FRIDAY ISSUE Next Issue Tuesday Volume 33, No. 96 Hornaday Put on Town Board Clyde E. Hornaday, local realtor, was named to the Board ol Aldermen to fill out the unexpired term of William L. Alex uiindfr unil the regular municipal election to be held next May, at the regular monthly meeting of the Board Monday night. Mr. Alexander recently resigned from the Board in order to accept a ajci with Station WFMY in Greensboro. ** Mr. Hornaday, a native of Burlington, has been associated with the Service Insurance and Realty Company here for the past Id years. Before coming to Chapel Hill, Mr. Hornaday was in the real estate business both in Raleigh and in' Greensboro, where he was associated with the Carolina Mortgage Company. During the World War II days he was engaged in building war houses in the Greensboro area. % • •* t. .-S ife'v*’•*' •;A ‘ .. jHKjk 'IBBBBBBHBBBBBBBBBBSBB " MB ' H tßi 4 -aidl ‘DESIRE’ Ol'J NS ‘ Two ol lilt leading roles in the Carolina I'laymakers’ upcoming production of "Desire I nder the Elms" will be played by Jo Jorgensen ol ( Impel Hill as " Abbic" and Alberl Gordon of Greensboro as "I'.ben ( allot. A graduate of Duke I niversily and former dance student with Jose l.iinon, Mrs Jorgensen has starred in l*la> makers musical productions of “I’rincess Ida" and "Kiss Me Kale. Mr. Gordon, a graduate assistant in the Dramatic Arl Department, has appear ed in m«av major productions of the Inst lew years. Ihe I'lay makers’ Version of Eugene O'Ncill’a play opens t(«/iighi (f'liday) at the I’laymakers Theatre here, and will In* p,.»entt«f nightly through Tuesday. Public Hearing on Recreation Bonds to Be Held Jan. 3; Citizens Group to Form Tin* Orange f’ounty Hoard of f’ommi alonei* hui »et Januaiy ;i Ila* rial.** for the public hear if);* on t H«* proposed $2*70,000 bond referendum fui n « icaiion in Ihr ( hupcl lilli H«m fra! |f/ll lh -I i ict. Ir, < Mon lii’/i- tin week, tli#* i o/ii.n i ioiim « act 7dO |*.hi. *» “• tin* 1.1 i ii«* and tin* Chapel Hill 'I u7,». I (nil a •*. t hi- pla< c lor I h«- hearing on tin- proposal of the I hapi I Hill Jayii iM for ih*v«!op in' nil cut ion r.inlitji* hi*r r d' I, ' A meeting of interested per 'e named. 'I he .tuyere-. last week handed I i the commissioners petitions hi ai Inn the nurrieH of 15 per rent of the free holders in the rrcrr rtl if>li district and eulliriK for an eleellon. Tin- $250,000 Would he lined, if the referendum carries, to de velop the Kohiruori .Street reere at ion center und to erect id ill Hi hit* (liiMH Sets Party for Monday The annual Christman party of the |{ II House Hihle class will g,r held at <1:110 p.m. Monday, December 17, In the dllil/lk room of ihe I,’Diversity Methodist ( dm. h Stores Open Late To Yule Shoppers For the convenience <.f late <'hriatmas shoppers, stores in the Chape! Hill and Carrboro area will remain oiieti until ft p.m. tonight (Friday) and till of next week, Irecember 17- 21. The merchants have agreed to remain open until this nour in order that families may do their shopping tokether. All stores will clot* at their regular heura Saturday nights , and on Christmas Kve, Decern- i ber 24. They will be closed all , day ChrUtroae. I 5 Cents a Copy another somewhere else in the 'list i id. The bonds would be re paiil and the renteis maintained 1 and operated by a slightly in i*i«*ii• c
  • i me Alexander a member* of he committee. Mr*. J. H Kllia I and Mrs William It Ha night 1 will serve u.i ehapel ones,. Visitor* and guests me we! come I - iH*t( photo by Bill yrouty INSTALLED AT LA HI EH NIGHT- Jack M. Eulas of Bur lington, left, (kali with Tom Kosemond of Chapel Hill after Mr. Hulls* waa Installed ax lieutenant governor of tke Imporial Fifth Hivihion of Klwania International by Mr. Kosemond, hla prede aaaaor k«» tbia weak. Mora than 1M paraon* witnessed the inatallatlon at tha Annual Ladies Night of the Chapal HIM Club at the Carolina 100. CUftaa Baakarih Ul tL ‘ l -*g > i waa ha- harguat The Chapel Hill Weekly Hobbs Unanimously Renamed Chairman R. J. M. Hobbs of Chapel Hill was unanimously reelected chair man of the Orange County Board of Commissioners here Tuesday night. The commissioners also unani mously reappointed L. J. Phipps of Chapel Hill as judge of the county recorder’s court, and by a three to two vote elected Roy Cole, also of Chapel Hill, as solicitor of the court. He will succeed John Ij. l.oGrand. A. 11. Graham and P. J. Run son of Hillsboro were reappoint ed county attorneys. Among other matters, the hoard discussed the employment of a welfare superintendent and : deferred action on proposed changes in the Greater Chapel Hill Fire District. Mr. Hobbs was elected shortly after he was administered the oath of office by Superior Court; Clerk Edwin l.ynch of Hillsboro. Meeuu i' Mr. llohhs was sick and unable to at tend the December :> meeting, it was continued until Sturdy Willow Oak Shades Aldermen as They Ponder Whether It Will Be Felled A hip oak tree in front of the new Sunoeo Killing Station on West Franklin Street was tin* meting place of tin* Chapel Kill Hoard of Ahleimen Wedne day afternoon. It wa» a penal meet mg called hy Mayor O. K. Horn well to deenle whethei 01 not to permit the Sunoco people to cut the tree down. At a tegular meeting the aldermen had voted I against de traction of the tree, the special inerting was railed aflei the Sun Oil C ompany, own els of the filling station, had asked them to reconsider. The meeting under the tier was also attended hy a reprcMcn talive of the oil company und a numhn of women representing civic* organizations Lent on aav mg tin* tree. One of the women !Whh Mrs. < Posh, jfokex jmun for the Yep* e.Hcn'*’. vi*» of 'the garden eluhn, who ttftid, "We I don’t want to lose any mole 11 reen m Chapel Hill if it is po* tihle to avoid it. ThU fine wil low oak is no obstacle to the new ‘ filling station, and the aldermen should hark lip then decision to save it.'* w alt Haueom, president of I hi* Chapel Hill Junioi Chambei of ►'oinnieree, whit h has planted I many trees on the stieets of the. i town, jiresented a lesolution from his organ I */.at ion asking the aider men to "un* every possible effort to ave the tier.” P H Walls i epresented the • J company. When the women aid I In* tin*, which ii on town propei ty, was an asset to the tnhon In irply was, “We may have I In- pn tiled place in ('lmpel Hill hut wi think people will buy then gas elsewhere.” !l«* Slild the tree icdii'c tin* J/c of till* J tation diiveway and thus will ret aid tin flow of husinr.-. >, No decision was made at I hi* meet mg Mrs t l.iilde ( Sholts, pi esi 1 dent of the < Impel Hill < omrnu ' idly Mub, was (uesent and haul i h<* idiih would semi a lepresni talivi* to tin* next meeting of the . n # mien with a ii*solution dim iar to thi’ one presented hy the ' Jayi <*•* 4 Othei women p resin I weir Mrs J M Tilley, I <'|u c:(i'fil inn tin- < hit|..-l Hill (ittl'ilcn < lul.; Mrs I’ It CnlhuClii, the l.uurd Hill Catmiiiunit y ( ouneil Aldermen present were F. K, Strowd, (Hue Davis, I’aul Wuifel, ; Clyde lloruaday, and Hubert Robinson. ( oloring ( ontest Will Knd Sunday i Hey, kids this is your last ‘enter the Chapel Hifl Vt M'U.y . Christmas Coloi in,; run i test. The contest ends Sunday, : and the last dm wink to he color ed ap|Mtais on puk« Id of toduy's impel. I A total of fifty younksters from Oiniikc und Chalhnni Coun ;ties have entered the contest so far. Approximately 200 entries , are expected before the contest: I closes Sunday y The wlnnci of the contest will 1 receive a $25 IJ. 8. Snviiiks Hond and the next nine winners will he awarded handsome world Iklohes hy the Chapel Hill Week ,'iy- I Th«» c«»|il est iM upefl to ii il< hil i oininiun" and "Jonuh, Joy mid I Mini inr”, with Jan Sax oil, -piano, and Joel < alter, Imas, mm nc I mdoi.,l Mima Saxon m ant intent ol Waite, ( *oldc, and win leceiitly presented in a "IVlilt* Munieale" at tin* (< i ahum Memorial. Mi. (’mler, 1 ban mail of Voice In sit tu t ion at IJ.N.<\, i t well Known iih a ronccil performer, and wmm heaid recently in (to* roll* of f'apap«*no in UN < prodmllon ol “Ihe Mayic I* lute" Jhe Jlifdoi < hoir, duet led by Mi lluivey I. (iiiiMii, will sing ’•l.o, How ii Roue I'.'ic Bloom illg, by lb old oi luiii The dlolm will he accompli meil by Host lan, organist, mid by three members of Ihe University Siring quartet; Mary Gmy Clark, 'cello, Doiotby Al den, violin, and Edgm Alden, j violin. The 1 1 io will iilho play iU "Trio Sonata" by Halide! Following die program, re freshments will he served in the adjoining parish house at 211 West Cameron Ave, with Mrs. William I), itusnight as hostess. The puhlie is invited. TV lioliduy Schedule WIJNC TV, Channel -I will lie off the air during the Univer sity holidays, December 22 through January 2, returning to tile air on January ■'). in five ways tha! you feel the chapel Hill merchants can im prove their services t <( their cus tomers. The contest, is being sponsored by the Chapel Hill Weekly in cooperation with the merchants of Chapel Hill arid is open to all residents of Orange, Chatham, and Durham counties. Thirteen contests will be held in all and will be judged on the. construe - tininess of the reasons offered. A new contest will be announced In tfco uo future. Annual Christmas Parade, Carol Sing to be Sunday By Porter Griggs Chapel Hill and Carrboro will hold their annual Christmas pa rade Sunday afternoon, Decem j her 16, beginning at -t o’clock. Thirteen churches in the Chapel Hill-Carrboio area will have four teen floats in the parade, each having a theme of “put Christ hack into Christmas." The parade will form at the ~ mi Plan Scouting Activities New ol’,'leers and committee hniimen of the Orange District Huy Scouts met on Monday even ing in Lenoir Hull and made plans for the coining year. Pie siding at the session was Judge 1.. J. Phipps, seated front row left above, who recently was re elected as district chairman. Other officers on the front row, left to right, are Frank llnistend, district commissioner; Hill Buy, district Scout executive, and Tom Murray of Carrboro, district vice chairman Stand Mg ure Edgar Thomas, pul> lie relations diructor; Hill Tyler,j camping chairman; John Kflnnd of Kfland, district vice-chairman;' Buy Ritchie, activities chairman; and Jesse Dedinond, advance- 1 incut chairman Not present, for I the picture were Clarence Jones i of Hillsboro, district vine-chair- I man; Jim Wadsworth, training < cli iirmun, Mac Norwood, finance dm man, H. Hudson, health I and safety, and Ken Pulnuin, or gunuution ami extension. !! Meeting with the group of i in iii It leaders was J. William i "Hill” Ray, of Raleigh, who miic- ! reeds "Hip” Collins an district Scout executive. Mr. Bay will move to Chapel Hill Ibis month lull will not as smile Ins duties < with local Scouting mil 1 1 Juiiu ary I Hill Both, foi ho i (‘lmpel Hill lull who is a staff member of the Oi ruiteei bee ( iiiindl liciitlipiui Correction in Advcrliscincnl Ihe following price change in I lie Colonial Slores’ advertise ment on page I'J was received afler that pull of Ihe paper had gone lo press: Pi Ice of oranges should he two doy.eii foi 111 cents ili dead of Iwo doy.en for lilt relit a. m. ' V ym >; r MM »un Photo by BIU Prouty I.OCAI. CHILDREN PERFORM —In s cere from ‘The Enchanted Christmas Tree’* which will lie presented at ais scheduled public performances her* and In Durham, atarting Friday, some members of the cast cringe before the threets of the |udge. The actors are left to righti Helene Koemer Ivey, a Juror, Clyde Milner, fourth witness, g perky, the dog, Lee Milner as Ella Benton, Patriots Simmons as Fredericks, Jimmy Barron an Ike Judge and Colon Ferguses M «-‘‘ u - ?4 a i e«tr in County; other rates on page 2 Carrboro Elementary School ati t o'clock and will then move byway of Main Street in Carr boro onto Franklin Street in < hapel H'.ll and end at the More heait Planetarium. Norman Cordon, former Metro- 1 politan opera star and Director of the North Carolina Music Pro gram of the I'niversity Exten sion Division, will lead a com- lets in Raleigh, represented the council at the meeting. Announcement was made that, the Orange district will play host to the annual council-wide recog i nilion diutu-i on January 17 in Chapel Hill The group voted to continue | holding its monthly dinner meet lugs on the second Monday even ing of each month and will meet next on January 1 I Music Program at Methodist ('hurch The choir of the University Methodist Church and a chamber orchestra will present Buxte hude's "Rejoice, Beloved Chris tians” al the church's II o’clock service Ibis Sunday morning un der the direction of James D. 1 Pendleton. Soloists will ho He ! lona Smith, soprano; Catharine Pendleton, contralto, and David Small, bass The orchestra will include May Murshbanks, organ ist; Nir/.anne Parker and Joannui Seroggs, violinists, and Dewey Brett, cellist. In addition to the Buxtehude work, a group of traditional car ids will he Ming by the choir Duke Vocal <*roti|) Will Appear Here UnKf I mvpi if\’i "Muiiritcttl Snivel " will Im* fi' itmed Sunday al H |t mi in the M'j-iihii I.c.h IV tiif.i Miisiiculei* pie ieiitution ui I In* mum lounge of (itahum Me flioi l:iI 'Mum tHMiie (ontaiiiH Mixleeii |Mi kPH hi Iho Med loll*. Only H Shopping Dago Till Thriutmao manity carol sing from the steps f the Planetarium immediately following the parade. f hoir groups from various local churches, which will have floats an the parade, will assist ill}con ducting the sing. ** The floats will all have one central theme of “put Christ back into t hristmas” but will present different religious scenes. The theme of one float will lead to I the theme of the next. Some floats will have choirs on them j singing carols that pertain to | the flout that follows. The New Hope Presbyterian [ t hurch will have as its theme "1 he Prophecy of Isaiah" show ing the l amb (of God) on top of a mountain and youngsters anil adults from different nations worshipping the Lamb. The Chapel Hill Baptist Church will enter one float with "Joyful All \e Nations Rise" printed on the sides ami girls singing "Hark the Herald Angels Sing." Other Churches and their themes that will be in the purude include: l nitcd Congregational Chris tian Church Choir, "Come All Ye haithful”. the Catholic Woman's Guild. " l'he Angel's Appearance ITo Mary"; Church of the Holy j btinuly, "Ihe Decree of Caesar . Augustus" and St. Paul's AME Church Choir, "Little Town of Bethlehem." I 1 lie Alibi .gate Methodist, "No Room in the Inn"; University Methodist Junior Youth Group, ' Away in a Manger"; The First Baptist t hurch Junior Deacons and Trustees, "While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks"; St. Jo seph's C.M K Church, "Wise Men I - mill the East”; Church of God, "We Three Kings"; Carrboro I Baptist Church, "They Wor shipped Hint" and the Carrboro Methodist Church, "Joy To The World.” The parade is being sponsored by the Junior Chamber of Com- I mere* in cooperation with the CHu pel llillt'ai-boM Ministerial Association. The Rev. Maurice Kidder is president of the Ministerial A*, social ion and bus charge of the parade. He is assisted by Sandy 1 McClainroch of the Jaycees. I The parade will include only , religious scenes und will have no commercial flavor und no Santa Claus ~ At Memorial Hospital The following local people were j listed ns patients at Memorial Hospital yesterday: Mrs. Jesse S Busing lit, Mrs Lucy Alston, Mis A Andrews, Pink Bason, Mrs. W ( Best, Miss Isabel ibapman, Hubert Henry Cheek, Miss Mildred Council, Franklin Davies, Mrs. David Dixon, Mrs. Karnest Fallal, < billies W. Gardner, Mrs Hugo Gidux, Floyd VV Hendon, Curtis Goddard Ho gan, William Foushee Hogan, John T Johnson, Mrs. Herbert Lloyd, Mrs, Fred Massey, Dr. .1 W Murdock, August P. Rein hardt, William Howard Riggsbee, Samuel Rogers, Julian Selig, George StanvniLski, and Mrs. Mary Wagstaff.