14BThe Daily Tar HeelThursday, June 28, 1990 KIT IW ' Send your parents a DTH subscription j instead of writing home! Call 962-1163! r , 1 r ! life s i iff-1 U - V0 14 JORDAN LAICE-CROSSWINPS MARINA J. ; ysagixttsagff M inim i inn i ! windsurfers & sailboats call for reservations & info, now! 919-362-0040 VNC Students, Professors & Employees ISick of Renting? Ql Do you live or work in Chapel Hill? :Q: Is your annual income below average? 0 m. tf r- n r I . ...lr.l L.an you pay 0DUUmonin TOr noUSingr lOO Adelaide Walters Street I A: If you answer "Yes" to all these questions, then you can probably ?: qualify to own your own New Single Family Home in Chapel HUH ' 6 B Adelaide Walters Street ! There are only three homes ' '0H&&L -iftiir sale. Thirty-two homes have already been bought under this program. :, So you must act now. :Call Sandi Isler today at Capricorn :;,Isler Associates, for more information. Call 688-0850 Fitcli Dorm Koom Or Aipartment ;iJScc Us ( Corner Clips iW siiif if) VJi Fff Wi-tW Brackets j 1 The easiest, ' f i-: : 11 r ( fastest. Y7 ' i !: M ! put-it-together- J 7 ' IS , JV yourself K7 i :: yr furniture Idea r- -1 1 'f ! since nails. K .""' i GOnU&QfiGtDPO ! I ySJSTJMJ !: I11 -- - :'; Ouit Custom Wood ffgi See Us )j I Shop Will Fill ' IV" J for ,( LC ': Youk Cuttiivc j,,, ibJg2erb,c& M I r ' Kkkiks! shelving N; (251 : 1 " 309 North Greensboro Street - 1 : CarrboroCliajiel Hill , D"1-, ;i Telephone 942-3153 CT9CT(TO Rv :5 Open Daily 8-5, Saturday till noon I II l( - K AAA A Through a special financing program sponsored by the Town of Chapel Hill, you can now own a home in The Neighborhoods or. Tandler, with a mortgage payment that can be as low as $500 per month(taxes and insurance additional). HOUSEHOLD INCOME GUIDELINE CHART FOR (80 OF AREA MEDIAN INCOME) EFFECTIVE JANUARY 15, 1990 PERSONS IN MAXIMUM ANNUAL . HOUSEHOLD GROSS INCOME $23,450 26,800 l 2 3 4 5 6 7 30,150 33,500 35,600 ' 37,700 39,800 left for EQUAL HOUMNS OPPORTUNITY 11 The Town of Chapel Hill will provide a deferred second mortgage for between $21,676 and $26,676 depending on your qualifications. NO PAYMENTS DUE ON SECOND MORTGAGE UNTIL THE HOME IS SOLD. Up Your The history of UNC Some of you people have been writ ing in here saying that my columns aren't serious enough. Some of you have even gone so far as to say, "Get the hell off these pages or we'll firebomb your new VW." I can take a hint. I don't need to be hit repeatedly over the head with a Louis ville Slugger to catch your drift, although it does give me one hell of a rush. I don't need to be yelled at and stepped on like the dog I am to see what you want. You want smart. You want astute political commentary. You want intelligent analyses of world affairs. Hey, I can't do miracles. But okay, just to satisfy you retent ives out there, I'll give you intelligent and astute and some other big words. I'll give you analyses like you ain't never seen before. I'll give you straight news and maybe, just maybe, I'll give you a free case of Turtle Wax, 'cause that's just the kinda guy I am. Here's your political commentary: Gov. Jim Martin is a ninny. There. Now you can't touch me, because if you do, you're obstructing my right to free speech and free press and free opinions and a whole bunch of other free stuff the Supreme Court is p 100 Rain Tree Lane New John Bland X. '' jj'Mj I about to outlaw. So there. (Editor's note In case you haven't noticed, and you'd have to be blind not to, John has discovered how to make italics. He does this by pressing the 'Control' key and the letter V at the same time. We've removed both of these keys from his keyboard, so the problem should be corrected. Thanks for your patience). As was say ng, astute pol t cal analys s s my m ddle name. (Actually, my m ddle name s Harr ngton, but for the sake ofths story, '11 let t be Astute Pol t cal Analys s.) Pres dent Bush, a close per sonal fr end of m ne, has told me several tmesthat ought to run for off ce. told h m that Hey! What the hell's go ng on here! Where are my "s! can't wrte! Sht! That ' s better. I ' ve told them not to do that anymore. So. Now that I've gotten that intelli gence out of my system, I can go back to writing about my other favorite subjects, but I've been told that this issue is being mailed to incoming freshmen, junior transfers and graduate students (grad students need read no further. You've had your astute political analysis, dammit.) I think the first thing we ought to do is get acquainted. Hi. I'm John. I'm an Aquarius, 42-34-36, and my turn-ons include Daffy Duck cartoons, romantic escapades on water slides and beer. My turn-offs include Republicans, people with no senses of humor and that little stringy thing that hangs from my mouth Freshman year: an extreme version Dear Mom, Well here I am in my fourth week at Carolina and I finally have the where withal to write home, but don't think it is easy, because I feel like I've been mentally treading water in a vat of Mrs. Butterworth for the last month. I arrive here clueless as the wind, and it's taken me so long to figure out what stuff like "cross-listed prerequisite" and "pro rated refund" meant that I haven't been able to figure out how to open my dorm mailbox. When Dad and I pulled up in front of my dorm on the day I moved in, my mouth dropped open. It's called Hinton James, and it sort of looks like the building where they stored all the bod ies in the movie Coma. Architecturally speaking, it can be compared to an X wing fighter with 10 floors, built during the late '60s, a testament to how ugly student housing can be and still have running water. Apparently it's named after the first student ever here, a dude that walked here from Wilmington, so I guess you have to credit Student Housing for providing a realistic almost-like-you-were-there re-creation of his light year walk to class. Inside, it's not bad if you had an unlimited meal card and the ability to subsist on Ding-Dongs, you could probably go without ever leaving. There's a snack bar on the ground floor that specializes in student impulse, so they have every candy bar, food color ing and polysorbate chemical known to man. There's a law here I can't figure out that says that by living in the dorm, we have to have a meal card with a bunch of money paid on it whether we like the food service or not you also need a little card to copy anything, so I guess pretty soon there'll be a manda tory Xerox meal plan too. The bathrooms in my suite are okay, as long as you're not an intervenous toilet paper user. When there is toilet paper, it's locked onto this thing called the Sav-Haf holder, a dispenser invented by a dyslexic engineer who woke up in the middle of the night with the vision that if you couldn't get any toilet paper off the roll you would certainly be saving a lot of it. The toilets are, of course, from our friends at Quiet-Flush II a toilet so loud that I'm sure it sets off the seismograph over in Raleigh per sonally, I'd love to hear what the Quiet Flush I sounded like. Thomas Andrew Smith is my room mate, and he is about as fascinating as his charming moniker. He's a sopho more, and he didn't even show up until the first actual school night; around 1 1 o'clock he bashed through the door, Crook's Corner 610W. Franklin St., Chapel Hill NC 929-7643 Reservations accepted I r & . acccording to John after I brush my teeth. (Okay now it's your turn). Hi. I'm (your name here). I'm a (as trology sign here), (measurements here, and if you don't know them I'll be happy to find them for you), and my turn-ons include (list three). My turn offs include (list three). So nice to meet you, (your name here). " Now that we've gotten those intro ductions out of the way, let me give you the whole history of UNC in a couple paragraphs. The University of North Carolina was founded in 1790-something or other, or maybe earlier, or maybe later. It was founded by a dude named McCorkle, who got real bent one night, wandered into some woods, and puked his guts out. He then looked down at his upchucked lunch and said, "This will be the site of our first state university," and then he passed out. Legend has it that on cold nights when the moon is out about three-quarters you can still see him, hunched over on McCorkle Place, heaving. Usually, though, it's just drunk frat boys named Todd coming back from Thursday late-nights at the SAE house. The first student, a kid from Wilmington named Hinton James, walked the two hundred miles from his home to Chapel Hill, then was told to walk over to Carr Building to get cashier clearance, then over to Steele Building to get his dean's approval, then to Hanes Hall to turn in his pre-registration, then back to Carr because he owed 62 cents on a library book, then back to Steele, then back to Hanes. By the time he had turned in his completed, corrected freshman registration he had already graduated. So he walked the two hun dred miles back to his South Campus Ian Williams Wednesday's Child plopped down an idustrial-size fan and threw a Remington 12-gauge shotgun on the bed. He took a look at my poster of Beethoven and said, "Mmmph." That began one of the most special and rewarding relationsfiips'l've ever enjoyed. Here are a few choice examples of our male bonding: "So, you're from Edenton..." "Mmmph." "You like hunting, huh?" "Ungh." "You use Crest! Wow, so do I!" "Glurb." From four weeks of close psycho logical inspection, the only brain waves that I can pick up from Thomas is that his sole hobbies in life are reading back issues of Guns and Ammo, and seeing how long he can go on one pair of socks. Perhaps I needn't mention that the room doesn't exactly smell like a stroll through a spring garden, but as long as the Lysol doesn't run out I don't think we're breaking too many health codes. Actually, Thomas is a breath of fresh air compared to my suitemates, who I think go out of their way to make sure I have the Southern Experience. The guys next door chew amazing amounts of tobacco, which in itself doesn't bother me, but Mom I swear to God, one of them has saved every bit of spittle he's created since mid-August. His oral refuse now fills three two-liter bottles, which stand proudly on his shelf illumi nated by the fluorescent light so that his whole room is bathed in a brown aura. He also gets drunk every weekend on Ol' Grandad and sings the "Go Ba nanas" cheer at the top of his voice until the RA can't stand it anymore. To be fair, they're really nice guys, but they make California seem like it's on an other planet. Classes here are great; we talk about Gregorian chants in Music class, and orgasm in psychology I try to slice open a sorority chick in fencing, and then paint her gentle visage in Art class it beats the hell out of the trigonometry bile I had to swim through in high school. Academically I think I'm fine, but sometimes it's hard to tell when I'm sitting in an auditorium where I can Fine Southern Dining Open at 6:00 for dinner. Sunday Brunch 11:00 - 2:00 pm ill dorm, packed his bags, and left. Things went smoother after that, until a little incident called the Civil War, also called the War Between the States, or the Blue Vs. the Gray, or the Sugar Bowl. UNC students immediately re alized the seriousness of this, and some even lost their lives running the hundreds of miles to the Canadian border. It was during this conflict that UNC got the nickname we still use today.. While watching a basketball game be tween UNC and Syracuse, Gen. Robert E.Lee, despondent over Carolina's play, said, "Look at them damn North Caro lina boys. They look like they're play-, ing with tar on their heels!" And sure enough, they were, because Syracuse had laid down a fresh coating in the. visitors locker room, causing Carolina's,: sneakers to stick to the court. The team: lost, 98-77, despite a season-high 34 from Michael Jordan. After the war was over, million of Yankees, called "Yuppies," poured into the decrepit South. They came in droves,, in Volvos and in Saabs. They bought out all the good pool halls and turned them into "billiardsparlours."Then they ! went and did something so nasty that; we here in the South don't even like to think about it: They applied for admission to UNC And they got in. They brought their Volvos, their J. Crew sweaters, their annoying accents. They brought their yogurt shops by the ton. They got in the best fraternities, took over the best bars, and, worst of all, they got the best women because they had all the money! It was around this time that a bunch of journalism students got together and decided to start a newspaper. It was to See JOHN, page 15B barely see my professor. There are more ' people in my astronomy class than were in my entire high school graduating class, and sometimes I feel like my social security number is going to be the only thing that sets me apart from all. these other kids. Which is basically the only real problem I have here; I'm an out-of-stater who came here not know ing a single soul, and now I watch my classmates giggle and scream about the ' things they did on the weekend with all their friends. Although I' ve met so many people, I haven't found my niche yet, so; ' I wander the Pit alone and sit by myself in the back of the dining hall. Carolina ' is an amazing school with flowing fields ' of grass and flowers, huge stately trees' ' set aeainst 18th century towers, ana, gorgeous sunsets that set the campus' awash in a rich orange glow, but if I ' don't find some friends soon the medics will find me glossy-eyed on the Quiet Flush II. But don't worry, Mom I'm still happy and doing the best I can out here , away from the nest. I won't tell you what time I went to bed last night , but rest assured that I'm not doing anything that you guys probably didn't do when ' you had my hormone level. I love you ' (please send money!), Ian. Editor's note: This article is reprinted from a Sept. 28, 1988, edition of The Daily Tar Heel. Ian Williams is a 1990 UNC graduate from somewhere in Los Angeles. landmark tree The Davie Poplar is a landmark older than UNC itself. j --o J tree, which is more than 200 years old. Stories suggest that William Richardson Davie, author and introducer of the bihV that established the University, person- allv loratfrt TTNP around thft tree. Al- VM IV 1 ( V'l I II I .till I 1 I I J 111 I I 1 1 iw ' though this is doubtful, the name Davie was assigned to the tree almost a century Int.. V. i "'s-kmAlio "DViilliTic Qnpnrpr tr commemorate one of these tales. i Another legend about the poplar is t that while on a picnic in the spring of. 1792, Davie and the site-selection committee of the University met and z- i t- : arter arinKing ana maicing merry, ux ic 1 , r-. n Ufnnli intn tK orni mi t r nil uai a pujJiai uiauv.li iniw mw uunu iu mark the new site, announcing, "This is it." The switch supposedly grew into tl-i ninia P-rlar (Tht i c viunc nrnvpn untrue, as Davie was not on the com mittee.) 14K UNC Seal CLASS RING made in our shop $440. to size 7 DIAMONDS JEWELRY MAKERS Wi'M rr.mklin Slrtt-1, ( h.ipt-l Hill , J2'M)2Hf 9:10 -: ) ( nmciiivnl iurkinf( utrnvr funklin & ( hurth SK . -

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