~V«L 13. No. 3. Board Seeks to End Dumping of Trash in Woods Town’s Collection Service Is Extended to Families be yond Corporate Limits FEE IS 75 CENTS A MONTH The dumping of trash in the ■woods around Chapel Hill, a nuisance which has caused much complaint in recent months, was discussed by the board of aldermen at its meeting this week. The aldermen decided to di rect the town manager to place the trash-collecting service at the disposal of people who live on the outskirts of Chapel Hill. Hitherto the municipal truck has seryed only families with in the town limits. This restric tion has created a situation such as the one described the other day by a woman whose home is just over the line: “I do not want to contribute to spoiling the woods, but I And it difficult not to do so. I must employ somebody with a truck to take the trash away, and I cannot have any control over where he dumps it. If I were allowed to, I would be glad to pay the fee and have the muni cipal service.” The fee charged by the town for collecting and hauling away garbage and trash is 75 cents a month (payable by the quarter, $2.25). The truck comes twice a week to the home of every citizen who subscribes to the service. A requirement is that garbage and trash be kept in suitable containers which can be lifted and emptied into the truck. Explaining the aldermen’s ac tion, Mayor Foushee said after the meeting: “What the board (Continued on last page) More Hard-Surfacinsr Tewn Hope* to Add to IU Mileage of Improved Streets With a fresh supply of Gov ernment money in prospect for work projects, the town of Chapel Hill hopes to extend its mileage of streets improved with a tar-and-crushed-stone surface. The mayor and the town manager have been direct ed by the aldermen to get into communication with the E.R.A. authorities with a view to ob taining aid in labor and ma terials. Stretches scheduled for sur facing, if the enterprise can be financed, are west Rosemary street, Church street north of Rosemary, the easternmost block of Rosemary, and the Glenbur nie road block connecting with east Rosemary. , With the aid of the Govern ment, 70,000 square yards of Chapel Hill’s streets were sur faced last year. The cost to the town waa about SIO,OOO. Logans Are in Flor-r-rida Mrs. George B. Logan, her four daughters (Henrietta, Alice, Jean, and Georgia), Nancy Shields, and the three Scotty pups left for Florida one