Page Two m» mp Durant Given National Rink *«ak «f the Ugh nthK nhM by the camp tram the mUioml chewmer at the eanp ronnuitlar of the Bo? toati of Atrin. After visiting Camp Durant, National Ctapißf Chairman W. D. Campbell reported, “I bare visited many cam pc us the post sight yssn from Honolulu to lehf Camp Durant's equip- SMBt it m better chape and the hoys seem, to be having a better time thus at any other camp I j have ever Tinted. 0 Geacp Duraat is one of three Mo THEATRE^ Now Phyißf W. Senn Miller jjfc^nwr Wednenday-Thßraday IMVBNAV! YOU S» A MANHUNT m m mm dmati THAN MSI I^Q/takam TTRANGEtS S’UNO’S uSrn m h* Mm oßSii SOON! the Motion Picture Screen! - 'Amt' wnmflfiim 0 i TTfIBWTi " tv TECHNICOLOR WIDESCREEN MKSMi mmrnmmmmmmmmm. Bspieren of the Orr—erbu CmO. with which the Orange' District is affiliated. Accord!* 1 to sa sßßoanessaent from the] eoancO’a headquarters ia Raleigh following s recent budget pten-j ning conference held there by] Scooter*. Camp Ddrant is at tracting tins summer "an unpre cedented number of campers." Kip Collins. Scout executive for the Orange District, is the camp’s director. John Moulder, a Uni-j vercsty student, is the program] director for the camp. Sommer Tours j | A number of summer tours of j North America by air-conditioned ] bos are announced by Mrs. Viola 5 Barrett. Chapel Hill represent*-] tive at Circle Tours, the sponsor-j| ing organization. The tours, all to. begin in Raleigh under the guidance of experienced travel di rectors, will be as follows: New England-Canada tour from July 11 to July 24 and from August fe to August 21, inciudes visits to Gettysburg, New York, ; Boston. Maine, Quebec, Montreal, ] Ottawa. Niagara Falls, and many I other places. j Deep South and Mexico tour :fiom June 27 to July M), to in clude New Orleans, the cattle land oil country of Texas, Mexico I City, Monterey, Mexico; Little 'Rock, Memphis, and Cherokee. A second tour like this will be ar ranged if enough people are in -1 teres ted. Mrs. Barr tit said. Western tour, from July 25 to August 21, will include Atlanta, : Vicksburg, Dallas, Fort Worth, i Carlsbad Caverns, Juarez, Petrv ; fieri Forest, Fainted Desert, Grand Canyon, Boulder Dam, Las \ Vegas, the leading California cities, Great Salt Lake, Colorado j Springs, Pike’s Peak, the Great Plains, St. Louis, and Cumber iland Gap. Drairing by Mrs. Johnson Mrs. Cocil Johnson is the artist who made the line drawing of the Chapel Hill Baptist church that appears every Sunday on the church’s bulletin. She is super intendent of the primary depart ment of the church's Sunday school. HOME TOW HEWS -Tell' her you jiwt had the television Met repaired by the experts «t IXAIAR, RADIO & TV i. . I guaran tee fche’ll feel better in no !ime at all." 4 KJAIAAiJwVn m. lilfni garagkJ| TA |^BUIID«mj |ggEMOKlj|gJ piS«E^^f|jHl %WMSHIO Ante |OTCH»K ''i^j FITCH una COWMY I Carrboro * Plmm 9463 [ Nation*] Officer M Kap> •■•ffißaSh-* Miss Ellen Anderson (above!, medical technologist in the Uni versity Medical School’* depart ment of pathology, was elected ;recording secretary of the Amer ican Society of Medical Technol ogist* this month at its 23rd an nual convention in New Orleans, La. A native of Greenwood, S. C-, Mias Anderson received her : training ir. medical technology at 'the Medical College of the State of South Carolina in Charleston, S. C., and received her bachelor’s degree from the University here. Miss Andersor. is ar. active member of the North Carolina j Society of Medical Technologists and served as its president in 1&54 55 The ASMT has a membership of about 6,000 technologists cer-j tified by the Registry of Medical j 'Technologists of the American Society of Clinical Pathologists throughout the United States,' Hawaii, and Alaska. These technologists are cm- 1 ployed in various phases of medi-f cal laboratory work such as bo*-! pita! laboratories, public health] clinics, physicians' offices, re- ; search, etc. The 1056 meeting of ASMT will be held in Quebec > City, Canada, in conjunction with; the Canadian Laboratory Bbrietyj of Technician* a _ _ A Game of Poker By H. T. Mclntosh In the Albany (Ga.) Herald i: I.- a sadly familiar story, and the saddest thing about it .s its 1 depressing repention in every part of the country. Boy in trouble with the law : ’ Os ter. several boyt, and not in-1 frequently girls who were in bad company. Names withheld, unless the of fenoers were above what the law i ; considers juvenile age. Family shocked and at first unbelieving, hut the fw'j prove to be stubborn and cannot be kept from public knowledge. Court proceedings, probable probation, stern lecture from the, payment for dam- . age to property, reparations and possible fines, and then—? What happens next depends, in ,the average cam, on bow genuine; has been the repentance of one boy or of a gang, and the extent of parental understanding. 1 know a man who, ytVrs * KO , ( escaped by the skin of his chat-j tering Veett. involvement in what would hkve been a most embar rassing situation. He had, to use his own words, been "playing a little jfcker." He was in his early] THE CHAPEL HILL WEEKLY Niles A. Titter Is Moving to Florida Nile* A Titter, administrative I has been appointed administrator of the Ft. Walton Beach hoapital | at Ft. Walton Beach, Fla. He will serve in the capacity at hoapital; consultant until such time as can-' struetion of this new hospital b I complete, when be will begin his duties as administrator. Mr. Titler is s graduate of the I McLean Hospital School of Nurs ing, and the University of Pitts- I burgh, where he received a B-S. degree in nursing education and a master’s degree in hospital ad ministration from the School of Public Health. Originally from Altoona, Pa., he began his ad- I ministrative residency in hospital administration here at Memorial' hospital in July, 1953, and since the completion of this course has been employed as administrative assistant. He Ims been living in Hillsboro. He is a member of the Episcopal church, the Me- » Lean Hospital Nurses Alumni, the Lions Club, and the Ameri can Hospital Association. twenties, was his mother’s idol, and he had played a few times in a strictly gentleman’s game. No drinking, no high stakes, no all night sessions, but a few nice, quiet friendly games in different homes once or twice a week. But at just about that time a 1 judge who had been hearing about poker games and the loss of money which the losers were not in financial position to bear, charged a Superior Court grand jury to investigate the "gentle-, men’s poker setup." “Get the , facta," said the Judge. “See whether the law against gambling been violated. If it haa, re member the oath you took when !you were sworn in as jurors, and 1~ MS-FLAM SAFE! PLAT P©« YOUR YOUNGSTERS Unless you have the lime to stay with your toddler, you should provide a tale play area, pref erably an enrloaed, fenced in yard. Teach the growing child to ride a hike safely. Caution repeatedly against darting out j into the street after halls. Make H understood the child is not to cross the street unless with a~" | grownup. It's up to» r you to provide for your child’s safety MUTUAL LIAO MSB CO? ! JUNE SALE I Rytex Ends Thursday PRINTED STATIONERY ENSEMBLE 200 SHEETS 100 ENVEI/IPES PRINTED WITH YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS Plus 25 INFORMAL WITH YOUR NAME 25 ENVELOPES PIUB 25 GLAMOURIZED - CARD-O-GRAMS • 2J6 A 6.36 VALUE Th* Sheet* and Envelop#* arc of line quality vellum paper in choice of White, Blue, Grey, or Pink. Name -and Address j printed in choice of Block or Script lettering style in Blue ; •r Mulberry ink. The Informal* are of smooth. White stock and are printed j in Black ink only with Name and lettering atyle exactly th* same as on the stationery. The Card-O-Grams are glam ourised post cards and are of heavy whit* stock with Early American border design in Wedgewood Blue. These Card- O-Grams are not personalised with Name or Address. Colonial Press lne. M 4 W. Freak Ha Bi. I * H ‘••rf* known titmmm. and hagnn to get result*. It went like this: "Have yen at any time, any where in Dougherty County dar ing the test two yean, ragagwl is a game called poker, er ia any other game of chance, for —-nty or any ether thing of value, with Mr Soanso? Or Mr. Jehu Doe? WEEKS* VS tec ui ss> * W S* jmtm * ©5 toftoafitf 3gr ' K 4 ~ 3? fcn-Arfgr to 7 53 Sara tot—us * * X tome * 1C Stno 23 19 « toft 4 - ITT II 11 z* tor* 15 is to tor I2K Hf tow* Saoowry 12 *c wtori umdgf u 2.2 *5 tool Sto TUCSOAV JURE 2f W! to Syr Or 5 K At*- tat *lf An eng 7 s *r<+x** Cars* £»• to toit-2 mn >- ets 0* lm ' myrnm ** ’«> to Tto FfT, K >4 •* ■* *<» U.« Ute Ift toAu -2 i ft ■ M . >t 11 K tor* I. 45 to w-ft U to ’ fttetowa • 12 .5 to —A row tows 12 K ftt u** 1 C*: » C • «s U| IX to* i Ate rtlri 2 ft ft 2 W 14 f -Jl4» toara 3 SC to top 3 15 t m* Stvftf sutn* 3 X to fftar Autvf 4 totosl , wwn 4 3C Crr^it • (4 7er* fw S)C So to P4|ftwM ft OC Tft* ftE. dMift ft X toft« (ftwft ft 45 Am tow ' I \ I f.uarsnteed Seriica I "" • | | QoaUty Gtaasisg Sobseribo □® r BAUNDEKB' PHHB Tw ° '•••*• P*r Week 80-Way Osaoors T ~ u ’ - | I Clmpol Hill I M## P*' f“ r TUESDAY. JUNE a IWW W«'U SDw « m Mu nut 11 M Cum Cam i w m tr Dun iw M *u* i m "ar* Dun » « u CauDt )» MitkU » M tuTou DM % lu t H SU DU D »» Dm tun Mi D MW im in Cu nrru I N Mu r*k tai • U MM MM KM tea OraUMl KM MMM IMn Or Hr. Kkhaid Ik?” The men who teU me Us story said the several days and nights until the Grand Jery adjourned, could never bo forgotten. As he expressed it. he hod “played a little poker." and how he was not included in the scorA or more of weU-knowTT* citizens who, one morning tet*T in the week, were ■lined up before the presiding judge U> be lectured, fined and —■ ■ ■ ——.— j -»■ ~ c Radio-Television Programs Chapel Hill N. C 105 5tW) 'urn 2Of «v—■ * anur *-05 *»«• sue 2-JC SO* eras S *na«- sas c* Ti», «OC taK 4 Hvn «OS 5, tm sat 1m S Mr SOS Swg i IS SO! v Cm* Or 515 ms* V mrwm V SJC Em, Chapel Hill N. C. to-cjg.t teffi— ♦ il V- fcdTJ* It i 5 Sto 0^ «CMCSD4Y JM 2S 5 2C MB Syr Dp 5 34 (n/ ff Durham. N. C. lit 1«BW> ftftwiw ft *5 jm* D* t tow ft X toeftf Tw ft 45 .ittetoe 7 0* Fact Vm F«f 7 3* Arth/ H4*«y F«rly IN tote to* to » • X CMty towri Stow ft X Stw TwftM 1C 0C ftFp ten :t X .At* town Fto 1C 15 -At tr«A| Wto IC 4t Ostritiß AdhrilAt 22 1C tooA 4 S -ft* o*4 WUNKSCAV. JUNE 2ft 7 OO AJf Tntoy ft«C Lm% too Vctoftf ft X Arwur AftatflUt ft «5 toMM U«A* it cc »«m li W Tmaun t«te« Greensboro, N. C. ; f- T Ate e i 1 00 tohAt i c b.tft T ft , 2 3C Aft I m ett*f 2 00 7r# fcft f-ayoM 2 SC fcofe .tvjt a 3 OC- The fcfftt.Tr* Gap 315 tht Secret Stuir. 3 >C On 0 UhftiAi iftw*rto 4 45 Jwlhhffi La fc<»A Show 7 M» Story !*(«-/> 7 JO f APnefft EOiINA 7 45 totAttor WNM-TV D M Iwi IMMrt ii ee tui UMti I N DM **a~ Mu «JS SutmM CM* I oo -'Mr- Mkki IM NU Crate* ms "ar* dmmi I 00 TV Tau IN On *«* Account 4 00 Alternate IM S:TO Mun Tnw SSS CnnaU Ml DM cum OWM D M Star Thu ' 5 IS Sum Mart DIS MtaUtf / 1360 on your dial 1* 25 SM Wtot-l (M, Or 123* Lmmk w*» La* 1 00 Mm. Ipßlf'Mn 115 TV* VS Star, 1:M TWtv TVt* 230 Fwtp Fh 530 Snoop COM 43* loin 5:00 Urn. »Ml U| PIS boc* as* am 2:3* mania* T* SUWMVS 7:05 In Son**p Channel 4 CoUrpv Cntt J in ) ’ « F7,.,„ cf 5 10 Carpi 7i«a Tn(m ic 0G Sw> Of* THWSOSV, JUH£ X 5 2* FM Si*R On Channel 11 7)4 Mr Ciiue* 9 0C K/a€t TV TtoAtre ftOC Thn Is Year lift % 30 Bft To«*t 10 00 Cot* Aft Nam* l TM/ It: 38 Late Mm FW 10 35 AU E«» totottvr 10 4ft Spect/e «f the Rut 11 40 Prevue 4 Sto Off THURSDAY, JUNC 30 7 0C AM Today ft CC G ag Dong School ft 30 ArtnthAvr Ahraturf ft 45 StoiUh Oto 10 to Hmm 11 00 Tnwtnit £n»« 1130 Ft Ather Yo«r Nnt 17 00 Home The At/* 1 0C PM ftm 115 MM toy towttee Channel 2 7 5C Sports F 4*l 4 0C lft’s Vttrt €ls The OutdoorimAf) ® 30 I’ve Cot a Secret ft 00 F rotrt Row Center 10 OC Ariiv* Godfrey 11 00 Thr 4.At* Show 12 00 Sp'ts to di'r. N m / • THURSOAY. JUN£ 30 4 45 AM Teit pAttern t 55 News And to*At her 7 00 The Morm/ft Show 7 25 Morn** News 7 30 The Morninf show 7 55 Mortitelf tor At her fc 00 The Morn mg Show fc 25 Mornuag News • 30 The Momwf Show fc 55 Morninf Musk ft 00 Gerry Moore Show ft St Arthur Godfrey Channel 28 I M 0u« (Mi *45 Juiua La ha SDw 7:M SaODty A FrtoaW • M MHIMUt • 'TO l‘u M * Surat D M Taut Hu Cuter IBM Mud 10M CU SDw II SO SU OH THURSDAY, JUUE TO 1 00 AM Ma>a«a SDw T—toy, Jane 28,1 HS era* hearte, and deprive small lAOdrea at parentpl love nud care. little wrong steps can mar er ruin. They not only can. They da, for net all are as lucky as sms the man who told me his story. At Pawley’s Island Mrs. Gerald Barrett and her I children and Mrs. Isaac Taylor and her children recently went to Pawley’s Island, S. C., for a week’s vacation. 730 Dm 735 Maditation Bo* «m • 05 CMapel • 30 Nm *35 Barlou Conduct! 1:00 Nm 1:05 Concert Hour 10:00 Mm. Go in* On 10:10 Willlm fnsui ll:*0 IMonMjp Servlet 12:00 Nm A 12:05 PM Raiatuu 12.25 Whet's Going On 12.30 Cam cade of Mimic 1 0C News Summary 1 15 Prankie Carle 130 Music by Mammal 2:00 Mm 2:05 Siaiday Concert 5:00 Nm 5:45 Evensong t oo Nm. Going On t:10 Evensong 530 Fnenui r Giant 5«5 Mr Margie'S Muse* t 00 Almanac 7 00 Geometry Course (College Entrance Require I 7 30 Ballets de France 7 45 Glimpses of G'boro 800 Today On The Farm t3O Dr Boyd On BiMe 1.00 North Car. History 130 Great Ideas 10 00 Sign Off L, 1 20 WTVD Newt 1:30 Home Cookin' 2.00 Ted Mock 2:30 The Greatest Gift 2:45 The Little Show 3 00 Hawkins Falls 3:15 'Afternoon 3 30 World of Mr. S. 3:45 Modern Romances 4 00 Pinky Lee 4:30 Howdy Doo# i 00 Cisco Kid 5 30 TV Playboys 5:45 Sports* tew 5 55 Carolina News 4 10 Today's Weather 4:15 John Oaly News 4:30 The Lone Ranfer 7 00 Best of Groucho 7.30 Justice 8 00 Dragnet t Ford Theatre ft 00 Lux Video Theatre 10 00 Life with Elizabeth 10 30 Late News Final 10 35 Lata E*e. Weather 10 40 Late Show 11 10 Prrvue 4 Sifn Off 10 30 ' it Rich 11 00 Mormnf Chapel 11 15 love of Life 11 30 Search for T'm'rr'w 11 45 The Guiding Light 12 00 RFD Piedmont 12 15 PM Headline News 12 30 Welcome TrAvelers 1 00 What s C'fcing T'd'y 1 JO Art Lmb letter 7 00 Nancy Carter 2 30 Bob Crosby 3 00 The Bughter Day 315 The Secret Sturm 3 JO On Your At count 400 Robert Q lewis ft 30 Carrousel 5.00 festrrftA/'s Newsreel fl 5 15 i/a/.et/ Mai .nee 530 Six Cun Playhouse t 00 Annie Oakley 4 30 Guufias Edwards 8 ft 5 Jane f roman Show I 7 00 The Ame* ; Brothers 7 15 Dancing Party 7 30 Faening Edition 7 fts Weather 7 50 Sports Final • 00 Story Theatre 8 30 Waterfront 10 00 Wrestling 1C 30 Ray Mi Hand Show 11 00 The Late Show 12 00 Sp'ts, W'th'r, N'wi 0:00 Brunch Thoat/o ‘‘M Camara Cmuotf l:M DM NWort 0, Cult 1:1S 'W Draauta ITJ Early Mu* JU Ouey Carter * :J O 10*’ DrtaanU * : *o Faaturvtte » *• On Vaur Accaunt t*o Afternoon Motto » »• Ateuter* TWO C M Cum Olfrat B OS Star TWO * IS Suit Rout B H WtetDar B SO Cfouf EterOfOa B:0S Amot Brother* T M Tho CRrMooDart T TO Cl Knox « SO Four Star PlejOrie » M T-W> la Action 0 TO Horry Hu Sy-U D:4S Uttt* Tteotrt 10 M Now 10:10 LU SDw I1:M SUa OH