mmmmmxm; *5 The parents of a large brood ol | children deserve a lot of credit; , in fact, they ean't get along with- ~ I out. it.—Roy Brenner K - ■-~. —aJ Vol. 36, X". 89 (' , - ".- , ' $,,! v g " Ik tjgjr jSa&gSt " ' | • JTv r? -«3H4 ,• « >sy,mg- iKßßffr' 'X -ZlJOsL* Hr " v SPEAKER < imch Frank McGinn*, -'‘coral from loft, was guest speaker fast night at the annual Veterans Day dinner at the American Legion home. The dinner was sponsored •by the Legion Auxiliary. Left to right are Resignation Cited Police Might Get liter emeu In Pay Another pay raise for local police ofliieis appeared ill till' nflinr! Monday night after Hie Hoard of Aldermen received the regular October police report lrom Chief William If. Make. Chief Make noted that officer Charier. I albert, who has been on i!. force two years, has u »*< live ft * 1 U '.akw a job with the Stale ARC Hoard as a beer and wine inspector in ■Oraflpc and liurliain Counijes In to m w job, < i.iel (flake |ff===f == n 1' Ciiajiel it,II I. CHAFF ItV I mils lri.m i I-.. I ■ HH eiit HBB' ■ I*l Hn i t I in | fatal ' d he, HBH- 'ii' HglV p I, !,' I■. 11 ■ v.ilii Ua i i In I i i • I. i.-i t<dd in a |ai|idlai I/'",;. ' i'-il I 1,. i m M \ minor interest in tbi ■ - Ihe ipie -I ion ol ■B A,I o | I ono.m« • the A 'il d In,l■ la I nI n I Aa - ioi l eel Hla V. eel- | aV' I .1 111 || Ainnnl'la. Why, 1 don't ■now why; I haven't found Knybody else wfio ever f .Hounded it that way. Now J discover I fiat t fie pronuneia-, lion pi ven the word by all the people 1 have heard e|>eak it Arinahda, wish a broad a in the middle is |jo.-t a.s wrong an mine, 'that is, if the Oxford English dictionary in correct. The OKI), Webster's New Inter national, the Century, and K 'ink and Wagnall all give the pronunciation as Arrnay da flnly one of these sou it is an American one, at the moment I forpet. which - •al lows Arinahda as an alterna tive. So, whenever I have oc casion hereafter to speak the word I will say Armayda I mean, if 1 can remember to. But a habit as old as this one of mine is mighty si roup; probably I’ll keep on Saying Armadda. It's a free country and everybody has the right to pronounce words any way he < Continued on page &-llf J 5 cents a Copy Mrs. John .1 Keller, who was in charge of arrangements; Loach McGuire; Mrs. Beulah ('ox, Auxiliary president; and Lester Foley, ('omniander of Lost, 6. < Photo l>\ I own K. Gountry) said Mr Talbert will receive V*b iihh e per month than be is making widi the Police Depart j rnenl ‘ It is hoped that the hoard will give this condition serious study, the jsiliie chief asked, “a* we already have live men wilh less than a year of service with the department and it is becoming impossible lo find re placements ai t2rg| a month-." At the suggestion ol Aldei j man Sandy MH lainrorli, Ihc board agreed that I lie |M>ln i pay •vale may need adjusting and although no figure was mention ed Town Manager Torn K".m --! a,is a-kid to prepare liguies showing what it would cunt to rai ,i* |m,l a e . alar les, Members of the I'oln .* In parlmrnt received small pay i a is* , only last .siiiiiiihi when the new Inidgo-l was dr.isn up Hut tbi |ay M ale lor the de till remains low* r lhan many coiripaialive law i n lon i ini nl jotis. I lie AIK -yslt m m palll' iilat : tin * i cated a mol ** in* f att ve . In-Id lot ti .lined law olln ci . | * Inly I,«' week Slid ill • 1 1 ' Ifni k' I', night lodged a com , (ilainl with the Hoard ol ( oimiy j i omm, lon* i s lie, an-i- the I oun ly AIK I foal d had hiinl one ol Ins liaincd deputies Anolhei former depuly lell the Slid ,il In-pal 'in* ol lasi silmmei lo Join the Stale AIK Hoard and now has lou't *1 tin I nun!y Alf) lioai d I [H iWm Ts <*%mL (wHk <w9L ~m\ Bk v k ik. m i •X. ‘ 1 mmilMßk . .. 'j*kc*w jgSfm mgmn > ■ ■* . 1 {■ci, vm Sk, eh Wl ( mh -.41 WBKm lfn m FI.AG DETAIL—Tim Merritt, left, and Fred Conner, sixth #rade ntudentn at Eifteh 11111 m School, are shown with the new flnK preMerited to the «chool yentenfay hy Font 6 of the American Legion in a flag-rairting ceremony in front of the building. Officials from The Chapel Hill Weekly Town In Lower Franklin Walk IxiWcii.m. the Nidrvsafk uloug Kranklm vmi in limit of Hattie ViiiHT IV:,. :c,v dot in and t'ni vitsity M*■! Chun h wat appro vim | Monday flight by tin* Board ol \ l« rmt'n I ’hr tm.ii d i.'tot-d so bear the ! j of 1 1 ) a(*i ' • the sidewalk to | j (tie ( uih 1* \(1 and grattni.' it hut any .iddiijuiud 111 i|»i <>..« ment-. ' sut Ii a'. j»ei iiioiient pavement j will have to in* paid lot hy the ! Cnivti ity and the (hurt h | Jn other aeta/n the board also i aoli»oji/ed a uppropi ution for dramas improvements at the Negro Comniunily <‘enter and authorised tin irmtallation «>f a sewer line, .it the town’s expense, from the ( n sent main to the proper t y hne 4tl the i ied Weaver resideia e A lejxnt from !>mi Auditor I ile l*eaeoek that >oine i esi dents north ol (own .sen dehn ; fjijent in then oi.' ale sewer i ental payment a i retei ml to lown Man age-i I Ho < i<n , stfa ter aelion on p.» inent.s \ I e<pje. t iiifin tin 1 *<*!*« i>e partlin nt to elim ante angle parking on the !#!«»<•(■. <ft \Vt Franklin Stieet in flout ol Hoik 1 * ggel t Horton a i i • lei ied to tfie sin ft eoillim 1 e I*oii< « < ‘ I oy J /in told the ho.nd that the .. n. 1* - p.iiklllg has (ontrihuted to numeious minor m < ideal in the ai ea dm lag rush tiaftie fiouis when motorists are },imm» d f#y shop ping if alia at the \\ • t I* i anklin flopping are,i i . 11 /' - 11 ii lan ham asked that the 20 angle park Ulg spaees tie mphi' ed with ll pai ailed pm < s A petition asking tor the ,m nexatiem of tin* remaining ixa lion ol the i'.stes Hill subdivision was passefj on to Mr Hose* Serring the Chapel Hill Area Si nee lU2:t CHAPEL HILL, N. C„ THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12. 1959 Tar Heel Safari Report Industry Hunters Get An Excellent Reception (Editor's Non- : This is another in a series of dispatches from Rep. Watts Hill Jr., who is with the Tar Heel industry hunters in Europe. > The group t»f t*B Tar Heel in dustry hunter- had a day of rest Sunday in Munich, Germany, the midway point in their 15-day tour of Europe To give a first hand report of the trip's pro gress to that point I top. Watts Hill Jr- placed a trans Atlantic telephone call to the Weekly of fice Kuropeon reception to the visit ing Americans, he said, tia.s been excellent to that point—particu larly dn Germany Returns Incomplete Community Chest Collections llil w $27,449 At Final Report Meeting $31,413 (»oal Is LApnlnl To lie. Reached This Weekend (' (u tin* lOT.' Community Chest cam paign reached a total of s27,lit) late yesterday, as Lite reports from solicitors continued coming in. Campaign Chairman Hr. Kemp Jones said tilt; drive should reach its $.">1,1 Ci goal by the weekend provided 1 tie Negro diy i ,i<>n solicitors t a-t t heir $2,000 ipiota. Although tin* campaign was closed officially Tue sday, reports from the N < r . division leaders didn’t I Mi Is Awarded $29*1,500 (i ran I I ft* National S< it ikc I one i t i*ii aic i itiiK ci I Wednesday it I 1 .) a.a fie! I tic I 11ivt*I sity <>i N i!i i < iioluia *>t < tiapi'l Hill a gi :■* j ol 'f./'il am» p> mip|ioll an ln*dr ol \dv am ctl Studies ioi h. ?i ! t liool 14 *i('l«4*is dining the i: ♦»I t ffo<f Iyt ai I tie in -1 it liti*. whu ti w ill " i devoted particularly to see • and in.ttla-mati< will tie p. . t ol o nalMiiiWKie 2 million •■ i nmrnt pi ogi am Itti odv .u I ' ti .lining of tiigfi scho4fl in ti .'till s to he i fflidllt ted at J I ]• ges and univciitu*s next y* I hr I dwin ( Maikfiam I .j I to* I liiv ei Mty , Depai lliienl ol ; i hemisti v will head the n tote wlm h is to have com •>(• i i noil hemal Ks .hiohigy, eh« earth .' k ii- • a and ph \ , nisi itule dll e< loi, IJr M flam Ailt determine the nun* r ot paitn ipanl.s and admio.slun • (jim ements t nder life National Fouitdat o piogram, ea<h parluipasi it ief • iVi-fl a stipend ol - the local Legion Font, two Marine* from Durham, and the entire student Ixsly took part, in the exercise. Tim and Fred will have charge of raising and lowering the flag during the present school term. <Photo by Town k Country) "The British received u.s cx tre ely warmly, he said, "hut the> are concerned about their place m the common market and it tC likely they will Ik* slow to make commitments. Hut the Germans have been even more warm in their recep tion It has caught, them by sur prise because this is the first time any such American group has descended on them They'll need some time to thmk it over, lur 1 think we It have 10 times th< results in Germany as in 111 rain " A- examples of why they con sider German manufacturers better prospects to re-locate in hegir (Oining in until yesterday. v>nty a scattering ot the solicits | lion tmd been completed and er»s tiitiutions lrom the division total ed V,'«» .i . of 1. 1 .1 night N» in div i .ion leadei > H. IP Smith and Hilliard t .ddvvell .nd .* dust at iolis got oil to a i.ite -I o! tint ! m.d i ep4»r i ,«i e j ( \pf led hom t to* ent ii e div i ‘ sioii hy the wavkend I ill e|)Ol ted lolls Wlthill j tile ottu i tliv i. lolls also .0 e ex : pei It I t«f to tinned in through I Hie weekend and some late soli ! < it. thou * . till being conducted Hli! In .Jones 4*X pi ill lied that tin i amply <i t lean up <am pnigu in most in tam e , Pi.dly the 1 )i\ l ion ol Health Ml,m uitdci < hall mail I h ; William I. I’h illing is the only div i si '*ii which ha.s ( ompleti dit 4iluat<iiiif ll '1 in* division cm ci d id n % i non (juola in < onti it mi | I Hills As <»l last night lesidenhal -.olh italion iniiained alntul to pei «ent incomplete the husi ! n< , division had about .mi pel <fiit ot it. .solicitation* dill not 'repotted, and lla* mam < ampu • sola itoi t had completed about Y> pei (ent of then wan i. A large portion ot the unt< I lotted residential holtctlalioii : was in ttn him Lennox nita IJr ton* v aid And almul 20 campus . >4iln itors still haven I keen hcatd from I AI Hie final re|>orl luncheon | Tuesday ttosiness sohcilatioo I was reported' JJO per «*enl nun ! jflele with a total ol $•» HI I towaid <i goal (tl »U 0 Health Affair was complete with ll.jni a wtioppmg $1 .Milt beyond it* i|nola residential retut ris howcfl a ' total ot dBI on H 0 per t• n! solicitation arid lla* main <am pus had $1,1142 on 4> jhm ti nt Moli< italion AIJ these .figure* of course, i I Continued on Cage 'h Letter Lor Santa Claus Mas Arrived The (irM -.ur.' Mgu ..I Ihc Up j.r.tuchmk ' In i,lm,15 1,1,011 J.i urc.l 111 the office ol Ihc Mt 1 chant.l A,s-o< uilion tins week , it wom ii letter to Snnlu < laUi : which, ohviou.sly lluoukh an 01 ror of local |>o/U;il employ e hud been routed lo Ihc Mcrchuotn ’ Akxrg'iution office instead of the North Hole The lell. 1 ticked off in khorl order, ihc lollowink le.jiieelcrl | Herns Music Mickey Mouse | trains and track, peg hoard, link j er toys, tool chest, farm e<ji)ip I rnenl, luk fx»at carrier, train freight carrier, squeeze (laint *<H, day, dart hoard, picture bingo, rocket set, telescope, j bowling archery set, car set and i little «un. this country. Mr Hill recalled visits to two of them. "There is a manufacturer here who make- metal edges’used in the furniture industry His pro duet is used particularly in the, television industry This -man used to sell rather extensively in the Tinted States, but a com petitor here in Germany estab lished a p ant in the States and ■ began offering five-day delivery ' IHu Get i friend st 1 iin of fer. at best 15-day delivery by air mail We think this man is almost a -nr hot, as the result ot the trip to start a plant somewhere in the High I’oint area ‘Heating Ihc Hand l or The ( nminunitv Clicst’ I i.mklm Strcel Mii'i.-m,iking IK I lie ( tills Hand Lurrhoro Plans \p|»licalion I'or $95,000 Bond ld<*( lion I .11 I 1)010 s to . IHMI IhiIIi! I.SMIC ifi iii In i gem iiikl gatliciing 11 Kill H'lll 111 II Al Hie regular monthly mud no; ol the I'.h i lioki Hoard ol < ommissiiniei . 'I in .day evening, million k;ii made and passed un animously lo lili . 11 • 11 1 1 < alum with Hie la >i .il (jowl llllk -lit ( oimiils .iion in Haloigh lor approval ol (all la.l O'. plo|.oiil y.l.i IHMI tin ain 114! i ll ())<•( I . II a|/|)"ivi(t and panyil liy a | Ini al Imnd demon. Iho money I will lie mil'll lo huy (ind (lien 11 iinvale (lie (.Id i ad lioro School I laiildliig aa a In adipiartei'x lor | Ihe town's municipal offices. On Ihi' ioi oiiiiiu inkal i|in ol • 'atrhoro lown 'Attorney I, I l'hl|i|ifi motion w,i, also made and passed iiiiaiiiinoa.sly lo oiu ploy Mill lu ll I'l l lung Shell" i ly and Mill hell a Now Volk firm ol Imnd niton.l y India I’hlpps | said the In in was recommended In Inin hy Chapel Hill 'town I Weather Report Mllil and |iarlv cloudy today; . mild Friday, with shower* r.x peeled. If lltfl l.ow Monday ati 32 I Honda y Ml 211 Wednesday alt 32 I ail#* to llio autumn night, people In the Mini Splines nidgli hoihood Ileal Dll- ulion wlion id tin harred owls that dwell there in u hollow oak. Owls are nots lost in tail and early spring, fairly ipiiet the rent of tfce year. PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY \ not her manufa< turer didn't •a that North t urohnu had i ports. He has been shipping • product :n!o I 'a- -*l rt“i rail to North Carolina Ami : * re are others like this Mr Hill said members of th • party feel, .that there will be one immediate md tai gible i suit's from the trip But he ein asui'd that :;'«■> w.H not eunt to a great deal ,n dol - and cents The big question now is what ■ we going to do in rlie was ■ a follow up Nothing could He been be'!er reeeised ;han ' s tripi has been It tins thr i passed eui expevi r ions But Mini i I <f 1.1't ,1 alill . It 'I. I meal tinyei Minot la, ii mi mu approves the apple * tMill i tmlld election will tic t.<-id in 1 .a i horn in the ecu Intiu . 11. liclc HI lilts I in •an In' found hirinal liotlci ot intent to file ('.n i horn A cm lent si hi pm |< i i Ii . again hoen ,1V n nil hy lln Inn in il y Haiti o.i I I In' i alii cl i litci ed the .ii pi■ till, ome week i nan a- a it nit ol tin nil 'evilly that* Hie new i iw i i hoe pass at l ost lin i ail rn,cl riidil ol way Holme pci on. ai i yn iyy In I.a i tea o in. . the i aih nail w illi a ‘.hi Ipc i ailroad i istui I s i hat I m '■•win line have an 111 ho Ii pipe mound it. and Dial this lie pu 3i id ia Imieil Ihnniidi in till Mll‘l> I in alh tile Ii ,n k \ddil miial eli iie i I in.', ski'll lie Will ha > e to i, iihmllli'd lo |hi Ini approval lipfoie walk ml the si-wi i i an hcgln, I , i milimiini! ha- sle pm i Ii 1 o. -i n meal ill Knolls Mi •i I wa it 'd aliothel slip fow.ll I Irui'.mi with ghe appea.'alice ol .e.othi'i deli gallon ol Knolls i Slii ' 1 r* nlenh, l.ed hy I lioina (l ad, a Negro law student al I N't m i undi d hy Hi mile I'owell a iirlcklayei with < amp hell and Ids ConslrurUnn Company, and ut i ompann d hy . two other Negroes, the delega lion explained In the Conmits* sinners tlial Knolls Slreet roxi ■ dents deelmed to deed to the j town an eight foot strip of land on edhei Mill ol Knolls wliu ii is now 31 feet wide 'I tie .ad j ditiooal Hi fuel oi Jund was to , * . . .A Today’s Press Run I you ean' ! expect to complete any deal of this size m a two hour conversation. 'Speaking from i purely per sonal v esvpomt but 1 believe the uihers .share this opinion), i link ac need 'o do two things. Sey iv a i have to come back ■er vre and work an area non eg and follow up tht , a- it have made. ■ s should < > native tor the state ten* a I arope This man could gi 1 ■ ;>,u kground material and ,inve Cases prepared for our a > ad dele afion when it returns 1 1 Out nun'll mi Page 7> t nth Mtl ! fir I .it «• s l<> If Hit H'Hiiimiieiit toi tiiitlt iit<tifiU a ii.iii(f nl ,t inv! \ . tin* JlltiMl I • tii M | v\ Ill'll lilt* it* Il'.i' ion ilvp.if ltd. Dir Kiiiftlb M1»• t j»i « *| ** • 1 1 v <i aii i , would uii|»lv i»» i I'd I•, , ifu* town <ui foot i i lit ot w.iy on tdlin jdi ol tin, Ii ict with (* «• i, 1 11 , i o i i. f i I‘i H « 7 > Scenes Indi tali, ililc iyi lint pedaling lit v'. lo win I .11 \1 VV Al >S- Wulllll , f atly ayein ar- I!. al al In i pi,c i- i.l wind, I III ■ itV Nl'mu d Hank M Alt <■ Mil I I Mil 1 \lll Ilf.N- M I I hli i iiinpl.lining that In ial ii no nan e ol iuiil In in w lioiin work -hop was mn, I i aiiipus cop ■pa el hy ol I’M I, HOI»l .III' mil it , dt Pth and ro ahoul Haul's devnlloll In hi work Friends cun gialula'ing lovely OOIIIS I'OlflK on dan,.ld. i lilANA'x winning tin i,i|r ol (dills llomeiinning O'l.een I).\VK and KOI,A 111 MIV l.lissliilly unmindful ol i.mi .■ s son OHIO scores lor t tills in lad I ndity s gridiron lln illci i.l ANNA ('HANK up "I hi i ai l person whu Joiintl tier mispluLcd wallet in a local hank did riot return the hard to duplu ate papei ■, contained (Here in Hals oil to an energetic j civic and church worker of Carr* ! horo WILKY FIiANKUN.

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