V V Today's high wi!i bo in tha 80s, with partly sunny skies and a 20 percent chance of rain. Tha low will be in tha mid-upper CDs. - ( v. ::o; en ircc; A ur.C fraternity undergoes a facelift, with a renovated hcueo end a new enthusiasm. The Kcapo Slgs arc rebuilding their reputation-Pic 3 4. Serving the students end tkc University community since 1893 c!um3 CO. Is.u3 i:fff fvr?rt-A- S33-C24S E-jssa'A Jn 5 2 31 1 S 3 I IO (77! (T fO T ' fa, f-y r ti n ft c kLL kju Cs LM jj Us I. ' - GDANSK, Poland (AP) A strike leader called cn Thursday for a brief moratorium on new Polish labor walkouts to give the government time to reconsider its opposition to independent unions. The strikers said no ether. .. issue would be negotiated until that question is settled. In -Warsaw, the government denied persistent rumors that Communist Party boss Edward Gierek had been forced to quit. ' . Gdansk strike leader Bogdan Lis told reporters the tw&2dss would meet again Friday, and the free trade union issue would be the only topic. Earlier, another strike leader called for a moratorium on the spread of new strikes. Standing atop the gates to the strike-idled Lenin shipyards in this Baltic Coast city, strike leader Lech Walesa told thousands of workers: "It is not good to have Poland terrorized. The people must have food. If we don't get results in three or four days, then let the strikes spread.' ' ' Walesa is chairman of the Gdansk- area Joint Strike Committee and considered a moderate among dissident labor leaders. It was unclear whether all his colleagues would go along with the idea of containing the strikes, which government negotiators suggested in talks here Thursday. . Sources inside the strike movement said some leaders were ready to accept government concessions on wages and ether issues, while militants were holding out for the right to organize unions free of party control. It was net clear which faction was dominant. . The strikes began here two weeks ago and spread to other port cities in northern Poland. Walkouts now have hit Warsaw and other cities on the interior of this central European nation of 35 million people. x An estimated 300,000 workers are out, and Poland's already unhealthy economy is suffering. The strikers,' initial complaints were about wages to compensate for higher food prices decreed by the government, but as the strikes expanded so did their demands, which now include calls for freedom of the press, freedom for political prisoners and free trade unions. . The government has given no indication the union issue is open to negotiation, and the state-controlled press has taken strong stands against tinkering with the Soviet-like labor system. Strike leaders have issued conflicting accounts about progress on that issue. In 1970, similar labor unrest, also sparked by rising prices, brought down Ckrek's predecessor, Wkdyshw dorr.-V..-:!;-,I, In Warsaw; thexovernmerJT,?3"ccencyi-eTJvd "wtdcrcsd" rumors Gierek had decided to step down in favor of Stefan Glszowski, ambassador to East Germany and reputedly a critic of Poland's belt-tightening economic program. 'marriage penalty tor working Liko father, like daughter. Mr. William Stover of Durham end his 1-yesr-old daughter, WiSacynt, take time out to enjoy soma ice cream. It sure must have tasted good but for Wilacynt, cleaning up may not bo es much fun as eating the cone. WASHINGTON (AP) President Jimmy Carter, pressured from all sides to develop a tax cut plan before the election, responded .Thursday by proposing $27.6 billion in tax reductions for -business and individuals, effective in 1131. However, the tax reductions and other features cf the president's economic proposal would push the 1S31 budget deficit over $35 billion, a major departure from the balanced budget that Carter unveiled with great fanfare cn March 14. Carter's tax proposals would give individuals $12.6 billion from a tax credit to offset the 1S31 increase in Social Security taxes and a tax deduction to reduce the ' married couples. Businesses would receive $15 billion through tax incentives to promote investment, including $5.3 billion from -an increase in the depreciation allowance for the cost of plants and equipment. Carter also announced he will support a 13-wcek extension of unemployment' benefits for jobless ' Americans, a $1 billion program in anti-recession assistance to cities and counties and expanded job training. . . ' He said his program will create 1 million new jobs by the end of 1S32, including 5C0.0C0 new jobs in 1 S3 1, most of them in private industry. The president also announced establishment of an Economic Revitaiization Board with members from business, labor and the public, to develop plans for an industrial development authority to "help revitalize American industry." '7? 9 n & Vty V r7 O fr77) HD&'jnrpVT! (77) JLl He appointed Irving Shapiro, head cf Du Pont, and Lane Kirklar.d, president cf the AFL-CIO, co- Carter made optimistic claims for his program, saying it "will put people back to work, reduce taxes, increase public and private investment and constrain inflation." The total cost of the plan from the $27.6 billion in tax reductions and $2.4 billion in spending initiatives for 1531 is about $33 billion. The tax cuts fall short of the $37 billion reduction' advocated by Republican Ronald Reagan, of which $31 billion would be for individuals and $5 billion for businesses in 1931. It also is less than the $33 billion approved last week by the Senate Finance Committee. Carter has criticized the Reagan plan, which calls for a 30 percent reduction in tax rates over three years, as inflationary. However, Carter had been under heavy pressure from congressional Democrats and other supporters to develop a tax cut plan of his own to keep Reagan from completely monopolizing the issue in the presidential election campaign. In his announcement in the White House East Room, Carter appeared to admonish those who wanted larger cuts. "Now in the heat of an election year is not the time to seek votes with ill considered tax cuts that would steal back in inflation the few dollars the average American taxpayer would get," he said. See ECONOMY on peca 2 expia Olszewski was dumped from the Politburo without lanation last February but returned to the pchcy-making body Sunday during a widespread government and party shakeup. Walesa's appeal for a moratorium came amid reports the strike had spread in recent days to other cities throughout Poland. i i; By ELIZAEirni DANIEL . , ElaJf Writer The Rape and Assault Prevention Escort service will begin operating this semester on ;pt. 8 and will have longer hours, the director cf the service said Thursday. ;,.Th e-.scrvicg .will operate, for.thefirst.tfcts on--weekends' , and operate "one hour later each weeknigiit, Director Summey Orr said. . Men from Olde Campus residence hails will be serving as escorts Sunday through Thursday 7 p.m.-2 a.m., Friday 7 p.m.-ll p.m. and Saturday 7 p.m. -9 p.m. Last semester the service was not available on weekends and only until 1 a.m. on weeknights.. "We expanded the hours to incorporate students' study times. It fits in with the undergraduate library's hours," said Orr, who h a sophomore from Monroe. R.A.P.E., which was organized by junior Joe Euckner last February, escorted more than 1,000 girls between February and May, Orr said. . - ' ' "A lot of girls think they will be bothering the guys working, but they won't. The guys want to go out and work," he said." Approximately 200 men and women from Olie Campus, will-be. working withiR.A.PJL; this year. Each hour about six men "will be available to work as escorts and women will work the telephones, Orr said. ;; "All a girl has to do is call and she can have an escort anywhere within walking distance of campus downtown, sorority houses, South Campus dorms anywhere," he said. The R.A.P.E. telephone number, 933-7602, rings into the Olde. Campus office and then the caller is connected with the service. ? . Though rapes are not common occurrences . on this campus, there were several assaults made cn women here last semester. According to statistics released by the Chapel Hill Police Department, four rapes were reported in the first three months cf 1SC0. Two occurred in Chapel Hill and two occurred in Carrboro. "(R.A.P.E.) is a valuable service, University Police Sgt. Bob Pcrrcea said. "It's a good r;r:crut;on.;( '; t ' Crr said the residents cn Clde Campus arc enthusiastic about working with R.A.P.E. "A lot cf guys are ready to help cut. People keep coming and asking me if they can work with R.A.P.E.," he said. The service screens its escorts to ensure their dependability, Orr said. Each residence hall has a director who is rerpcnsible for signing up escorts and screening them. See R.A.P.E. on psgo 2 Cummoy Orr ho 'Hi oeeo U M ! HUM r! d jyrj nff 7" Cy LINDA BROWN Staff Writer The Residence Hall Association is considering holding a referendum that . would guarantee it a certain percentage of student activities fees. Organization members are thinking about the referendum as a vay to prevent the Campus Governing Ccuned ficm cutting RHA's future proposed luJ;.:ts as it did hzt spring. At hearings last spring the Campus Governing Council allotted RHA $5,415 for the year. That amount was $5,rC0 less than RHA ha i requested and about $2,000 l;-.s than it received taat year. Its request cf $2,000 to use for dorm officers training programs was cut to "The training prc.rams are cur met irerunt thing," RHA Pmlient Pery Lcight said. "RHA is built cn the c; :. '.:y cf the c iri;;rs cn the hall." Although RHA does not have the referendum cn top cf its priority list, she i.:.S it v.as cne cf the alternatives that verc being ccni'dcred. "I know that .::::: r aar'e were e;ry !.::ty;ar," Lc; :ht jaid. "Ih:y t'.li 'uhy t ::it ycu have a r:f;r;- !aaf Tlri t -.:s r..-.'i, -0;y don't jo-j f-.i lis to CCC r-; J a-.k for r.;ore r.onjy cr c-k the i -:::rt fVf it.' " D lit v.: tv.o v. eel?, VM j I - - i v - , i v. -4 i " - ri I' ; CCC for r .;-e r.oa:y ; ' f- r rvltini: r-..::;ty from Chancellor ; -uu. it us i; a t. ' . .' ) i r C. I it a '.o r C crg:.r;rations as it sees fit. Any referendum RHA decided to hold wcu'd have to be r; proved by the Do.1 President Cob taunJars. RHA tho would have to collect petitions signed by 10 percent cf the student body in fiver cf holding the vcte. Tit: referendum then would have to pass by a two-thirds majority vcte. CGC Speaker Cynthia Cunln tali she didn't know what chances RHA hid cf getting on added amount cf money from the CGC cr getting a referendum r eased. - "You never know," she said. "ULe juat pulling together as a trcup. They I v .,,,1 4 U tsi i, !' . I , w fc i K ... , . i , y . : .1 : t. ' - to n's r. - t: "I :H I: to; CCC s 1 I 1 m VI' I j i 1 o i -pi it If 2ST! "rirj) Up fir .ryn- frt sp 71 O TV 7 relief from prices Ey DAVID TEAGUE :rf Writer Gasoline surpluses and pressure from independent refiners on the major American oil companies should signal relief from high gas prices for motorists in North Carolina and the nation as a V 1 a j. A recent survey showed the average wholesale gasoline prices during the first week cf August were 97.3 cents a gallon for the nation, down 0.24 cents frcm the July average. A combination of high fuel prices, mild v.eather last wirter and the current economic recession have created an cil surplus which should he!? to keep prices down, state officials said this week. .There also has been a surge in small-car sales and a 12.8 percent reduction in travel, which indicates Americans are serious about conservation. . 'The drop-off indicates reduced driving," American a .-s a .-,--; i f--n -n ' - r'- ""..-,, t"' A "It's pcsslale that people are travillog differently as wc!!.M. U.S. Department cf Energy figures show that, when ccmpared with the same period cf 1579, avcrege domestic crude production ...for the first seven months cf 19 CD was u? 2.1 percent. For the same period, cil consumption was down 7.7 percent, resulting in a 14.6 vTCcnt f c i u rt c r in .-w v -1 C-l Government cffietali predict if an cil embargo were to take place, reserves could supply 73 days cf norma! demon !, wl.'ch i$ equivalent to the nation's capacity in the mlj-iSCCs, "The stocks t:t 10 h?;h that v. : don't have much more room for cr-v e cr g.. s -.,..--... 5, .. . j ...., ... - , - j-- ' S - 1 tiznh Curulo.-.t cf;',i.oli sali tl .y r: cpoo c- Ncn.1 C:--: . i r. c o-. er. o e JiiLCS "A lot cf t1,: re: an far cor sorpl,:s h that 5 Cp -re: ' ) to 7 peree-.t cf the c l V.:t I r f r I vecc-.v. I V o.':ol. v.e. ther. ! it v. 1 ! i ..to a c v S . . . k : ' Cl:o..rJ ! 2 co .1 cf $23 , 1 t t I I, , I i it j : 5 f - I r- i I 7 c fTHro niirrtr f7 fret cit? ti re a. c !:J. jr': l r?tt. t'lcJ. rrs. Vlcr'i Cu f H1.9 lli.9 123.9 U3.9 i::3 E. FrzakTi U r..i!r7'$ c:r m.s uu m.t 122.9 i:s.i 1:1.9 Zzs,ilt She!: Ccetir TwKitlCS' " ' H4.S ' 121.0 123.3 154.0 rudJgb Reei rt:gr.e Lxxca lll.f 124.9 125.5 127.5 17: ft. Fr:ri:i3t. C!;a Lc-r. C If 1U.9 121.9 127.9 125.2 i:3.2 Ul.4 Cia Leses Coepplrg Ccotei" ri:'::t Arte 115.9 124.1 123.9 127.2 131.2 133.2 El&d. - fe- , - 3 E&;tfrs.L::jt'ol:3 7$ 1ISJ 123.S 12J.S- 1152 nil E-FreoLIlilt. Hippy L 121.9 124.9 1.3 E. Frsaklla t. f.::rtr::.-;irieea 121.2 12U.2 123.2 12U 12 2S 123.S 12SV.ffer.riirt. T!:tri.at;7 113.9 1H.9 Jenrs Ffrry TseJ Arre;t ULI 12J 123.3 123.7 ... 127.7 VI 1 4 w; t'evera! s'a'loos r : A r::r;ofd pti s ,.;;' !A !; . relief f.slrrl::: in Co:!li 1. Co: :;ri service sati;. Tar H.o.I t.i V f4 f - - - f -f - - r - r " - ' g:i v.esde-.vn 4 ce: p :r pa r trvey ty J7;-f ioo.. T- .'a. "Tl ay t: a.ol t': ? . .1 r: -r ., ..,- - f p ' sho:!eg?cf f-sl, V: er: v . ? en eo.: "In the p -.11 e 1:1s ' .:.,(1.:.: no: i o:. I . 1 ;:n r.) p.'';:.," 0 Ao . c pernor cf Dial!: CJf , f - , ...... ., . - ,-. ; cf it. , .i t T 5 4 f 3 :'s s . i j'iii ... ;r f :s. lh-:'r ei rr a! 11 IIS. c . . . . f - V.o-'Vr:' C. in.s c-o Co! i "'"I -A i c f .. .'.- t . - . i . ... C If. a 1 .r ih: ! r. f: