The Daily Tar HeelThursday, June 28, 19901 1B ffl "7 Silent Sam was erected in 1913 to mem "" " jS&J 3' UlSi a,umn' who ie in e ; 'v T""rx "'t 'j jfxj? ' w j kiJhbs LMJiLd nInSx f ' "- - i tt2ii '"SSs.'" ft -4 The sundial north of Morehead Planetarium, with a diameter of 35 feet , is one of the largest of its kind in the U.S. fS-- - - r:r.r nj- aJ J iQr&SX I 1 : C 1 I i -r-- , -si - tii. . I Mfe jO I I Franklin Street is the closest source of restaurants,-films and clothing stores to campus JI f f3 &s 4 & 4 j'pSSUsss;- 1 ;f" llK-. T JVO . , . JyigJJ 'X -T-T-T- 1 cajjaajj :l pLxx- di1 yiui JA, j rf", , - i- i- i f zywfd I - - -jjl pv.,c, loV ran n -fti &?h u . fl ; YAt vi , '-Sl r pr hraLi 0118 B4 : 111 L, 1 T ;r: : .gTl '4' i si I s i I i(fTr-n! li V ""- ; J n -l j j4 '' - jJgiL T: i vfe esaiii in-n rn h I- m ' Vf rv 3 L- L x ' -1 - feyt''' NV V-3 X Th8 Wa,ter Royal Davls Library with 10 acres of ,,oor sPace ls tne latest educational building in North Carolina I ' (C VVWN The Pit is a popular meeting place for students throughout the day PP UNIVFkSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA : ' : ; ' jJf " i. SliaiPSl AT CHAPEL HILL u; . fe books x h.- .y2!2- . l fx:V 1 II a ,k. ST ?x1 Kenan Stadium, capacity 52,000, has been rated one of the five most beautiful places in the U.S. to watch football by Inside Sports magazine 5-, ' 7M Photographs by Grant Halverson and Dave Laxton The Dean E. Smith Student Activities Center, which opened in January 1986, has a capacity of 21,444, the third largest on-campus facility in the nation