4Ths Daily Tar HeelThursday, February 26, 1981 H.7 s vW ! sr3 (c. woij i-wg (gmjoi .... ... CSi) Oijiiii) US)l;0 (3 If you can tacts reMch beer ia rhicli, you lxnoT7 beer ctrcry rjMch rjay. ; ; t -r ' - f -sc. f 4 rv .v .whirrs-.? . ..'.,ii" ;v v."-.. v, 1 w J! Three major premium beers have three different tastes. But if you can taste that Bud is Bud, Miller is Miller, and Schlitz is Schlitz blindfolded you are probably in the top 10 of expert beer tasters. Like to test your taste? Then, on with your blindfold. The Master. BrccTcr decides. The Master Brewer determines how a beer will taste. Brewers are constantly adjusting, experi menting, improving their beers. For example, Schlitz. Three years ago a Master Brewer came over to head up Schlitz. For 40 years Frank Sellinger had brewed some of the best beers in America. And he came to Schlitz to make his best beer ever. y The best beer is . . Pjfr w fm & w " f:i iff fcci. . k ft j ' 1 1 v ' ; ,.v r , jys Mil tf ' I 1.1.1. Ill I. III. J I 11.11 III. I. ..I III J I j ll I I 1 . I .IIL 1 .11.11 .JILL. II 1 ,111 I Hi II. I I I Ul .ill I, 1.1 , Mill. I I I.I .1111 IJ II I mill. 111 I- .HI I .Ull II I I III .imlDIII . Refreshing! bgjd Smooth Mefloiv MUd j3 9 ' - '- f '. ! ' f . . 'i . , , ' " 1 - I I I I 1 I ' - ""'I- -'" ' '"" " " 11 nmm- " ..-.iiJimu. ..Hi... .-n nil... .iiimi.i. in. iii i.i.iuiumii , i .......I., , in, in ,.,1,11, null.. i 111.1111111.. ...111 ii.iu.ii . ' i,ui...,.,m.lu...i.ii.. - -1 - - - - - -. - - - . -- - " -- -- k Rat Watery Biting J SlnH Bl2nd j bitter j j I c2rbonatca : - - -- -- - - - - ' - - - ' " f Beer 1 is. Beer 2 is. Beer 3 is. ' v3$'f ''' 'A i jae met tveira is yours. ;V-r ;? To Franks tacte todavf; .Srhlitz is'- the smoothest beer you can buy. But taste for yourself. Your The perfect bscr is the beer that tastes perfect to yoti. Have a friend pour all three beers into identical glasses and label them 1, 2 and 3. Now you taste and identify each beer. Whether you guess all three brands right, or all three wrong, you'll know which tastes best to you. Don't be surprised if it's not your brand. To get a better picture of each beer's taste, rate its flavor characteristics from 1 to 10 on the scale at the right. decision is what counts. Hops are a major factor. Too much hops can make a Jj) beer bitter. Too little leaves it bland. Barley malt is important, too. It gives a b.eer "body" and adds a mellowness. The balance of the two is what makes a beer taste smooth. X- .-r I'-r?"' il sSii X ' '. SJ I no ft)) --.Si . .-? j. - cry ! ; J v' V j j ....... CiO-'iO Jt Scf-J-U BifAtn Company, VJ Ml