TUESDAY VoL 33 Nik 19 Rogers Wade Is Swora la As Alderman Mayor Oliver K. Connrefl. Aldermen Ofaie Davis. Boc ers Wade and Gore Stromd. and Recorder's Court Judge Wilfiam &. Stewart, all of %pam were elected in last TOesday*s municipal elec tions. were to be sworn in for their terms of office at the Board of Aldermen’s M*»tiiif in the Town Hall last aight. Tim controversy, develop ing over Alderman Wade’s •at registering tfr-vofte, has been explained by Town At torney John Q. LeGrand, after he conferred with the Attorney General’s office in Raleigh. Mr. LeGrand said he was told that the three candidates receiving the highest number of votes for Aldermen are those to be elected. Anybody wishing to challenge the right of one of these persons to be stt-d would have to do so by quo warrento court action, he In the race for the three vacancies on the Board of Alder mm Gene Strand re ceived 476 votes and in cumbents Rogers Wade and fcbie Davis received 404 sad 361. respectively. Mr. Dsvis is an alderman of long stand ing. and Mr. Wgda was ap pointed last fall to fill a vacancy on the hoard. Mr. Shrewd, who has served the towa gov sram nut la various capndtlas tinea 1940. was elected to fill the vacancy created fay the retiremant of P. L. Burch, who had bean aojklmm(«»TUii^ appeasd* Mr*ConU3*wee elscted by the aldermen Inst Hal to (IB the vacancy era atad whan Edwin Lanier re signed to haeonae a eonnty cnmmlaainner. Before that he had bean a aaember of the Board of Aldarmaa. la the race for Judge of be Recorder's Court, in cumbent William S. Stewart defeated hia opponent. Roy Cole, by a vote of MO to ISS. Otfcav rashs of Tuesday's ihttiei an: Charts* Mitoer sai U» gcUol Bwituririiiii pert* of the tiaOjMS toad MM MN Thar* w• 7SS ballet* cast ia tha alarttsn. ori ri a trill rag- Dentsl Dunes Will Hold InsUlUtion Ufa. Daa PWyd will to metall ed as ywiriet of the Dental Daaaaa al th upriaUw'i leal ■iriiu a# tha mM yw at • MB. Tuesday. Map 10. ta tto Weary Village 4ay aereory tin aril party Car tfca grwap’a senior irnldantt; eaelal ate aat ri'l-a pm I—ite. Uaharatty^Jj. 5 Mantis (MahaTtaaMhl Strife Lyaa at ter asaa ataad la tin yaat dha BwyMy ate Plenty of Players Show Up for Little Leafae Btoe|all Practice , n f: v v- ? 4*- .it y HJBWPWr* nPP rv*- wVkhmWi Iv % aBLM " F&L-jpk-' ‘ Bi. AvHn 4 BaP vßff - teHft 4HXfIHK, m yiA| ~ m J»L jMHOPNs% •..rieJmEt MwpWKHMKKtem. wBaE Ba [ «an V |* ■? ■ # ‘IM .dLTwr %m>iXMV|teajPKMi#iMn|lnH^L v - *tet & W tsHw ggUgra ARSnaw*. jfflggL aP mJ *”jffP •'. j|eßßrW|Mqmn tegng| ‘4^EaßLri SHE Pfre | te . i'ihe IX/ dHT* aTV Ite y t y J A H—SiHtedL Item PaLeh . - '•; Bl Er* Jj: A Wat 120 Wya reported far tW ayaalag practice wain as CWael HiT* Int LHtlt League haeshati bat week aa Bm erase Scld. Sana as these ara dan hae witk tWir raarlm. WotUjr practice aaaabaa wiM taartaai to W WU till waatf. tin tW Wya will W tfrdri into raw taana to W kaawa aa tW Taakaaa. tW Dadycra, tW Giaata. aad tto ladtan. CaacWa aad Uan a Dorn Mathesom Makes Report on States Os Agricaltwre Throaghoat the County The use of milk in Orange county has Increased, but Grade A milk consumption has just about reached the saturation point County Agent Don Mathaeon told the County Board of Com missioners last week. Mr. Matheeon continued by re porting that the dairies had just about runchsd their maximum point in produc tion. and that the number of dairies can’t be increased wary mash. There are 117 Grade A dairies ia the laMv? ported. However, many dpU- Mlpte {mawriLanimamail bu*m gggffpßjf saAvd ij* - sons have gone into the beef ■ ■■ .Aton, .■■■ Leon Enaell Writes His Grandmother About His Travels in India, Thailand, Ann ant, Malay, Kashmir, the Himalayas I Mu; Chepd Htlhaaa rcmcw l 1 ber Lm KmhD. Phillips l«- i ’ Mil's eon, wfc* uead to live km i , >■ kia schooldays. He baa torn I i away aujr yean, ia California. < | aad I hadn't raad or heard aay i Uuif about Ua for a good ahib < i aatil I raad tbo following yiaco i , ia Mrs. Lacy Phillips Russell's • eolsaui la Uw Hockiagbani Post- I i Dispatch.—L. G. I "You aay raaiaaibar that I 1 told you mm waaka ago of tbo woadorful trip that ay grand I aoa Laoa aad Ida wife. Mado- < loiaa, war* taking through tho 1 i wiadarlaad wo kaow aa tho Par ' Kaat- Thoy hagaa Phil- | luTuaboltorahlo roMca ofthe arts i of a forgottoa race. to Thattaad < Thay aro aow lalndie with Ha I totraaTSd adth > thdo"daJtha of poverty aad dirt. “Ho writes of tha good ftohM la tha crystal rioora as tha Vala throwing hack’ yoaag trout *•- 14 luahm hag aad gtooa a Mat as tha •wot fMoa* wtonhk ha hwod thaaa to thahr fata. "Mara to M. C. we arc proud as ML MttahoD. MM ft. aad ttl peeks that roach poor MM ft htojhta tha iT ßtokahgral! wMtoktojrad goMaa aarpatojf hauwu) rartotp. i "Oh, wall! What la tha ma as , LT^irapytot^Bto'ltaPolto! hauaa ah tu—grp struct. Mr. Long la an the etas as the Waßur Phuarul Homo. Tha Im«a ha- Isug to tha Mapttoh shfaoh. Tha GUaaaa haoo amend to to* North iiAyh^SSj Ihold 1 hold The Chapel Hill Weekly 5 Cents a Copy cattle business, but have operated inefficiently and thus weeded themselves out in the process. There is still some room for expansion in the poultry business, even though the number of broilers is on the increase. Egg producers have been having trouble making ends meet hut the situation is now about nor mal. Mr. Matheson said. Sheep growing, according to Mr. Mathtena. has ahowh good profit hut few fanners want to f» into the bustema. He added that hag growing is torrmripf somewhat fn Orange county, but that market prices are discour aging to farmers. Umvriteg, if you fteftTto tWPfmOb +* 1 * <*• tetr irtralot Item, tor the praamrt pries if cm Msm. Ihta mm*' \ . teMhlrtM ' eet hstora Juee t far ewe yer er two yeara. CHAPEL HILL, N. 0, TUESDAY, MAY 10,1965 naaayara will W aa fallows: Par tto Dodgers. Dick Jansrasa. caack. aad Jaa Aagaatiaa. autaagar; for tto ( G lasts. Data Rok arta. caack. aad Wallace Wan hie, naaager; for On ladiaaa. Dick Galbway, caack. aad Janes Parry, manager; far tto Yaaksta, Tammy Skaraa. caack. aad Collltr Cobb 111. mmaagar. a Tryouts Important for Little Leaguers (Thia article on Little League 1 baseball, reprinted from the Charlotte Naira, is the second in I a aeries written by Whitney Mar | tin and John McCall urn.) l After each bop has told hint 1 where to weald Ilk* to plap, tto manager will put his squad , through a series of trials. This , will help tto manager make up ( hia mind where each fellow fits ' into the picture. 5 The torts will be simple at i first. The manager map told 60- ! yard races to fled out who are . the faster toys. H* stay have each outfielder thow to hem* plat* from about 160 feat swap to leara which players have tha 'Sr— I Mi" Hall tote tbs third teas kope -1 fuls tain tents whipping tto toll • sstaap tto OeSMSd te first bass, r Tto atortatee esfidUe. vIIL i threw ta tto Msuptomi I M tha holo’Wtka dsspsat point of , that poaitiau. Tto tipui baao mea will g«t their chance to make their short throws to first Evarpoao will get hia ekaae* to swing ia hatting practice. This will also give th* manager a chance to look over th* pitch ing and th* catching candidate*. | That’s just ground work for tha job ahead. It will take days , for the manager to find out how i weU you can play, i Tto first couple of days you t hobbit halls you usually catch in your hip poekst, ns they say. i You may swing nt tod pilches, ; or throw tto toll 10 feet over I th* first baaeman’s toad, t A word of warning: In your r anxiety to make a good showing, ■ don’t overdo it You could come up with n aore arm by trying to throw too hard before you are 1 warmed up properly. You can ’ strain a muscle running or in c trying to reach a ball. | Easy does It. Tha relaxed ball player ia tto tost hall player. Tto manager will take plenty of k time to six# you up. He won’t 1 roly on hia first impression. t After you have worked out for a while at tto position you have , decided poo would like to plap thar* Stop coma a dap when tto > manager sella you aside and l*. Cat via Mahan Raquart r Dr. O. David Garvta, District . Health OfiUer, has requested that I tto Caaatp Hoard of C—mission i are appropriate 61M00 for tto - support as th* District Health i Department daring tto fiscal r pear 1606-64. Thia amount, r which Is 91660 above th* 1664-66 appropriation, ia reported to ho enough to aaa hia the department to ssaHaai tha personnel and r the program that ara now In | ' Cm ikon Oak Meeting r The Canker* Civic Club will I meat at 6 pju. Wednesday. Map • 11, te its clubhouse. Mrs. Henrp • A* Desk will gin* s talk *a I ~Mnktog Taya." Mrs. L. k. Slur . dlvaat Is program chairman. f Mrs. Win— WUktes will to . hostess. Visiters are invited. i says: i "Billy, 1 want you to play ia i center field instead of at short ■ stop." It may coma ns quits a blow 1 to you. maybe you had yeur 1 heart aat on playing shortstop, I and thought you wore pretty good 1 at that spot. * Don’t taka such a change aa 1 a blow to your pride, aad start to sulk. You map to sura tha 1 manager Is thinking snip as put ting together tha hast lineup. 1 Switching you to •aaffMM’tei -1 tiou may to a coaspHmaat. Ha • map figure your speed lo Beaded ' In the outfield. H* amp to —a -1 plt«q#nting you ap pm eMHtp 1 to judre sip hells aad mak* leeg. acchrsts throws. j Maap rngjac tafiftete acre —red from the jgeHtoaa they i firat wanted to tebjte often Sjmb —. te *sa?W wH Bab* Ruth waa a pHsfar whoa ( to first cams up to tha major leagues. Buckp Walters was • third basamah hafar* besoming n star pitcher for the ChwtoooM ! Rads. Jack!* 1 shins an playod , Ant, ssaond, third and te th* out field for Brooklyn te sac soaaon. p.. _ _ _ i Annie F. Johnson Tells Commissioners What the County Is Doing for the Blind i i (Haro, in part, la a report . given to tho County Board of Commissioners taat waak, by An ! nia P. Johnson cast worker with tha blind. I “In order that you auiy batter be able to undaratand why ora J must have a apodal program for tha blind, I repeat that blindness ’ la tha moat severe of all haadi -1 caps, and therefore It requires 1 specialised treatment ... at the 1 present time (in Orange county) SI Aid to the Blind paymauta art 1 being made. They are receiving aa • avaraga grant of |SMT . . . W# t have received 14 new applies i lions: Only four were actually accepted as being eligible to re t reive assistance, while nine were , rejected, and one was withdrawn . because be was sedated to secur . tog Veterans' benefits ... AM t« the Blind payments have bean . terminated for five: throe died and two asevad to other cauuttoa. Quito a number of lOfMgs have 1 been r»r4« according to ihangut 1 circumstances. My aorvtse case ’ load baa Incrcaccd from 1* last 1 year to 14. Thera aio pal eight 1 other caeca which are pending 1 service aad cheat ds babtoe to p ©• lllYMllfftMNl W QitirHlM U I they mo Mind. > m ob July first tost year Orange t county hnd 77 blind persons tag- I totorad with tha Btoto Cammls i don. Wa believe that tha cum ber would ha at hast dsuhls U all the MM to the asuutp ware dlststond... One as east pear's , goals will 'ha to seek -as many blind aad people with acrlaaaly 1 impaired vtoton aa nay ha found 1 la Oraaga county. Tha next stop 1 will naturally ha to leader sarv ’ Iso aaccrdiag to thdr Individual a |M 000 Am&ilm I am— -a—wa—Mu* . Oatag to Far North Hadnlah M lehuater Daka ’ UnJvarsity botanist, will ga to Hlf mort IfflifH? la am lima Canada la conduct Ik* nortkßn* 1 SElFtiwhM mn4% M dn -«« Mmm A mm a . UhS stody iHlNiitoi g Atos^to rrArr dfc® JArr®A s^^Aßk *,«■* ChapdjmOmS ua My grandmother taught me to read when I was about six. a year or ao before I started going to lfite Loula Hendon’s school down at Franklin and Boundary streets. T£e first book I reed, as Grandma Mad me with the unftmillt uarfft, was Mrs. *Ttrat Steps in North Candtea Hia tory.” It was a primer, a little volume with good big print. Mr recollectaotfis that it was in this book that I first read about Indian war riors’ sitting around smok ing their pipes while their wives tended to the raising of corn and tobacco, gather ed firewood, and. did other chores. The braves lorded it over the squaws something ter rible. The squaws had no other idea than to do as they were told. This may have been because the Great Spirit had whispered his will to them but is more apt to have been because they knew that if they didn’t per -1 form their tasks acceptably they would be punished with , a strap or the reverse end of . a tomahawk. The custom of malm’ sit -1 ting by while females work is by no moans extinct hi > them days nearly flue earn ■ tqrim after Columbus die* 1 covered America, and the malm who adhere to tee cue ! tom didn’t gat their fiaudneea > for it through say bhnf kin- I ship to the iwribw ismtow of these sittera-by am the descendants of the white man who earns over here from Europe and pushei the , Inflate keek out of the way. 1 Ihr J*tanea. take myte*. JW oounr *l drfft-aall Jba Pteten who fives vrith me a 1 tqoaw. There Is something ’ about that word that k, well [ not ao elegant. What I call I her oftaa. is the Wagelem l Slave. It’s a pity this term - is as accurate as it is, but (CSstten4 m ygt 4> ; aim will to to concentrate upon ’ discovering every available re source of each Aid to the Blind i applicant aad recipient and help ing thorn to utilise it Often no resources are evident at first; 1 pat with tin** to look deeply late 1 tto situation, hidden resources i may to revealed. On tto other hand, there —y to a few who i might to penalised because of a > good family background; while tto blind relative cannot benefit i materially frem finances of rola i live*. Also, I am hoping to ae > rumpliah more ta tha field of com munity interpretation; only through thia manna eon wo bridge tto gap between blind and seeing. i I shall contteua to strive toward > rehabilitatioa, canaldaring tto ability rather than tha disability. i our blind man and waa— batter > dttaaaa for wheea ttiMiti-t tax • money shall act hate toaa spent > 1a rate." Alderman Obfe Davit Gets Gigantic Base wwFWt |§j v ' r %#" f . ’Jiisf< \* % 1 6m «f A* bm6mMSm)m cUvil' ■OST am aw* m nm mo*. « rnJmiM • tSaipM* twM fttoTfarte-lto Mr, M* mtm *m **m»4 » fc»tßß*< «f “ J • igrtry* «■*»?»*»»•*■»<» «■* •*»*,*+< ftaaMa «i Mi ««t* mm 4. W* SMMMt MH»>S **»• ■iiirt|| &&£HttlS ...i...-: : Mia Mhfd Psgwaad *irrw [' 1 was cksMß to to w—dMlrf :g»v«yS ; olltoii* oUm ftoa. risMs 1 Tto cutoh Wsasm* Gate ! wfll told Its aanaal toatey ptori* 1 at 4JS pa. ausdsf. May St. «a 1 tto nrtary toaa as raitoni > rtntt Tsnlga Ossssto* is tto ttoaso (toes kg *to toraaga moaU wmltta «S It* sslirtiis •f dscarattoM aad «m 4. Asytody wttk Uni atoag Mds Has sack «*» fmrit* foralga dmb. or aay -1 tody witk layutoi artictoi far 1 dtapUy «t tto mat, is —tod to ptoaa Mr. WUltom Mugta at 1 MM or Mis. Ms Portia at »nm | WTrißUto Bsk Cm Msastad Bob Cm of Ctofri Hill aas •toted • dirartar of tto sstiaasl 1 Junior Ctoatot as Comm ore* • orgatosaliaa tort wnnk »t tto 1 North CswHaa laycw toana . tto* to AstovOls H* «a prad • dMt as tto CtofM Hill Jaator 1 Ctoattor of Cwawii dartog ’ Iteufttr Im Um urii