30Cradiiatiori Gift Giiitfc 92)TiK baiTy t at 'U&dfystyiW27t'V992'" P M' in mm. "in ii i i iini i mm M '" "nun ii Laura W. First a roommate, then a friend. From casual con versation to mind- bog gling debate. We clashed for being equally strong; we had met our match. But when no one else could give us that level of challenge and fulfillment, we realized that the dif ferences were gone. We came back to each other. And I'll never say good bye again. Love, Robin. Stephen Roberts You made it! Congratula tions and love from Mom and Dad. Chrissy May 10 we will drink lots of booze but you'll still suck your thumb while you snooze. You're my 1 sober laugh attack But at Subway they all think we're quacks. Every month life can add a new stress But as we know you're still not in the mess And our Freudian slip isn't salt or pep per yet But my friend you're the best that they get. - m Ernie You know who you are and so do the three gorgeous women in your life. You ie a hoser but we love ya! Congrats on your graduation let's get drunk! Ang, Donna, Deena m Bam-Bam Dating you has changed my life forever! No more first dates! I'm gonna miss the way you smell (oh-so-good), your pene trating smile, and your strong cuddly teddy-bear arms wrapped around me this sum mer. Despite the distance between us we'll have each other in our hearts. I love you! Pebbles m 3 Place Theta Chi Seniors EVAN, ZACH, SNUFF, ROOSTER, SANTA, BIG MAC, MORIN. It won't be the same without your smiling faces, but just the same we'll have more parking spaces. We pro mise never to call and ask for alumni contributions... NOT!!!! ACO and SABER: Thanks for the true, consistent friendship. You're wonderful! I'm glad we're futureless together. I nope not to miss you next year. Meet you at He s Not after Grav itation... Love, Elif. m AMY A. "So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him." Colossians 2:6. We love yu! E haus small group. ANGELA- Congratulations, nice girl! I will miss you next year! Remernber, no lies or if s an automatic zero for you! Punchbug! Your stepsis, Amy. f m CANOLLI-r- I'd always have lived with you on campus if I weren't so backwards. I m also too "in-like" with Foo-Fo. It's not my fault you look like Robert Kedford!! Best wishes to a cool preposition. DAVIDA the past 212 years have been great! isseyka isseyka Congrats on Graduation! I love you and remember the best is yet to come! Love your buga boo m GRANT T.! Your partying makes me as proud as your early graduation! Take care, good luck, and don't forget to write! have a great summer Deena GREEN SLIMY MONSTER Before graduation, here's to the past eight great months! The Braves, punchbugs, 3am, Poc ahontas, Tucumseh, "DORK!", Typhoid, concerts, lots of tooth paste, "committal!" Now you're shacking up with a GRAD... I love you, WEIRD CHICK B HEATHER, Excuse me miss, Candygram... I'mcrazy spoon head so crazy I've got a spoon on my head now give me some candy... oh my gah, could you die? You're leaving... just a moment, I'm a little vek lempt. Talk amongst your selves. I'll give you a topic... Oprah what is the deal with her? A 3-hour tour, A 3-hour tour?!... Gonna miss you! Have a wonderful gradua-shon! You're like butter! Love, your SNL roomie! PS. Quite a cercie, huh? HEY LOU Remember: Elton, bad RAs, good RAs, Navy Sucks, Mr. Mole, Got your keys? Got the other? Daytona 92. We've had lots of fun! Good Luck in Richmond. Anita. B HEY MIKE! (Oh and Jody too). Bookey says you're done. Bennett, Walsh, James, the suite say tenacity. Thanks for b-ball. Chemistry, Lincolnton parties, the red head, and screaming tecmos. We'll remember you guys forever and thanks much for your friendship. Jeeb and Russ. B HOOCH You're outta here! Good luck with everything. Thanks for your friendship, advice, etc. How else would I have made it? Please write. The Sydnorian. JAMI: Best wishes for fulfilled ceilingfan fantasies and avoid ing potatoe brain damage! you're a goddess I wouldn't have survived without you. You've earned the right to dis cuss my bladder anytime!! Love Crazy. JB, LIKE YOUR JACKET! Been to the post office lately? Congratulations and good luck in the real world! We'll miss you. Love, ES and MM JENNIFER S. Congratula tions! I'm so proud of you. I love you and wish you all the best! Love, your sisser Lauren JENNIFER I have had a wonderful semester. We've had a good start and we're getting good run. I LOVE YOU7 Jim. 0 JOHN with the red hat It's too bad we didn't get to spend more time together. I really would have liked to. I told you that you'd get a personal. Keep in touch and take care Your AMC in Carolina sweatshirt wearing buddy. JULIEN: REMEMBER CAPS and gowns? Just blue sea under golden sun. Remember term papaers? Just laughing in Davis Library. Remember my rebel? Just the way you kiss. Remem ber life is sweet just us. Christina. KATIE AND KAREN Here's to Dunkin' Donuts runs, James Taylor, 9th East memories, the ten hour trip to Emerald Isle, the Clefs, the Halloween dish detergent, and two wonderful friends. Thanks for all the laughs! Remember, "you've got a fnend" Love, Amy. KEITH, JEN KEITH, KRITZER, ANNE-MARIE: Enjoyed our talks and van rides and general silliness. Share and give and be and do lots next year. You're still too sexy... Love, Elif LAURA, MARK, NEIL, DOUG: The last 3 (4 for some) years have been great, especially the Final FourTCongrats to those with jobs and good luck to those of us without. Happy Graduation! Leah. LAURIE, DON'T STOP! Rah, rah, Carolina! 3am... Ohmigod! It's Eric! Convertibles and Hondas. CPA? Rosey's. No not the place the man. Disci plining the kids Turbo and Bentley. Remember the green beans? 6th grade hamsters! "Did you know that someone's in your bed?" Friends for ten years. Christine. m LORIN: Lef s talk about sex; no more Vodka shots; Troll's fiasco; camping for nosebleeds; Speak my Language; I do too party; Phi Beta Kappa no show; It's been fun; Sorry we're so silly. Love Julie & Diana. MATT Congratulations on graduation, but what are you gonna do without my computer and bike? Girl Scout cookie money? Gonna miss Tippy? NOT! The youngest room mate p.s. Joe Too bad you're not graduating because you could have hadyour own per sonal. MICHAEL P. "I wanna be like Mike!" except you have two legs and suck at Bomberman. To my fellow Star Wars freak, thanks for a greatyear. Call me from England FWGIII MIJETTE I didn't want to graduate without thanking you for the tender sundae. I liked your fingers but now I'm crazy over your belly! Love ya even if you run away with Dolly Partem. P.S. Because of you I want to make my bed, grow flowers, wear my seatlelt. Hmmmm!! Love always, Sunset Susie. w MIKE AND JODY, Well ayy! Big real world coming! We 11 miss you two. Yak! Yak! Yak! Yak! Yak! Harley Girls from the Cruise Crew '92 MISSY: Union, Soci, MyStat, Parties, ballgames at Ham's, studying, scoping, library, com puter lab, 'jim", cinnamon buns, coffee at 8:00, what a year! Right? Thanks! Becky. EE The Development Office sends best wishes to its graduating senior interns: Tracy Edwards, Cindy Garner, Matt Lowell, Kelli Matthews, Liz Rosen baum, Leslie Shields, Rebecca Smith and Tracey Wilson. Congratulations! NANANANA NANAN ANA Hey Hey Hey goodbye to the graduat ing Connorites: Kristie, Beth, Judy, Bill, Mark, Mike, Melissa, Markland, et al. Good luck in the real world! The rest of us Connor kids will Miss you. Keep in touch. Love, Carrie and Amy. PARUL, Thanks for putting up with us and thank us for putting up with you! We will miss you so keep in touch. Sam, Tweedy, Manchichi, Dhorio, and the other Whitey. P.S. Remember your stock value. J2 PEOPLE CAME AND WENT; for "Miriam," my true friend, here's a collage of four years. Kyoto. Morgantown. Pitts burgh. Swim test. Lotus Inn. Big Red. Humvee sharks. Pumping basketballs. Cafe Giorgios. Desert Storm Victory Parade and concert, neon bracelet, clutching Marines and belting out "God Bless the USA." Hit me with your best shot. Moaning "I'll Give All My Love to You," eyes closed, getting lost at Fort Bragg. Vietnam fucks. Lou. Outstanding rebounding. Chase. Me babbling, you listen ing. Boone's Farm. The Rat. Waiting for "if s your world" to call collect. Mean boys down with OPP. "The horror," laughs, tears, hugs, support, love and unconditional friendship. "Your friend is your needs answered." Kahlil Gibran. I love and thank you. I leave UNC now; U, never. PSN B RMK Where did the time go? Good luck with medical school. You're going to be a super doc, but you 11 always be a slacker to me. Willie and I will miss you terribly. Thanks for everything. I love you. JAH. m ROXXY Stop studying and buy me a motorcycle! You'll be the best teacher ever. To the most beautiful lizard on cam pus, I love you FWGIII. m SEAN Thanks for all the late night talks and slumber parties. You've made my year quite memorable. I hope all. your dreams come true. Love, The Freshman. P.S. Sorry I play too much!! SHAWN & ELLA Congrats! Have a nice life! And don t call me at 4:00am drunk anymore. Diane Is Place SNUFF: As graduation is com ing near we'd like to leave you with some memories that may not be very clear. First and foremost, the truth about you and Thucker. Did you ever suck her? Playing card games late at night The predictions were out of sight! Squeaky springs heard throughout the house Every creature was stir ring, even your mouse The soccer pplayers that are dear to your heart Or is it your other body part? The night you flat tered us with your physique In the pink and black bathing suit that was oh so chic! One night stand with that Rebecca girl We bet that made your head" swirl We have one thing to ask before we say goodbye So answer honestly and tell no lie. How many of our friends did you like, One, two, or just KW SOME KNOW HER AS LOU CRETIA, some as Lou, others as Secretions or Flotations, I know her as a great friend. Thanks for being one. Love Anita. STUDLY: I wish you the utmost success and happiness. YOU control your life, so stop pre tending you don't. Please quit the wimpiness, make some decisions, and help me make mine. Love, (Not 2) VIXEN. B PAM, HOW WILL I survive without your advice that I have come to depend upon here? Easily with someone like you to admire! Congratulations, Tara. B SUELOO Here's to M&M's, Zingers, Mom's cookies, MEN (lack thereof), Virginia (the superior state NOT) it all our little crisis in the morning (what am I going to wear?) We will miss you. Good Luck. Love Christina, Aliza, Kim, Michelle & Darice. TARA: Thanks for the laughs, hugs, and friendship. Trolls, Hevs Not, and Time Out will miss us! Remember: "Good friends never say good bye" and you're the best! Love Ya! Wendy. B 2m Place THERESA, We came, we saw, we drank, we laughed, we cried, we played lacrosse, we wore black, we felt stupid, we got stressed, we got dumped, we dumped, we had "the Dest time!" Get psyched for bar golf! You're the best! Love ya, Jeannine B TO KENDALL Congratula tions! "R.N'f you glad you're finally graduating? Hey Daydoll, never forget the mem ories: Burned spaghetti boxes, $1500 for stainless steel? The fartingshoe, Whaf s for dinner? Rob Raleigh Can I have the car? Eat cake! "Amoeba Lady," Another paper massacre on the computer, "Rob-style" sofa boxed up for your 20th! I missed the bus... Again! We may be roommates and sisters, but we're also the best of friends. I'll miss you. Sis! Keri B "TO MY INSANE friends in Parker and Shelley (I remem bered my promise)! Thanks for 4 GREAT years and good luck in the future! Love, Wendy. TO THE FUTURE O.T. Chapel Hill has had you for 4 years. Now it's time to conquer Richmond. Kick butt in grad school. Love the future (hope fully) dentist. PS. I will work on your teeth for half price. TO: Shyrtle, Hayna, Allicar, Jules, Steph, Dawn and Sueby (and those long lost Delta Jays, Amy K. and Tncia) We've come a long way from the days we lived in Joyner, wore way too much hairspray, hooked up with bizarre frat boys and were total cheeseballs. Thanks for all those memories that have made the last four years the best of my life. I couldn't have made it through college without ya'U... or at least I wouldn't have had as much fun. You are my best friends. Remember Sue EPs rule that said, "Don't leave college with anything permanent scars, tattoos, husbands, babies." Well, I think we'll all break it, because we are leaving with each other and thaf s for ever. I love you to the moon and stars. Kerry K. ANITA You are halfway home! Keep loving me, fix my teeth for free, you're the greatest, 'nuf said. Congrats and I love you. Grant EI BNB, To my "True Compan ion." If s time to move on and I'm so glad we found each other so we can meet the challenges together. Ovela lwaysAA, Mr. Goob. B CHALK, to countless nights at Bub's, He's Not, etc. "Get You Some" at Yale but watch having more than one interest in a bar at the SAME TIME! See ya and I wouldn't wanna be ya! SCRUGGS PETER wasn't sickl SAM I'll miss you next year! But, when I'm depressed I will remember that you are working hard in Med school so I can have joint checking! Right? 1 Love You! Diane These are a few of my favorite things. Matt B., Avery (NOT), Hardee's, ZZ Top (NOT) Lasagna, Cheers, Darryl's, Pink Floyd, Love pease, a mature summer, Grove Park Inn, green eyes, knee reflex checks, park way, Kelly imitations, hot pink undies, Siena Hotel, pound cake, Kool-Aid toys, chias, "Whatever You Owe Me," the running man, sweet walks and talks, April 13, cold kisses, being called a type of head. Your mouthwash (NOT), phle botimists, being in love, my pre cious babee, VP..P. I love you. SDS. B YO SCATTMAN Moving your arms faster is definitely one way of dancing through life! Here's to discovering many more... Sincerely, XOK To The DTH Finest Anita & Lorrie I'm sitting here in my tiny cub byhole trying to say what I feel. But the words won't come. But the tears do. Saying goodbye is my least favorite thing, especial ly to you two. You each person ify grace under pressure (flame, fury, not to mention cussing), splendid friendship and a warmth that's hard to find. Remember us as we will remember you always. Love, thoughts & best wishes, Leslie The Wingster Whether it's newspapers or classrooms, you'll do great. (But stand on the podium if it's a classroom!) If s been neat to get to know you (& Christina); too bad that edit thing kept you from walking before. Keep in mind that debatable topics always make the time fly when fou're pounding the pavement, lope that cross-country thing works out well (don't fall in any canyons) and L.A. treats you better than other motorists. All the best to you (but only if you stay in touch) Leslie Grad Goodbye Winners To pick up prizes, please come to the Daily Tar Heel Office before 5pm Tuesday, April 28 or call 962-0252.. Remember to bring your ID! is IS Is