|■ ■ -,.... / yf^aa The dog is man's best friend J and the cat is its own best friend. | Vol. 38, No. 27 - t .■*■*»* JBRjrajHgT JtßtG' *1 .rl'Cm: A' »#/ ' -s-' s gj-% By • it&BL jjggt. b; V l '"■?*s iSP;.A ;£y* IjM r J-Q^i * Bsi ‘ * s%|| ' 1 J-‘ .|K' y;i : ■.;.. •: In A ,il d '/l . Him tli«■ I ;,rr j il f#hl‘ lii I iii.i At kali' .* h»- ml h# Un rif:c- ol ov‘ i I#o |o "pb *w L >i:> i r 'rr *il hash t got any mom , Il just |*»oi, pool pooi hot it ha inor * \< , i o < t.iMr« n in!* gs ali'ij in one * },o'»i t *i,l. i 'Mi till <• 111 th* •fi :,o»’h 1 ,iiohiM h,i• t.* •!i {..it gfc . on M.» I- In - 1 • T' - - do/ < 10 DM .0 * A hit«- < hooi 1.1 ari! .inh «.dded :.n • ‘km i, v\< Il >*> *. i (i,.,,., i ii.ii Cl IAM / It V loi f ones I n*,' n..i. ,/im in« Ml* .J • * ton m» * litly n.nl till .ii ’j* i» ,il/OUf M . « jj< cl ol oil,* im a /. oini* i di . ■nu Mm * omm-Mi * oh! Jt lohl Alint • • i.iJ ami OppO ''J to *l*l loi .1 * oh! iiinl * 'an hided h.y iy no/ tn.it a)m /i oil i . .ii#! Mini Mon* of Muon y . i. ; I ; . , Oil . *it 11,1 .! Iltlli .* ! < ) h* 1 ll* A t i.i|i* I cl "I mo O/i/M t< h ho' » i old nl M.< Mm |ill in m !im 1 1 ‘oil iim /it ol ; ,»l IhiJt J ■hi I * jii i««fii»i in.it ) t arMi a »ri M tilin Ah v ospltlfi Ao' ’O ‘ taniji whi-fi it fit I* h *1 O' .i mu* h g**od •» lii» • jm ii*iivi-* Ming la loi * I an /. < i that hr /1 jili* *1 I a *it»l to .iy I Mon t iig.c aiMi. •},*• t inn .if tnh A itirin is all light hot Ihcic an «i riiimbi i ot Mi ijg - Ihiit ion Mo jppi * lor a * old I* oi xinus hi A loi your m m Mion i»*(>ijin j * heap !»'•* an it incxpi mmvc to maki anM tie mihi* Jt •*. in a ho lily i ompf-titivi* MelM Ihr i onv* i Mil ion fioiMi mi think ol Mir. M*MJy Mil/., who Ir ul thi 5 cents a Copy Mogul! and Mr I'homos' I'atterson. Residential solicit at ion begun yester day and will continue through April In. Solicitations in Ini ities sections, health affairs and the campus will he gin April HI and continue through April Hi, (I‘lioto by Town & Country) A- Ini' hit o| ,i i*| it o! < olii ii limit y ( hoi *li .peak* i on AI H i ri.iti. * to Violence Mi \\ Mk ill .ill r* *1 in • h.tpel I till it iM/on > * !• i ‘lay ami p* lit tin .liter noon' .mil i '.* nmg talking I'* < !iij *< • I 11 < 111 . if i \f .i j/i • * oni* i eiu < in I lie alter noon, at vvhii li h* gave Mie g. t <>f hi 'it» * *pii-nt spf.i *ie h* .ii t* i e•< *p! a ti' i*• Mii’ i ;»«•*- i sue is om >■.ij»i *• *iM aII m.ik* in *l* < i ion nil Mi' .ii>.r ha .1 ,e '/Mm I •*i*l Im- iIM \eglO t"l iiM m»'H v,ill '/I. a tm i m imn I arm*- 1 a fan mi r . Suggest th. . e • .in.ini- the voting leeolM •/I » .jftMiM.ifi s t/i oi*' making a i tiOl* • lln NA\< I' t/i Jiev is I tint fit* agio tm api f le* t i ighl I*) plote« 1 Os iIMVnIM l iillii 'll I• y p'/i. n* 1 liji.jl/ - Jli ! ,ii ! i! ,iiiHi nng to U to tie.i| people ay an olla * tiolih , Mo* Mu ni M.nl to g* t tin- n /10. v o’. lln i non «u • Im * ati *- « *i ■, poll la ini* , Ii vmg to get mm om ,». I lie • ! tin * known tin 's A\( I' t o uMv */* .ill- in v .* /i o < atnliMati (i PI r, nl, V\Hv I Im* * olui id |M*oj>b- in tin conn ii, j».n licubii 1 v ndiilln i n < olut id jm*(»j>!i• ;nc pu tty * vim .11 iiboot tlu l’( » i Supi t iid l oil t *l* * 1 ion dim! ■ 1 bout tb*' * nil ibphth i.jt!n«* tli.il itAimml tj»om lht*y i«' nol 1 ll.f -i/iu .* ollirr p*‘op!i lli.it \OH < til t I' ll Atu I ( til* I’llx l l l I ion * ~'Olll. in |>i *ak mil 1• M .!o* ti o| tln 'tin Mdowiis ■ ao.iid b.n c lufii avoid* I d lb*‘ .Moul:. bail . ippf 0«M ii* <1 tin 1 0: »4 d*-« i lon aif b i* .di 11. ] m < * 11. tin I 1 t*lli * t colon'd vi** a vy Inn I say I lint wind .*“.o;ilb* in ) <>]•* t hi HI ip 1 li*’ only v, ay to <>lv * lids I 1 lof |#*Op I * A.l It ill <1 «nt a a to it doll nil 1 alk i oil < iov< tnof 11'»1 bn ol , '• dll 1 il Olllia I a • I * ,allot! i ’ bid b* d* 1 t < . tl l tin lof * 11in;/ op .in appointm* nt t«» talk aiH, fi t A .V I* abi ti lb* ( otiliron *1 on Ibic* !> I lortlorrow Niicht Sri rn (Urn lestan Is In I Utility IVigoun / M, • hop, i ihii oi r»no ani 1,1 iIIIti ll loiIIOMOA 1,1/1.1 1,01,1 •.I iii, i i il y i mii ol i oln I o-l I fi/* 10, tin lilh lln ■,00u,,1 1 ■ iyi i i I'o aliiy I'ogeont will lo /ni ,u a pn, ui Hi.' ,u,i||to( nun ol • li.,]„ I Hill High Si lio6n (lancer Crusade Begins Orange County - lo*a* Cancer Ciu-ade was launched yesterday in nit dings hen and at iiills boro. About 100 volunteer workers, most of them housewives, at tended the two meetings to re ceive collection kits and instruc tions from II C llurlln.rl, chairman of the toon Crusade Hie goal ill the two week i am- I'.egu tins year wdl be SIO,(KM) im t In* enure county This is Hie most we've ever tried to collect.' Mr Hurlbu it said. and it > ..‘oi t > he .i job I.N year unite! (Tusndt* < iiaimi.m .1 s Vu’elM'hmidt. bounty citizens done.it 1 5. oiH) a mttikl hi^ti Only resident i.d solicitation Will be matle this week Vol unteeis in the buMm ■> s •ee t 1011. tin- Division ot Health Allan a and the l m.vei sitv campus will l>«vm thor solicitation next wrt k rile < itc ade w ill continue lhr S; m•,ik in l* .it the < 1 111 p■ 1 11 i 1 j ■Meeting ill I .|| I nil i I ill \ * t el j day Mi \ a:',else hi unit ur.ed I the \ old II leer-- to \is it eve I»' 1 home in Ihi eonnty not only lot 1 coheita n»n pin po « but also to j * ally "li I tie < 1 usadt s edt|( a ttonal woik Ihi v e .'.eliool mincer lei eia riduni ;p»t oti to a la t Mai t j la I week lb r‘i .1 1.11 Melvin Lloyd re poi 11 <1 that 1.11 votn ,s had 1 • ; ist» led tin 014 h Satui day inure than the total resistl ation has i tiei ii in any pin ious m leu 11 |M use paid Irip lot two ala Miami I’la ,* iii • i I,olei is being olfeied as a door pi in- A ~ . f A ■ Jmm \ 'ism HKTIV FINI.KV ■■ •" " WH ' ■ dmM t_ * Wmm fSci * jH mP I mm Wr - \ * t» ' v 'Bm A u - If I e. m u-U+UtiBBK ill m H I Wm, MBMiiHBBBHI M juLni H (OCX I IN't; \t»SKS Mi-. Douglas \\’Hitfiti 11, lett. ••• e if numerous ecu - us-takers in Orange County, star! i-I making her lottmls last week in the IIMIO no.sg count. (Inc ot the -1 • |>s on her rounds was the Chi Omega ■ roi'itv win I. \lt-s Mtsic * 'onion, right, put her mime ! name Oil the census rolls. 1 11 ! >urham ('uni t \ ick<‘rs I Icarim* Scheduled Toda\ •I 1 ■j, 1! .lad . i .!,■,. 11 SCmlcy a.l * xpi'Ct* il In Im .an H» ai nit; .0 . him nt about |t 10 lod.iy hi tb* Mold; . \ u t,ei , *l* < l(> a I Hi!i ml a. HD-! Ibe t tiap» l 11 ill i i up! I» Ipb M dtdlll stun and 1 bool boa id attol lioy d Li-Hiiltul It M/p! « ■( lltlltyi t «* bio* d at th* y * II tiam. In ii io.i A'mo u I torn v 1 o IV.n son o| 1 >hi liani t 1 pu s* 11I111K M1 .tinl .11 I .ee »I*ki i «*i lai I hoi M p 1 > ' lit 'ol tc. \H lv« I • boy 1 tli lilt'll! ■.! I. • :!|t' Il' 1 oil Mill it *lt ill .'!>•! Im .11 lied in tlu* h* .0 ire Sp« 1 In ally 1 In* !. 1 alloy It a . !>* < 11 t bltd 'o Ileal a. , HIM . by !b> I tl (I ol I »Idi (at ion t n t!u bo.il d I ,‘v • in** llolis l » ill on v tin* * • aod ta o ol It r mol inn . to *(i ila p n I of tln b>. at lon in lld m 1 in d ! •nil. it I'ldj.'n Sfaidny upboM 11 h* ( boot Ihjhi d•) ili .ii I in" tiom Ibn caw* would !»*• Icrm Hi.'dcd Hut it Ibe boa Icl mo lion .to »li mi ,111 not ii|)iu id f tail Jhi 1 bool boa I*l A ill b.r *• I'» •' legated m boots and that a plan loi cuiiy mg oil si'tlOol lilt* lat toil be loi Ululated llnae\ c| the < lu»ol houl M tli id mot loii leh '1 asking t tiat ; t•, Mismi e -,t i ii ken (M ounds loi the di iin.e al lito lloli arc that tin- Hit is a * lass n' mu and I hat tin- suit tailed In that I If* plan it if 1 *\ timi ! • ,1 .Ml aMllilUlstln! I\ e I * i*i» Mi, *. iMalMe to turn until ! (tie Ii A l/eh* 1 e Mllhg t ill ill! (Quarterly l.i/UM/r Sales KcxicAcd Mil ale ill I tie i limit V l*U f ll*' , Ml I Mil ee IliOlllh l*J t tie \ 1. 1 1 vch' i< \ levu M today b\ mein h( I 111 Mil* \til lDi.il i| A til* h iii ! in 11 1 11 si hi ro I hit li* uni i Smith Si ol II il i i*■ ■! ■ i * li.tll 111 ill ol t)i* I ton i M .id I I ,1 M lit o| I « |,,! til t lit *t"n| t. I!V ~ih pei md ,\ ill not hi- I « nd> tol nhoMu I W« * k 01 I AO M>o hulMin 11 ■ aim 11 milt lily it ,< m i mll Ml .ho i-a I min v a *-i e it,* lt*/.ti M nl l t.iul s (*inoi ii . ion* i and the ( "nut \ lin o M nl I M», i! ion • •' >ia ■ %«■■■ IAIKII'. WIIMIIM ■ ■ * ** ] |Hr 4HHNH|RI^P 1 ’ Bk. . m ■WJHr A : J 1t 1. Jkmk l/KHOKAII IVKH (’('BUSHED EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY Plan For 30-Day Trial Os Equal Service Rejected An attempt to set up a 3()-ll ie (.'ortiwcll 1 amt any further statement will | come trom the niayor \pparctilly the Human Rcla 1 lions Committee has no further plans tor aetneving a eompro ne-e bet v ecu Negi o and vvlute .demonstrators here and the restaurant operators the committer lias been woik ! nr; tor some soil ot compromise nee protest picketing live weeks ago on West Kranklm Street Meanwhile oi gatnzed picketing i l>\ an Intel racial group eon arum's peaveftrlly at (ohntial I*i u Store. Ihe only 1 mil cut - icully being picketed Management at the drug store ! lia, indicated that the prtteltee of itlowiug \r to eustomet s slamlup sen tee only at the lunch counter will be continued live other linns which hail i been picketed early in the move j incut later changed then poll ! ei.s 1-v instituting equal stand up set vice. and no sitdowil service. tor alt customers, j and picketing vv a.- dtsennt inued it ttic two stoics Picketing is conducted on an ot del ly luisis live days u week trom -I :to to t> p m under • | ■ ill v elll.mee l !u*i e tiav e In ei } no im idents .dong ihe nickel lens Ow'rdOO \ t b'ltd Democrats Rally In Sixth District At a Sixth Distil* I Democratic t ally held In Itiu lmgt**u Sat ill day ui/'til gubci ii.itm ml * aiidulale f"tm lai kin « .ill* *1 Im .unity within the pa 1 1 v Congressional • unlldtle U ill).mi Mm * lot k smd • toil vstiat Itu government was doing with tax money was imu m d and tils opponent Horace hoi n* » iy ol < .i i*i*ii ,huio ph Mg • M .i *ll**l l *at i*i| hem t and a con • lentlou mind it elertcd l itln i among Mu* list oi *an /•N c’jj tc- . n ] . . A'ink. .. ,:a' S A file A ANN Hit ft w n r es *f ■ . d v- i NAM V WIIJaH Today’s Press Run | ; i.:ioo J Contest Deadline l> This Saturday m Noimuations ot candidates lor Orange County s outstanding teenagoi ot the year will be ac cepted through Saturday by local Jayeees i’hat was the word today lron\ \ I Alteniueller local chair man o| t|i,. statewide contest to select North Carolina's t'cenagcr ot the Year for 1%0 The local winner of the award will l,e selected next month by a committee of judges compos ed ol local adult leader* who have been active in youth work Mr Mtcmucller said the only requirements for each nominee ate-that he Ik - between IJ and H) years old and a resident ot the county Nomination blanks are avail abli at town and Campus, An drews lli nninger and the Ctiapel Hill Weekly Nominations should, be sulninUed bv adults On i’he Inside «* ii liillv Ai (hut ;i Rds *>t rb«i|H‘l Hill > I'A 1 ittM Itll.N 2 li 1 A K’ Duiiii 4 Mov uvs 4 lit!! l’ioiil> 5 VV.iiil AtK , Spot'ln 2 did.ties who spoke to the titoie than, gnu i». mm iat. attending were l{*>ti«*il Diegoiy o| Dieclls Imho a catuhdale loi It Kverett loi dan's Senate Mat Senator • Imil.m and II t lovd I'tillpott ol l.exuigton < mdldale tor l ieutenant (iovci not I MMili-nant gutM inatorml tan dnlah >(' \ Henkel and Itavid \li Connell w*ie sj/ok. ii tin hy •lotmiiy 1 leiuii in ot StatesviUo and lotiii Wail eli nl t tiailotte I'ullowing li/ind h.iking and a dinnei tin* candidates discuss «d Ihi'ii vows with Mu Demo ci als Mi Mmilink saitl tii- was con eerned wiiti wtiat the govern no nl i doing witti mu money in foreign count lies and add cd Mi.il m a woildwolr |H»pti bully rontehl with Itussia, t m ie Sam is taking om money and putting oui uidustiies oil ot bUNifu*ss lb- mentioned textiles as one industry teellng Itu- el I eels of ledeial coneeshioiis lo foreign gov ei nments Wtiftl Hiu Ie Sam is doing is inminal, ' tie said Scenes I liatly c tel. like nlni(is|)ln'r.' «l Cartilliia Inn Cnlrlri i,.'n « ... % Sumlay iii.n nni/i , mwil nf In i nk iaotm, imln.imt: ci.V I)|<: (’AM nu. mi: mv ( iiaki.ks in ituAiti* mai iiici': mu,an, H' K 1.l (.HAM), ,lA< K I,ll* MAN,, ,**l,l m.niy nllnTK HI AN JOHN III!Al Kit, DKAN I' ll MMK* 111 and l(*IIN S KI.NNI/I T a,i, unit InnnliclH nl Mnllfi.s lu.si Salnnlav al the Km- I' y ‘ ',,/,»,• (akin/; ailvanlaiic ul *• Ix uullful day iiih.-ii.-.I Iti-lwc'il "•my »|wlls VIII and MRS. ll* IIODtiKS over In,m Durham Sunday ev.'iiltiK with Ilnur two ' ulf y- l'o*K and lalkiitK will, frit'i/dn on I'ranklln Hlruci, Mania lu*(»imu liahy duu«hlcr anil I'apa trying lo kcop trark nl running son . , . Dn/> utlompting lo lake a nap in rnid.il.* ,*| KuM MoHemury Si mot whilu Iwn lilt).* girU aland •in curb yelling tn apprnachlnk ' art, “Don’t run over Cindy 1“