.rr;, P-'' T.-r H-',TriJr, Au-jct 2 1PP0 Public tervica announcements must be turned in at the box outside the DTH offices in the Carolina Union by 1 p.m. if thay re to run the next day. Each item will be run at least twice. , ACmmS3TCSAY TU OuiiSrt IjsJ Society meet today at 12:00 in the Hayood room at the Law School. AFO Cock OO? C Vr.k ityt: today and Tuesday Wedaedy 9:30 a.m.-4.C0 p.m. in 202-204 Union. Bring blue s''i to claim money or books. Ct"";CLrL "si Fi-ows!.'z will have a prayer breakfast this Diorr g at 7 a.m. at the Campus House. We will be Rniihed in ximt for stodentt to make it to their 8:00 classes. Everyone U welcome. V. il's Friday evening services begin tonight at 7:30. The service wili be followed by a special Oneg with refreshments. Services teSte i'u at the Hilei House, 210 W. Cameron Ave., down the block and across the street from the Carolina lan. For more mformation call 942-4057. LTCCMING EVENTS 2utt&aS BMSr.i.' services on Aug. 30 at HiUel will begin at 10 wila Schacharit services. Schacharit services will be foCowed by a d scussion of the portion of the week. Musaf servkes and" lUJLh 3 fuTT3w. For more information call the nil' .! ofr.ee 942-CJ7. Tit I ;--Usf Etaiest L'Rioa will go on a rejxtat Avs, 29-31. Thj wiil N hcii at Camp Caraway and the theme is "Maktef Jesus Lord of My Life." Tfet VtlC Crew Cai wfil hoM a general meeting on Sept. 2 at 7-w p.m. la 2C7 Union. Anyone interested sHouId attend". The Graduate Student Fellowship of Use Baptist Campus MiaSstry will have a meal and short program on Tuesday, Sqrt. 2 at 6:00 p.m. at the Battle House. The UNC Outing Club will have its first meeting of the semester on Sept. 2 at 7:00 in the Union. All are welcome. Organizational meeting for people interested in volunteering for the Murdoch Ceeter for the mentally retarded wiil be on Sept. 2 at 6:30 p.m. in 301 Greenlaw. The INC Scuba CI sib will hold a meeting Sept. 2 at 7:00 p.m. in 304 Woollen Gym. "Beneath the Killing Sea" film presentation will be given. All are welcome. TV Baptist Student Ualoa will sponsor the second in a series of Bible studies on Monday, Sept. 2 at 6:30 at the Battle House. The study is led by David Fouche, intern at the . BSU and the topic is the Gospel of Luke. ITEMS OF INTEREST Cellar Door needs business manager ASAP. Also, staff applications for the reading boards will be available Tuesday. Call editor David Synder at 933-8842 or 933-0373 if you love to fight CGC over budget decisions, squabble with Bull's Head about their advertising fund and manipulate local printing firms. Cornerstone Frisoa MSoistry regular montly visits to the Orange County Correctional 'Center, Hillsborough, N.C. r warn nmfss-simBuam i : V 11 i Hi - i mtf Clsycb end f.'cpsd Sslcs end Ccrvlcs Yladccr Ross Lotus Puch EXPERT REPAIRS 152 E. Main Street, Carrboro. 867-4374 ) jt: - mww ,i , mmi ,taiJM - ' - & r:::::!!:3 Y' I . i J J -""N. I Urn. lM y'T - ' I '" M Mn yf"tf' i A"" Ti ' WE CUY AfiD SELL USED SCIENCE FICTION, FANTASY, AND COMICS. 136 East Rosemary (next to Ram Theaters) NCNB Plaza m on-sat 12-6 Chapel Hill, N.C. TUES & FRI 12-9 57-4439 ma HELD OVER 3rd lyEEK!;;" 5:CD -9sC0 Thank God it's only a motion picture! R3? A PAPAOUNT PICTURE 'UiiLD oveix nth sr.iAmi vjk.ni 2:30' 4:50 . :30 ' cr.sn cc:mr:u25 - Cup Cfi?y! i k K2LD OVEH 2nd DIG 17EE1! 3:15 o 0:15 o 7:15 o 9:15 PLACE WHERE DREAMS COL1E TRUE. OLIVIA NEVTON-JOHN GENE KELLY MICHAEL BECK A UNIVERSAL PICTURE EH Fcctuiins the Hit Scr.-s: "Masic" "I'm Alive" "CAN AD U" "ALL OVER THE WORLD" C7AST D TODAY! !: VAfl1 SilS 7:25 Csl5 S:15 L&ts lh&M Fri u bat "Rocky Horror Picture Show" f i r ; i V . ti J jr'-.-W. g JfmWJ Jv ap"W The good news of Jesus Christ is shared with the inmates throtif h muiic and fc'Jowship. For more information call M:ke at 929-3912. The Sixsitai Legssl &en-ice Eoart .is seeking applications for a graduate professional member. The term of appointment is two years. The Student Legal Services Board oversees the operation and policy of UNC's Student Legal Services office. Any interested graduate or professional school student should contact the SLS office at 933-1303 weekdays between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Voter Re5sitis: Chapel Kill Municipal Building, 306 Columbia St. and Carrboro Town Hall, West Main Street is Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.; Chapel Kill Public Library, East Frar.klin Street, Monday-Thurclay, 9:00 a.m,-9 p.m., Friday and Saturday 1Q:C0 a.ra.-5:G0 p.m. Thirty days at current address required. Deadline is Oct. 6. The E'ack Sisident Moveraeet needs two new James representatives to serve on the Central Committee and lead the James Action Committee. If interested see Mark Canady in Suite B of the Union between 3-4 p.m. Student Government applieattoas for student body treasurer and elections chairman are now available in Suite C of the Union. The deadline for applications is Sept. 2 All interested students are encouraged to apply. Interested in the Southern Fart of Eesvea? (a housing guide to Chapel Hill). Want to gain experience with computers, layout, printing and publishing? Come by the SCAU, Suite B in the Union and leave your name, address and phone number. The Campta Y CommBnity to serve the elderly citizens of Chapel Hill is now accepting applications for this year. Old members please check at the office as well. UNC Oab Football team practice began Monday. AH interested persons please come out. Full pads will be provided. Freshmen who paid for a Freshmen Register but have not picked them up may do so at the Alumni House anytime Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m. Part-time students who want to drop a course must do so by Sept. 8 in order to receive a refund credited to their account. i w : -i i id 7T r"9 o ' Dy CHAD KUTCOW Staff Writer With a renovated house and new enthusiasm, UNC's Kappa Sigma fraternity is attempting to rebuild its reputation on campus. "In the last few years, we've had some problems," Kappa Sig President Dann Baker said Saturday. "We've had financial problems, some morale problems and problems with just numbers of people." The fraternity's membership level has fluctuated in the last several years, making planning difficult, Baker said. Consequently, enthusiasm sagged. "We had inadequate support from our alumni and the national fraternity," Baker said. "We were down on ourselves. "We had our problems and everybody thought we were going to close down. But our national (headquarters) decided there was no way they were going to let the house in Chapel Hill close down." With the help of alumni and the national fraternity organization, the chapter raised enough money for a new roof at the Kappa Sigma house en West Cameron Avenue, as well as new wiring, plumbing, carpet and room improvements. "This summer when we thought we were just about gone, they came through," Baker said. Alumni are helping the chapter correct its problems, Baker said. "They've been spending time, a whole lot of time, on it and obviously the money. "They've been here a lot, too," he added. "It used to be that the only time we saw alumni was for football games." With guidance from alumni, the brothers have dene more than plan improvements for their house, Baker said. And they hope to carry the enthusiasm into this fall's rush. "That's the most crucial thing to do," Baker said. "We now have the confidence to sell ourselves, which any fraternity has to do." Baker said Kappa Sigma hopes to pledge a strong pledge class, emphasizing that the fraternity wants to build further from a stable membership and financial base. "We want to work now we have the incentive to work." Those moody eyes. m m K That sugar frosting. Girls Wantr o o This Man. Welcome back UNC students! To show our appreciation for your patronage Thell's is having Gingerbread Man Week! Buy 4 and get 1 free! k Xy k y He's irrcsistabk This offer good thru Sat. Aug. 30 r r id. . . . and so are Thell's Cookies Cakes From $4.50 up 1 1 9 ItieM s 124 E. FRANKLIN ST. 942-1954 i r iK,hrir THH CAHOLI'iA CLASSICS SERIES " : i 1 IS BACK. DO YOU HAVE A SCHEDULE? I Oth WEEK! K'.CHTLY AT ' : 7:S0 8:S0 CHEVY CHASE & RODNEY DAfGERFIELD. ? AND C1LL MURRAY'S DZST PERFGR - ' r; .V f ' . f ( TV..- v J :i U .? ? li ...... , . . .::fm .p iM AfXE f V ; ft THE BEST in LATE MIGHT EfJTERTAisl".Ef jTl ALAfi ALDA'?.'2RYL STREEP ALAfJ ARKINaPETER FALK THE SEDUCTION THE IM-LAWS OF JOE TYNAN FRI AflD SAT f.jGHTS FRI MID SAT AT 1 1 :45 Pl AT 11 :3D PM IMssMWsW'TiirrrTTnrTiinrniiiiii.i i . ..11 . g. .11.. ..1 ..1 .. 11 ji .11 1 mm 11m m ..1 jiiiw..iini 1 iin-.. .,a-jLiLjnini.iLiirjrTir ni 11. nr. n rnnr: - ) The Carolina Classics n - 7 v. P UN Ssmnf LESLIE CARON MAURICE CHEVALIER. LOUIS JOURDAN S, MATiriEES AT 3:03 5:10 : -. if; STARTIilG TODAY! SHOWS AT , 3:20 5:20 7:20 9:20 4-. n a o o H HO, . ; ; -. i 1 i j v t j M t : 'it ! f 1 ' : n 1 r ! Ji ' ' ' l ' F-- . F " Ct Tp.?7 I It. ' ? I t II ' tu if . f , - : t f L. " . .i-. mJL T7 - 9 n r ftfllfs mmm i a I 1 t i "!, I Mi. C I Si."ltli!iSff ' ' I i i ? - Manlyn Beck. Syndtcdted Colummsl 'My Bodyguard' is a soul-satisfying film, totally, involving and richly rewarding, it touches the heart. ) Ml 4. ilh T ?v;"fJt j 1 1 ;.L Cw" fW 1 fQl-.O.'A C MH!t 1 : '-' i i'T If? 1 5 VT'AT. f::LX :LJ4 - . .f, . - f ---" r ' - '" - T GlVe . to the -f-x TT , 1. of Dime?. s CnMS4HOUSS XFRQX LfCD C3 -f- W " mW - - W m CHOSEN GOURMET'S CHOICE BY FRANKLIN ST. GOURMET 1979-80 , , "J V" F- 'mmmr9S.ml W,-V I Chzpcl Hiiro Finest Szizd Dzr Best Variety of Sandwiches Burgers & Beer Open 11 AM 11 PM 7 Days A Vcck Across From GrcnvHb Towers C23-C2C3 5oo5o5oo5ooo(xx)Oo6o)0( I t 9$7;;4 ... 77.3 .7 rev elvcfjrs cf... . mm Umcm Ucrn Asa r 'arrrct 1 1 :7 fPGi A UNIVERSAL PICTURE , St-Sa ES -8a J $ I Ccpt. 5:Gct 11:SD LATE OIIOI70 era A GIIOT ITJ HI2 BAHIl' THE Daily Crcssivcrdbywisnamundis' i 4 ACROSS it up (emote) Symbol cf power 8 Duda 12 Mr.Hoffer 14 Sew quickly 15 German dam 16 Guy.gsl and another 19 Tolerance 20 In drastic fashion To a great degre "ThaWay We " Til You In..." 21 22 23 23 Tie-ups 27 Musical notss 3D Unanimously 31 Arias 32 Miami's county 33 Do the impossible 33 Ki;iVan 37 Oodles 23 Vexed 33 Outto Ovid 43 Speeds up 41 Sweethearts 42 Shredded 43 Pass the pesk 44 Tavern Yesterday's Puzzle Solved; tUMp" 'a'cTTT ; t; -t 4 : ; I If i y j i I v -f IV 'A fUUV- r -. f- i M l f -i f : ' I M I ) I t ! 1 ' I "ill . - . C f T . 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