Page Four Miss Mary Menius Weds J. R. Faust Mis- Mary Lucille Menius be came the bride of John Rose Taus*. Saturday ir. the First Methodist Church at A she boro. The Rev. W. Harold Groce of ficiated. Daughter of Mr ard M:-. John W Mer.iu-. the bride wa = jriver. ir. marrug- b; her Sor. of Hr. a- Mr- Dan; Faust of Catawba Cc-iiejre tk< brideyreont had k father a best man. The bride t ie i g wr. of white Cnsr.tiliy is.-- a-.: t.i. over taffeta with ar : r ve ar.c a cap of s-..:r a- i **-*• pear. Sh* t&rr.*. a colonial bouquet of whit- r -e . Mr- Faust atter.-ted Wai Forest CcLey Lee M Ra< Jur • ior Cob-g- a: rra-i.,: - *' f* - the L'nr.- r t> of Nortr. 1 - lina. Sr.e r rr.r .eted a year training ir. r.techno.og* a*. Chant; I; ita ir. Nets Or lear. .La fir - employed at .*> Z. Mesiona H :ta.. Her . it .. a graduate e Catawra r li*-g* attend* r aright -cfioiar. ' L*r r*- v.rjr v;:r. the Arrr;. i r lapar r.e . ntir.uir.g r.. sruc; as po.i'Joai - at UNO' jraouat* After a v. ed'iir g trip t> Texas 01 Hi:: r rosh to ( amp at New Hope A train Tn« YM CA -s ponaored Preshmar Camp for fir-.t-year ttudent at tb» University wil. >per. September If at Oarr.p Nev lope. Approximately I'M freshmen Ire expected to ta/:e part ir. the our-day program, which will b« irectec by Rob Leonard, a jun or from Hendersonville. Included among the adrr.ini.e- ( ;rativ( and faculty member?, who ( trill take par* ir. the discussions ( It Freshman Camp this year are kcting President Wi ban hr. GUARANTEED RECAPPING EXPERIENCED PERSONNEL GOODYEAR OR FIRESTONE TREADS • 190% COLD RUBBER • LATEST EQUIPMENT • ONE DAY SERVICE • EASY PAY PLAN Chapel HiH Tire Co. M 2 WEBT FRANKLIN HT. RHONE # 2621 j NO W! Hour Saving s- Earn More Most everyone agrees that any program i of savings should start with a bank savings account. Money in the bank is MMf safe ’til you want it; ready if and M Mm when you need it without any unusual waiting peri'xj. Now . . . you can save (impounded safely and profitably where you do all'your banking. SA VE IT. . . you ’ve got it! \ Spend It. . . you’ve had it! OPEN OR INCREASE YOUR ACCOUNT ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED TO SIO,OOO THp Banl^j&& a P c * „. tr utv* dw** *"* * I # 1 Glen Lennox Carrboro Chnpel Hill i i L day. Chancellor Robert B. House, C oach Jim Tatum, Hear. Johnson of the General College, and Roy Arms*a»ng, director of admis . toon.*. -/ Mrs. Rachel Brown Passes in Durham 0 Funeral serv. e- were held Frida f • Mr Ra ; - Brow • .f Durham, wh died Wednesday night at L>uk- H<- r ,t.'i. f v.: f;* i. Sh< wa- 'i ear- old A rat ve of Orange ( oun*y, * h»: v. a » t*?2 Li- i? t« ( J .i U>' * tour/;. - r>oo.- v D‘j?. r .d!T. -1 /ear. 1 * ijf.* Arr rr f"r «ur- % or* ar* ncr r-arer t - Mr a' M.- ; M I rat-ree of Durham. Route ; a brother. Paul M Crantree of 1 r.a; • . ar.c a * .*' ».• v-r a: . : jr oth» - l *ner m V. e-ndin;' Ir (hint- f of ii... v>a j-. ' ' *r.* v-- -idir.g of Mis • -.•.-.a Lou.- V. at Co.v .S; t.rdfc Re-ide on l*ir t -ie»ir<. Itoad ti ie. Long Jr., w.v v.<-r< rr.arrieo Re.n.or * Saturda- v.. man* r.orr.o a* T;2 P.'t :• -< 1 .ac Mr Long j- at: - n ii' ii -* .o<-- - a* •-.* r : i-r •; Mrs Long t- . f -rm* ; .V. .j ,- .. P.I rni* ..< j' ’ ,ji . . *- .- ing ■ master ■ * r..■■ • r y and v... tea* i. a* Duima-n Higr Set. wo. tr.. y.-ar I riiver-irv Seni'>r- VC ed Mr. and Mr J« - Rar io : 1 f ■re ;. who wi re marriec a* R'eg.'.arr Sa’urtia’ . wo rr.aK* their hoirn ir r hap el Hill thi * ear whii< I ' their stud ie. a - tr.« I r. c-r ,-y Rofr are seniors Mr Corley i tr.‘ for-j rr a r Mi-. Bar oar a k ranee; Arjee. W ill Reside Her* Mr and Mr: M.liiarr, A uteri Caldwell who were married in f'hariotL- Saturday, will reside in Chap*] Hill while Mr. Caldwell, compieteli his s.tudie . He ih a pre-dental student at the Urii-* vertsity. —- To Live in k londa Mi R.-.'iiui Jean Burcl of Rae ford, daughter of Mrs Thomas: Is.-wey Anderson of Itaeford arid tn* late Robert Elijah Burch of $% a a. • m m 20 Year Loans Wes Win, Inc 200 N. Columbia St. 9-Mill PHONES 9-1341 Hold** the Fort City publisher gives country boy chonce At*.a'V»d tr trie enidt-iy »':tter maru.scrtrst i not* re*c 'l' rr. 1 - icr.j t* v. rr publish: 1 ; I » . .*. *ppr~-;ate t* i Ruts ir. 'x- :j* for ft" P-‘ :•'.** G* •?» F.-eder.r* F -uv wen 1 out. tt but th. be«* f ir Chicago Se- -:;rf tn» instrumer.t U Oi* [ P er. 1 , ne Vv-ved • U tb» ef'er* tr 1 If t. 1 ' r-vr.; c: s- «>**-c a R • * t. tr.e '.rr of Root A I a j« cwfor h. ir .e-t ’. .. ;r yea’s the i<- . ••• cure noser •* • to.-tv *awm!!. for J - ' * n. : t.;. *a* S -ectint mu';' at C.u'agoi F.':-' .a Ct. irer. ar.c editing »*r.g be ,:s one f es: j.y ijrv if, r • —v-sjrb gro" r 11 11 •*■ tr char tv Carre L" ar.d Ul; ti.-.d - .r:.t 32 year-old i:> foot 1,..-1.. 1 . . J’hliip R.'ii* wus the ovist • .gi.i afte- *ir.ger and com voter of goip' t .-;•< ir. ••• c* T er.«. of ".'..sands ofper' 1 1.1: 1 - r-. - - -- •he s tra v he sar.j for r « ; A’r.:tt.e *.v Lv.ugr. 1 L Money One night lr. Chicago after bearing a term x t ■ Mar.'i Live for God* Kiss uve ed the tn r arm wfc..e hu wife fixed br«-akf.. 1 no: wrote 1 Jev.'. Love* Eves Me’ Re -. ; .Moo-- t‘ I he st- r> o' • sn.pwrecic or, La/te Lrie t»- < » >• *v ..;'f 1 a 1 » .ignthouse h> oar. • up v. ■; !,< The Lower Lights Re Burning* Waiting for « •- in r --;. • I'..- : ;,ed lr.g a cn,"i r.e . • • r' .v **.'o 0. airniss 1 aaved i‘ tr * :* ■st / p-e-r -r - va - m g'e-ic a* v Hv rr.. con ; :e» v*.* roe 1 pool A u r j, »r / g, .- -'e-ientl re. CPP'V 'i i n>- L- tr* od/oocioj Solor leodio; or.. M yoSy men O’Vjrvf m foll.rg, Cou-oge e'en'ev* gcr-,. See the gionoua wve.rj 1 Heor the trumpet blc/w’ In as Leodec'a noma we tn 'Slate Belt’ Survey May Boost Income By Burk Paysour Two men from the University were floating down a river in a boat thin rummer, when a fisher man yelled to them, “You feller* caught anything?” he asked. “We aren’t fishing," came the ; reply. “Well if yon ain’t fishin’ what ar< you doing?” "Looking for rocks,’ the UNCj men, wiio had by this time drift-: ed far downstream, shouted The fisherman scratched his.: head as if wondering what kind of people would be looking for rocs when they could lx- fish ing Then as sort of an afterthought,! he shouted above the roar of the river at the fast disappearing .Chapel Hill, was married to Rich ard Neal Howell of Raleigh at Raeford Baptist Church Satur day afternoon. The couple will live in Lake City, Fla., where Mr Howell will tca» h THE CHAPEL HILL WEEKLY Hold the Fort IN OCTOBLR IVte t nor Q re Is br.e hymr, Pr BL 1 wrote after hearing • -of Sh' rr r dramatic mi •‘ tl arc n- ■ • *n‘ - great j pe song e r.ave never beer. v . 1 r r. ' not a n.F heart ed music publisher r t cour try boy * cbanci O-e' e-e-.. foe fc jt ojr h*. ; C'ec'C CV' T ' , •' -_- O' - - -jrtf C'.ee' rr,/ ' -. :*■*. r- ee (Cr^fJS, "Hold tr.e- so fv I com ' 3." -ev us 1 3". 1 s 11 11 V/o.e the or,see' oocr to heo-erv, By Toy grove ee woi." boat “Hey, if you fellers are looking for rocks, J got plenty of ’em in my backyard at home.” f'haneei are that the fisher man is still trying to solve the ’mystery of the men who were looking for ro j 0 VO® ©I M**ko .. . GoMtno on Ow 8 t /NT" " w world-famed Bobby Form count .. . fUtoning 11 D •‘IIH'IILw ** ■ L,- amid poWn free* ond sweetly teemed mosses of 1 1 A mdU ‘‘l** I S2Sew «• . . ftamwvg tropic flowers .. . Doncing orvd romonc- | 0 * rwl • fno tbof i yoor MrlWorvoire’s vocation of tbe I I T*e»u < 1 ceUbrtty stiled new Sorosoto Terroce HcCef* Vet ofl I 1 “* Tn (# —rv> **• / this fabulous luxury will cost you OS LITTLE oc I I MfeL l&kv\hm.y< I So don't wort orvother minute far retervo- /I P F atone! See your local Trovei Agent or wrftg. wire or ■ V . • NEW SARASOTA TERRACE HOTEL fi 0 ~** f O BOX 1720 SARASOTA, FLORIDA TIL. RIHOLIMC 2-SIII H tied a bouquet of shasta daisies. Bridesmaids were Miss l.any Walden of Tabor City, Miss Bryte Aberr.ethy of Chapel Hill . and Mi.-- Patricia Anne Simmon of Chapel Hill, who served as junior attendant. Their gowns and bouquets wire like those of ' the honor attendant. Robert Gunter of Durham was best man for hi- cousin, and u-h --- w e Mac Proctor of Chap el Hoi. Sam Ray of Carrboro and Yates Tilson, brother of the bride. The ceremony wa<= followed bv a reo*; 1 - in the church parlor with parents of the bride a hosts. After a wedding trip the cou j will reside in Chapel Hill. Live on Raleigh Road - Mr. an i Mrs. Gale Norwood Win.-. w . who were married at f’atawba Christian E . A . HRO \V N FURNITURE CO. Complete Line of Furniture Floor ( overing. Luggage al) d Llectric Appliances. 10ft Wi--t Rosemary Street Next Door to C ity Hall —and— West F ranklin Street Next to Hospital Saving Assn. Phone b-7121 Friday. September 7. 1956 Church near Raleigh Saturday, will make their home here at 7H9 Raleigh Road. The bride, the former Miss Betty Lou Sorrell, is a junior in the UNC School of Nursing. The groom is employed by the State Highway Commis sion. W ill Reside Here Mr. and .Mrs. Charles Lennon Jordan, who were married at Massey Hill August 29. will make their home here while the bride groom continues his studies at the University. Mrs. Jordan will teach in the Durham County schools. Good Summer « Reading Paper-backs 10c each—3 for 2.jc Hard-backs •ISc each—-‘5 for SI.OO The Intimate Bookshop 20.> East Franklin Street Open Till 9 I\M.