The Tar HeelMonday, August 18, 198617 Intramural program puts everybody on the team By SCOTT GREIG City Editor The UNC Intramural Recreational (IM-REC) Sports Pro gram offers a diverse selection of activities for the students, faculty and staff at UNC. The program, administered through the Department of Physical Education in the College of Arts and Sciences, attempts to appeal to a broad range of interests and needs. The primary objective of the UNC IM-REC Sports Program is to provide high quality recreational opportunities for the members of the University community. Five administrative staff members oversee the program with the help of two graduate assistants and a publicity assistant. In addition, the program annually employs hundreds of students as officials, supervisors, facility monitors, office staff and fitness instructors. Forty-four activities are available for participation in team and indi vidual categories. These activities range from basketball and football to rarer sports such as fencing and whiffle ball. Basketball and softball are the most popular of all the sports offered, with as many as 400 teams competing in each. The intramural program offers many students the opportunity to continue competing in sports they played in high school. While the fanfare of high school sports does not exist, the competitive spirit among the participants does. This is very appealing to students who take their sports seriously. Nowhere is this more evident than in basketball, where tempers tradi tionally run high among the athletes. The competitive spirit that the program produces can be best seen in the team competition between individual dormitories and fraterni ties. Dorms like Lewis and Teague and fraternities like Delta Upsilon and Chi Phi are consistent winners and are traditionally found atop the point-system leader board. Individual dorms and frats who wish to participate in the point system must sign up to do so at the beginning of the school year. The point system awards the individual units for participation and victory in various sports and also determines who will take part in the annual "Super Teams" competition at the end of the school year. This "Super Teams" event pits the top four dorms in a tournament-like play-off against each other. The top four fraternities do the same. They compete in five randomly chosen sports and are awarded between five points and one point, depending on how they finish in the individual sports. When "Super Teams" is finished, the dormitory and fraternity cham pions square off for a tug-of-war to determine the all-campus intramural champion. Each member of the winning unit receives an intramural championship T-shirt, a highly prized item among those who take part in the program. In the intramural program's offi cial publication, various University officials expressed their feelings about the program's impact and the program itself. "We strongly encourage our stu dents to take advantage of the University's athletic facilities and physical education programs so they will derive the benefits from partic ipation in both individual and team sports," said UNC Chancellor Chris topher C. Fordham III. "The organized sport and physical recreation interests of students and staff of the University are provided for by offerings in a wide variety of activities," said John Billing, Chair man of the Department of Physical Education. "Competitions are conducted- in many team and individual sport activities. The goal of the Intramural Recreational Sports Program is to provide for the organized recrea tional sport interest of all University students." Gillian T. Cell, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, said: "Through its intramural program the physical education department reaches not only the students on a continuing basis, it also reaches the faculty and staff. This program helps the Uni versity to be one." Intramurals begin in late August with the grail softball tournament and end in late April with the power lifting competition. In between, there is almost always something going on that is open to all skill levels. As the program's motto says, "There's something for evervone." Friendly Hometown Service Walking Distance To Campus 306 W. Franklin St. 942-3116 UNC Granville Towers I Campus Q Franklin St. Hardee's Soaps Spankys J I ) FOWLER'S ' 'Itertha fo) O' MlS?nA THE Fowler's Famous Walk-in Cooler! Featuring Chapel Hill's Largest Selection of your Favorite Beverage. Coors & Coors Light 1 2 pack 1 2-oz. can Goebel 12 pack 12 oz. cans (Golden, Peach & Regular) Seagrams Wine Cooler 4 pack Little King (case 24-7 oz. bottles Prices good through August 31, 1986 IN TOWN $29 $g)99 $g49 $99 lJ Let The Good Times Start with a Visit to m9 III W U Tk I