i A I The Daitv Tar Heel Monday. October 8. 1979 . - Li U U 1 r '-&J j fei - W W iLkii 1 - " I Public service announcements must be turned in at tne box outside the DTH offices sn the CaroUria Unton ) b 1 p.m. H tney are to run trie next day. Each item will be run at least twice. ins tailed iia .Workmen are constructing two box office windows next to the Carolina Union information desk to help the desk staff handle the Union services more efficiently. The number of services offered at the desk have increased too much during the past few years to be handled all at one place, said Dave Bianchi, head of the information desk. The new ticket windows also will give th$ staff better cash control, he said. P (I , V .Ms,. Academy svsrd winning ectrcss EstSI Persons tXlzt lecturing ...about 60 students and others attended the talk Melp plan Springfest 80 Applications will be available today for students interested in heading the 1980 Springfest committee, Student Body President J.B. Kelly said. The committee will explore the possibilities of staging another Springfest concert, Kelly said. More than 18,000 people attended the NOW SHOWING . If tikis one ?.f V'V 5:15 issW v 7:15 ,l'rc AlrcadT I Wtiariutppeiis when kids grow up and parents NOW don't. SHOWING '0PG United Artists 1 I HELD OVER 4TH WEfcK ABASIAS n. A V2 BARBARA HARRIS f7. 1 5 firm irrtniM JYdU BFJBE TYNAN AOTVfAi. PXZTUHl - HELD OVER 5TH WEEK 311 J 7H& -rVN 5:15 9:15 ( j? !nsMinG For the fashion minded lady who chooses the comfort of cotton with the ease of nylon. These pullovers are styled in ribbed velour with knit accents around thej waistline and wrists for close tti the body European fit. Two necklines crew or shawl, in four vivid colors. 85 cotton and 15 nylon for machine washing at an affordable price. Retail Value $20.99 Money Back Guarantee please send me pullovers at $13.50 The Mail-A-Shirt Co. 63 West 36th Street N.Y., N.Y. 10018, NamcI.D. ' ' AddreM . Size: U small. 2:45 4:50 kdil 7:00 tJir"' 11 i Is I I Mill mill II iiii iiiiiiiiii11 ' Bin i M 11 j "i -llllillMmilii- m. ."'(fcftBalMi mm I medium. 3638 Urge. 4042 City State Zip Uiaion Separating the ticket sales from the other functions of the information desk will make the process more organized, said Union Director Howard Henry. All ticket sales will be moved to the windows as soon as they are completed. The windows should be completed within a week to 10 days, Henry -said. "We had hoped the windows would be finished by now," Bianchi said. ' i 4 4 yt Springfest concert in April in Kenan Stadium, which featured Jimmy Buffett, the Spinners and Nantucket. I hope we can work closer with the (Carolina) Union and the concert advisory committee to have another Springfest," Kelly said. Applications will be available for one week only in Suite C of the Carolina Union, Kelly said. Nightly Specials All specials with salad and bread Mon Hamburger Steak with baked '2.C3 potato or trench fries Tues Meat Roulade with peas V ed Texas platter with baked $2.3 potato or french fries " ThurS Spaghetti $2.50 Fried Shrimp $2.C3 Barbeque spare Ribs every night . '3.35 also Barbeque Pork Ribs Amber Alley Franklin St A 3IRTHR1GHT OF THE LIVINO DEAD KATHARINE ROSS' The i SHOWS AT 5:00 70 9:00 2:33 MATINEE ENDS THURSDAY STARTING FRIDAY "SUSPICION" DUDLEY MOORE JULIE ANDREWS teGtsfuJ comedy o SHOWS AT5nO 5:10 7:10 90 j IAST MANKUW tittrr i 4 m plus $1.50 postage and handling.! 3234 Style: shawl Dbutton j c,i . n , rii j.. I havy U camel I 1 Enclosed 23 check i money order S cash j 2 .r-G; j7, m Ccrct'na Union sets new box fries windows .should help to keep things in better order at the desk 9 ', 4 i f f i 'If DTHDwfcj Emharst to a drcma class Sunday in Graham Memorial Hall Jobg The following employers and graduate school representatives will be on campus to discuss job opportunities and academic; programs on the dates indicated. . Students can sign up for appointments wiljh these representatives eight days ahead of the visit in the University Placement Services, 2 1 1 Hanes Hall. A resume is necessary at the time a student signs up DATE ORGANIZATION Oct. 15 Prudential Insurance Company Castner Knott Company Princeton University Amdahl Fed era 1 Bureau o f Instfgttdn",!''""?-'' Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. University of the Pacific School of Law Jacobs, Gould & Assoc., P. A., CPA's Dickinson School of Law Oct. 17 Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. Deals exclusively in science fiction, fantasy, and other speculative fiction NCNB Plaza 136 E. Rosemary Chapel Hill, N.C. 967-4439 HOURS: Mon-Sat 12-6Tues & Fri to 9 WEED A DOODLE (B sift flk f come to restraa yorav ueon'iieii also Grumbacher Oils, Acrylics, Sketch Pads, Canvases etc. ALL AT 20 DISCOUNT 37-2525 RAWSHEAD Training wro grain Students and faculty members interested in .international communications and research can sign up in 21 1 Hanes Hall today for an! interview with a representative from the East-West Center, a cross cultural research organization based near Honolulu, Hawaii. the East-Wests Center representative will be On campus from 11 a.m.-l p.m. and 3-5 p.m. Tuesday. A slide presentation explaining the center's activities will be shown from 2-3 p.m. Tuesday in 213-215 Carolina Union. The Center allows American ; scholars and students to study communications, environmental problems, population and cultural learning in Asia and countries in other Eastern civilizations. I he center is sponsored by the U.S. State Department. tor an interview. Burroughs Corporation Center for Naval Analyses Southern Bell Univ. of Michigan School of Law University of Iowa Arthur Andersen. & Oct, IS Arthur Andersen & ' Company ' Southern National Bank i of North Carolina Blue Bell, Inc. i Southeast Banks 1 University of Georgia BcncfitCbnccrt f j CANE'CREEK vith Xho ApplD ChiiiCloggaro Tomorrow Nite Casablanca Records, Record Bar and WQDR present the ROBIN WILLIAMS LOOK t ACT-ALIKE CONTEST! Wed., Oct. 10 The Original SAM a DAVE . . Where the Blues Brothers got their. Blues. . . Sat. Oct. 13 Jeff Lorbcrfuslon PEW M CLASS f3 PLAZA f--TO'L,!Tu!---- ACTIVITIES TODAY BrUB.b poH Jrnn; Jotepil give a reading of her poetry at 4 p.m. in the Cireenlaw lounge. The reading is free of charge and open to the public. Tired of getting the worst seats in the stadium? I have I choke tickets to award to eight lucky peopie. Come see me from 3-5 p.m. at Suite C. Carolina Union. Ask for Al Perry. Don't let your studies or problems make you overeat! Overexert Anonymous meet at 7 p.m. at University Baptist Church. There art no dues or fees! Register to vote from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. at the Chapel Hill Municipal Bldg. and Carrboro Town Hall. Today is the last day. Cotleff Students ta Broadcasting (CSS) will meet at 7:30 p.m. in l-A Swain Hall. Scheduled: an evening of letter writing for the November speaker. All members and interested students should attend this meeting. A joe-eeefciag workshop will be offered by the University Placement Services at I p.m. in 306 Hanes Hall. How to fin hidden jobs, how to reasearch companies and ways to use our office will be covered. ' ... , The University Placement Services will conduct a mini group orientation meeting for eursiflg students. It will be held at 9 am. in 206 Hanes Hall. Interested students should call 935-6507 or come by 211 Hanes Hall and set up an appointment. " Senior and graduate Bursing students seeking employment upon graduation are encouraged to use the University Placement Services Offices. An orientation meeting will be held from 3-4:30 p.m. in 217 Carrington Hall for all RN students. Inquiries should be directed to 966-141 1, ext. 207 or 933-6507. The CVcie-K Club will meet at 7 p.m. to sell fresh i doughnuts. AH members should make an effort to be there and ' sell their share. For further information, call 933-1541. The Student Government Transportation Committee will have a meeting at 4 p.m. in Suite C. Carolina Union. Please have reports ready to be discussed. Any other students interested in parking and transportation matters are welcome. The Orientation Committee of the ABS will meet at 3 p.m. in T-i New Carroll Hall. HillcTs Free Jewish University course entitled "The History and Meeting of Jewish Ritual" meets at 7 p.m. in the Hilicl Library. This course deals with the history of Jewish ritual and its connection to the calendar year.The instructor for the course is David Halperin. assistant professor of religion Call 942-4057 for more details. Women interested in forming a Jewish women's group are invited U attend its first meeting at 8:15 p.m. in the Hillel Library: For more information contact Linda at 942-4057. The HSid Newsletter Committee will hold an introductory . planning meeting at 7:30 p.m. at the Hillel House. 210 W. Cameron St. All persons interested in working on the Hillel newsletter are invited. The UNC Computation Center Short Course will be "SAS (Statistical Analysis System)" at 2 p.m. in 307 Manning HalL The I ndcrgrsduate History Association is having a discussion on "International Terrorism at 8 p.m. in 423 Hamilton Hall. Featured will be Dr. James Leutre of the UNC history department. Anyone interested is more than welcome to join us! The Society of Janus is having its first meeting of the year at 5:30 p.m. in the More head Cellar. If you have not received our information letter about this, please call Jams at 933-7361 All student members and honoraries are urged to attend. NCSL is meeting at 8 p.m. in 2 1 7 Carolina Union. Bill topics will be selected. For more information, call Mark Hewett. In commemoration of the Year of the Child. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church will host a panel discussion on the Health of the Child with the topic Health Needs and Services to be presented from 7:30-9:30 p.m. at 300 East Rosemary St. A square dance to benefit Cane Creek with the Apple Chill Cloggers. the Augmented String Band and the String Band and the Saturday Night String Band will be held at 8 p.m. at the Mad Hatter. The Fencing Chin meets from 7-9 p.m. at 203 Woollen Gym. Anyone is welcome for instruction and practice. Prepare for NCAFLA bouts to be held in Chapel Hill this semester. UPCOMING EVENTS "Discourse.' the International Center's discussion series, begins the I979-U0 program with an informal panel discussion of The Politics of Not hern Ireland." Professor Frank Munger of the political science department will moderate. The event will be held from 3-5 p.m. Tuesday in Toy Lounge. Dey Hall with open attendance and audience participation encouraged. The Felt Gospel Student Fellowship will join together at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the South Gallery Meeting Room. Carolina Union for sharing, singing, prayer and praise. All are welcome. IS) nee to save t he-creek The Friends of Cane Creek will sponsor a benefit square dance at 8 tonight at the Mad Hatter. The dance will feature the Apple Chill Cloggers, the Augmented String Band and the Saturday Night String Band. The cloggers give clogging lessons Hair Unlimited, Inc. serving UNC and Chapel Hill Since 1970. HAIR FITNESS San Francisco, Ca. by Appt. ' 415 435-3303 1979 Facial Fitrvw Educational Programs. Jrv:. Is&V' )J Qia ) 1 ii i It'i October and the leaves are turning brown. It ii a nnon of change - the clear, cold death of wintsr shines ahead of us. Soon we will be able to sue our breath, frisk with srrull do?i in the snow, and roll our cars over on patches of blztk ice. With winter approaching and good jokes sure to be tt scarce as summer birds, now is the time to lay In winter's supply of jokes in the new October comedy Inus of frJsr.;! Urrposn; and as for summer birds, you can prcbsbly mail twr for them to Florida. Yes, the flatten si Urrpccn Comedy i::ut his enough rich, plump guffaws to keep ycu chortling rlht Into trinn fin m buv one now it vour tooJ rsws stand cr bookstore before Pvid Frost making It a pain to oo outsiae. O f 'ft rvs it u 1 f -L A Buy one original thin crust I jy pizza, get another of equal value 1 Oct. 31, 1979 'HjaaoooBBOBMBonoBOoawootiti o ca The I'M' Young Democrats will meet at 8 p.m. Tuesday m 213 Carolina Union. N.C Representative Trish Hunt wiil speak. Ms. Hunt, who s from Orange County, has been vety actively involved in Etjual Rights legislation and University affairs, among many other things. New people are very welcomed There will be aa AF.D eTi nwrtiag (ofTkers and committee chairmen) at 5 p.m. TuevJay in 304 SteeSe Bi!g. A - dim on drinking and driving will be shown. All iteresed jnembers are invited. Defca Sigma Pi is sponsoring a talk by Vance DaugMery on "Computers in Banking and Computer Fraud" at 7:30 p m. Tuesday in T-5 Carroll HalL The Table Tennis Club wiU meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the Tin Can. Everyone is welcome. There will be a general meeting for the I nderjrwSws'e Pottctkai Science Association at 7 p.m. Tuesday in 351 Hamilton Hall. All interested people are rovited. Refreshments wilt be served. Dr. Tom Tate, Director of Admissions at Urnon Theologicnl Seminary in Virginia, win visit the campus and talk with persons interested in theological education from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. Tuesday in 205 Ca ohna Union. Learn the art of self-discipline by joining a class on Shot oka Karate. The class is sponsored by the Hillel Free Jewish University and meets from 7-9 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday. It also meets for an additional hour and a half o;i alternate Sundays. Women are encouraged to attend. Larry l-azarus is the instructor. Arts and sciences senior planning logrsduate in December 1979 should fill out an application for a degree end a senior . data sheet in the Dean's office. 206 South B'.dg.. Oct. 9. Career eight for sedotogj and industrial reistioM ntsjor wiU be held at 7:15 p.m. Tuesday in the Great Hall. Carolina Union. Representatives of the University Placement Service, University Counseling Center, various employers and graduate and professional programs will be on hand with infonraiion about career opportunities for persons majoring in these fields. Could you use more information on self breast exams, pelvic exams, contraceptive methods, or sexually transmitted diseases? CHEC-tbc Contraceptive Health Education C tink can provide information at 7 p.m. every Tuesday in 23 1 St hoot of Public Heahh. Everyone is welcome to attend. Ebony Readers is asking any and all interested students to submit any poetry, prose, essays, plays and any other literary material that they might wish to see performed by the Readers from 7-9 p.m. Tuesday in the James rec room. There will be a WXVC Station usecting Tuesday in 202-204 Carolina Union. I R peopte should be there at 7 p.m.. the of the staff at 7:30 p.m. There will be a WXYC promotion sswrtbtg after the station meeting Tuesday in 202-204 Carolina Union. The Caasal Hi8 Ubcrtarnui Society, advocating civil liberty and economic freedom for individuals, will meet at 6 p.m. Tuesday at the Mad Hatter Resturant. ITEMS OF INTEREST Agtx. the international expressions magarine published by the Association of International Students, is re-organizing for the 1979-80 edition. Persons interested in contributing time, skill and energy toward producing Agon should give their name, address, and phone number to the staff at the lmernatjonalCenter JBynum HaB. 933-561. by Oct 17. The I NC kuasor aaagatine, A Br iff faitrmiuiim. is in search of fund-raising ideas. If you know a sure-fire way to raise money, send your suggestions along with a S I processing fee to Boa 29. Carolina Union. 'Tar Heel' needs editors The Daily Tar Heel has openings for four copyeditors. Positions arc available for people to work Sunday, Monday or Thursday. Working hours begin at 3:30 p.m. Interested persons should contact Cynthia Prairie at 933-3565 today or Tuesday to set up an appointment. .-r:r. rn during the benefit, and a case of beer will be raffled off. Donations of $2 per person will go toward the group's fight against an Orange Water and Sewer Authority plan to create a reservoir out of the creek. TM Mon-Sat By appt. 942-4391 942-4388 405 W. Franklin St. Next to Dunkin Donut NATIONAL LAMPOON'S OCTOBER COMEDY ISSUE stirts nipping psspft'i no 9 .m - Good c! Colli Lcssilcnzt J I u 3 9 0 i ISO! il;'-:3 3 9 , ta ad