-cut reason for the drop in scores. Wake Forest Law School also reported a drop from a 100 percent passage rate in 1977 to 87.1 percent this year. Statistics are not yet available from ,Duke University. A refresher bar-review course which changed hands this year may have been a factor in the falling scores, officials said. Robin Hinson, a Charlotte attorney, sold a refresher course he has conducted for the past 18 years to Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich Corp. of Chicago. "We're not excluding it totally, because of the coincidence," Broun said of the new course. "But it is just one among many things we will be considering." Hinson said the new course, BAR-BRI, is widely acclaimed in many states, but that his previous course concentrated more on North Carolina law. "1 have no responsibility for the format and content of the BAR-BRI course," Hinson said. He added he only taught one particular subject this year in conjunction with BAR-BRI, because he wanted to limit his involvement with such courses. "This is the first vear there was no alternative to BAR-BRI at Wake Forest," Elva Jess, assistant dean of the Law School, said. The falling scores, according to UNC President William C. Friday, "were a bit unusual and disappointing."- 5 ' Friday said the NCCU law school should be given i Friday vj' $ I Broun two or three more chances to pull its passage rate up, since there is a "massive building program" going on at the school. "One particular test interval is not a fair way to draw conclusions," Friday said. "1 feel the record of NCCU will improve and that the school will meet the requirements of accreditations." Friday said the faculty at Central Law School has doubled, and the budget has tripled since the 1974-75 fiscal year. The current budget for the school is about $984,000. A budget figure for Carolina's Law School was not available Thursday. A $3 million building for the Law School at Central is expected to be completed within the next 12 months. Central now has 15 faculty members for its approximately 200 law students. "We consider that full and sufficient for the present enrollment," Friday said. "The problem was there was enrollment in excess of the facilities." Friday said he hopes the building program at Central will help pull the school out of a provisional accreditation status. The school's accreditation became endangered in 1975 because of poor performance on the state bar exam. But Friday said he is confident the school will improve. "The accreditation people expressed pleasure at the substantial improvements under Dean Groves," he said. Many officials said the test was just stricter this year, and that since scores dropped at all schools, none is in danger."! would guess the bar result would have little or nothing to do with what's going on here," Broun said. "There must be a reason for such a consistent pattern! 'arid I'm sure it will be looked into," Friday said. -' I: i ' " , ,, jW"" ... f ' DTHAnn McLaughlin Close encounters for a poor swine In htre no one csn hear you equed. See 'Pork' on psge 3. Monies lost in shuffle HUB on the way By JIM HUMMEL ' Staff Writer The Department of Housing and Urban Development was wrong in withholding a loan from UNC-Charlotte and has "rectified the situation" by reversing its decision, said Raymond Dawson, UNC vice president for academic affairs. Earlier this month HUD decided to withhold a $1.5 million dollar loan approved to go to the UNCC campus for construction of a new dormitory. "It was wrong and they never should have done it," Dawson said of HUD's withholding action. "After a stunt like that, it (the reversed decision) was the only right thing to do." Many have speculated that HUD joined forces with the Department of Health, Education and Welfare in withholding the funds, attempting to force the university into a settlement of a court suit over desegregation of the UNC system that is awaiting a hearing Jan. 7. The federal government has denied those charges. "After consulting with the Justice Department, we (HUD) felt it would be in the best interests of both sides to lift the deferral of funds for now," said Tom Bacon, HUD spokesman. "HUD will continue with the loan application and at the same time proceed with the administrative actions to determine the real matter at hand, that is the (HEW) dispute over Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act," Bacon said. As a result of HUD's original decision to hold back the loan, the state went to federal court last week, seeking to avert any cutoff of funding to the UNC system from a federal agency. U.S. District Judge Franklin T. Dupree, who issued a restraining order in June, preventing HEW from cutting off funds to UNC, has heard arguments from both sides about including HUD in the order blocking any fund cutoffs to UNC. Dupree specifically ordered H E W not to withhold any of the $89 million the UNC system receives annually until proceedings are completed. HUD was not specifically named in the order. "We're very pleased that the money is back," said UNCC Chancellor E.K. Fretwell, in a telephone interview Thursday. "We did not have any other access to such low interest funding. Because of the law, had the loan not come through, the students would have had to carry the burden and we felt this was not right." A state law prevents state money to be used for student housing. Therefore, Fretwell said, to get enough money for the dormitory, student rent would have to be dramatically increased. "Although I have not been here very long, 1 have never been aware of this type of thing (loan deferral) happening before," Fretwell said. The College Housing Loan program began in 1950 and provides low interest loans for schools across the country. The interest rate is 3 percent and the institution may take up to 40 years to repay the loan. In 1978 HUD received 315 applications for money. This year, over 400 applications were submitted, with almost $95 million going to approved borrowers. Since the program started, 20 loans have been granted to schools within the UNC system, according to a spokesman for HUD. Food chains upgrade menu, cut prices Oine escsiFffot IbmnrgeFo pie as5' k(D)ld ttke' wine ssmnce By SUSAN JURGELSKI Staff Writer "Howdy pardner. Care to see our wine list? Perhaps a list of our 42 flavors of ice cream? A dry martini with a whopper olive?" If trends continue, those may be the newest greetings at your favorite fast food joint. The hot competition for the $26 billion Americans spend each year on fast food has made the mundane hamburger and cheeseburger practically obsolete. Now burger parlors are breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert smorgasbords. Hamburgers are becoming outnumbered by biscuits, English muffins, fish sandwiches, sundaes, cookies, pies, ham sandwiches and onion rings. The fast food business is booming. The trade has grown from 30,000 to 140,000 outlets in the United States in eight years! A Gallup poll reported that 33 percent of adults eat out every day and that 28 percent of these eat at fast food places. The fast food kings design tantalizing names for their creations. The letters tumble over hungry tongues, getting stuck somewhere behind the teeth. "Two allbeefpattiesspecialsauce lettucecheesepicklesonionsonasesameseedbun and throw in a hot ham and cheese, please." Frustrated and tired consumers resort to a simplified version. "Big Mac that sandwich ya got, some fries and two whoppers before I whop you." ; What goes on in the advertising windmills of fast food hierarchy? Do chair-bound executives madly flick their Bics, concocting fast food fantasies? : . It's a little more complicated than that. McDonalds, America's largest fast food chain, provides an example. McDonald's fast food brainstorms begin and run through a head product division research and testing institute, explained Scott Daubert, manager of McDonalds on Franklin Street. Through the institute, the life or death of a new product is determined by surveys of consumers, taste tests and other , research. - Depending on the consumers' grins or grips after gaping and gulping, and on the researchers' collected survey and test data, the new products are placed or not placed in a regional market. The McFcast hamburger is now being tested in the Triangle area as well as in Dallas. If the product proves feasible after the regional test, it's ready for big time and hits the national market. "Products and their names all are developed to fit in with the McDonald theme," Daubert said. The commercial character Ronald McDonald is an example. Products and their names vary whether they're geared toward children or adults. Most names start with the Mc or Mac of McDonald's. Consumer surveys and reactions also help determine names," Duabert said. McDonald's recently introduced yet another fast food fad by cutting hamburger and cheeseburger prices five cents. A full scale war broke out when Burger King joined in and cut its hamburger prices by 7 cents and its cheeseburger prices by 12 cents. Hamburgers at both restaurants now cost 38 cents, and the cheeseburgers are priced at 43 cents. . Last but not least, the Roy Rogers restaurants owned by Merriot Corp. cut their quarter-pound hamburgers and quarter pound cheeseburgers by four to 10 cents. These burgers now go for 95 cents to $1.05 and $1.05 to $1.15 respectively. Is the price drop a last, desparate attempt to salvage the plain hamburger from extinction? Is it a dying breed? Local managers of fast food restaurants say no, citing the recent 25 cent drop in beef prices as the main catalyst in the restaurant price cuts. The local managers said customers seemed to appreciate the price cuts and that many customers had commented favorably. "Families will have a break on this because it's mostly the children who eat the smaller hamburgers," said Margaret Watson, assistant manager of Burger King. George Woody, manager of Chapel Hill's Roy Rogers, was more critical of the price war. "It's just another push by McDonald's to get into the public eye," he said. "Other restaurants are following to remain competitive and because of the lowered beef prices." Roy Rogers in Chapel Hill is one of the 70 independently owned Roy Rogers franchises. It has not dropped prices with the corporate outlets. Manager Woody said the price of meet has not dropped low enough to warrant price cuts. Roy Rogers has, however, changed its menu somewhat. Bottomless drinks have been replaced with three drink sizes: 35, 45 and 55 cents. The large size Coke allows one free refill Coleslaw, french fries and salad have been split from the platter entrees and are available as side dishes. Woody said the separate entrees will streamline sandwich prices and allow the customer to choose whether he wants extras. Hardee's and Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers have elected not to join the price battle. "We didn't fcej it was necessary to lower prices since we were and are competitive with the other chains," said Hardee's district supervisor Ken Kennedy. "In some cases their prices are stiil higher than ours. "Since we have such a variety on our menu, we have more to offer than the other chains. In this area we sell about 2S-30 percent breakfast foods, but hamburgers arc stiil our biggest sellers." , Since Wendy's primarily offers larger hamburgers and hat no children's menu they did not find it necessary to cut their prices to remain competitive. Recently, Hardee's Food Systems Inc., reported a 30 percent increase in profits for the third quarter of 1979 over the tame period last year. According to Hardee's president Jack A. Laughery, the increase is due to improved customer traffic, higher menu prices, new products and strong marketing support. ft: f- A VV,:- A ' P - ' " jyv ' !t ' 3 . Tv syw . C. i' Af,; Ay , ' 'h -( 7 tTH & fa?- ft'Ji load ccmpsnlss vis fcr cy:tcm;r pur: 3.

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