4 The Daily Tar Hae! Friday. April 18. 1980 i ! I i mm MiHIinilli Mill EAST FRANKLIN STREET Kfrjg 5.15 0:15 112, A fAY! true story. A courageous story. A love story that will touch you forever. A story of a girl, touched by someone with a special kind of caring, someone who opened up a beautiful new world for her. It is a story with laughter. It is a story with tears. It's a story that brings out the best in all of us. No one could ever write it. But one girl lived it - ; , e &! . "Touched by Love" COLUMBIA PICTURES and RASTAR Present DEBORAH RAFFIN DIANE LANE u TOUCHED BY LOVE" MICHAEL LEARNED Music by JOHN BARRY Executive Producer PETER E. STRAUSS Based on the Book TO ELVIS WITH LOVE" by LENA CANADA Screenplay by HESPER ANDERSON COMING "WHERE THE BUFFALO ROAM" "HOLLYWOOD KNIGHTS" PGj mm mm imswt, SMN UUSUI. U Ml uiiuu m imtau SOON THE GmOLin A CLASSICS SERIES MATINEES THROUGH THURSDAY AT 3:00 and 5:00 vine di ivuir "rnnc Aim onDornc" i''t'J:. uitu nr. I fnDC nun rLnu j: rXjf -' -i? James ' Y-y-' ll "sm "WBSW JOSWSBSt' f ..-A- s. 'ssr -p wW f mvar -wotw I y- . --l,n"-"-J-J,-g---"m,,-I'Tr"mj----- - L "A Zr1 NATALIE WOOD . NEXT WEEK: MARILYN MCNR0E IN "PRINCE AND THE SHOWGIRL" Mor than a movie! An explosive cinema concert! rr If V i-' LATE SHOW FRIDAY & SATURDAY AT 11:30 Pf.l Who's 1 ' NATIONAL uir2Poorj; A UNIVERSAL RE-RELEASE LATE SHOW FRIDAY SATURDAY AT 11:45 PM R EAST "ANKN STREETjJ GHTLY , ft i i ,r IS v '"" i cA' Mil '! 1 1 ! J0DIEF0STER in FOXES ! I starringSCOTT BAI0 SALLY KELLERMAN RANDY QUAID 1 fijTSlS? CSr.(3 KUT: MAKCELL0 MASTROUNNI j 1) ..?pm . AM NATASSIA K1X3KI IN "STAY AS YOU ARE" ! Uti!!l'!Ll'r'r" LiL ""''' 1 " 1111 '"' 'WMtlilli iwmmni'f wmm .umiWhiiiiimmiiiiujth iimi i mil, n -..nMr.,i,i. iittmr Name -brand frames create much demand By DKBORAH BAKER Staff Writer Remember when people hated to wear eyeglasses and were called "four eyes" by those lucky enough to have 20-20 vision? Designer frames have been instrumental in making the days of ugly glasses disappear and in making frames a fashion accessory. Christian Dior, one of the many designers now marketing frames, started designing them 13 years .ago when he wanted to capitalize on the trend toward designer accessaries, 'according toTim Goeler who markets the Dior line for Optyl Inc. Although Dior himself does not design the frames now (they are designed by a product design group in Europe), Goeler said the frames have to fit the prestigious image in line with the Dior image nationwide. Some people in Chapel Hill are so impressed with the prestige associated with designer frames, they are putting non-prescription lenses into them and treating glasses as accessories, according to Fred Conner, an optician at Optical Illusions in University Mall. Pat Register, an optician at University Opticians in University Square, said the main contribution of designer frames has been to make glasses prettier. Companies who were not making attractive glasses were faced with competition from the designer companies and had to start making their glasses more appealing. "Before, glasses were purely utilitarian," Register said. The frames were brown and black and then later, blue. They'd come out with a new frame style about every two years. Now everyone is making prettier glasses and new styles come out about every two months." Register said that having styles change so often is the only disadvantage to fashion frames. "Styles are often discontinued and if you break something, we have to try to find new , frames to fit your lenses," Regjstef jsijdi Register said most people do not buy glasses solely because of the designer frames, but that they buy what looks best on them. "There are not a lot of people who come in and ask for Dior or Polo," Register said. "We try to sell what is prettiest for the person's face and complexion. You should not search for glasses with a name in mind but should search for what is best for you." Glasses can complement a person's looks and can be a cosmetic advantage. "Frames are matched with your facial shape and complexion and lenses can be tinted to match your complexion," Register said. "It's like painting a picture. You try to make the person as pretty as you can." Register said fashion frames, preppy frames (like those designed by Ralph Lauren) and rimless frames would be popular in 1980. Bright colored frames iNCNB PLA. ROSEMARY 967-8284 7:15 9:15 Clint's Back still turning you "EVERY WHICH WAY BUT LOOSE" 7:00 9:15 E I I I X I I I X I I 1 I X X I X XIX X X IITIIIII1I11I1111U vi::. V-:. x NCNB PLA. ROSEMARY 967-8284 r WDBS LATE SHOWS Fri.-Sat. 11:30-$1.50 MARTIN SCORSESF F,l 11 I Coming: Mondo Video Timothy Bottoms LINDSAY WAGNER The Perfect Pre-Exam Film The Paper Chase NEXT WEEK by popular Inquiry, we will present the MD liic'c 1st area performance of a film so controversial It was '" "l!b banned by NBC. Written by Sat. Nite Live's Michael MONDO VIDEO 'Donoghue NCNB PLA. ROSEMARY 967-8284 Like you've never seen them before starring in alphabetical order: NADIA C0MANECI EMILY LITELLA -'LISA L00PNER JUDY MILLER R0SEANNE ROSEANNADANNA CANDY SLICE RHONDA WEISS CILDA LIVE "'"GILDA RADNER- FATHER GUIDO SARDUCCI ANNt BtAnS. LORNl MICHAELS. MARILYN SUZANNE MILLER. OON NOVELLO. MICHAEL O DONOGHUE GILDA RADNER. PAUL SHAfrtR. ROSIE SHUSTER. ALAN ZMlBtL produced by lorn E MICHAELS D,RCTtDBYMIKE NICHOLS OKJHAI MOAO AY mOOUCnOM rtlMNTID IY C)M tXlUNl. rOOOCtOAMOOCnOiYLOM MCMUi J&kl y t.. un f IOM VWMNtR BIOS PAKJAUKinKJ AAMICOMMUMCMlONCOMrANt Mon.-Frl. . 7:30 9:30 R f tTHtCTtO .;. ::, v ""7. -r"' t -i i ' Brand-name eyeglasses on sale In Chapel Hill ...part of trend toward designer frames . .. . i OTH'ArJe Dowoy that match or complement clothing will also be popular. According to Conner, designer frames usually are more expensive than other frames. "The designer name adds $3 to $9 to the frame," he said. "There are other frames more expensive than designer ones like frames -with a high gold content and German and French-made frames. As a general rule, the price is indicative of the quality. Designer frames are of average or above-average quality." The average cost for designer frames is $50, while frames that do not carry a designer name cost around S42. While some people do own more than one style of glasses, Conner said 70 percent of his customers have only one style. Register said he thinks the tight economy forces people who buy glasses to buy a practical sty le in a neutral color they can wear with everything. Though designer frames hae made wearing glasses more popular. Conner said he does not think most people see them as status symbols. "In some instances they are seen as status symbols, but a lot of people object to wearing an insignia on their glasses." he said. "They don't like to advertise for someone else. This has caused some designers to make their insignia less noticeable. For example, on Ralph Lauren's new Polo glasses, he is putting a horseshoe instead of 'Polo.'" Optyl Inc. of Norwood, N. J., had marketed Christian Dior frames for seen years. Goeler sees a problem with some people not wanting to advertise with insignias but said he does not think this will affect the Dior line. Cannpus Calendar Public service announcements must be turned in at the box outsidethe D TH off.ces in the Caroi.na Union by 1 p m. if they are to run the next day. Each item will be run at least twice ACTIYIT1LS TODAY The Brother of the I'niled C hriMinn Fellowship will meet for Bible study and prayer at 5:30 p.m. in the fifth floor Ehringhaus lounge. Morrison Residence College presents The John Santa Band, a folk rock band. 9 p.m. -midnight on Mormon lawn. BYOB. all campus invited. The Panhellenk Council is having sign-up for fall rusit. Anyone interested is invited to drop by the Union from II a.m.-3 p.m. Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity presents a "Midnight IX'light" disco in the New Tin Can immediately following the Chanel Thrill concert Friday. The disco begins at 10 p.m. All women admitted free until midnight. Hillel is having a Shabbat dinner at 5:45 p.m. at the Hillel House in Chapel Hill. Whether it he the traditional Friday night chicken, or the non-traditional vegetarian meal, the food is always delicious. The cost of the meal is $2 for non-alliliates and $1.50 for affiliates. Services follow dinner at 7 p.m. For reservations and information, call 942-4057. The Associalion of African Students Resident in Chapel Hill invites everybody to a forum on Africa Today at 7 p m. in 207-209 Union. Come and learn about political developments in Nigeria and the Sudan. Coffee will be served There will be a special workshop for men from 5-6 p.m. at 31 1 N. Columbia St. (The Women's Center) as a part ol the Take Back the Night C onference. Want to find out how happy your happy hour was ' Campus Alcohol Education Services will sponsor a breaihalwcr from 10 p.m. -I a.m. on F ranklin Street aenvfs from the post oil ice The breathaler is open to the public and free l use. The Fifth Annual tarly I-duration Workshop, sponsored by the Durham Day Care Council, in cooperation with Durham Technical Institute, will he held tonight and all day Saturday. Alice Honig. professor of child and family studies at Syracuse University will present the keynote address on ""Who We Are in the Lives of Our Children: A Positive Fnrcc"at 7 30 p.m. at Rogers Hcrr Junior High School onC ornwallis Road Workshops will be held Saturday from 9 a m -4 40 p m. at Durham Technical Institute. Ih37 l.awson Si lotal registration fee (including lunch) is SK Call the Durham Day Care Council at 6KK-H66I for additional inlorm.ition The spring concert of the Chapel Hill Ballet Co. will be performed at 8 p.m. tonight and at 3 p m. S.ituid.iy at the Cultural Arts Center of Chapel Hill High School I he price ol the tickets is $2 for adults and SI for children For further information call 967-5036 or 26-7657. The final rounds of the Business Vhoo4 Backgammon and Mastermind tournaments sponsored by ABS will be plavedat 3:30 p.m. in 205 New Carroll Spectators aie cmourjd to attend and view the experts at their best Kcticshmcnts will be served. IPtOMIM. tlMS CCK will hold worship services Sund.iy at II im in the Union. All people interested in working at the Special Olympics carnival should meet at the Union at 7p m Smidav Check the desk for the room. Hillel. I'JA and ZAC are sponsonng a special Israel Independence Day Program and Celebration Monday beginning at 6 p m. The program will begin wuh a I al.ifel dinner. Following dinner. Professor Joel Schwari liom the political science department will sprak on "Israel's Status Today and Tomorrow" I he real cekbiahon lollows the k-cture with Israeli dancing The event takes place in the Union. Room 207-209 Cost for dinner is Jl lot alhUales and $1 50 for jion-afhlulcs Call Hillel for mote uilorm.tiion ai 942-4057. The I NC Cycling C lub is sponsoring a loo kilometer bicycling tour Sunday at 9 a m. starting at ( an Mill Mall There will be a 12 fee to cover m.ips arid rrlicstuncnls Y MC A Big Buddies Fnd of the year picnic at 4 VI p m Monday at Umstead Park. The Carolina Libertarian Stieiriy for Individual I ilwru and Fxonomie Freedom will meet at 7 p m Vtondav in 2t I mun Fvcryone is welcome ' rhere wifl he a-Senior Kreital ai 4 p m Sunday in the niusn. bOildmg" atidttotium Teamen, ( t yntbia Best. " soprano. Margaret Johnstone, piano, and Allyn Mi I can. bass The Mental Health Association's f.olf (lassie will he Saturday and Sunday at the Duke University doll Course Community Foods Inc.. Chapel Hill's onlv store lioin Io.kJ cooperative, will hold a meeting at 7 p m Sondav lot anvone interested in learning more about joining the coop Quest ions ' ( all 967-3.306. The I N( - II Concert Band will present a fire puhiH. concert Sunday at 3 p m near the Old cl! Musi tnKxriaid Rodgets. leon.ud Bernstein. I iibic Hl.ikr and liking hrilm will be among the sclcclions priformrd I istcmis mav hriiii lawn chairs or blankets, or may sit on the grass The I'M Ja Band. conducted bv John k u h will present a free public concert Sunday il 4 fun in the Mill Hall audit on um THE Daily Crossword by J. & P. Barrick 1 7 14 15 16 18 19 20 22 23 24 27 29 32 ACROSS Last letters Sunshade Spirited, in music Mean Earhart and others All in Wrinkled Thrash Put cargo aboard Big jet letters Region of Greece Weird Sailor Gounod's opera 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 44 45 48 Plunder Move sideways African grassland Atlas item Place of rest He. Lat. Mail-order option Fight with lances English isle Baboons Weather science Collection of anec dotes Dull sound Yesterday's Puzzle Solved: lAi. A J-L-UL JL iiU A LJLN Tj HlAIWiT ijljA N I s I A IN rTPP U1.0.SV r IL U 1. ' IN jfj 4 lPjH.0. NT0 j AL A Tjf m 0 Aj lLIJI jJjGl . L StBOi I i 5J iA p ITJTTT a e jJGplC $ i ? t 1 a Ir jo g JtjT a nsr XZZXl 1 A. D X&ltlL M,A UN A jjO I A IV Q I CIA INI'; T ft TD "TT EtO ! 'l At" 1. .Li 'n a i yT rnf L-J 3 jflT 50 Name shared 25 Pillbox, by 13 popes for one 51 Helen's 26 Ritual abductor garment 53 Escape 28 In the al artist together 55 Torrid zone 29 Lexicog- 57 Fruit rapher's 58 Hebrew relative prophet 30 Dispossess 59 Moist 31 Play the 60 Method ponies 32 Tumbled DOWN 34 Spiritual 1 Racetracks self 2 Puccini 35 Contend heroine 36 Massive and others stone 3 One of 37 Pudgy these days 39 Elevator 4 Outburst of cage laughter 40 Lively 5 Stiff trial dance 6 Ocean 42 Noted Ital 7 Secondhand tan f.jmily goods 43 Chw outlet 44 Sit in on 8 Maria , clasei 9 Indeed 46 Recess 10 Dress in 47 Shiilong m finery here 11 Previous! 43 Dunk to mentioned excess 12 Molding 4'J Damage 13 Directed 52 Sacred bull 17 After tip of Egpt or lap 53 Hem and 21 With a leg 54 Our: Ft on each 56 Legal side matter i p n n n k ' z i n 11 i s To "" TT a t j cj . 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