4The Daily Tar HeelWednesday, March 23, 1983 'Stationmaster's Wife9 is Fassbinder success Recruiter on campus calls eace Corps competitive P By STEVE CARR Slaff Writer The majority of Rainer Werner Fss binder's films are erratic. They make gar gantuan demands on the viewer's pa tience and optimism. Yet the German director's bristling genius always gives something back. Fassbinder's manipula tion of color and shades is nothing short of astounding, and his deliberate use of melodramatic cliches provides a sort of wry counterpoint to the raw emotions al ways present in his work. His masterpiece is probably Lola, which has all his crea tive powers working in perfect tandem. But the majority of Fassbinder's other films do not have that continuous stream of originality. The Stationmaster's Wife is really more indicative of the kind of work Fassbinder was doing throughout his career. Fassbinder drew his film from a 1931 novel, titled Bolwieser, by Oskar Maria Graf. Originally a three-hour television production, the film was later re-edited by Fassbinder for theatrical distribution. The Stationmaster's Wife is a sort of Frau Bo vary. Hanni Bolwieser is the bored wife of a subservient little train at tendant. She carries on with the town butcher and the hairdresser, while her husband refuses to acknowledge her adulterous nature because of his own blind passion for her. The first half of the film represents the astounding genius of Fassbinder. In one scene Hanni and her husband make love, but only their wedding band hands are shown almost strangling each other on bleak white sheets. In another scene em phasizing hands, Hanni meets the town butcher, Merkl, at a ball. As Bolwieser, CAMPUS CALENDAR TODAY'S ACTIVITIES Should UNC dtarfT Come to a debate between four South Africans to see different sides at 7:30 p.m. in 101 Greenlaw. Progressive students: Attend the Public Interest Research Group meeting at 5 p.m. in the Carolina Union, NCAF (North Carotaa Actio for Farmworker) will meet at 6:30 p.m. in the Carolina Union. Come to learn about the boycott and issues affecting our state's farmworkers. The AagHcaa Student Fellowship welcomes everyone to Ho ly Communion at 10 p.m. in the Chapel of the Cross. Refreshments and fellowship follow the service. Dr. Paul Heming, noted sex therapist, will speak on the issues of lore aad relationships at 8 p.m. in the Carolina Union. The UNC ladastrlal Rebtfoaa Assodatfoa wOl hold its first Student-Faculty Wine and Cheese Party at 7:30 p.m. in 217 Carolina Union. All paid members are welcome. The Student Fee Increase Referendum will be held. Pons open at 10 a.m. and close at 5 p.m. STAND (StadeaH Taking Actios for Nadear Disarmament) will hold a meeting for bD interested persons at 4 p.m. in the Campus Y Building. STAND win offer rides to Admiral Carroll's address. "Peace through Strength: How much is Enough?", at 8 p.m. at Duke. Sign up at 102 Campus Y Building. The Baptist Stadeat Union ComtcJ win meet at 7:30 p.m. Come get bcaaa aad corn bread for lunch at noon in the Pit. Donations go to the Carrboro Community Kitchen. EWjrryane is welcome, iw Being a CAROLINA Student says in itself that you want only the BEST for yourself as well as the most for your money has the b TURN V T ! i I jThir rrtr rulr JLM lbs .theib.sst Hanni and Merkl stand in a diagonal line, the camera travels from the elapsed hands of Bolwieser and Hanni to the hand of Merkl, which is gently massaging Hanni's buttocks, to Hanni's hand the one with the marriage ring squeezing Merkl's crotch. After the first half, the movie seems to decline along with the moral fibers of its characters. Merkl and Hanni have been subjected to some town gossip, so they sue the gossipers. But Bolwieser perjures himself on the stand in order to protect his wife. When Hanni drops Merkl and starts to have an affair with Schafftaller, the town hairdresser, Merkl decides to get . revenge. He tells of Bolwieser's perjury, and the stationmaster loses his job and is sent to prison. After this point, the movie starts to plod. The prison scenes go on and on and make a dubious contribution to the movie. Another major shortcoming is the character of Bolwieser. His feelings about his wife are never properly delineated. Sometimes he is capable of destructive jealousy, but then he can be an incredibly subservient vegetable. His acceptance of everything that happens to him is totally unbelievable. Is this character human? When does he draw the line? Despite this failure in perspective, The Stationmaster's Wife is an impressive film. It has succeeded in a visually beauti ful transition from television to screen. While Bolwieser's character is marred, the film does examine the deeper aspects of mankind. There is a tremendous preoccupation, with appearance in the movie. Things are to be done in the proper fashion. This preoccupation leads to inevitable hypo-, crisy. When Bolwieser confronts his wife CHIMERA, the Fantasy and Scwnce Fiction dub, will meet at 7:30 p.m. in 265 Phillips Hall. Anyone interested in atten ding Stellarcon this weekend should attend. The Carofiaa Gay Association will sponsor a workshop on "Reconciling Spirituality and Homosexuality" as part of Gay Awareness Week at 7:30 p.m. in the Carolina Union. The Campus Y Committee on Undergraduate Education will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Campus Y. The Carolina Union Fonua Committee will meet at S p.m. in 207 Carolina Union. The UNC Cycle Raring Team wffl meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Carolina Union to discuss plans for the upcoming Orange Grove Road Race. All cyclists are welcome. Alpha Chi Sigma will hold a meeting at 7 p.m. in 221 Venable Hall. Learn more about the Soviet Union: Help form a Soviet studies discussion group at an organizational meeting at 11 a.m. in 217 Carolina Union. COMING EVENTS Film shorts pertaining to sensuality as it relates to sexuality will be shown at 8 p.m. Thursday in the Carolina Union. Op tional discussion groups will follow. Association of Business Students will meet at 3:30 p.m. Thursday in T-7 New Carroll. Bob Arnold, from IBM, will speak on careers in marketing. The ABS wffl hold a facultystudent hincbeoa from 11:30 j: 1a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Thursdiyin 220 New Carroll Hall J ABS -;VTOnoersrsnolcljcome tor lunch and meet their professors. - - est an or you I d th Now Accepting May-August Applications We guarantee with deposit. HIGHWAY 15-S01 AT LIGHT AT HOTEL EUROPA ing :-;the I ottry c thin g that ev n happened to you : -" H ! Elisshsth Trisssnsar performs ... the film deals with with her adulterous affairs, she works her guilt into an indignant self-righteousness. She ends up humiliating Bolwieser even further. Of course, humiliation is an im portant factor in this movie, just as it is in Fassbinder's other films. Bolwieser is re duced to a mere nothing at the end of this film. In a way, his character is believable as the embodiment pf a whole generation of post-World War I Germans. Hanni seems to represent the actual institution of Germany. Different classes of people want her for their own purposes, and their jealousy for her destroys innocent people like Bolwieser. As in most of Fassbinder's films, the acting in The Stationmaster's Wife is top notch. Elisabeth Trissenar as Hanni Bolwieser has a sultriness accented by a slight peasant-like quality. She is sexy yet The Baptist Student Union Thursday program will begin at 5:45 p.m. Thursday at the BSU. Dr. Sam Williamson will speak on "Steps Toward Reconciliation: U.S. Soviet Rela tions." Sara Evans, author of Personal Politics, will speak on "Working Class Women and Feminism" 4 p.m. Thursday in 111 Murphey Hall. The lecture is sponsored by Women's Studies. Pre-law Club will meet at 3:30 p.m. Thursday in the Carolina Union. Election of 1983-84 officers will be held, and plans for next semester will be discussed. Learn to skydive; Join the UNC Parachute Club. There will be a club meeting at 6:30 p.m. Thursday in the Carolina Union. Everyone is welcome. The Career Month Committee of ABS will hold a man datory meeting following the general ABS meeting Thursday. Veterinary medicine information will be provided at 5 p.m. Thursday in the Carolina Union. See slides of NCSU School of Veterinary Medicine and talk with a first year student. Margaret Daly Hayes of the Senate Foreign Relations Com mittee will speak on "Inter-American Security" at 7 p.m. Thursday in the Dey Hall Toy Lounge. Being Gay; Being Sane is Thursday's topic for Gay Awareness Week which will be lead by a psychologist and clin cial social worker at 7:30 p.m. in the Carolina Union. BSM interviews for membership chairman will begin at 1 p.m. Thursday in the office. FeBowship of Christian Athletes will meet at 8:30 p.m. Thursday in the Carolina Union. Dr. Brown, from the State v Board, will speak. Bring $7 for T-shirts. Daniel A. Reed, Purdue University, will speak on "Perfor- "ance Based Design and Analysis of Mulumicrocomputer ' Networks" at 4 p.m.' Thursday in 210 New West Hall. ratio e most Two bedrooms Two full baths 1155 square feet Large patio or balcony Allow up to 4 occupants Swimming pool (open year around) Health Club facilities Universal weight gym Saunas Lighted tennis courts Lighted basketball courts en a .0 ould v. .- -.'-4 I - in 'Ths Stationmsster's Vifa' subjects of morality and love emotionally vulnerable. Her anger and hypocrisy effectively produce an ugliness, yet she also has a distinctive purity and in nocence. ' rx Kurt Raab, as Bolwieser, is the real star of the show. His facial expressions can show a childish respect for authority aajd then immediately change to a vicious cruelty vented on Hanni. He seems to know nothing, yet his face can show a knowledge that makes it seem as though he just feigns innocence. Raab's perfor mance is even more impressive because of what he does with an impossible role. Some of Fassbinder's best qualities come out in The Stationmaster's Wife. But be prepared to take the flashes Of genius with some stilted viewpoints and some outright boredom. . Professor Morris L. Eaton, University of Minnesota, will speak on "Multivariate Tests with Incomplete Data" at 3 p.m. Thursday in 34 Phillips Hall. . - AXO photo contest for Esster scab and open boose will be held from 2 to 5 p.m. April 10 at 215 E. Rosemary Street. En- ' tries are due April 8. Call 968-0057 for more information. ITEMS Of INTEREST , UNC Cycling Club members may pick up posters for the Metric Century Ride to put up on campus and in town. Call Cynthia at 933-7818. "Inform the Curious." Pre-dent, pre-med, and pre-vet ris ing seniors may apply to work in the advising offices. Applica tions and information are available in 201 -D Steele. Nomination forms for the Robert White Linker Award, given to the most outstanding residence hall leader from the freshman or sophomore class are available in Carr Building and are due by 5 p.m. Friday at Carr Building. Pick up applications for Campus Y Crafts Bazaar co chairman at the Y office. Deadline is April 1. Entries to the AXO Photo Contest for Easier scab are due by April 8 at 2 p.m. at 215 E. Rosemary Street. Entries must be mounted 11x14. Call 968-0057 for more information. SHS is offering a three-week brown bag luncheon, "Freedom from Smoking Clinic," meeting at noon March 31 and April 5. 6, 7. and 12. Pre-register by calling 966-2281, ext. 275 before Friday. There will be a Student FUm Night at the Carolina Union on April 24. Applications to enter films are available at the Union Desk. . t. ; )i Attention aB freshman women: Appty fhr th? PhMm? - " Council's Freshman ' Woman's Scholarship to earn - one.;1 semester's in-state tuition. Applications are available at the Union Desk and at 01 Steele Building and are due April 1. Black Ink editor applications are available at the BSM of fice. Suite A of the Carolina Union. Anyone interested in the position may call 933-4661 for more information. TRIANGLE COMMUNITIES Townhouse luxury in a beautiful, residential setting. Optimum loca tion tor Chapel Hit), Durham and alt the Research Triangle area. Featur ing two bedrooms, Vk baths and dishwasher. Air conditioned, of 1 course. Enjoy swimming and handy laundry facilities. Cable television available. 2525 Booker Creek Road." PHONE 967-2231 9 Modern one and two bedroom garden apartments offering carpet ing, air conditioning and modern kitchen. Very convenient location, swimming pool and handy laundry facilities. Cable television available. 306 North Estes. PHONE 967-2234 First-rate location on the 15-501 Bypass. Spacious one and two . irfZP bedroom luxury garden plans offer carpet, air conditioning and modern rfj kitchen. Swimming for your enjoyment laundry facilities tor your coo venience. Cable television available. 1 105 Highway 54 Bypass. V PHONE 967-2231 O Chapel HiS, Durham and the ThlS-' easy access. Bright modern one a pleasant hillside location. Air conditioning, clubhouse, swimming pool and laundry facilities. Cable television available. 500 Highway 54 By pass. -. "; ; PHONE 967-2231 9 Great location. Real value. No kids. Modern one bedroom plans in a lively all-adult community. Carpeting, air conditioning and pool. Laundry facilities on premises. Cable television available. 200 Barnes Street ' PHONE 967-2231 "Rental office located at Kingswood Apartments, 'Chapel Hill location 3. GranvillQ Towers will be open for the summer offering all the conveniences yoa vont. Fully famished and carpeted roams 1 5 meals a ivccli (serving San. cve. Fri. lunch) Floor lounges with Cable T.V., billiard and game room Swimming pool, son deck, basket ball court Laundry facilities and weekly maid service Convenient parking adjacent to campus C1II utilities paid (lir conditioning throughout Chapel By DANA JACKSON Staff Writer ', ' ' ' ' ' The truck driver saw, but did not understand the green sign above the high way. From memory the old man knew that he would be turning off at the next exit. He would soon be retiring and would no longer be driving the long haul from Maine to Florida, as he had for most of his life. The man did not know how to read. He had driven without the aid of street signs. After he retired, he learned to read with the help of an adult literacy program spon sored by the Peace Corps in North Caro lina. He became a member of the board of directors of the reading program and an outspoken advocate for adult literacy, wrote newspaper articles and even taught for the program. "He had a chip on his shoulder (before joining the program) because he couldn't read. He always felt inadequate," said Alex Wilson, who was a Peace Corps volunteers from 1976-78 and worked on the adult literacy program. Wilson, who is on campus this week as a Peace Corps recruiter, worked in the Volunteers In Service To America pro gram in North Carolina. VISTA was part of the Peace Corps until February 1981. He attended undergraduate school at UNC and graduate school at Harvard. He said he volunteered for the Peace Corps because he wanted to work in a service-related position and have contact with people. Most Peace Corps volunteers are now sent to Third World countries, where they try to introduce appropriate technology for basic human needs, to leave an understanding of America and to bring an understanding of the Third World back to the United States, he said. The normal tour of duty for volunteers is two years, following a three-month training period in the host . countrv. RHA "We're still looking at an increase, but nothing like we could have had," he said. "We're scared to approve (the increase) because we're scared that residents will get angry," Dalton told the board. Mickey Sullivan, University housing's ad viser to the Governing Board, told the board that it should consider its responsibility as elected representatives. "What impression are you giving your residents when you as campus leaders can't make a statement (about the increase)?" she said. Support the CCD March of Dimes ZZ S n2i BIRTH DEFECTS FOUNDATION BSSa in Chapel Research Trianqte Park are all within and two bedroom garden plans offer CALL TODAY FOR FULL INFORMATION. PHONE 967-2234 or 967-2231. In North Carolina, caH toll-free 1-600-672-1678. Nationwide, call toll-free 1-800-334-1656. inrDEnniceEr OtTDdaicaipD rODDD University Square H.C. 91 9929 Volunteers receive financial support equivalent to what a small family would make in that culture, plus $175 per month in savings for a readjustment, allowance, Wilson said. . 1 Those with community service back grounds and degrees in any field (not just special skills programs such as math and science) are welcome to volunteer, Wilson said. "It's fair to say that it's more competi tive now than ever," he said, "but we real ly stress that the biggest challenge to get in is you deciding for yourself it's what you want to do." The most memorable thing for Wilson was the amount of faith he gained in his fellow man. Volunteers in other nations learn how to adjust and discover the many identities they have as Americans members of a minority, he added. Most volunteers felt they got more out of it than they had to offer, Wilson said. It can be lonely at first, and the biggest assets a volunteer can have are personality and the ability to make friends, he said. It is not for everyone, he said. "You can call it a job but really what it's offering is a lifestyle." He said that volunteering for . the Peace Corps is not a career in itself, but a good career bridge. Wilson and another recruiter, Mary Carrozza, will be at an information table in the Student Union lobby from 1 to 4:30 p.m., March 21 through 25. Applications are available in the placement office in Hanes Hall and interviews will be given in Room 211. T" n rormer reace uorps volunteers m tne Chapel Hill area should see Wilson during the recruitment to re-establish links with the organization. More than 700 people from North Carolina have served in Peace Corps pro grams, he said, and a good portion have been graduates of UNC. Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to apply, he said. From page 1 Sullivan suggested a new motion which in cluded the need to educate students and a resolution for the board to work on the 1984-85 proposed budget increase. Robbins made the motion, which passed with six yes votes and one abstention. After the meeting, Dalton defended the sup port of the increase and RHA input into the decision. "We looked at it (the rent increase) in its proposal stage and found that it was the best means of providing an adequate living facility without majking students get the bad end of the deal," he said. "v Hill 1 lAITCATf ESTES OW 'I! SHOPPING '' 55KrSv'Mfeb I) SsSsTU Si SHOPPING I XV 11 Si I y?5r 1 1 ' CLNTHI i I lWv" (v V card m j. v- - ' W vr& UMUf Rsrrv or nWJjL, NtJHTM CARUUNA M HAIEIGH ""-Xfe If 5 fe I UNC MFMmiML W"" 17 Cable TV available. Rental furniture available from Metrolease. $350 to share a double room same as last year Single rooms available at additional cost Will pro rate daily for your particu lar program Yoa .Can't (If ford Hot To Compare Granville Towers Before Yoa Decide - 7 143V