YoL 12. No. 51. Tin Cali Plague Grows in Woods Around Village Strollers Who Would Enjoy the Beauties of Nature Are Con fronted by Piles of Trash VEGETATION IS DAMAGED Chapel Hill’s tin can nuisance Is passing beyond the bounds of a nuisance and is assuming the proportions of a plague. Tin can is used here as a convenient term to cover all the rubbish that is hauled out of the village and diimped in the nearby •woods. You fare forth for a stroll, to uplift the soul by contemplating the beauties of nature, and pres ently underneath the boughs of a dogwood or a hickory, or be side a copse of beeches and wil lows, you find yourself confront ed by a pile of cans, newspapers, pasteboard boxes, fragments of wood, broken glass and china, and worn-out dirty clothing. Sad ly you turn aside to escape the ugly mess, and in a few moments you run into another heap of Tubbish. It is not the municipal trash collecting service that is thus en gaged in defacing and spoiling the woods, but individuals who take their rubbish* out in their t own automobiles or hire some wagoner or truckman to dispose of it. The wagoner or truckman is interested only in getting rid of his load as quickly and as easily as possible, and any place along a deserted road or trail, whefe nobody is looking, is sat isfactory to him. The town government has a remote ravine, fenced-in with a gate that locks, where it dumps rubbish two days every week. The University has a key to the gate and maintains the dump jointly with the town. “We rent this ravine from the owner, Mrs. Annie Sparrow,” said Town Manager Caldwell yes terday. “It is reached by turn ing off the old Hillsboro road to the left and is not far this side of the airport. It is the best place we could find for dumping, beihg well away from where people either ride or walk. We burn the trash regularly. In fact, we keep a fire burning there al most all the time. Everything burnable is destroyed, so that the dump is not objectionable from the point of view of sani tation. “For a while we had trouble from truckmen, not in the em ploy of the town, who would un load their stuff on the edge of the little side road that leads to the dump, and sometimes actual ly on the road. This got to be a serious nuisance, and Mrs. Spar row and others, very properly, (Continued on loot page ) Income Tax Reports The state revenue department has assigned one of its officials to Chapel Hill next Friday and Saturday (March 1 and 2), 90 that aid in the preparation of income tax reporta may be re ceived federal and state representatives at the same time. It was announced a week ago that the deputy collector of in ternal revenue would be here March 1 and 2 to aid taxpayers in making out their, reports for Uie federal income tax. The Bank of fchapel Hill will be headquarters for both the date'an