VoLSS No. 17 Belk's Store Is to Opes Here Today Beix-Leggett-Horton o f Chapel Hill will open its new department store today (Thursday) on West Frank lin street between the Itesonic Hall and the AIP. Stare. To celebrate the open ing, it will give free prises and offer unusual store-wide bargains today, tomorrow, and Saturday. A television set will be given each day as a door prize, and there will be free gifts for women and children who visit the store these three days. (More details about the opening celebration are on pages ten and eleven.) Self-service, a new note in department stores, win be one of the many modern features of the store. Carl ton Byrd, its manager, said this wiU make shopping easier and faster and that all the goods would be placed where the customers can see and feel them. “Even the walls,’* he said, “will be used for display and not for stor- Os course there will still be plenty of clerks to hafe £ shopper. More than a red of them wiU be on I during the opening, half Os them being special ists just for the occasion. There will be four or flee cash registers on each floor, and each clerk may ring up Mr. Byrd, who hu been connected with the Bdk’s ■tm in Darhnm far 16 fault nid that the auw store's use of anadw dh> piny and movable fixtures nukes it possible fop a com plete dapartaent to to moved from one mid of the place to the other in a few hours. “For instance,* he added, “if shoppers have difficulty finding baby dress es, then overnight we can move the entire department around tp make it easier for mem" describing the chief aim of the store as making available to people here exactly what they want, Mr. (Continned on page 8) Marjorie Still h To Perform Sunday /Miss Marjorie Still, pianist, will pn a public recital at 8 pun. Sunday, May 1, in tb* main (ounce of the Graham Memorial Admiaaion is free. The perform ance will be the last of this year's Petite Musicales series sponsored fey the Graham Memorial It will include works by Coapwia, Bee thoven, Debussy, and Chopin. Mins Stitt has heea studying piano sinye she sms seven. At eleven she not annealed an n special student at Wiathrop Col lece. She is new a pupil sf WH liam S. Newman in the Univer sity’s music department. She hu appeared with the N. C. Sym phony Orchestra and hu per formed in many programs hern. Harvard Chh Msiling The Harvard Club of North Orotiao will hold iU annual din (Rr at BAB pun. Monday, May at the Carolina law. A New Name Appears on the Skyline of Chnpel Hill, •- 1 r feSll 1 , . ‘ ’/ ‘ , rS fsdfsdlkf sdlkf jsdlfjs Gibson Closes Out Fine Record! * As Mayor ol Town of Currboro Altar tear yours as mayor of i Cariboos, J. Sullivan Gibooa, ] shorn, will rutiro oa May IS. A i geography professor in the Uni- i vanity, ha docided several < ■moths ago that he would rubra bum public cMcc so that ho could j end mom turn oa research. Mr. Gibooa coruidorud his two ; terms to offtee aa ‘tom of the rich- i out ospapwoeoa of my Ufa. 1 < was elected first soon after I I toraod SB, aad it was almost like I begtoatog Ufa over agate. This l Tnssy Spinakoosky, Rnuinm Violinist, Will Be Soloist ip Symphony Concert Program ulortiut which the M. C. fUi Symphony fihlinhs sriß prosght in Ha saeswd concert been thm seam u Friday, May «. wun annnured ynaterday by Mrv John Orach, president of the local chaptar of the N. C. Symphony Society. The concert wttl ho given in Memorial Audi toriam at BAP pm. Appearing srith the orchestra as guest artist will he the brilli ant Busina violinist. Tossy Spivakovaky, who has achieved world-wide fame for his profi ciency on the 1721 Stradivari us he plays. For his solo here Spivakovaky will offer Sibelius’s "Concerto for Violin and Orches tra, Opus 47." Under the direction of Ben >anun Swalin, the orchestra will open the program with Bee thoven's overture to the ballet, "The Creations of Prometheus." This will be followed by Brahm’s "Symphony No. 11, Opus 73,” then by “The Little Train of the M mural Comedy Tonight "Satan’s. Saints." a two-act musical comedy, will be given by Sound and Fury, University stu dent drama organisation, at 8 pm. today (Thursday) and to morrow in Memorial hall. Tickets are on ante at Town and Campus, lamp’s Musk Btocc, and the Graham Memorial and will bo on sain at the door. The show, written by Miss Bo Bernardin, a University co-ed, will include 22 songs and a cast of 86 students. Admission is 60 cants. A pair of Carotins wrens built a nest ea a shelf on the back parch as Mrs. M. A. Strowd’s home at SOT Cameron avenue. The eggs hatched on Easter Day. t» MM ■>. «■*». *• aNw Mil *9 •* • ter print aai Ami AbttMtflihiMiWMAili ~*, j -l T j[-iar- r - i yin . - r «| rmi The Chapel Hill Weekly 5 Ceuta a Copy is my first aad toot v tutors to public oMco. but I trig still he glad to help out the taura aad area to any way that I pasutty can* During Mr. Gfimk tear yuan to atom a majority of the trusts to Carr boro have beta pavad. The project was started heists ho entered odhee hut moo* of the Caipiro" flam "Bndhlnau Hte sttsirna, No, ll.* Ip VUfc-Lahae, All symphony natty gw him Wrtrn charts. Nwmndmniw w ucZ^dTkhUL When the errhstin appeared hero April 2S tkonsu ii of chil dren and ndslla wars coo ho nrtr in their praam of its program and the umilas of the selec tions. Whid Pwvell Grim Tth Whid Powell talked to the Kiwants Club Tuesday evemng about a proponed plan far an active Chapel Hitt Chamber of Commerce. He eras MHUvdacwd by Crowell little, pwasdunt of the Chapel HULCarrhoro Mer chants Association. Clyde Carter had charge of the program Fred Long and Emery (fenny were guests. Big HaihUM Fatt Hailstones almost taro ratten in diameter fell hero denog a terrific wind and rain otwrm that struck soon after dark last Son- Jay. The ice petieta broke the glass in a number of Street lights and traMr kghu ami aba broke several panto m the Uni versity kotsny greenhouse m the Ashsretnm- Tho Faculty Newcomers CMb bridge grown sd snoot at I o’clock this (Thursday) wearing at the homo of Mn. Sag Kymr. Co-koatosnm witi ho Mrs Dwight ML BisaoU. Mrs. John Metimgar, end Mrs. Owen Tmg. CHAPEL HILL, N. C, THURSDAY. APRIL R 1965 Tour of KMras In Schednled For This Weekend The kitchens of twelve Chapel Hfll homes will be daring the kitchen tour to be held Saturday end Sunday, April 90 and May |l, by the Chapel H3l Garden jOuh. Special features seen [will indude flrephceis doubl ing as indoor grills, adjoin ing breeae ways convertible [into one large unit, and many new ideas in kitchen The charge for the tour will be $1 per person. The | hours wifi be from 2 to 5 pn. eech day. Maps, tick jets, sad directions may be j obtained at the Carolina Inn wring the hours of the tour. [The 12 kitchens are at the I homes of the Clyde Allens, Dudley Cowdens. Norman Ehasons, Alex S. Davises, R. W. Harwells, David iDartses. John F. Dashielb, I John J. Laments. Robert W. I Manns, H. S. McGintys, and [L. L Tharstoaes and at Mrs. [C B. Jefferson’s. I The tour a being made Ipossibie through the work of the foflomiag Garden Club committee: Mrs. H. D. Wolf, Mrs. L. L. Garner, Mrs. Clifford Lyons, Mrs. Dudley Cowden, and Mrs. HL R. Totten. mrvko has boost changed, srith cross pinna ttisnn httag made In the mam Mae Item tike filter ' So Mi aui 'and Mu fire anvanl months agw, Mr. IM*B mam h the Mnymh uut Mb a fonr-mna hoard of earns anharianrs einctod fir two yta Mr’ctao. anti Z 'tM pno pb sfCarvhsrvted JWkedJte iteteZ temiTita'te basis id haven't htwml the town’s debt ... I fits! Mat the fwl term." In ad fits so to spending a lot of his time m research srith soOsJ tame at his farms and snare tiane bunting and hi brag, all of which’ 1 have been put aside oo mew bat m the past fear years. Clothes Collection Set for Miy 22nd •1 . Everybody is asked to bey | aside clothes for the annual ‘clothing drive to be held Sunday ! afternoon. May 22. by tha Jay fees, the Chapel Hill Council of Chwrrtei, and the Commnnity ‘Chk Items needed, according to 1 Mrs. Walter Hartnng. drive •curies, yard goods, knitting Womaah shots aad light rayon trim should bTrioon aadateted be pucted in hssm or wrapped mmtelp- As in former years, tha duhag awl otter items col tested m this drive sriU he dte brihutod in destitnto people all OHMnrit w OnMril fhnggfpqg A genual ■■silting of the rom • pm. Tmudsy. May IT. in the Item Hall Its Item will he gnh| Chapel HHTs Youth." Pti • *he Japtem* phun for a dtetrset; a report by Or. Chess tephnr Hover, chanrama of tha pwklm i*from thCternGm ed chairman If* tte* Mnr Umvsrsitp stndonta taking puMta MNMMBsfeteMMlMiMMliMiMßtenmrmwimiidMhZZH Three Chapel Hiß or Chrr boro school tmehin who have children of their ewa and two University house mothers who have children of their own will he selected; ms Mother’s Day representa tives of the Chapel Hill- Carrboro Merchants Asso ciation and wiU he honored! mod gift-showered on thef stage of the Carolina Theatre m 3 pm. Mother's Day. Sun day, May 8. A! mothers ia Chapel Hill will be admitted to the theatre free between 2 and 5 pjn. that day. Application entry blanks for the event have been dis tributed to the public schools and to afi University dormi tories. sororities, fraterni ties, and mialaarm that have house mothers. The blanks must be returned to the Merchants ftimrmtiun by not later than today (Thursday) and must tell something about the candi date's family and why she should be honored on Mother's Day. Gifts for the five chosen 1 mothers era being ilnmtod by members of the Associa tion sad vriff include Hft. silverware, candy, clothing, flowers, haircuts and sham poos, gift and **ay other attractive presents. Ddto "-"—lt Tl IL n_D iST wisrfij bZL£ X gr Mmn end porhapa * the Patoataßy «f loam. Carrbsro WiU Hold Bectima Meaday tew of iteteJiMtente vntem in itectasns Hotetey- R. o! Thdd te the only rsshditi te succeed J. SuUriaa Cdoua. who ten docidid not to seek te stec itiaa, as mayor of Can boro, hall 1 the three vucaat mis on the The polio, whack sritt be m the Carstero Town Hatt. wiH te open from CAP an. U> 6:88 pan. G. C. Brook bank is registrar far the •testa and 1. A. Want and Wiley Franklin are ju%s*. The «antedates for tte Com russiiairs’ swab are Roy Biggs boo, John McLaughlin, and W.| M. Lackey, nrsobsu, ml Qfir i COmmuaity Cteh Ftenir ~ 3 Tte Chnpel Hitt Community dab's annual picnic writ te teM at MAP pan. Friday. Map C, at tte team of tte dob's proririm, Mrs. Gap 8. Fhilhpe. New ogV can will ha raitmlfed by Mrs. J item ii Matthews of Durham, tersest prisidmt of tte Neath Csrsttsi Women's Chte, of sridPh tte Oosnmanitp Onh is n taohsUrk Ctech-lfp Cammnity'o powur ptent ri teta given a brsrk -by-brick chock -spy its M»t omen it wan hnttt 16 ritetto The jsh in teiag dona ktMßte workmen on • tead- Yte tte ms ry around tLte hock is Mllttii Crocked ur dstsrfer Qy| JBHh TSTu^teslf bntt mp>l 11 Wte teli at 6 pm. Ttroday. May 8. on Baser am fInML Att teys step ten to te than, Tte Ltem CMk Is tojMtetttsHlstMH [to* Manager Ttesnm D. Oam reap la Miattrlsl hmpital CkmfdJWCkmU L& "Do yon wont to keep on living?" "Yen bet I dor -Well, then, you'd better get rid of a lot of that fat.” Hus is a part of a convex sation that took piece forty years ago between Dr. W. Raney Stanford aad C. E. Mclntosh. It was quoted to me by Mr. Mclotosh when we met on the street Monday afternoon. He said he vras| reminded of it when he rend* my piece in last week’s paper about Oscar Hamil ton's reducing program. -That was two or three years after I got married, [when I was living in Ral eigh.** he said. “As a single man 1 had been eating around in boarding houses and hadn't had much temp tation in the way of food. Now my wife was feeding me afi the Drags I liked most, including plenty of breed and butter and pota toes. and my weigh went up and op till it reached 230 pounds. | -Dr. Stanford said for mg to quit fats and starches and eat green vegetables and —at. I could art afi of them I wanted, he said. I did what he told mo aad my weight went dawn. When it had releavod Don the diet. After that my wife regulated what I ate and the fat 1 had Met didn’t owne hock. In later Hill 1 raduced'fierther aaMthe advice of a*y now Miaiiakfi --*■ - -» Ji ■y wYtgni 9U(|A mDUMI in.- * M, IWiUblh* ficrardtog to Mr. Mm«%hgns, there on atom* At rligtote vuton toted oa the tagioticfilna books, aud SI of |haoc won irgi—id IAC MocStog The I roaster Nk chapter of the Usited Daaghters of th Coa totenry sriM aooct a* a pm Therday, May k at the hoaao of Mr W G Ptelds aa PSttahoca Johnson-Strowd-Ward Is Store That Is Growing With the Town ■! ' ' ■ r • (B AK Jjj J • n.li ~mm jM to w w* (This Ip fin afarth Ip a asrim as artkim ateaft (fegd MM When people h tha Chaps! MWbnWs an tkteh M tep-l lag tamtam, tap anaaHp stop to Mn taiwfWmdj wPP^rMnj tohtottL 1 *’ as Ctotknm amtef,. up|Sip3 H n Taaap in Canady; other iwtog m n» > Chapel HiKaaa WM Go to The Polls Toesday to Vote On Mayor, Aldermeo, Bond Issue, aad Education Board O Firew ol Myferioqo < Origin Occur Here j Three null firm of ajsterans « urlgia. may cue of which might < hm resulted ia doutar, were , reported hm last weekend. The < moot dangerous was a fin boil* let church literature on weadea It burned a hole char through oae of the steps ia the stairs hading to the balcony aad then iridentlj went out of itself. Re sult* of this toe, probably set Priday sight, were discovered Saturday morning. The other two fires occurred hia behind lone's Store, oae ia a trash hia hack of the Orange Pttotshop. Bill Wnlstea dte meored aad pat oat the am at, Base's, aad a passerby discovered aad put oat the other. Last winter tom es unkaewa origin occurred h trash him Uck of them different East Franklin t am- the saaso amag- Mrs. Lyons Nmmti President nf CM Mr*. Cliff oed Lyons woa elected president of the Pwvorsity Wo ■aaV Ctoh at its waaaal ipai harkii Tumdsy afi the Chroflaa too. Other near oMcon are Mn. Arnold Parry, Vim pnaifimt; Mia. Jeha I. salty, secretary, aad Mias Mary Heavy, treasurer. ******** fSTSTUomfi^J —day thh weekend. Tear toad- Rpjd dn hum 9M u. to < pm. Satur day aad from 1 pm to I pa- Saaday- The charge will he 95 per person. The Celeutel Inn will he opea hath days tor dtoaor and, tte hWhm h IMT pad spaaad. Mia Map sf that yarn as ta| *ho, ateur room of stat in aaw tha rap Motor OHBppgg, lft, te " Chapel Hfllian* will go to the polls Tuevday, May 3, to elect a mayor, three aider men. a judge of the Record er's Court, and two mrmhara of the School Board, and to vote on a proposed 319,000 hood issue for municipal im provements. The voting place will be in the fire sta tion at the Town Hall aad will he open from 0:30 sun. to 6:30 pan. Candidates for the three vacant seats on the Board of Alderman are Obie Davis and Rogers Wade, incum bents; Bill Alexander, Charles StanciH. and Gene Strowd. P. L. Burch, a board member for 28 years, is net seeking re-election. Mayor O. K. Cornwell is unopposed for mayor. Candidates for judge of the Recorder's Court are Williams S. Stew art, incumbent, aad Roy Goto. Candidates for two vacant seats on the School Board are Fred Edwards, I James Godfrey, Richard Jamereon. Jack Leaky, aad Charles MOner. The 9190.000 bond issue, approved by the Boord of Aldermen and N. a Local Government Coamewdon, is divided into six mam arias, with 950,000 earmarked for street Impunsassnls. 940.- 000 for atom samara. 940,- 000 for new aqmpment, 338,- 000 for street widening, 915,000 for asilitaxy aawvn, swd fLfIOO tor firefighting The MHtftMß w 9 mark the M* time msmhsm if the SchaM BM' have hasn shoami fay vote «f tha pao pfc. Afi ragtetansd rvmdmte |ef Dm Chapel BM asheo) dft»- *?.?** for * * *4# i 1 ( Pw 9LkmJ& W&k * Dr. Bnkr t fliah of She IMvenMp M>Mail totoofr da topmtmmu of psychiatry will to— tomorrow to Worms tor. Mum, at a moattog of the Mam acharatta Psychological Associa tion. Hu topic wiU ha ~Laagu age ami Psychotherapy " ,w«4 m .mm H tMB. Tte It— *'*Wlß^!,'^,|F ~4^

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