FRIDAY ISSUE Next Issue Tuesday Vol. 33, No. 82 Chapel Hill High’s HomecomingTodav —« ( __ IF YOU DON'T REGISTER... YOUR VOTE CAN'T! .MORE DAY BEFORE REGISTRATION CLOSES FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL League of Women Voters l’hone 8-21)79 Carrboro PTA to Hold Fall Festival The parents who attended the mAiing of the Carrboro I’TA. night had an opportu-j nity to hear an entertaining an<i enlightening talk by Mrs. Dick. Weiss. Several important announce-' ments were made at the business session prior to the program. Held Suggs, principal of the Carrboro School, and the execu tive board of the PTA. extended an invitation to the Orange County Council of l*TA’s to hold their fall meeting at the Carr boro School. The meeting, which will be in the form of a work shop, will be held Thursday, Nov. 29, at 7:80 p. in. The budget and finance com mittee announced that plans were being made for a Fall Festival to be held Friday, Nov. 2, at the school. Mrs. It. B. Studebaker’s first grade won the award for having the greatest percentage of par ents present at the meeting. Ufoeeial Service Is Planned by Church A -penal service in commem oration of the Protestant Refor mation will be held Jit 11 a. m. inday, October 28, at the Holy Trinity l.utheran Church The church’s pastor, theV ltev. Wade Hook, will give the ser mon. Lawrence I. I.ohr and Oun ter Taehoepl, members of the I. Ihernn Student Association at the University, will present a summary of statements from Reformation documents of his toricai significance. Special an thorns will be presented by the church choir, directed by Mrs. Kdward Hernasek. Special guests will be mem os thi Lambda Ch 4 Alpha inWe.rnity and the Alpha Gam ina Delta sorority. On Conference Program William H. Parker, associate professor of economic history at the University here, recently de livered a paper on “National States and National Develop ments” at the Social Science Re search Council’s conference on “The Role of the State in Econ omic Growth.” The conference was held in New York. Drive-Up Teller Window to Open Monday The new <lrive-up teller win-| dow of the Hank of Chapel Hill j on its Hast Rosemary Street parking lot will open Monday, it was announced yesterday by W. K. Thompson, executive vice tAfsident of the bank. bank parking lot is im mediately in rear of the bank. The facility will serve cus-' tomers who wish to make de-' posits, withdrawals, secure change or obtain a new check book with out leaving their car. “We feel that this new win dow will bn of particular benefit Building and Loan Figures At the meeting of the board of director* of the Orange Coun ty Building and Loan Association Wednesday night Executive Of ficer W. O. Sparrow reported total assets of (3,780,000 an in-, crease of (148,000 in the last month. Loans stood at $3,491,- 000 (increase, (109,600) and de posits at (3,543,000 (increase, (63,000). The Chapel Hill Weekly q> Cents a Copy $ Today, Friday, is :: mg Day at Chapel Hiil High School and a full program ha been planned to make the ever.: a festive one. The main attraction of the day will be reeled off at Carrbor Lions Park beginning at > p re. when the Chapel Hill Wildcats play host to Roxboro in a regu lar conference game. But befere the game begins, the veiebrat: r. will already have commenced, in the form of a parade which » : consist of many floats and cars and will begin from the Lions Park at 3 p. m.. after ar. assem bly program. In between the halves of the game, the be coming queen. Miss liams, will be crowned; ar.u after the game, a victory celebra: r. it is hoped, will be held at the Recreation Center The football game shapes ~p as a good one, with Chapel Hill holding the advantage of the home field and Roxboro sport ing the best record. In confer cnee play, the Wildcats have w r. four, lost two and tied r.e game, while the Roxboro Rockets, coached by (leorge Cushwa. k:iv, • defeated five opponents while dropping two i ntests The K-sk ets, however, have defeated tw teams, Hillsboro and N rtherr. ; which btat th< Wild'ats. jr.: must be favored to win ' Coach Bob t'ulton sav > that . with the exception of ful.t^ck • Co-Capt. Tommy tom-ir h an: liSubir Roy, substitute halfback. who will he out tne remainder of the season with injuries. th« Chapel Hill squad is in good ■ shape for the game, and that “we can win if we play tne best ■ we can.” The parade, from its start ,n , * I I.ions Park, will proceed through ■ Carrboro, down Krankitn Street Ij through the Chapel Hill business • I district and end up at the Pres i byterian parking lot Behind the ■ hand will follow floats prepared . by Mr. Herndon’s junior home {room, the Monogram Club, the • Dramatic Club, the Musk Club, i the Student Council, the FHA I Club and the Y Teens Organi • nations which will be represented j iiy decorated cars will include the Proconian, the tidlife, Class Os ; fleers; the Library Club, the < 'beer-leaders, and Mr- Sulli van’s sophomore homeroom The assembly will be a talent show featuring both present students and graduates During the halftime reremoo ' ■■ ■. Miss iarhtra W»l h« clowned llonieconung tj.esn ■by Wesley J Noble, principal of fie* High Si hool. Attending M. - - Williams will b« M-s \ sckie ■ flreulucli, semoi. Miss D- nna 'Baibngei, a junior. M - 1:.- Wooten, .i lophomore and Ms»» < larissa Joyce a fresbmai Dur mg the i oronati ri rh* ban t w .11 feature .ii'Vi a i i(t> 1 1 • ! t ' of alumni. » ■ i Parlies for Seventh Grader- Because of conflict with dance . classes held by Mrs Bagby and Mr* Boundthe R at n Cen tii pa rt ie s f . are being held on Satui :»> even i mgs instead of Friday evenings The fit-it fall party for tr.t • enth graders will be held floni 7:30 to 10 p m. tomorrow * S*l unlayt. [ Parker Named lu Staff Chancellor Robert H. House l has announced the appointment, following approval by the Board of Trustees and Acting Presi i dent William • Friday, of WTl jllam Nelson Parker as associate •professor of economics in the University here. I to those who desire fast, efficient service. We hope this r.ew addi tion will help to indicate to you that we are growing both in re sources as well as services," Mr Thompson said. Building Permits Recent building permits ;»»jed iby Building Inspector T 1. Burch included: J. F A. Thomp son to repair residence at Otis j Road, MOO; R H. Mark* to 'erect a carport at 4b» Pi it shorn | Road, (800; Lennox flevelop j merit Corporation to erect sngle I family dwelling at 2U Hayes Road, Glen Lennox, (14.500. Galloway Attends Conference Joe Galloway, the University's placement officer, was recently ,at Old Point Comfort, Va., attending the annual meet ing of the Southern College Placement Officers Association. The meeting waa held at the Chamberlin Hotel. You May Park Free 2 Hours ■ charge on the customer parking Id at the corner of North Columbia and Fast Rosemary Streets. Prescient Carl Smith said the two-h ur limit. exte--.:e~: from one hour, is designed primarily to “enable people to shop with out rushing instead of feeling they are being chases! off the lop.” The extended time limit went into effect this week, ar.d all one has to do to park free on the lot is have h.s or her ticket stamped by one of the members of the Chapel Hits Parkirg Asso. lation. No other changes were made at the meeting of the association this week. There are still charge- for parking more than two hours, night parking, and not having tickets stamped by par ‘ tteipating merchants. And. free pa-king to ail is still offered s Sunday mornings during church hours. Jaycee-Sponsored Halloween Carnival Will Be Staged Next Wednesday Night The annual Halloween carnival sponsored by the Jaycees will be held n the Fowler’s Food Store parking a t on Wednesday n.ght. Oct nor 31, between 7 ant 9 ■■ k According to Co, . chairman l >\ie Wheeler, all the ■ children of :h< Chapel Hill. Carr b, ro. ar.-t Ch-’i are invited. "Wr’re going to -split the kids up into three age groups and ■ give a priz, to the child with ' the best hand-made costume in each grouj . Mr. Wheeler said. '"Furthermore", he continued. w,’re going to take care of the parents by giving a prize to the mother that makes the best cos ' tame and by providing Belk- L-gc- tt Horton's lot for them to ' park ir. a l-».n which Belk’s ha -1 su kindly granted U'.’’ 1 Res id* - the costume judging ; there will tw other attractions, -uch a> a wishmg-well, an apple twfbbmg contest, a house of hor -1 rors, a merry-go-round, an.i a. ;sq» corn stand “Everything is. for free,“ Mr Wheeler said, “and we're even going to have a few 1 ,’owns circulating to’keep things 1 g ng fie -art there wou d Name Division Chairmen for Chest Drive Chairmen f.>r the six divisions, of th«- Chapel Hill Community ■ Chest dnvr were named this, week by VS alt Baucom, chairman us tile fond raising campaign. The divisions an.l the chair men an special gift*, VV. J. Og burn Jr ; residential, Sarah I’m stead; Negro, Mr. and Mrs Bynum VS .aver; campus, 0 V («tk; health affairs, Mac Nor wood, and business, Harvey Hen nett, Baucom said. These chairmen will spearhead 'he Community Chest drive to leach goal of $27,9.17.5? which *ll benefit ten local agencies taring ’.he coming yeai The dnve Villi begin with ‘'an all-out attempt to rollei t as much of tlie g..a! US poo-lhle "oil a Big "< oii.mumiv < h<-i hay.’ on Fri hay, N'ilt-mtu 2, he added T t.< ten agencies which Bette ( t from < hr st funds are the Boy .'Vo. .ts the toil ‘its. the V I eel - ti.e lb -II < elite!, the < .nstiuir. 1\ I etltel, the 1 lotllle' l*.«> Nil cry, th« Humane So i.iely the t hap< . Hill* llign. 1it.;..! > ti e I'ete! <iai vin library a! the tilvnwnod s to- alal the Mary Bay ley I‘ralt I.ihraiy at the Chapel Hill * luh I unrheon < aptain A M I’altei son, pn*fes s., of naval -a lice alal con. it.aidH.fc* officer of the L'niver slty's S'HOT* unit, will s|ieak on “The Increasing Importance, of the l nited States Navy'* a! a luncheon meeting of the Fac-| ■ ulty Club at 1 pm. Tuesi lay, , Itrtober 2u, at the Carolina Inn To SSork in New York Mias I'at Cook, daughter of ■ Mr and Mrs. O. V. Cook, will ,eave Monday New York to, work as X-ray technician at Presbyterian Hospital. Until her, ! resignation recently, she was rm ployed at N. C. Memorial Hos piul. t arrboru Deacon* Named James Blake will be ordained as a deacon in the Carrboro Bap- Usft Church at the Sunday even-' ing service. Thomas Pender- 1 graph and Wilson lackey, who already have beeruordamed, will be installed. Saturday Is Navy Day at University j C hancellor Hubert li. House of the University of North ( arolina has designated Satur day as Naval Keaerve Offi cers Training Corps limy on | the campus in conjunction with j its general recognition as Navy Hay. The drill team of the local NkOTC unit will make its first , public appearance of the year . Saturday, when a brief eaai -1 hitiuu drill will be five* in Ima Stadium prior ta the i Carußua-Wuke Forest game. CHAPEL HILL. x. C-. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1956 ■ also Ik a live petty pulhr.g a i cart, for those whs want to r:de. The colored chtldren are also going to have a party on the night of the 2'.*:h at the Com munity Center. All of this has ■ l<et-n made possible by the Jay cees and the 10M per cent co -1 >peration of the community. Symphony Drive Reaches $1,838 As 4>f Wednesday of this w,ek. total f $ 1,83$ n the N t Symphony Society had been received from Chapel Hill and Carrboro. The goal is s3,ta)d ~m will make possible a concert by the Little Symphony ami the Full Symphony in Chape! Hill next year, tine of these concerts will be free to school children. Among the business funis which have taken out group 'membership- are the Bank of Chapel IL n Service Insurance ami Realty <£.• . Carrhoro IVvoler. Mills, uni the University Na tional Bank Kh-mentary Sch.wb The whole Community Chest .campaign is arranged s • that people w til be called on only H.nre to contribute. Mr Baucuni said Harry J. Thomas Jr. Promoted to C aptain First Lieutenant Harry J Thomas. Jr . son of Mrs. |>, 1; Brooks of Chapel ilill. was piv»- muted to captain thl- w,-rk at W right - Patter > u \ir F- rce B*-. in tlhi > < aptain Thomas is assigned as chief. Internal Inf-rmation l* vision. Office of Information >• vices at |{> adquailer>, V.r V . tenal < oiinuan-t The captain sn-y- pt . » rung short -t. iv that h*' * • till ee Ail f -lo pi .re- ■ •.*; *|i>s * Chapel Mill Carden Club to .Meet Mondav The Chapel IliH •■alien < will meet at 1 p lit VI h taV a* he Institute of Pharmacy V c II R T>»tt« n wilt speak on Nn live Plants of North Carolina She Will also show slides V* • y Totten Is a eige in Nat. -life Flower Shows and an txj*«-r-. w\_ native flowers. llardre on < onference Program Jacques llardre, associate pro ! feasor of French at the L'niver 'sity here, recently gave a paper on “Jean Sartre, Literary Untie" In Hnstol, Term , at the sixth an inual Mountain Inter State F» x eign latnguege Conference Held |at King College, the two-day *es jsion drew language teachers from high schools and colleges lin North Carolina ami Tennessee T rustees Consider VNC Presidency Today An extraordinary meeting of the full Board of Trustees of the Consolidates! University of North Carolina will he held at the Capitol in Raleigh today i Friday) for the purp-iee of ap proving William C. Friday a» president of the University The meeting will be in the Hall of the House of Represen tatives, beguiir.g at 2 o’clock It .was railed la-t week wher, Mr. Friday was announced a* the unanimous choices of both the | selections and executive com mittees of the trustees. Mr. Friday has withheld com- i ment on his selection at! week, adding that be hesitated to make any statement until after the trustees’ meeting today. Meantime, he has received scores of congratulatory letters i and telegrams for having boen the unanimous selection from si Ckapel Mill Chaft By Louis Graves After all. there's no rea s« r. why you should know anything a': - ut the past of a person who has lived in places far away from you ar.d whom you've been ac quainted with only a little while. Yet. because you've Kith left the fires of, youth far behind ar.d you s4e him. like yourself, settled down to a humdrum sort of life, it Ci mes to y u as a surprise to iearn that he was not al ways as sedate as he is now but used to gw gallivanting back and forth across the world and enjoying the live ly adventures of a vagabond. 1 The man l am thinking , ab at r.ow ir. this connection . is Wyncte King who. with his wife, is here for his sv-e --1 ond winter at the Carolina Inn. When they first canto to Chapel Hiil a year ago I reß.enit-emi having seen his st rat ions often in the Saturday Evening Post ami sen afte r that l discovered that Mr> King was the 11 r . tcn>e' KSexner whevse poems [ha seei ii th< New Y rk I er. ---J The surprise 1 have tpen l tioned is in a clipping that • somelxniv sent me from a Post e's ntar.y years .ego, a little ste ry .o ut Mr. King's career. As aThatte'r of fact the st rv contains several i surprise > to im‘7 but here 1 'will give only one of them 'with no m,*re than enough acee" r> items to make the narrative utulerstv*cd. Because *>f financial dis tress in the family, then in Tennessee, young Wy note had tei got a job when he was nineteen. He got one as weigh master for the L. A N* fcodroad. In the intervals of weighing freight ears he 1 drew pictures of his com lvani«>ns To test his belief that he could draw letter t Continued on Page 2) Krvunir I'lllvbini Si. T \ Laving A C • is nuvkmg rvwdj to blacktop <1 ~f I'ilts is'iv Street aiv-i r,w>l to the l Kwtham ' ■'> tine llmvlly jvliy of trw :..tvte n,-w visible will lenvwoi w *eii lbe job is . on.j ictevt Girl Scouts Will Observe Founder’s Day at Their Camp Site on Kerr Lake Th,- tin! S -s the Bright leaf I,ill >* ,t < -41H.1 repie .id ng 2 “N* t,.i >. m llur - £ • m i, ./»'• . ~ V attce, and V\ iirve i- •'»’ ■»-. will oli serve i * n tn i lak,- in Vance < a The\pj -.- t inn- :f -i 10, give! t,u 1 Scout - parents and .MetSK' *n -j; r: mty t vow / , /rr the » . . s art :, ,->n I -n with ’.he I - Day festivities His Mil Sch.chei. of l<uiham, president v.f the Bright leaf < will preside over a thirty minute program. Mrs Van Ken yon util present a shott his tori.-al sketch on Juliette Low, the founder of tlirl Scouting in the United States, and Major! VV A (iixhan will explain the plans for the development of the, new camp Others taking part in! the program will he Miss 'singer. Tucker, Intermediate Scout from! Warrenton and Miss Meta Mary] N'ewaon and Miss Carolyn llar list of 124 suggested names. He has been serving as acting president since last March, and his handling of the job since that tme impressed many persons cisse to the University, including • •overnor tloiges, so that his se lection for the presidency had been generally expected. Uwtstaading Bowks Listed The University of North Caro lina Press here has released a' list of bo<>k- it says will provide "a guide to the building of a good North Carolina shelf in every mdivtduafs library.” Pre pared by Richard Walser, lessor of English at N. C. Slate; College, Raleigh, and Hugh T. lefVr. professor of history at USC in Chapel Hill, the list in rludaa only volumes In print and available through regular book Bermans Mark Anniversary Os Marriage and Business A young Russian immigrant named Mary Yolck arrived in New \ ork in 1907. She spoke, r.o English. In that same year, inbi-known to her, another young immigrant named S. Berman reached New York from Russia, 'll was his first glimpse of this great land of freedom in which he was determined to make a pia<te for himself. He had little money but much faith. Th esc two new Americans eventually became acquainted at the home of mutual friemis in New York. Their friendship pros },ervd. A cousin of the girl was the proprietor of a store in Wil mington, X ('., and in 1911 *S. Bt.rman 1 est New York and went there to work in the store. The next year, on October 10 in 1912. the tw young people were mar ried in tioldsboro. That same year they opened a store of their wn in Durham, and on October 30, 19!4, the second anniversary of their marriage, they opened a department store in Uhapel Hill. That store, with Mr. and Mi-s. Berman still at the helm, .s now celebrating its 42nd an niversary with its annual birth day sale. Congregational Christian Church Will Install Carnes as Pastor This Sunday The Rev. Harvey 1,. Carnes will be formally installed as pas ' lor of the I'nited Congregational, Christian Church here Sunday afternoon, beginning at 4:15! o clock. Open to the public, the wor-j ship and installation service will attended by representatives fi >m 45 neighboring Congrega-! 1 ts >nal Christian churches The Rev, Carl Wallace of Fayette-j ville will preside, and the Rev.! l William T. Scott Jr. will give Check Hie Time of I Radio, TV Shows j You had belter check the time of your favorite radio and trie vision programs, start ing Sunday. * throughout the Kj»st, espe cially in New York where mini of the programs origi nate, da.v light saving time will he an hour later than they ! have been appearing, and ■ others will be Relayed even I longer. Some w ill apfieur on othiT days. tar of Senior Scout Troop lf> of 1 tui ham Bnght leaf (lirl Scout sign p,.s|i will establish directions' five miles north of Henderson, where the*route turns off of 1 S. 1 to the vamp site Sine the program will be held out <>f doors, it is suggested that those attending bring something To sit upon. In the event us lain the ohseivrtnee will he postponed until November 4. Represents l niveraity Maik K. Sumner, U.N.C. grad uate in dramatic art, was the of ficial representative of U.N.C. last Saturday at the inauguration of tirellet Collins Simpson as chancellor of Mary Washington College of the University of Vir ginia, Fredericksburg, Va. He is a member of the faculty of the college. Two Methodist Servicea j The University Methodist jChurch has added a 'J a. m. wor ship service in addition to the < regular 11 a m. service on Sun day mornings to accommodate the gro wing congregation. The Weali y Foundation and the Youth Choirs furnish the music at the U o'clock service. Planetarium Kxhihit An exhibit of flurosecent min erals prepared by the University tieology Department opened at the Mure head Planetarium this week Jhe minerals are very j jcolorful under ultra-violet light. Survey for Terraces J M. Smith of Caldwell, and Curtis Whitfield of Kt. 1, Hills boro last week had surveys made for broad base, terraces to hold more soil, water, and fertilizer 'on sloping cropland. Next Paper Drive Nov. The next Jaycee paper col lection will be held Sunday after noon, November 26. The collec tions an held on the fourth Sun day es alternate months. 84 a ear in County; other rates on page 2 Bermans Department Store' first opened for business in an ,old wooden building on the south' s;,ie of Franklin Street about* where the Carolina Theatre now -. Mr. and Mrs. Herman (above) are celebrating the 12nd anniversary of the found ing of their store here. The picture was made this year by VN ooten-Moullon Studio of Chapel Hill. the call to worship. The Rev. Gaylord B. Noyce of Raleigh will give the sermon, with the scripture reading by the Rev. T. Fred Wright of N'orlina. The charge to the minister will be given by the Rev Wofford C. Timmons of Southern Pines. This will be followed by the prayer of installation by the Rev. J. Frank Apple of Henderson. The Rev. F. C. I.eater, editor of "The Christian Sun,” and the Rev. John G. Truit, superinten dent of the Congregational Chris tian Home for Children, at Elon iC-dbg*, will represent the 205 hi the Souths rn Con jvention of Congregational Chris tian Churches. M usic will be by the local choir with JShn Shannon con ' ducting and Lee Bostian at the organ. Before coming here August I,' of this year Mr Carnes served for three and a half years in | Franklin, Yn Assigned so (Juantiro Having completed the 26-week 'officers Basic Course at tjuan jtico, \a. Marine 2nd Lt Jimmy ]S. Neville, son of Mr. and Mrs Stacy .1 Neville of Route 2, Chapel Hill, and husband of the! former Miss Mary A. I’oytlue-.-. .dsn of Chapel Hill, has been ns -ig iieil lo iluly at ljuantico. How to Feel Good Are y n thinking, “ Well, my , little Vote won't amount to much," DON’T’ Your vote is as good as the President’s, or any body rise's. It i-ounts as lug as the next man's. (io to the polls and vote your convictions. You’ll! feel good about it afterwards. \\ diet Plans A Pond A, P. Willet of Eno had a jpond surveyed last week fur !stock water. Too Hot to Handle * —Photo by Bill Prouty Linemen Kamond Remmer, right, and Carl Bmith pat pro tective guards on hat power Una* before making connections on • replacement pole recently on Bast Rosemary Street. One •Up np with the 7.(06 volt power linee would be fatal to Uni* veraity Service Plants climbers. ■ - FRIDAY ISSUE Next Issue Tuesday stands. It moved to its present location across the street in 1926. It is the third oldest Chapel Hill business operated continuously under the same management. i Clyde Eubanks has been in the drug business here since 1892 and R. W, Foister in the photo store business since 1911; a close fourth to Berman's is W. 0. La cocok's shoe repair shop, which opened in 1915.) In its 42-year history Berman's -has become known not only as the place that “outfits the en tire family” but as the place to go for an item you can’t find anywhere else. In addition to new customer* it gains as Chapel Hill grows, it has many old cus tomers who have traded with it right on down through the years. Its employees are just as faith ful. Only one of its seven staff members has been with the store less than nine years. Miss Elva \Nilliams has worked at Berman’s for 35 years. The others are Mrs. John Canady, 18 years; K. P. Williams, 9; Mrs. John McFar land, 9: Mrs. Gilbert Clark, 7, and, of course, Mr. and Mrs. Ber man, 42 years apiece. - g W* v» u f.’ *VV V • 5,000 Musicians To Perform Here The annual radiant color of fall in Chapel Hill and a foot ball Saturday get a tremen dous lift this week as over 5,000 band members in their bright uniforms perform at halftime of the Wake Forest- University football game. '•2m game will begin at 2 » ■v,2% The annual Band event eagerly awaited by fans’ - and musicians will feature 60 bands and over 5,000 musi cians. The bands will blanket Kenan's green turf with field wide lines every 2V* yards for the entire length of the grid ban. ?n addition, the UNC Naval KOTC drill team will put on its first exhibition of the year before the game and the UN'U and Wake Forest Bands will perform. The Chapel Hill High School band, under direction of C. F. Ilieraon, will be among the group. Aldermen to Hear Re-Zoning Requests Nine proposals for changing zoning classifications will be heard formally by the Chapel Ilill Hoard of Aldermen tonight j( Friday) at the Town Hall, be- Iginning at 7 o’clock. Why Save Baby Teeth? Thousands of parents will find -out why they should save their ’babies’ teeth when WUNC-TV telecasts a program tonight (Fri day) at 9 p. m. direct front the Children's Clinic of of Dentistry. Hold Princeton Scholarships Kugene N'uma Lane and John T. O’N'eul of Chapel Hill are among the scholarship holders .at Princeton University during !the current academic year.

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