14The Tar Heel Thursday, June 20, 1935 mmm iPwiw i vpKHw.w-wwiBdiwiwBwiiaww iMn4iRWi ummm vmvmp mmrmm''n mmmm-Tm -wmv mm mp? " 1 .1 m rr 'i ' nr 111 .i 1. -1. 1 1 1 11 1 1 . -11 11 run. 11. 1 1 in 1 11 ;ti- nm iir ir 111 nm 1. u j.i nw 1 .11 ...... . ,.-.,.. 1 mm u- .uji.i ... , , - . ,..-, j.ui- ,.,L.-mi4.uunj.wniMi. --'i-i aim ' , .wji..,.,!.... Mt.l.ttJMi..J w.. , ..n.. j., g.. , . - ... i. . .. .-, . . ,. .,..., t --,-ff- -n r Wi -ii-ri-n-i r-nrf-r-n -fr-Mrr r - - - j mi 1 1 1 mr " --- in, r -n n- m - minn, ,,n m , t "1 f mi' 1---"T il 1 - ' ' " ' - - - , , -- 4 SURE BEEN SORRY, PICK. I'VE BURNIN5UP BE&il TRYING TO vSILEmsCRAMr RJCKJTS AN IN BOY. YOU SURE CENDtAR 'PIECE OF YOU WANT TO PfCPASANDA.THERB GET INVOLVES? MAY BE A CASE TO ITS A DISGRACE THAT THE PRESIDENT WOLIP ENDORSE A DOCUMENTARY THAT DISHONEST. AND NOW WELCOME TO SILENT SCREAM LT: THE WIRES, GET PEOPLE-WOMB BABE-. I OUT FORTHE LOCAL THE PREQUEL." SILENT SCREAM' PROTEST. WI7H MAKE FOR R1GHT-V-lIHAT? LIFE. BUT THAT FILM THERES EVEN TALK ' nc A crv 1 fvn-i in Editor's Note ITirt ISNTIT. r7 7 1 Zh GOOP EVENING, ANP WELCOME TO "SILENT SCREAMS: THE PREQUEL." LET'S CALL HIM TMMY. UML3 HIS MAIN PREOCCUPATION AT TUIS POINT IS CELL DIVISION, I IN MOST RESPECTS, HES AS -: HUMAN AS YOUANP I. :(ir" 1 ILJ TlMMfS MOTHER. WALLOWING IN SELF-PITY, SHE EXPLAINS WHY T7MMY WILL NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF PAY. AS THE MOMEIIT APPROACHES, VMMY SEEMS ALMOST O0LI . VIOUS TO THE CHARGED DE- BATE THAT ATTENPSHS FATE. t z . - a I VMMYMAYBE GOB, BUT HIS STORY IS PART OF , ON5 OF THE GREAT MORAL, DEMTES OF OUR TIMES. Ohm IN'SILENT SCREAM I HIE SHOWED YOU THE TERMINATION OF A 12-WEEK-OLP PREGNANCY. TONIGHT, WE'LL BE WITNESSING THEENPOF A 12-MINUTEOLD PREGNANCY. 1 hif-p gg WHAT HAPPENS WHEN HE IS ABRUPTLY SWEPT FROM HIS MOTHER WHAT ARE HIS REACTIONS, HIS FEELINGS, HIS POINT OF VIEW WE'LLBE TAKING A LOOK. LOOK, HONEY, TM UNEMPLOYED, UNEDUCATED. AND TOTALLY UN PREPARED FOR RESPONSIBILITY. i jl2j-- . MINUTES LATER, THE PIE IS CAST. THE MOTHER HAS MADE THE UNCONSaONABLE PECISON THAT SETS IN MOTION THE DOCTORS GRISLY PROCEDURE.. UJE MUST FACE TT WITH CONVICTION. IF ABORTION AT ANY STAGE IS, IN FACT, THE TAKING OF A LIFE, THEN CUR REASONING MUST LEAP US TO A MONSTROUS CONCLUSION. iV f THROUGH THE MAGIC OF FIBER OPTICS, WE'VE BEEN ABLETOTAKE A CMPUTm-EWANCEP PHOTO OFTHB CHILD IN REPOSE. ASVET, HE IS UN AWARE OF THEDANGERHE FACES. LETS CALL HIM TIMMY7. THIS PROGRAM SEEKS TO MAKE NO JUDGMENTS. OUR ONLY INTEREST IS IN PRESENTING THE FACTS ABOUT KIPS LIKE TTMMYANP LETTING THE VIEWER PRAM HIS OWN CONCLUSIONS. BUT FIRST, LETSTALK TO THE MURDERESS HERSELF.. ) V 4 WHY SHOULD I BE FORCED TO BE COME A MOTHER UNDER THOSE QRCUMSTANCES, ESPECIALLY WHEN THE KJP'LL HAVE NO FATHER? h ! I NO FATHER? M?! BUT.. BUT HE WAS 5llLN9 JUSTCDNCEIVEP A?'JA 12 MINUTES AGO! MWUKE THIS? 1 i I THE FINAL SECONDS. BY STUDYING HIS MOUTH THROUGH STOP-ACTION IMAGING, WE CAN DETERMINE TIMMYS FINAL WORDS, WHICH ARE, ALMOST CERTAINLY, "REPEAL ROE v. WADE." COMING UP: TTMMY REMEMBERED. WITH 15 MILUON ABORTIONS BEING PERFORMED ANNUALLY, LEADER SHIP OF THIS COUNTRY IS GUILTY OF WlRATING NOTHING LESS THAN A HOLOCAUST. GOSH, THERE'S OH, NO.. THAT WORD oo A&UN Earlier this month Garry Tru deau, the cartoonist behind Doones bury, put together a series of six strips for the syndicated cartoon distrib uted by Universal Press Syndicate to over 800 newspapers worldwide. The syndicate did not wish to release the strips on the grounds that they might offend and, following discussions, Trudeau agreed to withdraw them. According to Laura E. Obolensky, Editorial Corporate Coordinator of The New Republic, Trudeau then contacted the editor of the magazine and offered the strips to him. They appeared in the issue of June 10. Subsequently, Obolensky told me, 20 to 25 papers have contacted the magazine for permission to reprint the strips. The Tar Heel is happy to join those publications and grateful to The New Republic for their kind permission to do so. The Chapel Hill Newspaper has recently announced its decision to drop Doonesburv altogether. A spokesman for the paper refused to comment on the decision and referred me to their editorial while commenting that it was a decision of the paper's editor and publisher, Orville Campbell. Mr. Campbell's editorial acknowl edges that it may arouse some controversy and admits that: "If it were left up to our young staff, Doonesbury would still be a part of the paper." Campbell states that: "Where there is controversy in America, there is Doonesbury offering up opinion in a very offensive manner." He goes on to complain that no newspaper should have acceded to Trudeau's requirement that they publish the strip a certain size. We have no problem with that. Mr. Trudeau is offering a product for sale with certain requirements to its use, which he is perfectly entitled to do. If papers do not want to agree to it then they do not have to buy the product, as Mr. Campbell is no longer doing. Mr. Trudeau has every justification it is all to easy to shrink the comics to near illegibility when space is pressing and I regret that we have to reduce Bloom County as much as we do at the moment to get it all in. Campbell then makes an appar ently irrelevant comparison: "Sup pose our editorial policy on local people, from the governor down, was to ridicule them in our editorial columns without allowing them any space to reply. That wouldn't exactly be 'freedom of the press' as we define it." Firstly, everyone Trudeau satir izes (he does not 'ridicule') has the right to reply and freedom to do so. More importantly, Campbell is not exercising freedom of the press himself by censoring Doonesbury. We deplore this decision and assure our readers that we will not be doing so even when Trudeau's politics conflict with our own. Jim Greenhi'H Reprinted by permission of The New Republic. Copyright, G.B. Trudeau, 1985. f