FRIDAY ISSUE Next Issue Tuesday Vol. 33 No. 24 Alexander Is Appointed to Town's Board Os Aldermen At its meeting Monday evening at the Town Hall the B-mrd of Aldermen appoint ed*VVilliam Alexander to the Board to replace Rogers j Wade, who resigned last; week because he had not been a qualified candidate when elected June 3. Mr.’ Alexander received a unani mous vote from the Aider men and was sworn in by William S. Stewart, judge of the Chapel Hill Recorder's’ Court. Mr. Wade had been disqualified as a candidate when it was discovered on election day that he was not; a registered voter. Mr. Alex ander, who placed fourth in the May 3 contest for the three vacant seats on the Board, was the only person nominated to fill Mr. Wade's vacancy .for the four-year, term. Following the installation of Mr. Alexander. Alderman Obie Davis was elected May or Fro Tem. He succeeds P. L. Burch, who retired from the Board this month. Mayor O. K. Cornwell re aiX>inted the Board’s com mittees, which are as fol lows : Finance, properties, and utilities, Paul Wager, chairman; Davis and Gene Strowd. Streets, safety, and health, Davis, chairman;’ Alexander and Hubert Rob inson. Recreation, paries, and playgrounds, Kenneth Put nam. Alexander, and Robin son. Cemeteries, Strowd, Alexander, and Wager. Other action taken by the Board included: 1. Heard Auditor E. E. Peacock report that April vouchers were in proper order and that he would be gin the annual audit soon. 2. Voted to install pipe in ditch on Vance street in front of Jones and Hart shorn properties, if funds are available. Said that it would not be advisable to extend sewer line into another county, thus disallowing a request by R. G. Windsor. 4. Received a written peti tion requesting a traffic light and street markings at: the corner of West Franklin 1 street and Merritt Mill road. 1 Also a request for a light in (Continu'd on pare 12) Girls Are to Sell Poppies Tomorrow Yoirl Scout* aad members of Um fuMricu Left on Auxiliary will sell poppies throughout the busi ness district tomorrow in tbs Auxiliary’s annual Poppy Day. Procood* will bo waod for tbs Auxiliary’s local work ui the re habilitation of disabbd war vot eraas aad their fnmilis^ The sale will ba dirwetod by Mrs. D. M. Honker, prauiitot of the Auxiliary. She will ba assist ed by Mrs. Charlotte Heitmaa. the unit’s president-elect. Day. out the Batina, is to remind all A mermans of the ancriflcns adds by the nsmhsn of the aKSed forces who Inn given their three in defemm es fronds m. The little paper peppfan that will be sold tomorrow were made by hospitalised veterans through out the nation. Harrkane Payments AM Made The Service Insurance aad Baalty Company this week made its final payments for damage done last fall by Hurricane Hamel. The firm paid out a total es ewer 143.000 on lit claims Payments ranged bom 9111 to js* >■, lIiHBBOHk. ■k-. 5- --J. > „ "‘Jftfti 1 1 >- mm i m mutrcjij. :vv ; V-".'. .V;"' V' Half hidden behind an am-' monium chloride container, we have here the nest a pair of Carolina wrens built in Walter H. Hartung's labora tory in Howell hail, the Uni versity's School of Pharmacy building. Two of the four eggs in the nest are visible. The birds entered and Mt the laboratory through a Girls Here An Immtei in Tnhe Fmri In Nution-WUe Dnll-Mnhing CmAtsi Chapel HiU aad Canbwn pik between tka «((* of IS anfi 19 are eligible to enter the itk an nual Ckriatma* fiaU ceutaet pet *i ‘'immrnrj’nn-r eratioa. ,Ja fiDdfibkljißMPl n*t.ur;*Uy |y nkpmgMtor JMg axiae, wR have a Otopef'Rß sponsor for tin first time. This local *pen*or ia the Belk-Leggett- Hortoa Company. ■Contestant* make “sock dolls.” which are judged and then given to underprivileged children in the U. S. and other countries. Any eligible girl in the Chapel Hill- Carrboru area may enter by buy ing n 25-cent doll kit containing a white sock and ar plastic doll face. The kits will go on sale June 1 nt the Be Ik store, and the finished dolls must be returned to the store by September 7. The three local winning dolls will be sent to New York for the national judging. The three girls .whoee dolls win top honors there [will be given a five-days New York visit, to include an appear ance on Ed Sullivans’* “Toast of the Town" television show. A* Local Club Stages Successful Don Show ftp sBBBH^w^ 9y to H^^SKT I v Kft V Professor Hartung and his assistants continued their 1 norma! ose of the laboratory throughout the tenure of the ' wren family, except that the f ventilator fan was not turned, 'incubation of the egg* w*s begun around April 11,* Mr. Hartung raid. "Only twe of the egg* hatched, a yield of fifty pm cent of theory 1 an the chemiat would —-haw it. and Um two fledglings left their aeet on May A” The Carolina wren is the hr«e raaoet variety theft atari here afi winter ■wad *» kmd ami dtemMi wen on the gtoomieet 4M Roanoke Rapids Is Beaten by Neville Gordon NVnUe. atom, pricked Chapel Hill to a 4-2 victory wrar Roaaoka Rsptite Wedaewday aft fin* game of aa Eastern Class AA high school ho is. holt play-wff. He gave op six hits TV* mc.od gam* of the servos still he played this I Friday I afternoon ia Roanoke R spate A thud gams, U afternoon on a nratiwl Arid, probably to Wok* fkssL The wtemor of tk. amsm will ploy tke wmaii of dm CRatoa tko Psstsra title. The Beat-Want championship rmmfi wifi ho ! Hsi atarafi an in tka Ant teniae whoa Dan Carroll triphd Vkraw-m. In tk* fifth tka WOi ti Clyde Chmphoß anfi Carton jO*: to wonft wtehod and Dnn PWtrler and Ci nplil got kite. Doth as 9aan oke lipids* runs can. te tk. sixth on a onto, an or roc, and [biT Wrai Iteß tom^teriMPUto i**qr "eT"'r^ria He Phcbnfi kittens, VaR far five ' s - kZa- ora . .. MA ri«W| \JHUkp~ , bag, and Carraß rack got tw« la the gam* in loanak* Rapids ticks afternoon C«sch BU! Gncv is •Uteri to prick Phil Ear*au. , who baa Imt only ana gam* all tout. U a third game is re itefd Coach Grim efl peak- SalptrPltMid { The Jaycces will conduct an azalea sale tomorrow (Saturday) for the benefit of the fund it established for the proposed Chapel Hfll recreation center and to give people a chance to buy azaleas at reasonable prices to replace the ones destroy ed here this spring by the big freeze. The azaleas will ]be sold by Jaycces from S a_m. to 6 p m. at the Glen i Lennox shopping center, at .Fowler's Food Store, and ’under the big maple tree in jfront of the Carolina Coffee ;Shop. Two types of plants will 'be available, the Kururae dwarf azalea and the larger Indica type. The Kununes will be from two to three years old and will go for $1 each. The Indkas will be from four to five years old and will cost s±z»o. All are good sturdy grown in the open in North Carolina by a reputable grower. Dick j Young, chairman of the pro ject. said yesterday. The Kurumes will come in fixe colors: salmon, hinodegri. slow, sweetheart, and coral biff; the indicas in two. pride of Mobile and snow. | llr. Young said that the «k is being held with the jffctt approval of the cum mpnity's two leading plant ladling concerns, the Chapel |IBI N«*t-sery and the Dick ißfion Tree and Landscaping ••rvice. A Vatic* to Maya All LittW 1 augua baseball <*a ■HAptos ate war* mt selected far pMluna m tbu league are ■MjMflßffirilMM *•* at W Mo 1 wbru 'plana wfll Rpfiswto tor trim to play ia farm toam* to ter argan- Jwed ia tter tingue. Him Snikaiw Honarod Mrv W g Berry MB gave a «ff*« baur at bar baaao maa m behalf of cheats who oppose the mot am as it now stands. He told the Board that any ordinance at the meeting would he iU**»L since the special meeting had not been prop (Ctetomfi m page 12) Rufus Tripp Tikes Mechanics' Course b!!rTr * c y*TL!* S^^tJuaTTtii'SS tka hpmd ~ totoktoT toSSI? ■m ftear by W A ‘ ** t. Itetet Cwtite totoUeto tetennk£lri«vwi ID. anfi Mm tlafi tan ed •a a visit to Mr. Junk pwnti. CUMfeTIiHW