G Th'i D?-1y Tcr M: -Vr.'cr.day, November 10, 1C0 G:c c:i. $HAD?cui. Ed tor - j o DiMTA Jakus, M.v:ji:i Editor C,;ad Iltn.'OV, :;i;.v fJl.Vr PAM IIlLlEY , ytw.YUr Ei.'.Vf Kan Roixy, vs EJfor Linda E:own, University Editor ; Martha Waggones, Gi Efirr Mask Muejxix, State and National Editor Bill Fields, Sports Editor Jakes Alexander, Features Editor Tom Mocse, rtf &cr . Scott Siiakpe, Photography Editor Ann FEirns, IVeekerJor Editor f By Z?l J7D POOLE ft ".'.'1 jcjr of editorial freedom The new . curriculum After 2Vz years of study, UNC's proposed curriculum is in near final form. The Committee on Undergraduate Curricular Reform, having given faculty and students a chance to poke holes in its proposal, will patch it up and submit it for consideration and revision to the University's administrative board and Faculty Council Educational Policy Committee. The administration is taking its time with the new curriculum, because it will profoundly affect the quality of a Carolina education. Although some students have misgivings about the process used to develop the new curriculumonly two students were on the committee of 17 that put the final report together we must judge that process, in part, by its product. The committee's report outlines a strong curriculum, one that would give students a broader, more cohesive education than that required by the present curriculum. The proposal attempts to lift Carolina's curriculum from the departmental depths to which it has sunk. In place of the present requirements for humanities and social science courses, it creates new requirements in "perspectives": the aesthetic, the philosophical, the natural and social sciences, and Western historical. It also revises the requirements for the basic skills courses math, English composition and foreign language that a University graduate ought to have. The proposed curriculum is meant to provide a more general education; its structure follows the form of those perspectives rather than departmental categories. It will press the undergraduate to expand his knowledge outside his major and related fields. In doing so, the new curriculum must limit, to a degree, the choices it leaves open to students within the General College. If implemented, the proposal would withdraw credit for foreign language 1 courses that all freshmen should have taken in high school, thereby lend jng some force to admission requirements for language. It also specifies that one course in the Western historical perspective must concern the period before 1700, thus ruling out courses in the Afro-American studies curriculum. Yet Af-Am courses can be used to fulfill the other part of the requirement, and new ones may be developed. The report also would force bachelor of Science degree candidates to channel their elective courses into the five perspectives; yet this, like the other requirements, does not seem unreasonable in the context of the whole report and its objective of general education. In fact, more general educational requirements would seem necessary for students whose studies are heavily concentrated in a single scientific field. The pencil hovered just above the paper, poised to be whisked across the page. I held my breath. My adviser was nearly ready to sign his name to give me. permission . to preregister for the last time at Carolina. He was the last hurdle.. "Hmnanni," he said. I began to worry. "So this will fulfill all of the requirements for you?" -'.! ., . "Yes, sir," I replied, hoping he wouldn't realize that the array of classes I was trying to register fcr was ridiculously slack. .. "This looks fine," he beamed, locking up from the computer form. "This is the last time you'll have to go through this hassle, huh?" "Yes, sir," I said. I say that a lot around my adviser, and anyone else who has me by the throat. Eight semesters without having to justify why nearly every course I've taken outside my major has the words "Introduction to" in the title. I've tried very hard to avoid all the work I possibly can here, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. By saying that, I've probably caused an incredible number of educators (what teachers like to call themselves these days) to get flustered and bothered. College, they would say, should be a time of challenge, a quest for knowledge and a chance to broaden one's horizons. These educators, mind you, are the same people who biters to C;e editor tcck Flirt rcrt;:::;.t::.i It I crd A'hn Architecture 33 so they cculi have 3.0 av;::;;: and get ir.to grad school. They are cut frcm the s:e meld as the high schcel advisers who svcre to yea all through high school that the SAT didn't ir.can &3 that much when you're trying to get in college, but who told you to forget the Ivy League when you only made 1,200. People who find out what kind of classes I take often blink their eyes, look at me Incredulously and then ask what that. possibly could have to do with journalism. I'll have to admit that seme of my classes tax even my own wxll-hcr.ed ability fcr ccatrivlrlame excuses. For the most part, however, I spcut eff a stock answer I developed Icrg zzo. . v . - W ' wy i jm4 h v., " f "It is tetter for a journalist to knew a Little about a ' lot of things than for him to know a great deal about a very few things," I say. The response, of course, is utter sheep dip. I don't use it anymore on journalism professors, because one began to cough and gag when I did. It works fine on everyone else, though. ., ,. It won't be long before those of us who are seniors will begin the seemingly hopeless search for. a real jsb cr.e v.eo l:;::i:.:;'y h fcr O heirs a v In that search, we will run c.crcss i.r:rviev,ers v.l.o quite prcb-b! took jirriir.r shortcuts v. hen they bunged crcur.J in ac:.i::;;;i fcr four jrars. The key, ere gu::s:s, is to keep th:-e pr,-': f;u:n fl.-.rg cut the titles cf the courses actually tcl.en. So-ar.i-Co 31 cr This-and-That 53 sounds a little better than Introduction to So-cr i-So cr Ilos'e This-cr.J-That. It's also a let eerier cn rr; v,hen I go heme. My parents are nice about ser.il-g me to cell::., even though my mem hr,:n't heel a new arti:!: cf clethbg since 1974. 1 fir d it simpler to show good d mem and dad A's and B's on easier courses than to explain to. them that a C-minus is a good grade in Basic Structures of Organic Chemistry. .They stay happy znd I keep getting money. In fairness to those instructors I have had n the pest, let me say that there is no such thing as an easy course around here. The operative term is easier, and I'm positive that the instructors of some of the Teflons (read slides) I've had, know they don't teach the kind cf class where students" spend three hours a day grappling to master the material. "Your attitude is shocking and has no place cn a college campus or in a college newspaper," I hear the folks saying now. They're right. And come May, it .won't be, because I'll have managed to slide right on out cf this illustrious institution. David Poole, a senior journalism end Introduction to major from Casionla, is a ' columnist end assistant sports editor for The Daily Tar Heel. W 1 M rr7!irn fVv fi?? n r? 7i : To the editor: I wonder if the DTH consistently practices defamation as a means of validating poor journalism. On Oct. 31, the Z 77 ran a front-page article concerning a protest against Shell Oil by a group of UNC law students, "Job recruiters for oil firm met by protest," (DTH, Oct. 31). The article incorrectly quoted a statement made by Alex Charns as to reasons for the protest. To correct the error and "set the record straight," Charms wrote a letter to the editor which was published Nov. 5. The letter, as submitted to the DTH, was typewritten and seemingly easy to reproduce in print. Unfortunately, the paper again misrepresented Charns by deleting a portion of his letter. The deleted portion, "Examples of such policies are opposition to small scale renewable energy projects and profit gouging," was transformed into "Examples of such policies oppose small scale. .."etc.. The original sentence was intended to specify examples of oil I . think not, despite a tacky, poorly phrased editor's note to the contrary. Clean it up, kids I Jerry Swartzberg . "' UNC Law Student - Refreshing '- To the editor: : In' a recent letter," Mark McCombs criticizes David Poole in his column "Masters of the obvious are wretched pests," (DTH, Nov. 3), for focusing his . "attempts at humor" on "perfectly obvious and nauseatingly overworked themes as people, who make aggravatingly trite observations." McCombs then turns his attack toward Poole's weekly column by referring to it as being "aggravating" and "trite." In responding, I'd like Jo first state (and please correct me if I am wrong) that I cannot recall having seen a recent glut of articles dealing with "overworked themes" such as masters cf the obvious. Perhaps I am restricting myself too severely, but my course work necessitates that I confine myself largely to literature dealing with subject matter pertaining to accounting and economic theories. By comparison, Poole's column provides a refreshing and o entertaining break from routine. If McCombs is satisfied with the drudgery cf academics then that is his problem, but in the future I hope that he'll temper his caustic remarks with a bit of humor so that Poole can get back to the business of providing the rest cf us a few chuckles with which to start the day. If nothing else, at least his column uses space which otherwise would be wasted on letters from McCombs and myself. pco like Chip Shcrrill G-10 Colony Apartments The success of the new curriculum will depend partly on the ability company policies which the protesters of this University to communicate with the state's public high schools, which produce most of UNC's students. It assumes, for instance, that high school foreign language instruction can be improved by 1984, when UNC's language requirements would become stricter. It also would require far more extensive testing of students before they enter the University, and the need for such testing in math and foreign language must be emphasized to high schools, else the curriculum reform will break down before it begins. The proposed curriculum is the product of hours of thought and discussion by students and faculty committed to improving undergraduate education. It will be worthless, however, unless administrators ensure that the philosophy of general education is maintained as the curriculum report's proposals are implemented. Its perspectives cannot become mere categories into which courses and students are shoved to meet requirements. Such courses, as they are taught, must incorporate those perspectives; interdisciplinary and capstone courses, which bring together several fields and perspectives, should be developed. The University has committed $150,000 to the improvement of general education, but is must maintain its philosophical commitment to that goal as the curriculum reforms are instituted. Otherwise, the College Curriculum Report will be another high-minded educational idea doomed to fail. So much for the radicals 1930 has been a rough year for those who appreciate a little creative radicalism. This past summer, former Yippie leader Jerry Rubin took a $3O,0D0-ayear job on Wall Street. Then in September Abbie Hoffman, another Yippie, surrendered to police just as his new book came out, leading some to speculate that he sought the financial rewards his book was sure to bring. And now, an article in November's Esquire magazine has revealed what former Beatle John Lcnnon has been doing with his time these past few years. ' To refresh those who may have forgotten, Lennon was always the radical Beatb. He's the one who allegedly proclaimed the Beatles were bigger than Jesus Christ. He once announced at a Beatles benefit concert attended by the royal family that members of the audience who liked the band's performance could applaud. He then looked up at the nobility sitting in the royal box and added that if they were pleased, they could just rattle their jewelry, Lennon is .the one who wrote only a decade ago, Imagine no possesions1 wonder if yon cm. App-rcntly Lennon couldn't. The Esquire article notes .that in the last few years he has been gathering quite a few, including a Palm. Btach mansion, 230 Holstdn cows and 1,600 acres. of land .in the CiiskiHs, He recently admitted in another interview that his radicalism in the early '70s was phony, the result of guilt feelings from always making money. ; For tie p '' t Fi: y: rs Lcnr.cri hm ;p:nt r.ft cf h's time in found counter to the public interest. The staff, in its misguided exercise of editorial discretion, constructed the sentence so as to confuse and obscure the point made by Charns. In a note following. the letter the DTH unequivocally asserted its accuracy in regards to the oral statement misquoted in the Oct. 31 article. In doing so, the staff essentially called Charns a liar. Considering the above, I would like to pose the rhetorical question of whether a paper that cannot correctly reproduce a typewritten statement can be believed to have correctly quoted an oral statement. iYeXi,M Tdl DADDY HOT TO f Mfe k iVitei!u vprry 'BPurevitroiuuust m&W$iLr mm,0Sm .GUVMOR RCAGAtl YllkBe ") J) H 4l -Qfj ' :-r- rrr '-w f What it all boils' down to TUne (College mm?kmhjrm 6 By ELIZABETH DANIEL During the next few weeks, the College Curriculum Report will be studied and amended for the last time by the Committee on Undergraduate Curricular Reform before it is sent to the Faculty Council for find approval. The changes proposed in this document will strengthen the curriculum, but they are net earthshaking. Unless the Faculty Council makes drastic changes, the new curriculum will provide students a broader education with a coherent philosophy behind it, when it is implemented in 1532. It will not, however, rr.zrk a momentous choree in UNC's undergraduate education. Sturr.t r taction to the rtpcrt his t::n indifferent. La:t wrck, two student forums v. ere HI J cn the report, fmr.z t ttudjr.ts their h:t chir.ces to ' z.lz cf.Tlom before the rercrt returned to committee. Approximately 30 students : " t:t:r.d:d tzzh fcrum. , At an mforir,-ticr,d hririrj f , h:!J Oct. 14, cr.e wc:k afirr the i . report wis put!I.h:Jt cr.!y three studrr.ts r.ot tziczlzui wl:h the & vr",w;' rrpcrt thresh cc milters uere prt::r.t, l:t sfjd:nts zrt r.zi concerned about currscium chin;cs, cr cnjthlr z t-"- itzl v.iil net aff:ct th:.-n durinj their ::ay zt Cz:: " 2, tnd this report will ret Cir?rt!y affect ar.yc::: r v perfunctory complaints.- Saunders complained about the proposed withdrawal cf credit for the first semester of a foreign language- 2-nd Canady questioned the affect the Western historical perspective requirement would have cn the Afro-American studies program. Their objections will be considered when the committee makes final revisions i.i the report. , - The proposed changes in the curriculum, though net drastic, will add breadth to the curriculum end will provide students with a mere general education than the present curriculum does. Under the proposal, students would be required to take crJy one more course Li the General Ccilrce than th?y do now. IIcAevcr, the rev rercrt re;!::; the required crht ccur::s frcm three citrj. cries v,i:h r,:r.; ccur::s $?:zzi tcrc: five p:;:;::tive; two in the r.-turil sciences, two in different soci J seier.ees, two in the We::ern !.i.;:ri:rJ r:r:;:;tive, l. oh the c:::h:ti: p:r:r:ct;ve, which ir.elude literature tr.i Lhe fir.e arts cn in pcwpcJl per pectin c Ti e t-:ic sliili eerticn cf the rrrert requires CI students to crr;'.:t: cr.e ccuree in r.v;'.1 erreries ar.i to tzls cr ri::e cut cf t.-o :er.::t:rs cf a fc;e:;n l::r:e. I! a ever, h VH, credit f:r the f.::t serr.er.er cf fcrci;n le-u::? uiil t: wi:hdra n, tr.J for preserving the option, and Samuel Williamson, dean of the College cf Arts and Sciences, cedis it a "tradeoff..' This mathematicsforeign language option stands out in sn otherwise sound curriculum. The substitution of fcrc'jn kr;u":e fcr rr.i'.h ce.-.r.et be justified for rce.:cr.s ether the,n derrtrr.er.tij politics. -To ensure continued study cf the curri:u!jr.s after the changes are imptementeJ, the report prepeses t: ; creatloa of an administrative subcmrr.it::e cn cer.eral education with a non-votlr. studer.t merrier. It is good that a studer.t will be cn the committee, tut It is all too typical cf the gdmmlstratir.Vi attitude that he .will not hive a vote. Thrcu;.hout the prece.s, the administration has dor.e a seerr.J ra'e j:b c f i:::.:'.rz thit students were i.nvcl.ei i.i t! : rrr:rt. 7h:c;' - :r.:I committee appcir.teJ by V. .::.'-' ?n in April 1 57 J to study rumculum rei.in h-.i three ttuirnt rr.:r.;rrj. T!:e present Ccrr.rr.it: :e cf Ur i::;r:dj:'.e Cu::i:-i r Refcrm hs to student rr.:.: erf. ccr; -v.": t!.: t ;.n ntrt 1 'J wi t!:;.l of clV ; J to the rtrcerd tr.rtl'rJ. Lvcn to, the rcp.trt i h:rdi cr.e th:t intrire ccr.:rceriy ern if it uere to te ir;!;r.. : ! next f l. The rer :t endorses rer.:r;l ed. :; ' nty ti ':".r; a trc: :r !h:i.lu:Ifn cf crurs:s. It "J i C t:- ie il'Ci re ;-.'.:'.: -.:s zrj f i , , s nz'T l! :t 1.3 hr 1 to .rfcrt.i i;r "id.'::ts v.lto (don't hr.ov iivd.r :v ta cr; ::.i:r ftc'.r.ts cr crrv iiti ll: t C:tn,',u;ry rt f r a : ;: :i'. :s th: f r e :h f:z,l e ". c Iff students vhe ph'.ee thrcjc'i f.:re::n I -f-jr.her re-;-;:red o cf frre':n I:-;ur; Th: prc;"':d v err::;: cf f ,:t'J t : :s fcr tf- .:'-, i z rev-:rth-;ntt!r! II I z. ziW '-'. rr;:rt : :! . I: en c;' -f ; r a ; -:r:! c :n :o fcre:n Lr;-jr;e 2 m :st t J t 1. In ir t:::J:n:s vid L: : err- r: c.t cf three :-r-:e:t Hov.evrr, In the cru.iel i.: . :-r- reccmrr.:r.;:.'-r$ ucre r. -; e l. r re. the cr: Tl:nrr.trn Hepc-rt, itu ier.t rrr.:r.:t!:.: v :tt.;Vr When the l!.:rr.::n Ke; rr: v -. S : ;i, c' a f, studer.t h:arir:s were I.:!J t efcr? the -':r -ri.!:;i v,cre fcrr.eJ tnirevj-" :n t :;:n. Cr'y f. ,.: eft! ? r' : I;: ! r : ri, ; ' 1 i ' cr e cu.i the c- "-..'rt-e rep-ens. .:cc:r..-.'.:::e5 1 J fcrum ss !.; J to e' o v,: .: j ' f cf ; f.-f r e c r;cer c r .-J t: e -r sr.J t t':t 4 r : : j iy T : f..e 't c Kr :.er, V;'irr-r;n c ;'.'. -i ci hvi:r.;n cr, thrr.h: t: e r ' h r- : ! j s w . 1 v:.U I; i i ; : Ch ,. i. t. i r ' , t" : t ffr , : c . ; c :;t u r ;",5f I --n re.. . ' ft' e t e i i x t: dt S V : r ? r -r ( : t c . a : r t t - t j : c ecft r f 5 - r ' ; . , ; c .- . c r;t' , ;'t f;J: IV.t tf.ee;::!;. - II lit ter is :;h i: i. ' " I . ..t :l r ;r th ; 1 : 1 ; i c" : fvYr.- u:rc ;..! i;h :.. ci tcf f H.-i.V-r.'ir At H i Arts r 1 :V -;r; f ri t I . : ! I ': I :s !t.nr,.n Ch;. :i I. h i : , t ' . j ' ' .!;,!; - ; I' cr; t!. t's e TL;::r 'i . :s r: 9 it : cor.tr. diet cry ?! !cs of Z 1 r.: Is cr.. fcmt t: tt l :- t . 3 r i l " C : ' t i : c.i':.' ;cfn: : ;i " f. ;!;:, ::!;- :Jt;. . :.:r :.t i.i;::- If.: 'I'U.MfLIt, .1! 1. 1 : i 4 -