ARTS Conan hacks his way through fantasy epic By TODD DAVIS Staff Writer Conan hacks! He whacks! He slices! He dices! But instead of using a modern Veg-a-matic, Conan brandishes an ancient broad sword, for he is Conan the Barbarian. Directed by John Milius, Conan is set in the mythic, brutal, and literally heavy metal age of swords, meat axes and sledgehammers. In this epic movie fantasy, men do battle the old fashioned way with steel slashing flesh and bone. cinema Why all the bloody carnage? If Conan had any brain activity in his thick skull, he might . give us these three reasons. One! Conan is a barbarian. Barbarians must rape, murder and pillage. If s the social thing to do. Two. As a career .warrior, Conan must come to know the "riddle of steel," which is something like the Force in Star Wars. To solve the riddle Conan cleverly decides to crush his enemies or stick, stab, poke and choke his enemies whatever it takes. Three. Here's what really gets Conan's sword swinging: the evil Thulsa Doom and his army of refugees from a Molly Hatchet album cover slaughter Conan's parents and make young Conan a slave. Poor little Conan has such an unhappy childhood. Aside from the rampaging violence, a curious highlight is Doom as a cult figure. Doom's followers wear robes, carry flowers, and search for total emptiness. Call them Doomies. The movie's production design creates a believable fantasy land of towering towers, diabolical dungeons, and filthy cities. Conan presents the standard special effects of ani mation, bestial transformation, severed bodies, and blood. Muscleman Arnold Schwarzenegger plays a convincing Conan with a sense of humor which helps lighten the heavy hacking. Broadway dancer Sandhal Bergman is Con an's tough but beautiful girlfriend, Valeria, who can wreak havoc with the best of them. James Earl "Voice of Darth Vader" Jones is bad guy Thulsa Doom in a Cher wig. Not too scary. Jones should have stuck with the low resonating voice he used in Star Wars and left the scary looks to someone else. Conan The Barbarian Is supposed to be the summer's big action-adventure answer to 5s if - IF " s r .:-. r"7 "j Arnold Schvsncncggcr wielding his broadsword as Conan. -i I Jong's New Management and New Dishes A place you can enjoy delicious Chinese cuisine at reasonable prices with a relaxing atmosphere. last year's Raiders of the Lost Ark. The main problem with Conan is its lack of speed. The movie lurches and lumbers through most of the action, taking its time and the viewer's. Still, Schwarzenegger and Bergman make a good team and bring energy to their scences. But that's not enough. A movie that lives by the sword dies by tte sword and Conan survives only as en tertainment for those with a little barbarian in their 20th century skulls. Otherwise, Con an is dead on arrival. Serving authentic Chinese food: Peking Szechuan. Hunam & Cantonese ' Now open all day All ABC permits 1404 E. Franklin St., Chapel Hill 929-1613 Soup,- Egs Roll & Fried Rice SXZQ Main Dish, Soup, j Roll, FrLd Rice and Hot Tea $2.50$23 7 7 oAriO Hours Fri. 1130-1(fc30 pm Sat 430-10-30 pm Sun. 12.-00-104)0 pm Moa-Thurs. 1130 am-100 pm ETofi all liiaiso qssq 1eq oqq. is adifflcult decslsion that's mada easier "by the women of the Fleming Center. Counselors are available day and night to support and understand you. Comfort, safety, privacy, and a friendly staff ... that's what th8 Fleming Center is all about. X&2m27&2&33 CCCSptSd All IxisTnslva f pes TJp tO 10 T7CS2C3 5"reo prcnssssy testis Very esrly pxeisney tssts Call 781-8800 Ooy or nipit Th& ITlanirJ Center malice tlio difTcrciico. fo) 7 V-J u-r"'" II 1 LI UUUVil iy LI IC IMCUlf IS nst Mayo proauaion) The most famous and one of the oldest danceclubs in the state is located below Mr. Catti's the most inexpensive In town! Coming every Wednesday Nite: Stranger Mix Fraternity & Soririty Nite .25 CANTEEN 8:30-10:00 Coming every Thursday Nite: The original & most packed Thursday around... ALL YOU CAN DRINK, or .25 CANTEEN 8:30-10:30 Coming every Friday Nite: music city Rock, Funk, New wave .25 CANTEEN 8:30-10:00 Coming every Saturday Nite: FUNK MACHINE Our famous Thurs. Nite is now on Sat. too ALL YOU CAN drink or .25 CANTEEN 8:30-1 0:30 500 SUITER SCHOOL COUPON Good for 1 or all 4 Nites! nnvintniin below Mr. Catti's Enter beside Soundhaus 942-3929 8 The Tar Heel Thursday, June.3, 1982