VoL 25, No. .28 Aldermen and School Board Meet Jointly Hedgpelh and Smith Elected New Trustees; Adoption of Budget Postponed Dr. E. McG. Hedgpeth and Carl M. Smith were unanimous ly elected members of the school board Wednesday evening at a joint meeting of the school board and the Chapel Hill board of aldermen. They succeed R. E. Coker, chairman, who had served on the board for the past 18 years, and J. S. Henninger. Both men declined to stand for re-election. The aldermen had expected to discuss a tentative city bud get; however, more pressing business caused this discussion to be postponed. Mayor R. W. Madry called a special budget meeting for last night, but no details were available when this pa|K*r went to press . Wednesday night the aider men also acted on a petition, signed by 92 per cent of the resi dents of the Cobb terrace sec tion, requesting that the Cobb terrace area on the east side of Henderson street be changed from residential Zone B to resi dential Zone A. This change would prevent the erection of apartment houses in the area, which is already quite congest ed. The town zoning board has recommended unanimously that the change be made. The aider men set a public hearing on the matter for the afternoon of .July 22 at 5 o’clock. June Merritt, representing the Independent Cab Company and Thurman Atkins of the Hol ly WfH»d Cab Company applied to the board for permission to expand their taxicab services. The aldermen .granted one adr ditional permit to each company. The aldermen voted to limit parking on Hillsboro street be tween Rosemary and East Franklin streets to the west side of the street. Bartlett to Receive Silver Palm Award One of the highest awards ever presented at a Boy Scout Court of Honor in Orange Coun ty will go to Charles Bartlett, Jr., at the court to be held at 8 P.M. Monday at the Recrea tion Center. Eagle Scout Bart lett will receive the Silver Palm, which is given to a Scout who qualifies for 15 merit badges be yond the 22 required for Eagle Scout rating. Barflett has been active in Scout work for five years and is now junior assistant scoutmaster of Troop 9. He has also been a leader in school activities. He was graduated from high school last month and will enter the University in September. He will leave soon to atend the inter national Scout jamboree near Paris, France. Thirty-six other awards will be presented at the Court of Honor, to be presided over by J. Minor Gwynn, chairman of the advancement committee. All parents and friends of Scoots are invited. i Hours at Children’s Library U, The Mary Bayley Pratt child ren’s library at the elementary school Is open from 9 to 12