Page Two lheChspd Bil Weekly , W 1X.i.w... -»- I . f •*■*'*" I €mamL sc.* r * I "** ] IBhlnbmß • bb jbhJlHp . _—J '—!— -!! L. I ■ ■=] *•* ~ -... ,•.;■•_ . ' •■-.'■ .-i • 4 Ijßcivs Pift StrGchK ’ am m n _ j ' J* y pfiy opon the earth, ! bat n f em mm are they so be*o tSfuHr and perfectly blended as' they were ia fc™ whom Has! connmsnity now wm His Me was a constant grace «*] Kjwuirif to make easier the bor dess of others, and ids selfless- 1 ness gained a hundredfold inj virtue because he was so com-; pktdy unconscious of it No] scan ever kdd less of claim toj the love of those about him, and j nosse ever won it snore securely. 1 Near a century ago a great Eng- 3 ii&hm&n. is a tribute to the greatest of Americas*, asked: “What is a gentleman T’ and an- j svered: “To bear good fortune' 'meekly, to suffer evil with cos-J eta aesr, and through «ev§ vn good to maintain the truth sL-. ways.” So might the earn* words be spoken of the good gray man who died and wan at rest last week. Someone will come to carry on his work, err:» will doubtless do it well; i place as head of the Law School will be filled, but i i>, place is the hearts cf his friend is hk vqry own. There wii j never he another Lucius Me ! Gcfate mmwatoailMiigir Rwwi r i mrg *. Supercharged Atmosphere The Durham Hera’d wants more football games in Durham Football being euT'- favor! sport and the Durham arena be ing within easy distance of cm f*ome, we applaud this am,A' tiun. Moreover, we roust sa., ‘ that there seems so be some- ■ thing in the air of our neigh j feor town that puts a lot of ex , tra spirit in the fray. The Car ! oiina and Trinity players went ; at each other like two gangs ci ; hungry tigers last Friday, a no 1 when they weren't struggling T/ith their muscles they were do ing eqme powerful debating. Or so it looked to us from our seat.! We can't swear to what was go- ; ing on. ] And the Herald, telling of the Durharo-Henderson high school contest the very next day, speaks of it as a “hectic game, featured by wild passing, fights and near fights. • * ♦ * • The remainder of the game was a see-saw affair, marked by many substitutions, much wrangling and display of ill tem per. Following the game there were several attempts to start fights among the player* and it required the hardest sort of work on the part of coaches, of firialsand others to keep order until the yoaths’ blood csoL ed ” , Yes, sir, the Durhaft at mosphere is surely super charged. Bnilding Lair Needed Chapel Hill should have a modern building law embodying restriction* upon private under takings for the benefit of, the village ae *a whole. - There art persofte who, because they have given no thought to the sub ject* will see Id this suggestion a threat to individual rights. But it is no such threat. On the contrary, proper restrictions era a safeguard to owners and developers of land, and enhance rather then endanger values. The correct way to go about x tho job ia not to try to put into effect, ah at onee, a “city plan” 'that seeks to carry out a thoory *f perfection. Public opinion .fiats, in Us pfTffwt state, would .not support such regulation of .the details of bmkfing as was in | force years ago in Europe and has lately been embraced by; of the large cities of ! America. Let a start with; jthese two steps: First, estab ]feh building fines act a certain distance from street fines* riak-j hsg a difference, of course. be tween business ißrfrrt« »»d 3 home, districts. Second, create based open the use and. daracter of building, to prevent ] the USB* of whole by the erecthm within than of 1 There is nothing revoiati t *n-j !«? or in the lightest degrees dangerous about this. It is not! an experiment The common-1 sense of it has been thoroughly 3 proven. And the fate of towns' which grew cp before the idea 1 iaf regulation was introduced is] a3 the argument which a pru tdent municipal government has : to ask for. j As the law stands now, a gav jriine stataan could go up on the! |A. H. Patterson corner next to j |C. T. Woollen’s. *a meat market i ;next door to Isaac Pritchard’s, . ] 333 it* factory or a grocer/ or a garage next to C-de -Eu-1 . banks’ home on Cameron ave inue. These particular project I are of course highly hnorob ;abie, but they serve to illus trate. These or even much le.-. liaerious encroachments ought to ■ e mads impossible. In New York City a few years - *£o unrestricted building had . wrought su*.h harm that the cify government appointed a iidghta-of - Buildings CommL ■ uon and shortly afterward a ’comroi ,-sion on Building Dis tricts and Restrictions, The • of the ia xn-s of these uwo bodies was a-statute that controlled construction through out the whole of the metropolis. ’ Ai certain sectkms tiiere, were permitted only hbmeo; in oth ertf, “light manufacturing,” ■■i-cri as toe making of hats and : jewelry and eldfeing, but rr/. xueh industries as tanning and glue-making and iron foundries. <in outlying districts homes must e set back fijom the street line i«o many feet; in other aisiric.r, [the crowded character of which r had aiready been lued,- the., j might be flash with the street ' sine, | j An important print about this reiornL was that it was support ed not merely by reformers but by the canniest, mo 't commen jcj a J-minded men of the city.N (They saw in it the salvation of, jralner than danger to, real to- ; tune owners. 'lhe courts, from lowest to highest, upheld the constitutionality of the law, and now nobody who proposed that New York should go back to the old Unrestricted building policy | would be listened to tor a mio-j ute. The same sort of thing has] happened since In other cities and in small towns. Washing-] ton, In fact, was .ahead of New . York in making restrictions, ’though there they are not near ly so elaborate. Chapel Hill’s growth is just beginning. Now is the time to] aeL — It is a case of shutting the stable door in time to keep the horse in instead of after he U gone. If we don’t get busy and put into legal form some sensi ble building restrictions we, are going to regret it. Meanwhile, It is la fine thing that some of our eitizens, acting in groups, are putting into ef*' feet restrictions to protect their home colonies from disfigure ment. # Here ie a hint for Mist Nancy Battle: If she will ar range to put on dally at her coffee house as fine a dance as she gave in- the Forest Theatre Monday, her place will be crowd ed. She and Misa Gray and Miss Sauls did themselves proud. Mrs. Hickerson has returned from her home in Honda to spend the winter with her son, ".Jr vyW > if jjyilfWT 11 * *■ *Random Shots I BY HALIFAX JONES - j I could name a score of rea sons why I am glad I am nut stOl in the Army, and then not iiUlf exhaust the list* but none is more potent than the one that is broaghi to mind by the report of President Coofidge’s recent treview of the Marines. , Not all the drudgery of drill and “polic ing” is as detestable to the aol- Idier or junior officer as reviews 'and parades. How we hated «these shows put on to tickle the ’vanity of some military or civi lian bigwig! Tire higher offi =ers, from major up, iiked the .performance well enough* I ; think—they could enjoy the strutting without having any of ‘the disagreeable work. But if] | the notables in the reviewing ! i -stand could have only heard 1 what the men of lower ranks were saying under their breath ,ss the bands played and the j platoons marched byi It would ‘have scorched their ears. • • •' This reminds me of the re ma-k I heard.the wife of a re jently commisspned officer make t when her husband went down ,/rom New York to the-Mexican x>rder at the time of the Villa “fir de. He been a dandy in civil life , and he carried over into the Army fcis love of fine clothes. The v/eek before his departure he spent in obtaining an outfit of splendid new' uni forms. “Aren’t you afraid for your husband?” a friend of the v .£« a -ked her. The anewfer was - ‘Tin not afraid of the Mexicans, but lin mightily afraid Jack will strut himself to death.” ♦ * * \ . Meetings! Meetings! Meek ingil Was ever before such a tiraa in the history of man ? There is not afi afternoon or a rught that one is not called upon to attend something or other. [Associations, dubs* leagues foi this or that worthy reform, chufeh node ter, civic bodies, chambers of commerce and ■' oartis of t \ ztie, literary circles, committees of infinite variety— Av-y seem as numerous as the xands of the sea, and always they are holding meetings. * * * ri'ow, a splendid case can be, jr.ade out for each one of these gatherings. When yon listen to a zealous secretary fted of the ; purposes of his or her particular organization, you are mad* to | fed that the of th* country is at stake and that you are a miseraoie wretch if you do 1 not lend the small encourage ment of your presence. The -next night there is another \ meeting just as important, and so on and on. Tke thing never 1 stops. i * { • * * 1 find .that I have learned to find most excellent excuses to justify absenting myself from! I occasions that do not promise! i«n joyment and being present at ] those that do. If it is*a serf-] ous discussion of civic or educa- i tional problems, I cannot spare! the time from my work—l am i really "not up to it tonight”—-] I owe it to my family to spend! the evening at home—l feel a j headache on. But if it is a foot ball game—ah, how different lit need the fresh air and the spec-; tacle to brush the cob-Wejbs] from my brain. If it is a circus, j I feel that 1 am in duty bound to take a child. If it i! spright ly play at the theatre, I toll my self how essential is the drama to the proper sustenance of a man’s mind. / Miss Susie Fulghum of Ra leigh was here Tuesday. Miss Margaret Webb, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Webb, who entered the North Carolina College for Women this fall, ■canto home for the week-end, j] THE CHAPEL HILL WEEKLY jSe Colored School Penat Taechm Meet; Oflfeen EbttN far Tw At a meeting of the colored Parent Teachers’ Association at the teachers’ cottage the oth er night there was a thorough discussion of the material and moral needs of the school. B. L. Bozeman v presided. Rev. George McCauley* president of the beard of trustees* leading the, discussion, made an address, in which he gave a welcome to the new teachers in the Orange County Training School. Dr. D. Caldwell was another who ad dressed the meeting, and he complimented highly the princi pal and the fatuity for the work they had done. Both these speakers and others pledg jed their continued support to the school The following officers were, elected for the coming year: President, Mrs. L. M. Bozeman:, secretary, Mrs. Shidie B. Hack n&y; treasurer, Mrs. Alice Neal. Faculty and students of the Training School wish to expres: their thanks to R. W. Foister for a gift of 245 rulers. Thi gift, Ihe principal says, saved • the school children, altogether. $25. - NOTICE OF COMMISSIONERS’ EK-SAI.E CF NEVILLE PROP ERTY > n irx-rt-stvd bid of five per -cent ha > in? been made upon thi- h'A hen? ? t:. ore made. in this course, the un i;.r< i, under and by virtue of an! order made in the action entitled J v \,'Liter Neville vg. Texanna Neville,” ; r :/ing in the Superior Court of; Ci r.'ge County, will sell at public; a n for cash to the highest bid ' c ■ or-the premises in ( Chapel HD!, C„ on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER* 51, I‘jy.Z, AT 12 O’CLOCK NOON,; 1t..; hou.-.e nad lot hereinafter de- j •i : l, to-uit: i and being on the South gidei of Street in the Town of Cox < 1 if ill, l A. C., adjoining the of Hester Tayqiot* and others, and b/it wide as follows: Lot No. 3:. ■ g at a stake on an alley, fourth corner of lot No. 4, and run-; ning h'. 27 deg. E. 186 feet to a, thence with said hedge 51 ret to a stake; thence N, 27 deg. W. i- 1.5 feat to a stake on an alley; ■.ru r.ce Jf, E. 54 feet to the ‘ ', containing 0.232 acres, n.oie or elss, and being the same let' e.nveyt 4 to J. H. Seilers by deed of J. L. .forehead, Commissioner of the u. e/for Court, in Special Froceed i.ig entitled “J. L. Morehead, Admr. of Allen Edwards, deceased, vs. Rena Ed wares et al," recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Orange Couaty in Book , Page . £ale will be held epea for ten days to receive increased bids. Thi* the 16th day of October, 1&23, 11. A. WHITFIELD AND R. O. EVERETT, COMMISSIONERS S SPRING DUCKS FOR EATING 30 cts. per lb, alive. Address: C. E. Paul, Route 2, Chapel Hill. # . • ’ Opening es The Blossom Shop DURHAM A full stack, at all I I times, of Cut Flowers, . [ Pat Plarits, and Bulbs. Floral designs for aD 1 i occasions. Contracts made for | ; home and church deeor- I ations and weddings. Member of Flofists’ | | . Telegraph Despatch. * Mrs. ÜB. Williams | Manager / 327 East Main St, I Near Five Poiats. 8 ■ PHONE 1991 & iianniniwiwiinw—hiiiiiiisisi ft NOTICE OSB SALE j Under and by virtue es power con ferred upon me in an order ag toe Superior Court of Orange County, in to* proceeding entitled ft. turns *t#u> venue Lonnie DeGrefferinid Mack DeGraffenreid, I will on MONDAY THE 6TH DAY OF NOV EMBER, 1928, AT 42- O’CLOCK Is., at the court house door in' Hillsboro, sell at public- auction for cash to toe highest bidder the following land, to-wit: Adjoining the lands of A. D. Barnes aadLothers, BEGINNING in the center of toe New Ridge Road, ■aid DeG raff core id’s cornet, and run vnig with hi* line South 2 degrees E. 21 chain? and 15 links to his corner and corner of Crabtree heirs tract; hence with their line South 2 degrees East 3 chains and 35 links to Rocks and pointers, Ed. Jones’. northwest corner; thence with his line East 29 haine and 81 links to. a lock, Ed. Jones’ northeast corner; thence 'N. 3'’ * I Saving for the Rainy Day |l i • Put your money in a savings Account in* j a reliable bank. It will grow surprisingly fast if you add a I ; ; » little each week, for you get .compound interest. •> > | No matter how big or how little, your ac- i | count is welcome here. __ I The Bank, of Carrboro i : - * - • i[ | M C.S. NOBLE W. E. THOMPSON & !: Chairman of Board * Cashier •: * * 4 «l * I 4. , * | __ . JJ (iiifiiiMiiiiiiiifiiiiiftiiiitiaf«iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiuiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiui| ! First National Trust Co. S *** ’ m mm j DURHAM | “ <•» !S •" ~ Act« ‘as Executor j Administrator, f Guardian and Trustee. § ; mm JJJ. We give to evesy detail of every estate or trust the skilled alten : t'on which successful adminialra j «W JHU 5 tion requires./ i 3» ' ‘ s « 2. mm JJ S jj j Capital and Surplus | f Over $400,000 | <w JJ iiiinii»mnntiiinniiiiiimHitni»inm»if»mti»mn»un»tniimiu)iinniimmnmHs !> • ’ |l I" ’ i| Safety Accuracy il * * / | Cotfrtesy /j I- Th«M are .what everyhody hae ■ right to expect of a bank. We offer them all. For a quarter of a century we have given satisfaction in handling both business and personal accounts. * > We are ready to handlq yours. The Bank of Chapel Hill j The Oldest and Strongest Bank I , in Orange County I M. C. S. NOBLE - R. L. STBOWD M. E HOGAN Prwddcnt Vies Pmidsnt Cashier " Thursday, October 18* 1923’ 2 degrees West with A. D. Barnes's line 27 chains end 12 fipka to the ceater es the New Ridge Rbad; thence with said Road Weat 22 chains amt to link* to toe first station, contain ing 50 acres, and being too same land conveyed to . Mack DeGraffenreid* and Lonnie DeGraffenreid by deed of L. H. Hackney and wife, dated Octo ber 20th, 1911, registered in of fice of the Register of Deeds of Orange County in Book 64, page 323. This the 2nd., day of October, 1923. The terms of sale cash. W. J. BROGDEN, Commissioner. T. C. Thompson and Bros. General Contractors and > Builders. Birmingham/ Ala. N. C. Now Building the “Greater University^

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