Friday, September 7, 1956 Major Jones Here To Attend Carolina Major and Mrs. Thomas C. Jones, USAF (MFS), and daugh ters Karen 12, and Connie 10, whose home address is Orlando, Florida, are recent arrivals''from Montgomery, Alabama, where Major Jones just completed a| four-year tour of duty as Offi cer-in-Charge of the Sanitary and Industrial Hygiene Engineer ing Section, Department of Pre ventive Medicine, School of Avia tion Medicine, Gunter Branch. Jones 'fjjjll attend the V.N'.C. Graduate School of Pub lie Health, Department of Sani tary Engineering, for a one or two year period. While in Chapel j Hill, the Joneses will live at 45: Davie Circle. Connie and Karen will attend the Chapel Hill Ele-! myntary School. Nematodes Damage Cedar Grove Deaf In Cedar Grove township se vere nematode damage has been’ noted in the tobacco fields of Toni \\ heeley, William Pope and' others. A- a rule the damage from ■ these tiny in -<-it. is not apparent | to the eye, hut nevertheless takes a heavy toll both in quality and quantity of tobacco. This yeai many fields are so severely dam-1 aged as to he noticeable from the highway. One of the most effective con trol measures is to rip up tobac co stalks immediately after har vest. In this way many of thej roots are exposed to sun and: It’s time for fall Redecorating... with our complete selection of drapery and slip-cover ma terials, we can make your redecorating problems easy. pace #»7 vn Lvnnox BENNETT & BLOCKSIDGE, INC. Selects our Souingost Gold Tag Values c FRIGIDAIRE Electric Range * f^ r 'by-Thirty Styling 3O inch width • Cook- Moiter Oven Control • Two 8 Inch and two 6 Inch V \, Rodiantube Surface Unit* • full Width Giont-Sli# f ’ Oven • Full-Width Storage Drawer • Lifetime Porcelain, Acid Relating Cooking Top Manufucturer'i Suggested Price *229” ■ \ \ UUL - i,— i, ONIY Our Special I V fflWSl *l79 95 j fi M>S-38 M / i \ \ Plus Trade-In on Your k I mm msi WMDAIRE Food Freezer-Refrigerator ■|_ * cu. ft. Big Family Capacity • Zero-Zone K IftfA j Freerer • Cyda-Matic Automatic Defrotting In Refrigerator Section • Twin Porcelain Hydratort I Suygetted Price *366* I T a 9"Pri ce T - Trade-In on Your ponjtyjG 01d | te f riKerator I FRIGID AIRE Automatic Washer e Rub-Free Action —the "wadiingeit" of all • MSjtJ Econo-Dial tavet water, eoap, time • Float-Over mm Rioting cleant water and clothei • Select-O-Dial leti you wath at you choose • Rapidry Spin re movet more water Manufacturer'! Suggested Price $229^ * mm ONLY V Our Special I TagVrice Plus Trade-In on Your Old Washer See these ’56 FRIGID AIRE “Gold Tag" Specials TOD AY! BENNETT & BLOCKSIDGE INCORPORATED 105 E. Franklin St Phone 6161 drying wind which together tend to destroy nematodes. This prac tice alone will not control this pest but will greatly reduce its damaging powers. Other control measures are rotation and fumi gation. George Simpson Is To Direct Research George Simpson has become director of the North Carolina Research Triangle and will un dertake his duties in Raleigh within a few days. Granted a year’s „f ab sence from the University’s De partment of Sociology and from the Institute for Research in So cial Science, Mr. Simpson will’he 'the executive officer of a broad 'new program of scientific and j economic development which is hacked by authority of Governor Luther Hodges and the Depart ment of Conservation and De velopment. The Research Triangle has three angles The University at Chapel Hill, State College in Raleigh, and Duke L’niveisity at Durham. Mr. Simpson will continue to I live in Chapel Hill and will com mute to Raleigh, Durham, Greens boro, and to whatever other places his duties may take him. Cates Reunion This Sunday | The descendants of Thomas S. Cates and Adeline Perry Cates will hold their annual reunion j this Sunday, September 9, at the | home of Hight M. Perry in the Orange Grove community. 1. G. j Greer will speak. The program | will begin at 11:20 a.m. Welfare Problems Beset Commission ■ Mrs. Jane Parker, eounty wel fare superintendent, hail some problems to discuss with the Or ange County Board of Commis sioners when she appeared be fore that body in Hillsboro last Monday morning. The biggest problem on the . commissioners’ minds at the mo- Iment, however, concerned Mrs. ! Parker herself. She had resigned, | effective around November 1. | and they were faced with a tough prospect: how to find a succes : sor w ith the same high degree I of competence who would be will . jing to work for the same low . rate of pay. Mrs. Parker's major problem I concern’ d a reduction of feder al and state aid (cut from .$(5 to . $4 per patient per day) for hos pitalization payments. That de crease was announced about a week after the county budget was J approved. A short time later both Duke and Memorial Hospitals , raised their rates. The commissioners dwelled briefly on their major problem , after Mrs. Parker had completed her report. They decided they would look around and find some . one they wanted to come to work, then take up the question of how much money- it would take and | where the cash was coming from. One Still Captured In Month of August ■j Five raids during the month of August netted Sheriff Odell i Clayton's forces one lbO-gallon still, 120 gallons of non-tax paid whiskey, 2,000 gallons of mash, and one 1941 Ford. The account !ing was made before the county commissioners in Hillsboro on Monday morning. Sheriff Clayton told the com missioners that his office col lected total cash receipts of sl,- 910.44 in August, with $1,709.90 coming from fines and costs in criminal cases, and $140.54 com ing from service of civil papers. Sentences imposed on defend ants in cases originating in the sheriff’s department totaled 20 years, ami suspended sentences and probation added another 29 | years and fit) days. Other activity during August included 79 arrests, service of 49 civil papers, summoning of 101 jurors and serving of sub ! pocnas on 25 witnesses. THE CHAPEL HILL WEEKLY Good Afternoon for Football Several hundred fans turned out on Labor Day afternoon to watch the University's football team practice. Out-of-towners came from Dur ham, Raleigh, Greensboro and Charlotte. Chapel Hillians were present with their wives and fam ilies. Infants in strollers were on hand, too, So were a group of youngsters who put on a game of football of their own, out of the way of the varsity. And, so were two members of the town's dog colony. Several of th.e spectators re back-To-scmool, SrWSWTWWWTW !■-! '' h.M,,. 1!, .n0, 1 ami liollo, l X Aniunr him* tlMmm CHUCK ROAST- „ 59< ' & fiTJTL Cubed / _ STEAK •» 99< X-r grape juice FRYERS Ib. 33£ Counter Sliced All Meat j fc? 2*6 01. CailS. • 39C Counter Sliced BOLOGNA I-b. 39t season or had had ac- I cess to pre-season dope books, (and identified them for the less • informed, 1 A couple of pairs of field glass ■ es were seen in use, and camera ■ enthusiasts snapped pictures. i Almost everybody was trying to keep out of the sun, looking ■ for a breeze, and wondering if f it was going to rain. But they i stuck it out to watch a little i rough work and to talk about prospects, how-many-games-are ■ one - wouliia - said - anything- ! Coker - and - Johnson - had - been J signed-by Duke-or-State. Few, if any of the spectators knew junior quarterback Dave Reed was lost for the season as ’ a result of a knee injury suffered: last Saturday. They watched a lively scrimmage and commented on the ball handling, the tack-. 1 ling, the blocking, and the run-; ning. ’ It was a good afternoon for; p watching and listening. • The University School of t Public Health is the fourth oldest professional school of - its kind in the United States. Leaflets Available The Chapel Hill Unit of the League of Women Voters has made available at strategic places about town a number of leaflets detailing and explain ing the proposed amendments to the North Carolina Consti tution to be voted on tomor The Bull’s Head Bookshop University Library, West Door, Ground Floor Eisenhower: The Inside Story BROWSE, BORROW, OR BUY Page Eleven row (Saturday). The leaflets will also be available at many of the poll ing places tomorrow. They state the arguments both for and against passage not only of the amendments relating to the schools but also those re lating to sessions of the Gen eral Assembly and powers of attorney for married women.