The Daily Tar HeelThursday, June 28, 1 9901 5B STOIE m uf Haven't started worrying about getting a bum roommate yet? You will now It's August 25. Your parents have ...a phone bill rivaling the cost of the just deserted you. You turn and walk recent Rolling Stones world tour, with slowly into the dorm that will be your all calls placed to 1-900-HOT-MAMA... home for the next eieht months. Of course college has its good points and its bad points. For instance, it's better than being in jail there are no bars on the windows, and the toilets work most of the time. One of the draw backs is having to live with someone in a room the size of a small telephone booth. Welcome to UNC. It's doubtful you'll find yourself sharing a room with a purple-haired, leather-strapped roommate who has a safety pin through the nose, but let's be HalversonSudderth ...and of course, snoring. Finally, we would like to dispell a myth that has circulated among fresh man classes longer than the legend of Silent Sam and state budget cuts have been around: YOU DO NOT RE CEIVE A 4.0 IF YOUR ROOM MATE DIES (although, if it's your fault, you might get life). So remember, nomatterhowbadyourroommatemight Chip Sudderth and Grant Halyer son be. some iurv. somewhere, iust mieht are rising junior s from Kernersville and convict you. Clemmons, respectively. They hope to'. Have a nice year. be funny one of these days. ,4 realistic. There's just no way of know ing exactly what species you'll be rooming with this fall, and there are a quite a few clunkers out there. Perhaps you haven't stopped to think of every thing that could possibly go wrong. For example, make sure the person sleeping in the other bed understands the necessity of paying the phone bill, especially if it's in your name. If that bill doesn't get paid, Southern Bell will drop you like a two-month-old fish. Speaking of fish, when check-out for Fall Break rolls around, be sure you're the last to leave. Otherwise your roomie will forget to turn off the aquarium heater, and you'll return to the lovely aroma of goldfish soup. There are many methods of dealing with this type of person: our favorite is a really big shotgun. College is where you get to experi ence freedom at its finest late hours, frat parties and continuous pursuit of the opposite sex (remarkably, all or this tends to happen at the same time). You chase and flirt and finally you discover Ms. Right. You invite her back to your room... But beware! Remember that guitar your roommate has stashed away in the closet? The one he said he can only "play a few chords" on? As soon as you leave to get some ice, he'll begin to serenade her with Debbie Gibson's "Lost In Your Eyes." Nauseating, to be sure, but it works, and suddenly you're spending the night with Arsenio. Mean while they're on the balcony playing tonsil hockey. No justice in this world This is not just a male problem. La dies, if your roommate has this strange urge to walk around in nothing but a towel whenever your significant other is around, guess what? It's the '90s, and the date-stealing company has become an equal opportunity employer. Another amusing diversion that might endear you to your hallmates is the ever-popular Stereo Wars. You are perfectly comfortable with Guns n Roses. Your roommate leans towards Randy Travis. Both of you get vicari ous thrills from feeling the speakers' vibrations emanating at 140 decibels But when both of you are in a musical mood at the same time, the ensuing bedlam is guaranteed to result in major structural damage, irate neighbors, and mutually homicidal feelings between you and your roommate. The solution: get in touch with your roommate beforehand and decide which one of you brings the stereo. Out of the goodness of your heart, volunteer. That gives you the upper hand, and insures that there's only one type of obnox iously loud music coming from your room at any given time. Space prohibits us from describing all the gory details of living with some one. And we haven't even scratched the surface. We haven't even talked about in a triple when you know you paid for a double (For the unin formed, this is college. People spend time in others' rooms, especially others of the other sex. Lots of time. Go fig ure.)... ...stacks of three-week-old dirty dishes that would be more appropriate in a biology lab than in a dorm room... ...piles of clothing that haven't been washed in so long the smell sets off dorm smoke alarms... (fa T i John from page 14B be called The Daily Tar Heel and it was to be published every day or until they all got kicked out. I think you know what happened next. They all did get kicked out, and it wasn't until ten years later, in 1893, that The Daily Tar Heel became the respected college newspa per that it remains today, even if it does publish junk like this. . After that, nothing much happened until the fall of 1 986, when a intelligent, vibrant, oh-so-good-looking freshman named John Bland entered the hallowed balconies of Morrison Residence Hall. ; But I'm gonna need a whole 'nother column for that. Want to keep up with the news at UNC without haying to rely on your kids writ ing to you? Sub scribe to the Daily Tar Heel! Call 962-1163. Buy UsbA ri sv j iJ I j L V- 7 -T 1 I 7 1 1 iJ Comer of Maiette & Franklin 0 929-5228 Vww ' mmt mm l'm ':mMm mmmmmmmmm . aMm , yas vJ WeB yB kB 'oaks Year und!l "Your Used Textbooks Headquarters Mon.-Fri.8 am-6 pm Saturday 1 0 am-5 pm D