9 4 Tht Daily Tar Hcsl Thursday, October IB arsons spo ; Academy Award winner Estellc Parsons will appear in the one-woman production Aj Margarida's Way Sunday at 8 p.m. in UNCs Memorial Hall. Parsons, who . originated the role on Broadway in 1977 and received a Tony award nomination for her performance, portrays a tyrannical school teacher tormented by paranoia and sexual frustration. A fascinating and powerful character, Miss Mar gar id a vents her pent-up emotions on her students played by the audience by using her authority to berate and ridicule them. It is the involvement of the audience, which may change with any particular performance, that makes Miss Margarida's Way a unique experience in theater. Written by Brazilian Roberto Athayde, the play has been seen as a social comment on the authoritarianism that humanity is subjected to in many forms. Familiar to Americans from her Oscar winning role in the film Bonnie and Clyde, Parsons won the Theatre World Award for her first off-Broadway role in Mrs. Dally has a Lover in 1962. She was nominated for a second t lighted Tfas- Happy Store s pregame Flask .Money for mixer .Sun visor .Handkerchief . Wine Date residents for when it's hot Open 24 Hours.Ths Beer, Ice, Wine, Ice, And Fun Store. THE HAPPY "STORE. 967-9791 3677 Across AFTER-GAME CELEOOAIIMJ f ' 3 FROM 1 1 J&' frHEE BEUES1AGE AND FHEE HOnS D' OEUURES UJITE3 PUnCElASE OF MEAL (does not include cocktails) We Can't Write Your Themes & u.f We Certainly Can Provide Your Report Binders Erasable Typewriter Paper Thesis Paper Thesis Binding Typewriter Ribbons o Correction Fluids & Tapes Research Paper Typing Guides Everything You Need To get an "A" there's more at your STTQodlcERnr STTflMBGS SO WW ATS HAPPENED WORSE - A 7 OH, JUST TO BRIAN? ISlTSttS- DAy-2IMEALrl READY i3 PeNICN OR PROBATION? PLAN.-WHAJ AKE YOU UP TO NOfl J i I .. i , I 111! 1 (JUf 1 600V EVENING will hod n mm i OUR SPECIAL TONIGHT 15 006 fOQOl WOULP 0U CARS TO SEE OUS WINS LIST? NO? CXAY, LOOK 7? CUTS CLEARLY a an ozirWy mow you tzlk&s nzn axis. , l0 tO m tZfm-llU &27H ! r f ill' r 4, 1979 r . ' .v : : I Parsons as Miss Margarida Academy Award for her performance - in Rachel, Rachel, and won two Obie awards for off-Broadway appearances in Next Tune Til Sing For You and In the Summer House. Tickets for Miss Margarida's Way are available at the Carolina Union desk, $5 for the general public and $4 for UNC students. The play will also be staged at 8 p.m. today in Duke University's Page Auditorim and at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday in Raleigh's Stewart Theatre. -BOBBY PARKER cKiecEuis? skein (not for Preppies) from St. Mary's (South Wing m'j only) mm ,; : 1 I LvD. -wav-a I iThe Windmill Restaurant Chapel Hill Blvd. from South Square 5 UNTIL 6 PM Theses, Supplies! Maybe a ,"C"? GjTT1N& pOR A PlRE FOR "WE THRILL"? WITH uv COME 0i ' WR WAITER WILL BE WITH W) IH A MOMENT... ENJOY YOUR MEAL.. VERY WELL - r ir-ron 115 ATTHXT WTLJI5 FACT CFKXZK At3 r& EfrnZlte USBMSAH fiZJCHAOZ 7HAH HZZS HORAL taXX tfr&GRSZGHP THAT. (LaouiipiLos .Public service announcements must be turnedin at the box outside the DTH offices in the Carolina UriTo'n. ;by 1 p.m. if they are to run the next day. Each item will be run at least twice. ACTIVITIES TODAY There will be an interviewing workshop, sponsored by tht University Placement Services, at 3:30 p.m. in 209 Hants Hall. : How to prepare for an interview, ways to answer questions and types of interviews will be covered. All campus residence hall leaders are invited to a "fix your own sub" get-together from 5-7 p.rri. in the Morehead Cellar. Pay $2 at the door and see the RH A slide show along with information on the upcoming national conference. The Baptist Student Union will have worship at 6 p.m. at the Battle House. This is an informal time of worship, music, fellowship and sharing of concerns and celebrations. Worship is preceded by recreation at 5 p.m. The Random Survey Sub-committee of the Association of Business Students committee will meet at 3:30 p.m. in the ABS office. T-4 New Carroll Half! The discipleship training class of Campus Crusade will be held from 7-9 p.m. in the fourth floor faculty lounge, Dey Hall. This is a great time of fun and fellowship. All are welcome. The Fellowship of Christian Athletes will meet at 9 p.m. in 202 Carolina Union. Hubert West will speak. The FCA Playmakers will also perform. Free beer! Come to the pep rally at 7:30 starting at Boshamer Stadium. Let's beat the Bearcats! Learn the art of self-discipline by joining a class on Shotodan Karate. The class is sponsored by the Hiliel Free Jewish University and meets Trorri 7-9" p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It also meets for an additional hour and a half on alternate Sundays. Women are encouraged to attend. Larry Lazarus serves as the instructor. HiHeFs Fre Jewish University course entitled "A Non Traditional Approach to Judaism" meets at 7 p.m. The course is based or traditional, mystic and exegetical sources and is taught by l .li Ross, past Adult Jewish Education Director for Puerto Rico. Join us in the Hiliel library. KaffeKlatsch: Everyone is invited to come and practice their conversational German at 2:30 p.m. at 307 Cameron Ave. Coffee will be served There are only four days left to regbtw lo vote: Register from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. at the Carrboro Town Hall and from 1-9 at the Chapel Hill Municipal Bldg. Lambda, the CGA newsletter, will have an organizational meeting for the second fall issue at 7 p.m. in 217 Carolina Drive Our Cars ALMOST FREE to most U.S. cities DRIUEAlfejIAV- 919-272-2153 520 VV. Frtendiy Ave. Greensboro, N.C. r Postage Stamps for Collectors HOURS: TUES. - FRI. 12 TO 5:30 feAT. Id TO 5:3D 221 BRYAN BLOO. CAMERON VILLAGE P. . BOX 10092 RAL. N. C. 37605 919832-O06S ON CAMPUS I HATE IT WHEN H'5 IN A 600DMQW by Gcny Trudccu AHYThiNO CZASH C?4 VA:ZXA5 tZPAm3.A'& GVYCA'JDO m&TDK!ZP7S Axvrrrr pzmjRscN. rw CaUeoDCii Union. Both new and returning Lambda member are invited to attend. The Union Social Committee will meet at 7 p.m. in the Activities Board Office (200). Anyone interested in finding out more about the committee's activities is invited to attend. If interested or already involved but unable to attend, call Bill at 942-5264. ' Theatre productions entitled A Moon Poem and Brownie Broadway will be presented at 8 p.m. in the Great Hall. Admission is SI with tickets at the door or Carolina Union desk. BYOB set-ups. The event is sponsored by the Association of Women Students for the Women's Art Festival. Attention Phi Eia Siena members! All those responsible for Course Description Forms should pick them up today and bring them to 303 South Bldg. John Wayne-American Hero or Fascist Pig? The curriculum in Peace, War and Defense is sponsoring several John Wayne films. Green Berets will conclude the series at 7 p.m. in 1 1 1 Murphey Hall. The Chess Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Carolina Union. AH are welcome with no dues or other obligations. . Enjoy free coffee and stimulatingconversation? Come to the first Campus Y KofTce Klatck, anytime from 2-4:30 p.m. in the South Gallery. Carolina Union. The topic will be "The Honor System" with the Honor Court, Faculty Committee on Student Conduct, attorney general and others as featured ' guests. Ail faculty and students are welcome. The Rethinking of Eve seminar sponsored by Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Parker Parlor. Jimmy Long Will address the topic of a woman's place in the body of Christ from a Biblical perspective. All are welcome! There will be a Mid-Campus Chapter meeting of Inter Varsity Chris tan Fellowship at 7 p.m. in Gerrard Hall. Rev.. Eckie Lancas er, pastor of Wesley Chapel Methodist Church in Elizabethti iwn will speak on "Stewardship: A Lifestyle." Please be prompt! The Mormon Action Committee will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the rec room. Very important slyff will be discussed. The meeting will start on time o please be prompt. There will be a meeting of the CUE Forums Committee at 4 p.m. in the Campus Y Bldg. Committee members interested in the recommendations concerning the undergraduate curriculm should be sure '.o attend. The SCAlj Bar Guide will be the topic of the Student Consumer Action Union Food Quality Committee meeting to be held at 5 f.m. in 207 Carolina Union; The UNC Computation Center Short Course on "Advance SCRIPT" will be held at 3 p.m. in 228 Phillips Hall. A career keminar for English majors and prospective English majors will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the second floor r All ABC Permits 151V E. Rosemary 967-4696 n Coif slaw o FreUitf II Vv II Vs. o Rolls (2)- ,-03, o 2 Free I it re.ofttf cihlT "S" i.K IK Colesla(12 to W ot.) nous c)f 3 Free litres Chicken on a Blip Chiclcen on a fJtin.. Willi I iug A IUI UtUI HM A V 1 ' ' Call 938766 on Thursday to plage rder. Pick up on od'l&L lounge in Greenlaw. Everyone is invited. This seminar is sponsored jointly by the U niversity Counseling Center and the Undergraduate English department. Refreshments will be served. Attention Fre-MedPre-Dent students!! An admissions interviewing workshop, with videotaped simulations will be held from 7-10 p.m. Sign-up sheet is on the door of 31 1 South, Bldg. For more information, call Kathi Lamb at 933-9773 or 933-7648. Applications for the Oct. 27 G.MAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) must be received in Princeton, N J. by Oct 5. The fee is SIZ50 with a late fee of $4.50. The next testing is Jan. 26. Applications are in 101 Nash HalL UPCOMING EVENTS A Research Problem Seminar on "The C1CRED Conference" will be presented by Abdel Omran at 12 p.m. Friday in 405 University Square East Practice interview sessions with a counselor will be held from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. Friday. Call 933-6507 or drop in to make an appointment for a one hour session. Sessions involve videotaping and critique of a practice interview. The LNC Individual Events Speech Team will hold a bake sak from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. Friday in the Pit. Team members will be baking goodies in various locations Thursday night. Please drop by the office in 2 1 5 Bingham to sign up or get more details, we need bakers and sellers. . . - Henderson Residence College invites you to an evening of " festivities to kick off its year long charity drive centered around the 1979 International Year of the Child. At 4 p.m. Friday there will be student and faculty volleyball, and from 7 1 1 p.m. bluegrass music is provided by Snapper Creek with squaredancing and The Apple Chill doggers. BYOB. Come join us on Conner Beach! ."Critical Perspectives: a forum on contemporary politics and culture will present "The Politics of Enerty" at 8 p.m. Friday - at the Friends Meeting House. Raleigh Rd. A presentation and discussion wilt be led by Jim Overton of Kudzu Alliance and Institute for Southern Studies Energy Project. The Granville Off Campus Chapter of Inter-Varsity will have a chapter meeting at 7 p.m. Friday at the Chapel of the Cross. The formal of this meeting is different, in that the special speaker is "everyone" ho attends the meeting! Hope to see you for an evening of fellowship!. ITEMS OF INTEREST St. Gregory's Orthodox Church, a newly organized parish of the Orthodox Church in America, will hold services (in English) every Sunday at 10 a.m. at Jordan Hall. 1000 N. Harrison St in Cary. All interested persons are welcome. For information, call 967-1587. Applications for Springfest 1980 Chairman will be available Monday in Suite C, Carolina Union. Anyone interested in attending a lecture at 9:45 p.m. Oct. 9 for Edward Vfflella should complete an application form which is available at the Carolina Union desk. Applications must be returned to the desk by noon today. The Orante County Girl Scout Association is in great need of volunteer leaders. Previously, we have had tremendous success with the UNC Campus Scouts. If there is anyone I ( CsroIina I sT Outdoor j - Sports C -:i WorU 7" ' 2, Cat. 10-6 AY 3-5 MAKE ITS i J '.' f : M ' r-t v ; j 'jilt ' 1 1 f CHASE CAFETERIA presents U uylMW uyL-A U V 1 h 8-PTECE C HOJCEW BUCiCET (a to io;)5 isoft drink efeccH i a CEi-Bu i 20fPIECEct:llCKEN BUCKET f t V of toft drink r I .A 0 m .J. I fween 10:00 and 1:00. PL A! Chase will be open for Breakfast and Lunch on Saturday, October 6. willing and having a coupie hours to .p4re leading a troop of girls, please contact PnsciP.a Bium at 942-6455 or Ru!h Bumette at 562-5246 or write Ruth Burnette. Rt. 5. Box 1008. Mebane. N.C. 27302 Applications for the Dec. 1 FSO (Foreign Service. Examination) must be received in Washington by Oct. 19. Applications are in 211 Hanes Hail and 101 Nah Hail. Call the Nash Hall Testing Lab at 933-2191 for informa;ion concerning the new procedure for the GSFLT (Graduate School Foreign l.nfuif Test). Applications for the Nov. 3 VAT (Veterinary Aptitude Test) in Raleigh must be received in N Y C by Oct 13. The fee is S20. Applications are in 101 Nash HaU. Applications for the Nov. 10 PharmCAT (Pharmacy College Admission Test) must be received in N.Y.C. by Oct. 14. The fee is S20. Next testing is Feb. 9. These are the two testings for admission to UNCs School of Pharmacy for fall 1980. Applications are in 101 Nash Hall. Pharmacy School and 109 South Bidg. Meharry Medical College and the School of Dentistry will have interviews ith Dr. Eusene Caruthcrs at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 10 in 120 Biology Bldg.. N.C. Central University. Orange Cunfy voters who have moved must report their new address in order to vote on Nov. 6. Reports may be made during voter registration hours through Monday, or by mailing a tetter no later than Friday to Orange County Board of Efcctions. Old Courthouse, H illsborough. N C. 27278. The letter must contain old and new address, the date of the move, and full legal name. Students residing in Morrison may join the BSM as dues paving members all this week. Just stop by the table in the lobby and leave your 52. If you have questions, stop by 955 Morrison and leave your name. The Morrison Action Committee will hold International Penny Week this week. All Motrisonites may donate loose change at the table in the lobby. We accept bills also. Proceeds go toward the Coronation Ball. The Campus Y will be collecting new and used blankets for N.C. migrant workers remaining m the state during the cooler weather. Please bring blankets by the Campus Y office, from 8:30 a.m. until 4 p m. by Oct 10. AWS Arts Festival today WXYC The campus radio station, 89.3 FM, will broadcast music by women artists from the Pit from 1 1:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Women in the Media A panel discussion moderated by broadcasters ShaunaSingletary arid Beverly Burke of WTVD television (Channel II in Durham) at 2 p.m. in 207 Carolina Union. Videotape show Works by New York artist Ann Volkes at 4 p.m. in 217 Carolina Union. Opeyo Dancers The UNC Black Student Movement's modern dance troupe performs at 7 p.m. in 209 Manning Hall. Theater An all-female Durham drama group, led by Lisa Uyanik. will perform two short plays "A Moon Poem" and "Brownie Broadway" at 8 p.m. in the Great Hall. Tickets ($1) are available at the Union desk. Brown-bagging permitted. Friday Discussion Pamela Barefoot shows slides and leads discussion about being a woman author at 2 p.m. in 205 Carolina Union. Videotape show Works by Ann Volkes at 4 p.m. in 217 Carolina Union. Teresa Trull Performing Southern blues, gospel, jazz and rock with pianist Julie Homi at 8 p.m. in the Great Hall. Tickets (S2) are available at the Union Desk. nr- IV "I 1) u LOW COST FLIGHTS X-masNew Years Inter session Easter (212) 6S3-8S30 Outside N.Y. State I2S 1-800-223-7676 ;rA.CtSr for Student Travel' 1140 HHOAOWAV N V C , N V L (7 sfl 0 cicet tax tax $1.10 tax tax $1 50 or Friday Saturday o : 7 I -4